Appendix 10 Examination and Essay Questions: Glossary Research has shown that, in general, there tend to be four main tasks that are required of students when they write essays in examinations. These are to show familiarity with: 1 a concept 2 the relations between/among concepts 3 a process __4 argumentation i Below are the most frequently used question types together with 'their possible meanings. It is possible to cross-reference some of the words for additional explanations e.g. enumerate has the meaning 'name and list'; list is then explained as 'put in sequence; catalogue; mention.' question word account for give an account of. analyse assess calculate characterise classify comment on compare consider contrast criticise deduce define demonstrate describe determine differentiate between discuss distinguish between elaborate elucidate enumerate estimate evaluate examine explain express meaning give reasons for; explain describe divide, describe, discuss, examine, explain decide the importance and give reasons estimate; determine; weigh reasons carefully describe arrange into groups explain the importance of describe similarities think about carefully describe differences discuss and point out faults conclude; infer state precisely the meaning of; explain show clearly by giving proof or evidence say what something is like find out something; calculate show how something is different consider something from different points of view, and then give your own opinion describe the difference between discuss in detail, with reasons and examples explain and make clear name and list, and explain calculate; judge; predict assess and explain look at carefully; consider make clear; give reasons for show, describe question word meaning identify point out and describe indicate show, explain infer conclude something from facts or reasoning illustrate give examples that support your answer justify give good reasons for; explain satisfactorily list put in sequence; catalogue; mention mention describe briefly name identify outline give a short description of the main points prove show that something is true or certain; provide strong evidence (and examples) for quantifv express or measure the amount or quantity of relate give an account of show indicate; give evidence of; make clear; demonstrate, illustrate speculate form an opinion without having complete knowledge; suggest suggest mention as a possibility; state as an idea for consideration; propose state express carefully, fully and clearly summarise give the main points of trace outline and describe verify make sure that something is accurate or true; check