Kalymnos in Greece Věra Hranáčová [USEMAP] [USEMAP] [USEMAP] [USEMAP] [USEMAP] [USEMAP] [USEMAP] [USEMAP] [USEMAP] [USEMAP] 1.Location 2.Purpose of my trip 3.To the chapel and beyond Google´s reach 4.People 5.Telendos Map_Greece.jpg Map_ Kalymnos_detail.jpg … correcting my students´ homework … From the balcony.jpg Kantuni Bay.jpg Kantuni bay To the chapel with my husband DSCF2654 Pavel.JPG DSCF2653 Pavel.JPG DSCF2663 cesta ke kapli.JPG DSCF2664.JPG A lonely flower DSCF2856 žlutá kytka.JPG …getting closer To the chapel 2.jpg …looking back To the chapel 3 Telendos in the distance.jpg at the chapel To the chapel 4_já před kaplí.JPG To the other bay 0 tyrkysová zátoka.jpg To the other bay To the other bay 2.jpg DSCF2864 V zezadu_batohCzech.JPG Above the bay, but no more way! To the other bay 3.jpg … going up instead To the top 2.jpg DSCF2876 Kantuni z vrcholu.JPG Top ridge To the top 3.jpg Runway below us To the top 4_airport.jpg DSCF2881 pohled dolů.JPG To the top 6_so high so good.JPG At the top To the top 5_ já na vrcholu.JPG No horizontal way on the wall zpět z vrcholu_vertikální stěna.jpg Kiriaki _sunset.jpg Kiriakula.jpg People Kiriakula Kiriaki Pseriomos_ father and daughter.jpg Pserimos_otec a dcera a jejich stánky.JPG > DSCF2726 pán.JPG Beyond time… dvoje hodinky.JPG … and far from people. domek hodinkáře.JPG Telendos 4.jpg Food Mythos Telendos 1.jpg Telendos Telendos 3.jpg