1 2 3 4 5 6 Regulation of transcription occurs via specific interaction of both general and tissue specific transcription factors (TFs) with promoter and/or enhancer sequences. The scheme above shows simplified subsequent formation of the complex of TFs involved in the regulation of transcription. Interaction of general TFIID with the TATA box induces distortion of the DNA structure (see the next slide). 7 Induction of structural changes upon interaction of TFIID with DNA. This may be important for the assembly of other TFs involved in the formation of transcription initiation complex. This change of confirmation provides a kind of “signature” that is recognized by other proteins and NA polymerase to recognize the proper binding site. However, there are also TATA box‐less promoter, where probably other types of “signatures” occur. 8 The scheme showing the formation of the transcription initiation complex and the interaction of both positive (open symbols) and negative (solid symbols) factors. These proteins bind to the regulatory sequences that might be hundreds or even thousands of base pairs away from the promoter. These protein interact with each other and with the RNA polymerase, integrating thus many signals into a “yes” or “no” response of the basal promoter, i.e. the region adjacent to the TATA box and recognized by the RNA polymerase. The individual positive or negative factors are complex and their activity might be regulated by their phosphorylation status or via their interaction with other proteins (i.e. momomeric or dimeric) etc.. 9 There is a whole family of transcription activating factors (TAFs) that interact with signalling molecules, e.g. steroid hormones, thyroid hormones or retinoic acid and in a response to the signal transfer to the nucleus where they regulate transcription. One of the type of TAF are leucine zipper or bZIP type TAFs. These TAFs are dimeric, with leucine‐rich hydrophobic face formed by the Leu that occurs every 7th aa. That allows the factor to take the proper configuration, which provides the dimer with the ability to bind DNA via charged aa. 10 An example of the “microprocessor”‐like acting promoter is a promoter of the endo16 gene from the sea urchin. There have been identified several gene regulatory modules in the endo16 gene that have positive or negative regulatory role. These modules were identified via formation of deletion mutants of the transcriptional fusions with reporter gene. The analysis has revealed that the module A has a positive function and must interact with its cognate TAFs for transcription to occur. Module G enhances the expression when the A and B are active. C, D, E and F are responsible for the specificity of the expression of endo16 during sea urchin development. Each of the modules has several protein interaction sites, some of them general, other unique. Site for the protein SpGCF1 is present in many modules and is probably responsible for looping of chromatin, allowing thus bringing of distal regulatory modules close to the basal promoter. This type of regulation, i.e. based on the different activities of diverse regulatory sequences is sometimes called combinatorial and is common for development of many living creatures. In the combinatorial type of regulations, some modules may act synergistically, some of them antagonistically, some may have both positive and negative roles (e.g. the module B, see the figure). This variability allows very precise and responsive regulations towards changing environmental conditions. 11 An example of the combinatorial gene regulation is the regulation of β‐globin type of hemoglobin chains of humans. As discussed in the Lesson 5 (course Bi8940 Developmental biology), the type of hemoglobin produced by the fetus changes during development. The hemoglobin present in the liver‐produced hemoglobin is composed of two α‐ and two β‐type chains. The β‐type hemoglobin chains are of several developmental types, produced by ε, γ1, γ2 and β (in this order). In addition, there is minor adult type of β‐type hemoglobin, called δ globin. The genes for the β‐type chains are aligned on the chromosome in the order, in which they are expressed during development (see the figure). For the expression of individual cell types is distinctive an upstream regulatory sequence called locus control region (LCR). LCR is located about 50 kbp away from the most proximal ε gene. The LCR structure is different in erytrocyte precursor cells in comparison to other cells that could be demonstrated by the changes in the sensitivity to low concentrations of DNase, suggesting low amount of nucleosomes bound. For the expression of the particular genes, the interaction of their regulatory sequences with LCRs is necessary. Because of LCR can interact only with one regulatory sequence at a time, only one type of genes for the particular β‐type chain is activated (the first interaction of LCR with ε gene, which is later in development replaced by the other one, is shown by the double‐headed arrow). The underlying molecular mechanisms of the specific pattern of the LCR movement from the most proximal towards the most distal gene cannot be satisfactory explained. Probably, acetylation of H3 histones might play a role and possibly, other genes outside of the β‐type chain family are involved in the regulation of LCR activity. That seems to be confirmed by the identification of other human genes with similar structure, suggesting common regulatory mechanisms via LCRs. For 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Microarray expression profiles of 19 fluorescently sorted GFP-marked lines were analyzed (3–9, 23, 24). The colors associated with each marker line reflect the developmental stage and cell types sampled. Thirteen transverse sections were sampled along the root's longitudinal axis (red lines) (10). CC, companion cells. 25 (A) The majority of enriched GO terms (hierarchically clustered) are associated with individual cell types (blue bar). A smaller number are present across multiple cell types (green bar). (fig. S2) (B) GO category enrichment for hair cells confirms a previous report (15). Enriched cis-elements and an enriched TF family were also identified. (C) From the top 50% of varying probe sets, 51 dominant radial patterns were identified. Pattern expression values were mean-normalized (rows) and log2 transformed to yield relative expression indices for each marker line (columns). Marker line order is the same for all figures; see table S1 for marker line abbreviations. (D) Pattern expression peaks were found across one to five cell types. (E to G) Patterns where expression is enriched in single and multiple cell types support transcriptional regulation of auxin flux and synthesis. In all heat maps with probe sets, expression values were mean-normalized and log2 transformed. Expression is false-colored in representations of a root transverse section, a cut-away of a root tip, and in a lateral root primordium. (E) Auxin biosynthetic genes (CYP79B2, CYP79B3, SUPERROOT1, and SUPERROOT2) are transcriptionally enriched in the QC, lateral root primordia, pericycle, and phloem-pole pericycle (P = 1.99E–11, pattern 5). All AGI identifiers and TAIR descriptions are found in table S14. (F) Auxin amido-synthases GH3.6 and GH3.17 that play a role in auxin homeostasis show enriched expression in the columella, just below the predicted auxin biosynthetic center of the QC (P = 8.82E–4, pattern 13). (G) The expression of the auxin transporter, PINFORMED2, and auxin transport regulators (PINOID, WAG1) are enriched in the columella, hair cells, and cortex (P = 1.03E–4, pattern 31). 26 Schematic flowchart of the Human Protein Atlas. For each gene, a signature sequence (PrEST) is defined from the human genome sequence, and following RT‐PCR, cloning and production of recombinant protein fragments, subsequent immunization and affinity purification of antisera results inmunospecific antibodies. The produced antibodies are tested and validated in various immunoassays. Approved antibodies are used for protein profiling in cells (immunofluorescence) and tissues (immunohistochemistry) to generate the images and protein expression data that are presented in the Human Protein Atlas (Ponten et al., J Int Med, 2011). 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Excample of an output of transcriptional profiling study using Illumina  sequencing performed in our lab. Shown is just a tiny fragment of the complete  list, copmprising about 7K genes revealing differential expression in the studied  mutant.  43 44 45