Moderní metody analýzy genomu Bioinformatika II Karol Pál Brno, 25.11.2016 Recap from last lecture • NGS data analysis • Commercial software vs “In house” pipeline • (Different license for different kind of experiment) HGMD Reference Variants Pre alignment Quality Control dbSNP Alignment Mapping Variant Calling Annotation Post alignment processing+ IGV (Showing a bam file) Experiment design • Modifications to the basic pipeline depending on input material and expected output • Next-gen Sequencing • Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) • Targeted Sequencing • Whole Exome Sequencing • Gene panels • PCR based • RNA Sequencing • 3rd generation Sequencing • Various applications Exome Sequencing (WES) • Input material : • Coding regions + small RNA’s • Represents 1% of DNA (human) • Coverage ~ 80x • Scenarios: • Single individual • Family with phenotype • Paired cancer + healthy tissue from one individual CLINVAR HGMD WES single individual EXAC Variants dbSNP Annotation Expected output: • (rare) germline variants • ExAC • ESP6500 • Kaviar • dbSNP • Inherited disease • HGMD • CLINVAR WES Family with phenotype Gemini Expected output: find disease causing mutations GEMINI = SQLite database • SQL queries • Preformatted queries for Autosomal Dominant and Autosomal Recessive phenotypes WES paired samples (healthy + cancer) COSMIC Variants Variant Calling Annototion Expected output: Somatic mutations WES not ideal (low sensitivity) Mutect: • Variant caller specialized for somatic point mutations in cancer genomes • Takes two bam files as input Targeted sequencing PCR + Panels • Higher coverage (up to 10 000x) • High sensitivity - somatic variants VAF up to 0.1% • Methods used in diagnostics • CZECANCA (panel) targeting 219 cancer susceptibility genes • BRCA (PCR) Targeted sequencing PCR based Targeted Sequencing Reference Post alignment processing Pre alignment Quality Control • Trim primer sequences • Do not remove PCR duplicates (PCR based) RNA Seq • Input material: cDNA • Poly A tailing • Specific capture • Possible outputs: • Expression levels (RPKM,FPKM or tag counting) • Structural variants • (Variant calling) RNA Seq gapped alignment Reference Variant Calling Gapped alignment vs. alignment to “transcriptome” RNA Seq gapped alignment WGS structural variants Methods used • Read counts (Coverage) can be used for WES • Read pair (span and orientation of reads) • Split reads (breakpoints) • Assembly Nanopore • Long reads high error rate • Scaffold for de novo assembly • Transcripts • Presence of pathogens Thank you for your attention links • • • • • •