UNIT 7 UNIT 9 Choose the best answer. 1 At the factory, every Friday is...............-day, and the men go out to the pub after work. A cash B wages C money D pay 2 I'm still using the same computer that I bought when I left school, and I...............any trouble with it in all that time. A have never had B haven't C didn't have D haven't been having 3 I saw you with Laura the ether day,- how long ...............her? A did you know B have you been knowing C do you know D have you known 4 Could I...............£5 until tomorrow? The bank was closed and I've absolutely no money on me. A lend B borrow C loan D hire 5 The lights aren't working. I think there must be a ...............somewhere in the wiring, A error B mistake C fault D wrong 6 If I had the opportunity, I think I...............one of those round-the-world air tickets. A bought B buy C will buy D would buy 7 Drop in for a coffee tomorrow, if you...............too busy. A aren't B won't be C wouldn't be D don't be 8 The garage said the car would be ready on Wednesday, but by the following Friday, they ...............hadn't finished mending it. A even B still C yet D already