UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Peter G. Peterson, Secretary NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS • Lawrence M. Kushner, Acting Director Tables of Molecular Vibrational Frequencies Consolidated Volume I Takehiko Shimanouchi Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science University of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan 111 $Tt NSRDS CC DAT 7**1 NSRDS-NBS 39 Nat. Stand. Ref. Data Ser., Nat. Bur. Stand. (U.S.), 39, 164 pages (June 1972) NSRDAP © 1972 by the Secretary of Commerce on Behalf of the United States Government ■Supersedes and extends the data e.ontained in Tahles of IVToleenlar Vibrational Frequencies, NSRDS-NBS-6, Part 1; NSRDS-NBS-11, Part 2; and NSRDS-NBS-17, Part 3. Issued June 1972 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 (Order by SD Catalog No. C13.48:39). Price $3 Stock Number 0303-0845 Tables of Molecular Vibrational Frequencies Consolidated. Volume I T. Shimanouchi The compilations of fundamental vibrational frequencies of molecules previously published as NSRDS-NBS-6, NSRDS-NBS-11, and NSRDS-NBS-17 have been revised and extended to 52 additional molecules. This consolidated volume includes data on a total of 223 molecules. Selected values of the fundamental vibrational frequencies are given for each molecule, together with observed infrared and Raman spectral data and citations to the original literature. The selection of vibrational fundamentals has been based on careful studies of the spectral data and comprehensive normal-coordinate analyses. An estimate of the accuracy of the selected values is included. The tables provide a convenient source of information for those who require vibrational energy levels and related properties in molecular spectroscopy, thermodynamics, analytical chemistry, and other fields of physics and chemistry. KLey words: Fundamental frequencies; infrared spectra; polyatomic molecules; Raman spectra; vibrational frequencies. 1. Introduction Establishing the assignment of molecular vibrational frequencies has fundamental importance in elucidating various problems in physics and chemistry. The information concerning the force field and motion of atoms in a molecule can be most directly derived from its vibrational frequencies. If all the vibrational frequencies of a molecule are known, as well as the molecular structure, thermodynamic quantities can be easily computed on the ideal gas model. Thus, the need for a tabulation of evaluated reference data on molecular vibrational frequencies has often been felt by maiiy investiga- tors. In 1964 a project for producing such tables was initiated at the University of Tokyo in cooperation with the National Standard Reference Data System of the National Bureau of Standards. The evaluated data resulting from this project have been published as Tables of Molecular Vibrational Frequencies, Part 1 (NSRDS-NBS-6), Part 2 (NSRDS-NBS-11) and Part 3 (NSRDS-NBS-17). The present volume consists of the contents of these three publications, after extensive revision in the light of new experimental data, plus tables for 52 additional molecules. 2. Molecules Selected and Their Ordering The present volume contains tables of fundamental vibrational frequencies for 223 molecules. The molecules were selected from basic organic and inorganic molecules for which the vibrational assignments have been established with little ambiguity. The effort of extending the tables to many other important molecules is continuing in this laboratory. Diatomic molecules and electronically excited species are not included in this volume, since refs. [1] and [2]1 contain good compilations of data for them. Rotational isomers are treated as independent molecular species, and a separate table is made for each of the isomers. When the gas and liquid state spectra are significantly different from each other, they are tabulated separately. The molecules are ordered according to the follow- 1 Figures in brackets indicate the literature references on page 3. ing rules: (a) Number of carbon atoms. (b) Total number of atoms. (c) Molecular shape: linear, planar, and non-planar. (d) Molecular symmetry, in descending order of the number of symmetry elements. Iso-topically substituted molecules directly follow the normal species regardless of their symmetry. (e) Atomic number of main atoms. (f) Atomic number of the other atoms. Molecules are first divided into groups by the items (a) and (b) and the ordering of molecules in each group is given by the items (c), (d), (e), and (f). A complete list in the order presented is given at the beginning of the tables. Indices by compound name and empirical formula follow the tables. 1 3. Description of Tables 3.1. Symmetry The symmetry (point group) of each molecule is given by the Schocnflies notation. Detailed discussions of symmetry properties will be found in refs. [3] and [4]. 3.2. Symmetry Number The symmetry number, r a small number of polyatomic molecules. The selected values are rounded to the nearest 1 cm-1. The letter code, A, B, C, D, or E following the selected value of frequency indicates the evaluator's judgment of the accuracy of the value. The basis for estimating accuracy of an observed frequency is given in table III, together with the range of uncertainty in cm-1 for each grade. Frequencies derived from infrared and Raman measurements in the gaseous state are chosen unless otherwise mentioned. When a detailed analysis of the rotational fine structure of an infrared hand is available, the band center vt> is chosen as the fundamental frequency and given the uncertainty code A (see below). For a well-analyzed perpendicular band of a symmetric top molecule, the frequency listed contains the nonvibrational part A' p, where A' is the rotational constant of the vibrational level and f is the Coriolis coupling constant. This is in accord with the definition of va given in ref. [4], page 404 and equation (IV, 60). When the spectra in the gaseous state are not 2 available, the frequencies observed in the liquid or solid state are listed. When no spectral data have been obtained, the results of normal vibration calculations or of some other methods of estimating frequencies are listed with the grade D or E. Torsional frequency may be calculated using the barrier height and reduced moment derived from microwave spectroscopy. The value obtained in this way is given as MW (frequency in em-1) in the "Comments" column or as a footnote for comparison with the value observed or calculated by the normal coordinate treatment. Microwave data are taken from ref. [6] unless otherwise noted. For many molecules the assignments given in the literature have been checked by normal vibration calculations carried out in this laboratory as part of the project. Revisions in some assignments have been made as a result of these calculations. The details of the normal coordinate treatment and evaluation of force constants may be found in ref. [5]. Thermodynamic quantities may be computed in most cases by employing the harmonic oscillator partition function and by assuming that the harmonic frequencies are not much different from the fundamental frequencies given here. Such an approximation is not adequate, however, for molecules with highly anharmonic motions such as internal rotation, inversion, and ring-puckering. The vibrational partition function should be formed for these molecules by summing the terms due to the individual energy levels. 3.7. Infrared and Raman Spectra The observed infrared and Raman frequencies are given in the fifth and sixth columns of each table. Rough estimates of relative intensities, band shapes, and polarization characteristics are also given. An additional significant figure is included here when warranted. The abbreviations used here are as follows: vs very strong s strong M medium w weak vw very weak ia inactive b broad vb very broad sh shoulder P polarized dp depolarized estimates of intensity are taken from the original references without any attempt at critical evaluation. 3.8. Comments In the last column of each table brief comments are added to give special information which is not indicated in the preceding columns. The abbreviations used in this column are as follows: FR Fermi resonance with an overtone or a combination tone indicated in the parentheses. OC Frequency estimated from an overtone or a combination tone indicated in the parentheses. CF Calculated frequency. SF Calculation shows that frequency approximately equals that of the vibration indicated in the parentheses. OV Overlapped by the band indicated in the parentheses. MW Torsional frequency calculated from microwave spectroscopic data. RP Frequency determined by the Ritz principle. 3.9. Footnotes and References The footnote is used to supply other necessary information which cannot be placed simply in the column of Comments. The references accompanying the table are not comprehensive. Only the papers relevant to the present tabulation are cited. The abbreviations IR, R, MW, and Th stand for infrared, Raman, microwave, and theoretical, respectively. I acknowledge the assistance of the members of my laboratory at the University of Tokyo in carrying out this project. I also express my sincere thanks to many members of the National Bureau of Standards, particularly to C. W. Decken, D. R. Lide, Jr., E. L. Brady, and S.A. Rossmassler who offered helpful suggestions in the planning of the tables. References Second For some molecules the relative intensities of Raman lines are indicated by the numbers from one to ten in accordance with the tradition widelv used. These [1] Herzberg, G., Spectra of Diatomic Molecules, Edition (Van Nostrand, New York, 1950). Herzberg, G., Electronic Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules (Van Nostrand, New York, 1966). Wilson, E. Bright, Jr., Decius, J. C, Cross, Paul C, Molecular Vibrations (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1955). Herzberg, G., Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules (Van Nostrand, New York, 1945). Shiraanouchi, T., Molecular Force Field, in Physical Chemistry, edited by Eyring, Henderson, and Jost. Vol. 4, chap. 6, New York, 1970 (Academic Press). [6] Starck, B., Landolt-Börnstein Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology, New Series, Group II. Vol. 4 (Springer-Verlag. Berlin. 1967). [2] [3] [4] [5] 4. Tables of Vibrational Frequencies Co-triatomic molecules Pa«e Page 3 Nitrous oxide, 15N20........................ 10 Nitrous oxide, 14N20........................ 9 4 Water, H20............................... 10 Nitrous oxide, "N15NO..................... 9 5 Water-di, HDO............................ 10 3 Page 6 Water-d2, D20.............................. 11 7 Oxygen difluoride, F20..................... 11 8 Oxygen dichloride, 35CI2160.................. 12 9 Hydrogen sulfide, H2S...................... 12 10 Deuterium sulfide, D2S..................... 13 11 Sulfur dioxide, 32S1602....................... 13 12 Hydrogen selenide, H2Se.................... 14 13 Hydrogen deuterium selenide, HDSe......... 14 Co-four-atomic molecules 14 Ammonia, NH3............................ 15 15 Ammonia-d3, NDS......................... 15 16 Nitrogen trifluoride, NF3.................... 16 17 Phosphine, PH3............................ 16 18 Phosphme d„, PD3........................ .17 19 Phosphorus trifluoride, PF3.................. 17 20 Phosphorus trichloride, PC13................ 18 21 Arsine, AsH3.............................. 18 22 Ara'mc-dä, AsDa............................ 19 23 Stibine, SbH3.............................. W 24 Stibine-ds, SbD,........................... 20 Co-five-atomic molecules Co-eight-atomic molecules Page 55 Diborane, »BA........................... 36 56 Diborane, "BsHe........................... 37 57 Diborane-d6, 10B2D6........................ 38 Ci-triatomic molecules 58 Carbon dioxide, 59 Carbon dioxide, 60 Carbon disulfide, 61 Carbonyl sulfide, 62 Hydrogen cyanide, 63 Deuterium cyanide, 64 Cyanogen chloride, 65 Cyanogen chloride, 66 Cyanogen bromide, 67 Cyanogen bromide, 2C1602..................... 39 *C«0»..................... 39 «C«Si..................... 40 12C16032S................... 40 HCN................... 41 DCN................... 41 35C1CN.................. 42 "C1CN.................. 42 "BrCN................. 43 31BrCN................ 43 Ci-four-atomic molecules 68 Formaldehyde, H2CO....................... 44 69 Formaldehyde-di, HDCO................... 44 70 Formaldehyde-d2, D2CO.................... 45 Ci-five-atomic molecules 25 Silane, SiH4............................... 20 26 Silane-d2, SiH2D2........................... 21 27 Silane-ds, SiHD,........................... 21 28 Silane-d4, SiD4............................. 22 29 Silicon tetrafluoride, SiF4................... 22 30 Silicon tetrachloride, SiCU.................. 23 31 Silicon tetrabromide, SiBr4.................. 23 32 Silicon tetraiodide, Sil4.............'........ 24 33 Germane, GeH4............................ 24 34 Germane-di, GeH3D........................ 25 35 Germane-d2, GeH2D2....................... 25 36 Germane-d3, GeHD3....................... 26 37 Germane-d4, GeD4......................... 26 38 Germanium tetrachloride, GeCl4............. 27 39 Germanium tetrabromide, GeBr4............. 27 40 Tin tetrachloride, SnCl4.................... 28 41 Tin tetrabromide, SnBr4.................... 28 42 Silyl fluoride, SiH3F........................ 29 43 Silyl chloride, SiHsCl....................... 29 44 Silyl bromide, SiH3Br...................... 30 45 Bromotrichlorosilane. SiBrCL................ 30 46 Trichloroiodosilane, S1CI3I.................. 31 47 Tribromochlorosilane, SiBr3Cl............... 31 48 Chlorotriiodosilane, SÍCII3.................. 32 4.9 Dihrrtmndicblorosilane, SiBraCU.............. 32 Co-seven-atomic molecules 50 Sulfur hexafluoride, SF6..................... 33 51 Selenium hexafluoride, SeFß................. 33 52 Molybdenum hexafluoride, MoF6............ 34 53 Tungsten hexafluoride, WF6................. 34 54 Uranium hexafluoride, UF6.................. 35 71 Methane, CH4............................. 45 72 Methane-di, CH3D......................... 46 73 Methane-d2, CH2D2........................ 46 74 Methane-ds, CHD3......................... 47 75 Methane-d4, CD4.......................... 47 76 Carbon tetrafluoride, CF4................... 48 77 Carbon tetrachloride, CC14.................. 48 78 Carbon tetrabromide, CBr4.................. 49 79 Carbon tetraiodide, CI4..................... 49 80 Methyl fluoride, CH3F...................... 50 81 Methyl fluoride-ds, CD3F................... 50 82 Methyl chloride, CH3C1..................... 51 83 Methyl chloride-ds, CD3CI.................. 51 84 Methyl bromide, CH3Br.................... 52 85 Methyl bromide-da, CDsBr.................. 52 86 Methyl iodide, CH31....................... 53 07 Methyl iodidc-ds, CD31..................... 53 88 Trifluoromethane, CHF3.................... 54 89 Trichloromethane, CHCI3................... 54 90 Trichloromethane-di, CDCI3................. 55 91 Tribromoinethaue, CHBr3..................... 55 92 Tribromomethane-d!, CDBr3................ 56 93 Bromotrichloromethane, CBrCl3............. 56 94 Tribromochloromethane, CBr3Cl............. 57 95 Dichloromethane, CH2C12................... 57 96 Dichloromethane-du CHDC12................ 58 97 Dichloromethane-d2, CD2C12................. 58 98 Dibromomethane, CH2Br2................... 59 99 Dibromomethane-di, CHDBra............... 59 100 Dibromomethane-dä, CD2Br2................ 60 101 Dibromodichloromethane, CBr2Cl2........... 60 102 Bromochloromethane, CH2BrCl.............. 61 103 Bromochloromethane-di, CHDBrCl.......... 61 104 Bromochloromethane-d2, CD2BrCl........... 62 4 Page 105 Formic acid, HCOOH...................... 62 106 Formic acid-dz, DCOOD.................... 63 Ci-six-atomic molecules 107 Methanol, CH3OH (Gas).................... 63 108 Methanol, CH3OH (Liquid)................. 64 109 Methanol-di, CH3OD (Gas)................. 64 110 Methanol-dj, CH3OD (liquid)............... 65 111 Methaiiul-d3, CD3OII (gas).................. 65 112 Methanol-dj, CD3OH (liquid)............... 66 113 Methanols, CD3OD (gas).................. 66 Ct-seven-atomic molecules 114 Methylamine, CH3NH2..................... 67 115 Methylaminen, CH5ND2................... 68 116 Methylamine-ds, CD3NH2................... 69 117 Methylamine-d5, CD3ND2................... 70 C2-four-atomic molecules 118 Acetylene, CHCH.......................... 71 119 Acetylene-di, CHCD....................... 71 120 Acctylcne-ds, CD CD....................... 72 121 Fluoroacetylene, CHCF...................... 72 122 Chloroacetylene, CHCC1.................... 73 123 Bromoacetylene, CHCBr.................... 73 C2-six-atomic molecules 124 Ethylene, CH2CH2......................... 74 125 Ethylene-d4, CjD4.......................... 75 126 Tetrafluoroethylene, CFsCF2................ 75 127 Tetrachloroethylene, CC12CC12............... 76 128 Tetrabromoethylene, CBr2CBr2.............. 76 129 cis-l,2-Difluoroethylene, CHFCHF.......... 77 130 cis-l,2-Diiluoroethylene-di, CHFCDF........ 77 131 cis-l,2-Diiluoroetbylene-d2, CDFCDF........ 78 132 trans-l,2-Dichloroethylene, CHC1CHC1...... 78 133 trans-l,2-Dichloroethylene-di, CHC1CDC1____ 79 134 trans-l,2-Dichloroethylene-d2, CDCICDC1. . . . 79 135 cis-l,2-Dichloroethylene, CHC1CHC1......... 80 136 cis-l^-Dichloroethylene-di, CHC1CDC1...... 80 137 cis-l,2-Dichloroethylene-d2, CDC1CDC1...... 81 138 trans-1,2-Dichloro-l, 2-difluoroethylene, CFC1CFC1................................. 81 139 1,1-Dichloroethylene, CH2CC12.............. 82 140 1,1-DichloroethyIene-di, CHDCC12........... 82 141 l,l-Diehloroethylene-d2, CD2CC12............ 83 142 1, l-Dichloro-2,2-difluoroethylene, CF2CC12.... 83 143 Methyl cyanide, -CH3CN.................... 84 144 Methyl cyanide-d3, CD3CN................. 84 145 Methylisocyanide, CH3NC.................. 85 146 Methylisocyanide-d3, CD3NC............... 85 C2-seven-atomic molecules 147 1,2,5-Oxadiazole, C2H2N20................. 86 148 Silylacetylene, SiH3CCH.................... 86 Page 149 Ethylene oxide, C2H40..................... 87 150 Ethylene oxide-d., C2D40................... 88 151 Acetaldehyde, CH3CHO.................... 89 152 Acetaldehyde-du CH3CDO.................. 90 153 Acetaldehyde-d4, CD3CDO.................. 91 Cj-eight-atomic molecules 154 Ethane, CH3CH3.......................... 92 155 Etb.ane-1,1, l-d3, CH3CD3.................. 93 156 Ethane-de, CD3CD3........................ 94 157 Hexafluoroethane, CFaCF3.................. 95 158 Hexachloroethane, CC13CC13................ 95 159 Hexabromoethane, CBraCBr3................ 96 160 1,2-Dichloroethane, CH2C1CH2C1 (trans form)...................................... 97 161 1,2-Dichloroethane, CH2C1CH2CI (gauche form)...................................... 90 162 1,2-Dibromoethane, CH2BrCH2Br (trans form)...................................... 99 163 1,2-Dibromoethane, CH2BrCH2Br (gauche form)...................................... 100 164 l-Bromo-2-chloroethane, CH2ClCH2Br (trans form)....................................... 101 165 l-Bromo-2-chloroethane, CH2ClCH2Br (gauche form)...................................... 102 166 Fluoroethane, CH3CH2F.................... 103 167 Chloroethane, CH3CH2C1................... 104 168 Bromoethane, CH3CH2Br................... 105 169 Ethylene imine, CsJIsN..................... 106 170 Methyl formate, HCOOCH3................. 107 171 Methyl formate-d,, DCOOCH3.............. 108 172 Methyl formate-d3, HCOOCD3.............. 109 173 Methyl formate-d4, DCOOCDs.............. HO 174 Acetic acid, CH3COOH..................... Ill 175 Acetic acid-di, CH3COOD................... 112 Cž-nine-atomic molecules 176 Dimethylether, CH3OCH3................... 113 177 Dimethylether-d3, CH3OCD3................ 114 Cä-seven-atomic molecules 178 Allene CH2CCH2........................... 115 179 Methylacetylene, CH3CCH................. 116 180 Methylacetylene-dj, CH3CCD............... 116 181 Methyl-d3-acetylene, CD3CCH.............. 117 182 Methylacetylene-di, CD3CCD............... 117 183 Malononitrile, NCCH2CN................... 118 184 Malonomtrile-d2, NCCD2CN..............-.118 Cs-eiglit-atoiiiic molecules 185 Propenal, CH2CHCHO..................... 119 Cä-nine-atomic molecules 186 Cyclopropane, C3H6........................ 120 187 Cyclopropane-ds, C3Ds..................... 121 188 Ethylcyanide, CH3CH2CN.................. 122 5 Page Cä-ten-atomic molecules 189 Acetone, CH3COCH3....................... 123 190 Acetone-a.a.a-ds, CH3COCD3.............. 124 191 Acetone-ds, CD3COCD3.................... 125 C3-ll-atomic molecules 192 Propane, CH8CH2CH3...................... 126 193 Propane-2,2-d2, CH3CD2CH3................ 127 194 Propane-l,l,l-d3, CH3CH2CD3.............. 128 195 Propane-l,l,l,3,3,3-d6, CD3CH2CD3........ 129 196 Propane-dB, GD3CD2CD3................... 130 197 Methyl acetate, CH3COOCH3............... 131 198 Methyl acetate-d3, CD3COOCH3............. 132 199 MethyWL-acetate, CH3COOCDs............. 133 200 Methyl acetate-ds, CD3COOCD3............. 134 C4-six-atomic molecules 201 Butadiyne, HCCCCH...................... 135 Ci-nine-atomic molecules 202 Furan, C4H4O............................. 13Ö 203 Thiophene, C4H4S.......................... 137 204 Thiophene-d4, C4D4S....................... 138 Ci-ten-atomic molecules 205 1,3-Butadiene, CHSCHCHCH2.............. 139 206 1,3-Butadiene-l^ (trans), CBUCHCHCHD ... 140 207 l,3-Butadiene-l,l,2-d3, CH2CHCDCD2...... 141 208 l,3-Butadiene-l,l,4,4-d4, CD2CHCHCD2. . . . 142 Page 209 l,3-ButadIene-d6, CD2CDCDCD2............ 143 210 2-Butyne, CH3CCCH3...................... 144 C4-12-atomic molecules 211 Cyclobutane, C4H8......................... 145 212 Cyclobutane-ds, C4Da...................... 146 213 2-Methylpropene, (CH3)2CCH2.............. 147 214 2-Methyl-d3-propene-3,3,3-d3, (CD3)aCCH2. . . 148 C4-13-atomic molecules 215 2-Butanone CH3COCH2CH3 (trans form)..... 149 Ci-14-atomic molecules 216 n-Bntane, rHaCHaCHaCH, (trans form) 150 217 n-Butane, CH3CH2CH2CH3 (gauche form)____ 151 C6-12-atomic molecules 218 Benzene, C6H6............................. 152 219 Benzene-de, CBDB.......................... 153 C6-18-atomic molecules 220 Cyclohexane, CsHl2........................ 154 221 Cyclohexane-di2, C$Du...................... 155 Polymer 222 Poly (methylene), (CH2)„................... 156 223 Poly (methylenes), (CD2)a................. 157 6 Table I. Ordering of symmetry species (In the present volume small letters are used to designate the species of fundamental frequencies) Point group Symmetry species C2 Ca Ci C2v Czh D2 Dil, C3v D3 C C A, B A', A" As, Au At, As, Bi, Bs A, Bi, B2, Bs Aj, A„, Bie, Bi„, Big, B2ll, B3a, B3„ Ai, A2, E Ai, Aj, E Ai, A2, E,, E2 S+, Z", 7T, A, $, ... C4v, D<> Did Ai, A2, Bi, B2, E C6v,D6 AuAfcBLBfcEa, Dsn ^2<" E« D2000 cm-1 for NaCl prism). Solid, liquid or solution, inaccurate measurement. E 15 ~ 30 (i) Value estimated from Fermi resonance doublet. (ii) Value estimated from overtone or combination tone. (iii) Calculated frequency. * The uncertainty assigned bere to each method of measurement is a typical value; greater accuracy is often achieved with some of the methods. 8 Molecule: Nitrous oxide 14N20 No. 1 Symmetry CMV Symmetry number i2 BD2 rock...... vis Ring stretch. .. vu BD2 wag...... j»i5 BD2 twist..... vie BD2 s-stretch. . vn Ring deform. . . vis BD2 scis....... 1860 E 1511 C 929 C 726 C 592 D 1273 C 870 E 1999 C 705 E 262 C 1980 E 740 E 1465 E 728 730 1845 1205 881 cm~L (Gas) ia ia ia ia a592 VW ia 1999 VS 262 M ia 1491 M 1459 MS 728 S ia / 1857 VS \(1799 S) 1205 VS 881 VS cm 1 (Liquid) /1880 VS, p \1833 S, p 1511 VS, p 929 p 726 VS, p 1273 (2) dp ia ia / 1975 (9) dp 1(2000 (5))dp ia 730 (4) dp ia ia ia FR (2„s). OC {ví + w). OC (v9 + Vw). OC (via + viz). FR (l>5 + Vt). FR (k3 + vis). a Observed very weakly and also confirmed by combination bands. References Jl] IK. A. JN. Webb, J. T. JNeu, and K. S. Pitzer, J. Ghem. Phys. 17, 1007 (1949). [2] IR.R. R. C. Lord and E. Nielsen, J. Chem. Phys. 19, 1 (1951). [3] R. R. C. Taylor and A. R. Emergy, Spectrochim. Acta 10, 419 (1958). [4] Th. T. Ogawa and T. Miyazawa, Spectrochim. Acta 20, 557 (1964). 38 Molecule: Carbon dioxide 12C1602 No. 58 Symmetry DMh Symmetry number d = 2 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cmr1 (Gas) (Gas) *s+ V\ Sym. stretch............ 1333 C ia Í1388.15 \FR (2vs)- 11285.40 1 V2 Bend.................. 667 A 667.38 S ia Vi Antisym. stretch........ 2349 A 2349.16 VS ia References [1] IR. E. K. Plyler, L. R. Blaine, and E. D. Tidwell, J. Res. NBS 55, 183 (1955). [2] IR. C. P. Courtoy, Can. J. Phys. 35, 608 (1957). [3] R- r. p. Stoirheff, Can. J. Phys. 36, 918 (1Q5R). [4] IR. C. P. Courtoy, Ann. Sci. Soc. Bruxelles (1) 73, 5 (1959). 5] Th. G. A. Amat and M. Pimbert, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 16, 278 (1965). [6] IR. H. R. Gordon and T. K. McCubbin, Jr., J. Mol. Spectrosc. 18, 73 (1965); 19, 137 (1966). 7] IR. A. Chedin and Z. Cihla, Cah. Phys. 21, 129 (1967). Molecule: Carbon dioxide 1SC1602 No. 59 Symmetry Symmetry number d = 2 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cmr1 cm-1 (Gas) (Gas) Vl Sym. stretch............. 1334 C ia /1369.90 j FR (2.2). \1266.03 Vi Bend.................. 649 A 648.91 S ia OD stretch. . . CH3 d-stretch CH3 s-stretch. CH3 d-deform CH3 s-deform. OD bend..... CH3 rock..... CO stretch, . . CH3 d-stretch CH 3 d-deform CH3 rock..... Torsion...... cm 1 (Gas) 2718 A 2718 M 3000 C 3000 M 2843 A 2843 S 1473 B 1473 M 1456 A 1456 M 864 A 864 S 1230 B 1230 W 1040 A 1040 VS 2960 C 2960 S 1473 B 1473 M 1160 C 1160 VW 213 E cmr SF (r, of CH3OH). OV (*„). SF {n of CH3OH). OV (ví). CF [5, 6]. References 1] tr. 2] IR. 3] Th. [4] IR. '5] Th. 6] IR.Th. G T-Ter^herg, Trtfrared and. Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules (Van Nostrand, New York, 1945). C. Tanaka, K. Kuratani, and S. Mizushima, Spectrochim. Acta 9, 265 (1957). M. Margottin-Maclou, J. Phys. Radium 21, 634 (1960). M. Falk and E. Whalley, J. Chem. Phys. 34, 1554 (1961) and references cited there. G. Zerbi, J. Overend, and B. Crawford, Jr., J. Chem. Phys. 38, 122 (1963). C. Tanaka and T. Shimanouchi, unpublished. 64 Molecules Methanol-«! C.H3OD (liquid) No. 110 Symmetry Cs Symmetry number d = 1 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cm-1 cm"1 (Liquid) (Liquid) a' VI OD stretch............. 2467 D 2467 vb 2420- 2560 Vi CHS d-stretch........... 2978 M 2978 M 2992 (3) Vi CH3 s-stretch........... 2838 C 2838 S 2834 (10) Vi CH3 d-deform........... 1469 C 1469 M 1463 (5b) OV (v10). Vi CH3 s-deform........... 1449 C 1449 M ve, OD bend............... 940 C 940 M, b 955 (1) Vi 1231 C 1231 W 1226 (0) vs CO stretch............. 1038 C 1038 VS 1029 (6) a" "9 CH3 d-stretch........... 2951 C 2951 S 2943 (9) na CH3 d-deform........... 1469 C 1469 M 1463 (5b) OV (vi). Vll CH3 rock............... 1163 C 1163 (1) vu Torsion................ 475 D 475 vb References 1] R- S. Mizushima. Y. Morino. and G. Okamoto, Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 11, 698 (1936). 2] R. G. Herzberg, Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules (Van Nostrand, JNew York, 1945). 3] IR.R. M. Falk and E. Whalley, J. Chem. Phys. 34, 1554 (1961), and references cited there. [4] IR.Th. C. Tanaka and T. Shimanouchi, unpublished. Molecule: Methanol-d3 CD8OH (gas) No. Ill Symmetry Cs Symmetry number d = 1 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cmr1 cmr1 (Gas) a' Vl OH stretch............. 3690 D 3690 S Vi CD 3 d-stretch........... 2260 E 2260 M, sh Vi CD3 s-stretch........... 2077 C 2077 S Vi CD3 d-deform........... 1047 D 1047 W vs CDS s-deform........... 1134 C 1134 VS ve OH bend............... 1297 C 1297 VS Vi CD 3 rock............... 858 C 858 M vs CO stretch............. 988 C 988 VS a" vs CD 3 d-stretch........... 2235 D 2235 S via CD3 d-deform.......... 1075 C 1075 W vn CD3 rock.............. 877 D 877 M "12 Torsion................ 256 E CF [1, 3]. References [1] Th. M. Margottin-Maclou, J. Phvs. Radium 21, 634 (1960). [2] IR. M. Falk and E. Whalley, J. Chem. Phys. 34, 1554 (1961), and references cited there. [3] Th. G. Zerbi, J. Overend, and B. Crawford, Jr., J. Chem. Phys. 38, 122 (1963). [4] Th. C. Tanaka and T. Shimanouchi, unpublished. 65 Molecule: Methanol-d3 CD3OH (liquid) No. 112 Symmetry Cs Symmetry number 6 = 1 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cmr1 cmr1 (Liquid) (Liquid) a' T>\ OH stretch............. 3310 D 3310 S, vb 3350 W, vb Vi CD 3 d-stretch.......... 2235 D a2235 M 2230 M, dp Vi CD3 s-stretch........... 2078 C 2078 S 2074 VS, p Vi CD3 d-deform........... 1069 C 1069 W 1072 M, dp ov Ow). vs CD 3 s-deform........... 1122 C 1122 VS 1127 M, p Vs. OH bend............... 1391 C 1391 S, b 1360 VW. vb Vi CD 3 rock............... 882 C 882 M 894 M, dp OV (vu). v& CO stretch............. 982 C 982 VS 986 VS, p a" v$ CD3 d-s lie lull........... 2213 D "2213 M 2213 VW V10 CD 3 d-deform........... 1069 C 1069 W 1072 M, dp OV (vi). vn CD3 rock.............. 882 D 882 M 894 M, dp OV (vi). via Torsion................ 665 D 665 S, vb a The value obtained in the vitreous solid ( — 180 °C). References [1] IR.R. M. Falk and E. Whalley, J. Chem. Phys. 34, 1554 (1961), and references cited there. [2] Th. C. Tanaka and T. Shimanouchi, unpublished. Molecule: Methanols CD3OD (gas) No. 113 Symmetry C3 Symmetry number <5 = 1 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cm-1 cmr1 (Gas) a' Vl OD stretch............. 2724 D 2724 S Vi CD 3 d-stretch........... 2260 E 2260 SF (v2 of CD3OH). Vs CD3 s-stretch........... 2080 C 2080 S Vi 1024 D 1024 W Vi 1135 C 1135 VS Vi OD bend............... 1060 D 1060 W Vi CDs rock............... 776 C 776 S VS CO Stretch............. 983 C 983 VS a" V9 CD3 d-stretch........... 2228 D 2228 S fio CD3 d-deform........... 1080 C 1080 W "11 CD2 rock............... 892 C 892 W V12 Torsion................ 196 E CF [1, 3]. References [1] Th. M. Margottin-Maclou, J. Phys. Radium 21, 634 (1960). [2] IR. M. Falk and E. Whalley, J. Chem. Phys. 34, 1554 (1961). [3] Th. C. Tanaka and T. Shimanouchi, unpublished. 66 Molecule: Methylamine CHSNH2 Symmetry Cs Symmetry number 6 = 1 No. 114 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cmr1 cm-1 (Gas) (Gas) a' V\ NH2 s-stretch........... 3361 B 3361 W 3360 VS VI 2961 B 2961 VS 2960 VS Vi CH3 s-stretch........... 2820 B 2820 VS 2820 S Vi NH2 scis............... 1623 B 1623 S V5 CH 3 d-deform........... 1473 B 1473 S 1460 M V6 CH 3 s-deform........... 1430 B 1430 M V-l CH 3 rock............... 1130 A 1130 M v% CN stretch............ . 1044 A 1044 S 1044 S V9 NH2 wag.............. . 780 A 780 VS 781 W a" J'lU NH2 a-stretch........... 3427 C 3427 W 3470 W I'll CH3 d-stretch........... 2985 C 2985 VS V12 CH 3 d-deform........... 1485 D a1485 vis NH2 twist. ..... 1419 D CF [5]. V\i CH 3 rock............... 1195 D a1195 V15 Torsion................ 268 B 268 Ml: 272 (A). 265 (E). a Estimated from RQ branch frequency. References [1] R. J. S. Kirby-Smith and L. G. Booner, J. Chem. Phys. 7, 880 (1939). [2] IR. A. P. Gray and R. C. Lord, J. Chem. Phys. 26, 690 (1957). [3] IR. M. Tsuboi, A. Y. Hirakawa, T. Ino, T. Sasaki, and K. Tamagake, J. Chem. Phys. 41, 2721 (1964). [4] IR. M. Tsuboi, A. Y. Hirakawa, and K. Tamagake, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 22, 272 (1967). [5] Th. A. Y. Hirakawa, unpublished. [6] IR.Th. K. Tamagake, M. Tsuboi, and A. Y. Hirakawa, J. Chem. Phys. 48, 5536 (1968). [7] IR.R. J. R. Durig, S. F. Bush, and F. G. Baglin, J. Chem. Phys. 49, 2106 (1968). [81 MW. T. Itoh, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 11, 264 (1956). 67 Molecule: Methylamine-d2 CH3ND2 Symmetry Cs Symmetry number d No. 11 Sym. species No. V2 V% Vi Vb Vi VI Vi Vo V\t> VII vu '•'la Vli vu Approximate type of mode ND2 s-stretch. CH3 d-stretch CH3 s-stretch. ND2 scis..... CH3 d-deform CH3 s-deform. CH3 rock..... CN stretch . . . NDj wag..... ND2 a-stretch CH3 d-stretch CH3 d-deform ND2 twist____ CH8 rock..... Torsion...... 8 Estimated from RQ branch frequency. References Selected value of frequency 2479 B 2961 B 2817 B 1234 B 1468 B 1430 B 1117 A 997 A 625 A 2556 B 2985 C 1485 D 1058 E 1187 C 228 C Infrared cm 1 (Gas) 2479 W 2961 VS 2817 S 1234 S 1468 S 1430 M 1117 S 997 S 625 VS 2556 M 2985 VS a1485 1187 M 228 S [1] R. [2] IR. [3] IR. [4] IR. [5] Th. [6] IR.Th. [7] IR.R. Raman cm-1 (Gas) 2450 S 2969 M 2824 M 1214 M 1473 M 995 S 2527 M Comments CF [5]. J. T. Edsall and H. Schinberg. J. Chem. Phys. 8, 520 (1940). A. P. Gray and R. C. Lord, J. Chem. Phys. 26, 690 (1957). M. Tsuboi, A. Y. Hirakawa, T. Sasaki, and K. Tamagake. J. Chem. Phys. 41, 2721 (1964) M Tsuboi, A. Y. Hirakawa, and K. Tamagake, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 22, 272 (1967). A. Y. Hirakawa, unpublished. K. Tamagake, M. Tsuboi, and A. Y. Hirakawa, J. Chem. Phys. 48, 5536 (1968). J. R. Dung, S. F. Bush, and F. G. Baglin, J. Chem. Phys. 49, 2106 (1968). 68 Molecule: Methylamine-d3 CD3NH2 Symmetry Cs Symmetry number d = 1 No. 116 Sym. species No. VI Vi Vi Vi Vi ve, vi Vi Vä vw VII v 12 Vll Vli vis Approximate type of mode NEU s-stretch. CD 3 d-stretch CD 3 s-stretch. NH2 scis..... CD 3 d-deform CD 3 s-deform. CD 3 rock..... CN stretch. . . NH2 wag..... NH2 a-stretch CD 3 d-stretch CD 3 d-deform NH2 twist. .. CD3 rock..... Torsion..... Selected value of frequency 3361 B 2203 B 2077 A 1624 B 1065 D 1142 A 913 A 973 B 740 A 3427 C 2236 C 1077 C 1416 C 926 D 247 D Infrared cm~L (Gas) 3361 W 2203 VS 2077 VS 1624 S 1142 S 913 S 973 M 740 VS 3427 W 2236 VS 1077 W 1416 W Raman Comments CF [3]. CF [3]. CF [3]. References 1] IB. 21 IR. 3] Th. 4] IR.R. A. P. Gray and R. C. Lord, J. Chera. Phys. 26, 690 (1957). M. TBuboi, A. Y. Hirakawa, and K. Tamagake, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 22, 272 (1967). A Y. Hirakawa, unpublished. J. R. Durig, S. F. Bush, and F. G. Baglin, J. Chem. Phys. 49, 2106 (1968). 69 Molecule.' Methylamine-ds CD3ND2 Symmetry C3 Symmetry number d = 1 No. 117 Sym. species No. Vl Vl Vi Vi Ví, vs vi vs vs VW Vil V lí viz Vli V16 Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency ND; s-stretch. CDs d-stretch. CDS s-stretch. .ND; scis..... CD3 d-deform CD 3 s-deform. CD 3 rock..... CN Stretch. . . ND2 wag..... ND2 a-stretch CD3 d-stretch CD 3 d-deform ND2 twist. . . . CD 3 rock..... Torsion...... 2477 B 2202 B 2073 B 1227 B 1065 D 1123 B 880 B 942 A 601 A 2556 C 2238 C 1077 C 1072 D 910 B 201 C Infrared Raman Comments cm 1 (Gas) 2477 W 2202 VS 2073 VS 1227 S 1123 M 880 M 942 S 601 VS 2556 W 2238 VS 1077 W 910 M CF [2. CF [2]. CF [2], MW: 200 (A). 203 (E). References [1] IR. [2] Th. [3] IR.R. [4] MW. A. P. Gray and R. C. Lord, J. Chera. Phyg. 26, 690 (1957). A. Y. Hirakawa, unpublished. J. R. Durig, S. F. Bush, and F. G. Baglin, J. Chem. Phys. 49, 2106 (1968). D. R. Lide, J. Chem. Phys. 27, 343 (1957). 70 Molecule: Acetylene CHCH Symmetry D„t, Symmetry number 6 = 2 No. 118 Sym. species ■No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cmr1 cmr1 (Gas) (Gas) 6 + vid). biu Vl CD2 wag............... 720 B 720.0 VS ia big Vi CD2 wag............... 780 C ia 780 W biu n CD a-stretch........... 2345 C 2345 S ia 586 E ia CF.a bsu Vll CD2 a-stretch........... 2200 C 2200.2 S ia V12 CD 2 scis............... 1078 C 1077.9 S ia ■ From product rule. References 1] IR.R. G. Herzberg, Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules (Van Nostrand. New York. 1945). 2] IR. R. L. Arnett and B. L. Crawford, Jr., J. Chem. Phys. 18, 118 (1950). 3] Th B. N. Cyvin and S. J. Cyvin, Acta Chem. Scand. 17, 1831 (1963). 4] Th. J. Hiraishi and T. Shimanouchi, unpublished. Molecule: Tetrafluoroethylene CF2CF2 Symmetry D2h Symmetry number d = 4 No. 126 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments big bin b2u vi Vi vz Vi v& Vt, Vl "B Vi via >'n vis CC stretch. . . CF2 s-stretch. CF2 scis...... CF2 twist. . . . CFB a-stretch. CF2 rock..... CF2 wag. CF2 wag. CF2 a-stretch. CF2 rock..... CF2 e-stretch. CF2 sciss. 1872 C 778 C 394 C 190 E 1340 D 551 D 406 C 508 D 1337 C 218 C 1186 C 558 C cmr1 (Gas) ia ia ia ia ia ia 406 S 1337 S 218 S 1186 S 558 S cm 1 (Gas) 1872 M, p 777.9 S, p 394 W, p ia 1340 VW 551 M (liquid) ia 508 S (liquid) ia ia ia ia CF [3]. References [1] IR.R-. J. R. Nielsen, H. H. Claassen, and D. C. Smith, J. Chem. Phys. 18, 812 (1950). [21 R. A. Monfils and J. Duchesne, J. Chem. Phys. 18, 1415 (1950). [3] IR. D. E. Mann, N. Acquista, and E. K. Plyler, J. Res. NBS 52, 67 (1954), RP2474. 75 Molecule: TctracKloroctKylcnc CC12CC12 Symmetry D2h Symmetry number 6 = 4 No, 127 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cmr1 cmr1 (Liquid) (Liquid) ag Ví CC stretch............. 1571 D ia 1571 (7)p Vi CC12 s-stretch........... 447 D ia 447 (10)p V% CCI2 scis............... 237 D ia 237 (7)p au Vi CCI2 twist.............. 110 E ia ia OC (2jm) [2]. ■ bi0 V'o CC12 a-stretch.......... 1000 D ia 1000 (0) VO CCI2 rock.............. 347 D ia 347 (4)dp biu VI CCI2 wag............... 288 D 288 M ia big Vh CC12 wag............... 512 D ia 512 (4)dp biv. vZ 1186 C ia 1186 W, p Vi 632 C ia 632 M, p Vi CF bend............... 425 C ia 425 M, p Vi CCl bend............... 288 C ia 288 M, p o» Vi CFC1 wag.............. 333 C 333 M ia V7 Torsion................ 140 D ia CF [2]. be V) CFC1 wag.............. 529 C ia 529 M, dp bu VS CF stretch.............. 1190 E / 1214 VS \ ia FR (j>5 + Vio). \ 1167 VS j vw CCl stretch............. 892 B 892 VS ia Vll CF bend............... 426 C 426 M ia Vll CCl bend............... 175 C 175 M ia References [1] IK.R. D. E. Mann and E. K. Plyler, J. Chem. Phys. 26, 773 (1957). [2] Th. D. E. Mann, L. Fano, J. H. Meal, and T. Shimanouchi, J. Chem. Pbys. 27, 51 (1957). 81 Molecule: 1,1-Dichloroethylene CH2CC12 No. 139 Symmetry C2v Symmetry number 6 = 2 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cm"1 COT-1 (Gas) (Liquid) ai n CH2 s-stretch........... 3035 D "3035 W 3035 VS, p Vl CC stretch............. 1627 C 1627 VS 1616 VS, p f 3 CH2 scis............... 1400 C 1400 M 1391 M, p Vi CC12 s-stretch........... 603 C 603 VS 601 VS. p Ví CC12 scis............... 299 C 299 W 299 S, p ve Torsion .............. 686 D ia 686 M, dp Vi CH2 a-stretch........... 3130 D a3130 W 3130 S, dp Vi CH2 rock............... 1095 C 1095 VS 1088 VW v$ CC12 a-slrelch........... 800 B 800 VS 788 M, dp VlO CC12 rock.............. 372 C 372 M 375 S. dp Vll CH2 wag. .............. 875 B 875 S 874 V vn CC12 wag............... ! 460 B I 460 S 458 M, dp a CCI4 solution. References [\] IR. H. W. Thompson and P. Torkington. Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), Ser. A, 184, 21 (1945). 12] R. P. Joyner and G. Glocker, J. Chem. Phys. 20, 302 (1952). 13] IR.Th. T. Shimanouchi and S. Shimizu, unpublished. Molecule: 1,1-Dichloroethylene-d! CHDCC12 No. 140 Symmetry C3 Symmetry number «J = 1 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cm~l (Gas) a' Vl CH stretch. ............ 3082 D a3082 W VI CD stretch............. 2288 D a2288 W Vs CC stretch 1585 C 1585 S Vi CHD scis............... 1280 C 1280 M Ví CHD rock.............. 999 C 999 VS ve CC12 a-stretch........... 741 C 741 S vi CC12 s-stretch........... 590 C 590 VS vg CC12 rock.............. 348 C 348 W Vs CC12 scis. . . 306 E CF [1]. a" VlO CHD wag.............. 819 B 819 S Vll Torsion................ 555 C 555 W Vll CClj wag.............. 444 B 444 M CCU solution. Reference [1] IR.Th. T. Shimanouchi and S. Shimizu, unpublished. 82 Molecule: l,l-Dichloroethylene-d2 CD2CC12 No. 141 Symmetry C2v Symmetry number d = 2 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cm-1 cmr1 (Gas) ai vi CD2 s-stretch........... 2262 D a2262 W V2 1565 C 1565 VS v% 1039 E CF [1]. Vi CC12 s-stretch........... 580 C 580 VS Vi 305 E CF [1]. Vi 488 E ia CF [I], VI CD 2 a-stretch........... 2380 D "2380 W vs 998 C 998 VS V, CC12 a-stretch 607 C 697 S SF (Wll). vw 327 C 327 M vu CD2 wag............... 697 C 697 S SF vn 439 B 439 S a CCU solution. Reference [1] IR.Th. T. Shimanouehi and S. Shimizu, unpublished. Molecule: 1,1-Dichloro 2,2-difluoroethylene CF2CC12 No. 142 Symmetry C2v Symmetry number d = 2 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cmr1 cmr1 CG slrelcli (Gas) (Liquid) VI 1749 B 1749 VS 1738.8 S V2 CF stretch.............. 1032 B 1032 VS 1027.6 M vz CC1 stretch............. 622 C 622 M 623.0 S Vi CF2 scis................ 434 C 434 433.8 VS Vi 258 C 258 S 258 VS 4 + ^12). Vli 822 A 821.6 ia References [1] IR.R. G. Herzberg, Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules (Van Noatrand, New York, 1945), and references cited there. [2] IR. L. G. Smith, J. Chem. Phys. 17, 139 (1949). [3] IR. G. E. Hansen and D. M. Dennison, J. Chem. Phys. 20, 313 (1952). [4] R. J. Romanko, T. Feldman, and H. L. Welsh, Can. J. Phys. 33, 588 (1955). [5] IR.R. R. Van Riet, Bull. Roy. Acad. Belg. 1955, 188. [6] R. D. W. Lepard, D. E. Shaw, and H. L. Welsh, Can. J. Phys. 44, 2353 (1966). [7] IR. S. Weiss and G. E. Leroi, J. Chem. Phys. 48, 962 (1968). [8] IR. A. R. H. Cole, W. J. Lafferty, and R. J. Thibault, J. Mol. Spectrose. 29, 365 (1969). [9] IR. I. Nakagawa and T. Shimanouchi, J. Mol. Spectrose. 39, 255 (1971). 92 Molecule: Etliane-d3 CII3CD3 Symmetry Cgv Symmetry number d = 3 No. 155 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cm-1 cm-1 (Gas) (Gas) \FR (2*). «1 Vl 2912 E /2955.1 S 2955.5 12897.4 S 2898.2 / v% CD 3 s-stretch........... 2098 E J2139.6 S \ FR (2vn). (2089.7 S J Vi 1387 B 1386.6 W Vi 1122 B 1122.0 W Vi 904 A 903.8 VW 904.7 a2 253 B 253 VW e Vi CH3 d-stretch........ 2977 D 2976.5 S 2976.6 Vg CD 3 d-stretch........... 2240 E 2240 S v» 1471 A 1471.1 M via CH3 rock............... 1115 B 1115.0 W Vll 1066 B 1065.7 M 1062.6 V12 CD 3 rock............... 678 A 678.4 M 1 1 References [1] IR. R. Van Riet, Ann. Soc. Sei. Brnxelles, Ser. I, 71, 102 (1957). 2] R. D. E. Shaw and H. L. Welsh, Can. J. Phys. 45, 3823 (1967). 3] IR. S. Weiss and G. E. Leroi, J. Chem. Phys. 48, 962 (1968). 4] IR.Th. I. Nakagawa and T. Shimanouchi, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 39, 255 (1971). 93 Molecule: Ethane-de CD3CD3 Symmetry Djj Symmetry number 6 = 6 No. 156 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cm~l cm~1 (Gas) (Gas) dig Vl 2083 B ia 2083.0 Vi CD 3 s-deform........... 1155 A ia 1154.5 vz CC stretch............. 843 A ia 843.0 OlM Vi 208 B 208 ia Vi CD 3 s-stretch........... 2087 B 2087.4 ia ve CD3 s-deform........... 1077 B 1077.1 ia eB v7 CD 3 d-stretch........... 2226 A ia 2225.6 Vs CD 3 d-deform.......... 1041 B ia 1041 "9 CD 3 rock............... 970 C ia 970 (liquid) VlO 2235 B 2235 ia Vll CD 3 d-deform........... 1081 B 1080.9 ia CD3 rock............... 594 A 594.4 ia References [1] IR.R. G. Herzberg, Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules (Van Nostrand, New York, 1945), and refer-dices cited, tliei^c [2] IR. G. E. Hansen and D. M. Dennison, J. Chem. Phys. 20, 313 (1952). [3] IR.R. R. Van Riet, Bull. Roy. Acad. Belg. 1955, 188. [4] R. D. W. Lepard, D. M. C. Sweeny, and H. L. Welsh, Can. J. Phys. 40, 1567 (1962). [5] IR. S. Weiss and G. E. Leroi, J. Chem. Phys. 48, 962 (1968). [6] IR I. Nakagawa and T. Shimanouchi, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 39, 255 (1971). 94 Molecule: Hexafluoroethane CF3CF3 No. 157 Symmetry D3d Symmetry number ö = 6 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cmr1 cmr1 (Gas) (Gas) Ola V\ CC stretch............. 1228 D ia 1228 OC* Vl CF3 s-stretch........... 807 C ia 807 VS, p vz CF3 s-deform........... 348 C ia 348 W, p Olu Vi Torsion................ 68 D ia ia CF[2] Vi CF3 s-stretch........... 1117 B 1117 VS ia ve CF3 s-deform........... 714 B 714 VS ia Vi CF3 d-stretch........... 1250 C ia 1250 VW, dp v» CF3 d-deform........... 619 C ia 619 W, dp Vi CF3 rock............... 372 C ia 372 W, dp Vw CF3 d-stretch........... 1251 B 1251 VS ia vu CF3 d-deform........... 520 C 520 S ia Vl2 220 G 220 S ia * Mean value of frequencies obtained from six combination bands [2]. References [1] IR. D. E. Mann and E. K. Plyler, J. Chem. Phys. 21, 1116 (1953). [2] IR.R. R. A. Carney, Y. A. Piorrowski, A. G. Meisiei, J. H. Drauu, and F. F. Cleveland, J. Mol. Spcctroac. 7, 209 (1961). [3] Th. T. Fujiyama and T. Shimanouchi, unpublished. Molecule: Hexachloroethane CCI3CCI3 No. 158 Symmetry D3d Symmetry number d = 6 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cmr1 cmr1 CC stretch............. (Solid) (Solid) alg "i 975 C ia 975 VW, p V2 431 C ia 431 VS, p V3 CC13 s-deform........... 170 C ia 170 W Olu Vl Torsion................ 61 D ia ia OC (v4+10, jm+pii). "5 CC13 s-stretch........... 675 C 675 S ia ve CCI3 s-deform........... 372 C 372 S ia ee Vl CO 3 d-stretch.......... 859 C ia 859 W V» CO3 d-deform. ......... 340 C ia 340 M Vi CCI3 rock.............. 223 C ia 223 S via CO 3 d-stretch.......... 778 C 778 VS ia Vll 271 C 271 S ia p12 114 C 114 W ia References [1] IR.R. R. A. Carney, E. A. Piotrowski, A. G. Meister, J. H. Braun, and F. F. Cleveland, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 7, 209 (1961). [2] IR.R.Th. T. Fujiyama and T. Shimanouchi, unpublished. 95 Molecule: Hexabromoethane CBr3CBr3 Symmetry D3li Symmetry number d = 6 No. 139 Sym. No. Approximate Selected species type of mode value of Infrared Raman Comments frequency cmr1 cm-1 CC Stretch............. (Solid) (Solid) ae V\ 940 C ia 940 M V2 CBr3 s-stretch........... 255 C ia 255 VS, p Vi 120 C ia 120 W am Vi Torsion................ 51 D ia ia OC (Vi + Vw, Vi + Vn). Vi CBr3 s-stretch.......... 559 C 559 S ia Vi CBr3 s-deform.......... 254 C 254 S ia es vi CBr3 d-stretch.......... 768 C ia 768 M, dp vs CBr3 d-deform.......... 204 C ia 204 S, dp vs CBr3 rock.............. 139 C ia 139 M VW CBr3 d-stretch.......... 656 C 656 VS ia vu 168 C 168 S ia vn CBrs rock.............. 82 C 82 M ia References See No. 158. 96 Molecule: 1,2-Dichloroethane CH2C1CH2C1 (trans form) No. 160 Symmetry C2h Symmetry number 6 = 2 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cmr1 cm-1 (Gas) (Liquid) ag V\ CH2 s-stretch........... 2957 D ia 2957 (10) p Vi 1445 C ia 1445 (4b) dp Vi 1304 C ia 1304 (6) p Vi 1052 C ia 1052 (4) p Vi 754 C ia 754 (10b) p ve, CCC1 deform........... 300 C ia 300 (8) p au vi CH2 a-stretch........... 3005 D 3005 W ia SF (gauche vi, (liquid) gauche m). Vi 1123 B 1122.5 W ia v<* CH2 rock............... 773 B 772.5 M ia via 123 C 123 M ia b<, Vll 3005 D ia 3005 (8b) dp Vli CH2 twist.............. 1264 C ia 1264 (3) dp Vli CH2 rock............... 989 C ia 989 (2) p bu Vli 2983 C 2983.3 M ia Vli CH2 scis............... 1461 A 1460.6 S ia Vli CH2 wag............... 1232 B 1232.3 S ia vn GC1 stretch............. 728 C 728.3 VS ia Vli CCC1 deform........... 222 C 222.3 W ia References [1] IR.R. G. Herzberg, Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules (Van Nostrand, New York, 1945), and refer-ences cited there. 2] IR.R. S. Mizushima, Y. Morino, I. Watanabe, T. Shimanouchi, and S. Yamaguchi, J. Chem. Phys. 17, 591 (1949). 3] IR.R. John T. Neu and Wm. D. Gwinn, J. Chem. Phys. 18, 1642 (1950). [4] IR.R. J. K. Brown and N. Sheppard, Trans. Faraday Soc. 48, 128 (1952). [5] Th. I. Nakagawa and S. Mizushima, J. Chem. Phys. 21, 2195 (1953). [6] IR. I. Ichishima, H. Kamiyaroa, T. Shimanouchi, and S. Mizushima, J. Chem. Phys. 29, 1190 (1958). [7] IR. S. Mizushima, T. Shimanouchi, I. Ichishima, and H. Kamiyama, Revue Universelle des Mines 15, 447 (1959). 97 Molecule: 1,2-Dichloroethane CH2CICH2CI (gauche form) Symmetry C2 Symmetry number 6 = 2 No. 161 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments Vi Vi vi Vi Vi Vs V9 Vin Vil V li vis Vli V li Vli Vil vis CII2 a-stretch. CH2 s-stretch. CH 2 scis...... CH2 wag..... CH2 twist.... CC stretch. . . CH2 rock..... CC1 stretch.. . CCC1 deform. Torsion...... CH2 a-stretch. CH2 s-stretch. CH2 scis...... CH2 wag..... CH2 twist. . .. CH2 rock..... CC1 stretch... CCC1 deform. 3005 D 2957 D 1433 C 1315 C 1207 C 1027 D 948 B 669 C 272 D 3005 D 2957 C 1436 B 1292 B 1146 D 890 B 693 B 410 C cm 1 (Gas) 3005 W (liquid) 2957 M (liquid) 1433 M (liquid) 1315 W 1027 W 947.7 M 669 M 272 VW (liquid) 3005 W 2957.2 W 1436.3 W 1292 1146 890 692 409 .1 S vw 3 M .5 W .6 M cm~L (Liquid) 3005 (Ob) dp 2957 (10) p 1429 (6) dp 1304 (6) 1207 (5) p 1031 (2) dp 943 (5) p 654 (8) p 265 (5) p 125 (5b) 3005 (8b) dp 1145 (3) dp 881 (4) dp 677 (6b) dp 411 (5) dp SF (cilj trans vi). SF (trans vi, trans vu). OV (vu). SF iyi, trans vi). References See No. 160. 98 Molecule: 1,2-Dibromoethane CH2BrCH2Br (trans form) No. 162 Symmetry C2h Symmetry number d = 2 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cmr1 cmr1 (Liquid) (Liquid) as V\ CH2 s-stretch........... 2972 D ia 2972 (10) p VI CH* scis............... 1440 C ia 1440 (5) dp SF (».«). Vi 1255 C ia 1255 (10b) p Vi CC stretch............. 1053 C ia 1053 (9) dp vs 660 C ia 660 (10b) p ve CCBr deform........... 190 C ia 190 (10) p au Vi 3037 D 3037 S ia vs 1087 C 1087 M ia Vä CH2 rock............... 753 C 753 S ia V10 118 D 118 132 (0) (gas) b„ I'll CH2 a-stretch........... 3013 D ia 3013 (4b) dp vis CH2 twist.............. 1255 C ia 1255 (10b) p SF (v3). J>18 CH2 rock............... 933 C ia 933 (2) p bu Vl4 CH2 s-stretch........... 2974 D 2974 S ia V15 CH2 scis............... 1441 D 1441 M ia V16 CH2 wag............... 1186 C 1186 VS 1186 (0) ''IT 589 C 589 S ia J'lS CCBr deform........... 193 D 193 ia References [1] IR.R. S. Mizushima, Y. Morino, I. Watanabe. T. Shimanouchi, and S. Yamaguchi, J. Chem. Phys. 17, 591 (1949). [2] IE.R. John T. Neu and Wm. D. Gwinn, J. Chem. Phys. 18, 1642 (1950). [3] IR.R. J. K. Brown and N. Sheppard, Trans. Faraday Soc. 48, 128 (1952). [41 IR. I. Ichishima, H. Kamiyama, T. Shimanouchi, and S. Mizushima. J. Chem. Phys. 29, 1190 (1958). 99 Molecule: 1,2-Dibromoethane CH2BrCH2Br (gauche form) Symmetry C2 Symmetry number d = 2 No. 163 Sym. species No. Vl VI v% Vi Vi ve vi v% fa v 10 Vil Vl'i fl3 vu Vlí via VII vit. Approximate type of mode CH2 a-stretch CH2 s-stretch CH2 scis.... CH2 wag.... CH2 twist. .. CC stretch. . CH2 rock... . CBr stretch.. CCBr deform Torsion..... CH2 a-stretch CH2 s-stretch CII2 scis..... CH2 wag.... CH2 twist. . . CH2 rock.... CBr sLreich. . CCBr deform Selected value of frequency 3005 D 2953 D 1420 C 1278 C 1104 C 1019 C 898 C 550 C 231 C 91 D 3005 D 2953 D 1420 C 1245 C 1104 C 836 C 589 C 355 C Infrared (Liquid) 2953 VS 1420 M 1278 M 1104 M 1019 M 898 M 550 M 2953 VS 1420 M 1245 S 1104 W 836 S 589 S 355 Ra (Liquid) 3005 2953 1419 1276 1104 1019 899 551 231 91 3005 2953 1419 1243 1104 836 583 355 :5) 8)p 3) dp 3) 1) dp 1) 3)p 8) 3) p 2b) dp !5) 8)p 3) dp 1) 1) dp 2) dp 6b) dp 5) dp Comments SF (yn). SF („u). SF („„). SF (Vli). SF (vi). SF (,2). SF („). SF („s). References See No. 162. 100 Molecule: l-Bromo-2-chloroethane CH2ClCH2Br (trans form) Symmetry Cs Symmetry number d = 1 No. 164 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments Vl CH2 s-stretch........... VI V2 Vi V5 Vi CH2 wag............... V-i CC stretch............. vs vs CBr stretch............. VlO CCC1 deform........... vu CCBr deform........... VU CH2 a-stretch........... vn CH2 a-stretch........... Vu CH2 twist........,..... Vis, CH2 twist.............. V16 CH2 rock............... vn Vl& Torsion................ 2960 D 2960 D 1446 D 1444 C 1284 1203 1052 726 630 251 202 C c c c. c c c 3010 D 3010 D 1259 C 1111 D 961 C 763 D 123 C em-1 (Solid) 1446 S 1284 M 1203 S 1056 M 722 S 630 S 202.0 (CCI4 soln.) 1258 VW 1111 M 961 VW 763 M 123 (CCUsoln.) cm"1 (Liquid) 2960 (lOvb) 2960 (lOvb) 1444 (3b) 1284 (7) p 1203 (3) 1052 (4) dp 726 (10b) p 630 (9) 251 (10) p 210 (2b) 3010 (3vb) 3010 (3vb) 1259 (3) 961 (lb) SF iv-i, gauche vs, gauche Vi). SF (vi, gauche vs, gauche vi). SF (gauche vn). SF (vi3, gauche vi, gauche v2). SF (vn, gauche v\, gauche p2). References [1] R. S. Mizushima, Y. Morino, Y. Miyahara, and M. Tomura, Sei. Pap. Inst. Phys. Chem. Res. Japan 39, 387 (1942). [2] IR.R. J. K. Brown and N. Sheppard, Trans. Faraday Soc. 48, 128 (1952). [3] IR. L. R. Blaine, J. Res. NBS 67C (Engr. and Instr.) No. 3, 207 (1963). 101 Molftciile: l-Bromo-2-chloroethane CH2ClCH2Br (gauche form) Symmetry Ci Symmetry number i2, j-i3). OV (vu). OV (»lt). OV (vi, vis). OV (Vl, vis). OV (v,). OV (*). References [1] IR.R. D. C. Smith, R. A. Saunders, J. Rud Nielsen, and E. E. Ferguson, J. Chem. Phys. 20, 847 (1952). [2] IR. E. Catalano and K. S. Pitzer, J. Phys. Chem. 62, 873 (1958). [3] IR. G. Sage and W. Klemperer, J. Chem. Phys. 39, 371 (1963). 103 Molecule: Chloroethane CH3CH2C1 No. 167 Symmetry Ca Symmetry number d = 1 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cm-1 cm"1 (Gas) (Liquid) a' Vl CH2 s-stretch........... 2967 D 2977 M 2967 M, p (solid) V2 CHa d-stretch........... 2946 C 2946 S 2934 M, p V% 2881 C 2881 S 2883 W, p Vi 1463 D 1463 S (solid) Vs 1448 D 1448 S 1453 M, dp OV (vu). CH3 s-deform........... 1385 C 1385 S 1383 W, dp CH2 wag............... 1289 C 1289 VS 1283 W, p vs. CH3 rock............ 1081 D 1081 VW 1072 M, p V9 CC stretch............. 974 D 974 VS 969 W, dp OV („„). Via CC1 stretch............. 677 C 677 VS 659 VS, p Vil CCC1 deform 336 C. 336 M 337 S, p a" Vl2 3014 D 3014 VS 3013 W Vl% 2986 D 2986 VS 2978 W vu CH3 d-deform........... 1448 D 1448 S 1453 M, dp OV (,5). Viz, CI I? twist 1251 T) 1251 VW 1248 W, dp vie 974 D 974 VS 969 W, dp ov w. Vl7 CH2 rock........... 786 B 786 M viz Torsion............, . . . 251 B 251 W MW: 251 [4]. References [1] IR.R. L. W. Daasch, C. Y. Liang, and J. Rud Nielsen, J. Chem. Phys. 22, 1293 (1954). 2] 7Í. a AHst, mrl H. J Remrtein, Can. J Chem. 32, 1124 (1954). 3] IR. R. N. Dixon, Spectrochim. Acta 9, 59 (1957). 4] MW D. R. Lide, J. Chem. Phys. 30, 37 (1959). 5] IR. W. G. Fateley and F. A. Miller, Spectrochim. Acta 17, 857 (1961). 6] IR. N. T. McDevitt, A. L. Rožek. F. F. Bentley, and A. D. Davidson, J. Chem. Phys. 42, 1173 (1965). 7] IR. F. A. Miller and F. E. Kiviat, Spectrochim. Acta 25A, 1363 (1969). [8] Th. A. B. Dempster and G. Zerbi, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 39, 1 (1971). 104 Molecule: Bromoethane CH3CH2Br No. 168 Symmetry Cs Symmetry number 6 = 1 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cm -1 cm-1 (Gas) (Liquid) a' V\ CH3 d-stretch........... 2988 C 2988 S 2971 (2b) p OV (v„). >'2 CH2 s-stretch........... 2937 B 2936. 5 S 2924 (2) p Vi CHs s-stretch........... 2880 B 2879. 8 S Vi CH2 scis................ 1451 D 1451 M 1442 (2b) dp ov Oi, vii). Ví CH8 d-deform........... 1451 D 1451 M 1442 (2b) dp OV (Vi, Vli). Vi CH8 s-deform........... 1386 B 1386 M vy 1252 E {1258 VS J1248 (2b) p FR (», + vn). \1247 VS vs CH8 rock............... 1061 D 1061 vw 1069 (1) p vn 964 B 964 s 960 (lb) dp OV (,l6). via CBr stretch............. 583 B 583 VS 560 (10) p Vll 290 B 290 s 292 (3) p a" Vis CH2 a-stretch........... 3018 B 3018 s Vl3 CH3 d-stretch........... 2988 C 2988 s 2971 (2b) p OV (vi). Vli 1451 D 1451 M 1442 (2b) dp OV (ví, n). vis CH2 twist.............. 1248 E CF [71. Vit CH3 rock............... 964 D 964 s 960 (lb) dp ^ L * J* OV (»,). "1t 770 B 770 M Vli Torsion................ 247 C 247 MV: 247 [5, 6]. References [1] R. J. Wagner, Z. Phys. Chem. B40, 439 (1938). [2] R. J. Wagner, Z. Phys. Chem. B45, 69 (1939). [3] R. J. K. Brown and N. Sheppard, Trans. Faraday Soc. 50, 535 (1954). [4] TR. R. N. DJvoti, Spec-trochiTn. Acta 9, 59 (1957). [5] MW. D. R. Lide, J. Chem. Phys. 30, 37 (1959). [6] MW. C. Flanagan and L. Pierce, J. Chem. Phys. 38, 2963 (1963). [7] IR.Th. T. Shimanouchi and S. Takayama, unpublished. [8] IR. N. T. McDevitt, A. L. Rozek, F. F. Bentley, and A. D. Davidson, J. Chem. Phys. 42, 1173 (1965). [9] IR. S. Kinumaki and T. Musha, unpublished. 105 Molecule: Ethylene imine C2H5N No. 169 Symmetry Ca Symmetry number d = 1 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cm~l cm~l (Gas) (Liquid) a! Vl NH stretch............. 3338 C 3338 W 3302 M, p VI CHo a-stretch........... 3079 D 3079 S 3059 M, dp OV (vii). Vi CH2 s-stretch........... 3015 D 3015 S 2999 VS, p OV („„). Vi CH2 scis............... 1482 C 1482 W 1471 W, p Vf, Ring stretch............ 1211 C 1211 S 1212 VS, p ve CH2 twist.............. 1095 D 1095 S 1088 W, p VI CH2 wag............... 1090 D 1090 S 1088 W, p Vi NH bend............... 998 C 998 M 1028 W V9 Ring deform............ 856 C 856 VS 855 M, dp vw CH2 rock............... 773 C 773 S 787 W, dp a" Vll CH2 a-stretch........... 3079 D 3079 S 3059 M, dp OV („,). via CH2 s-stretch........... 3015 D 3015 S 2999 VS, p OV („,). Vll CH2 scis............... 1463 C 1463 W 1452 W, dp vu CH2 twist.............. 1268 C 1268 M 1276 V W fl5 Ml bend............... 1237 C 1237 M 1297 W, p vu CH2 wag............... 1131 C 1131 M 1130 VW VVJ Ring deform............ 904 C 904 S vis CH2 rock............... 817 D 817 M, dp References [1] IR.R. H. W. Thompson and W. T. Cave, Trans. Faradav Soc. 47, 951 (1951). [2] IR. H. T. Hoffman, Jr., G. E. Evans, and G. Glockler.' J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 73, 3028 (1951). [3] IR.R. W. J. Potts, Spectrochim. Acta 21, 511 (1965). 106 Molecule: Methyl formate HCOOCH3 No. 170 Symmetry Cs Symmetry number d — 1 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cm~l cmr1 (Gas) (Liquid) a' Vl CH 3 d-stretch........... 3045 D 3045 M 3030 (3b) Vi CH8 s-stretch........... 2969 D 2969 S 2955 (10) p Vi CH stretch............. 2943 D 2943 S Vi C = 0 stretch........... 1754 C 1754 VS 1717 (5b) p Vi CH 3 d-deform........... 1454 D 1454 W (CCUsoln.) ve CH3 s-deform........... 1445 D 1445 M VI CH bend............... 1371 D 1371 W 1379 (4b) p Vi C-0 stretch............ 1207 C 1207 VS 1207 (0.5b) Vo, CH3 rock............... 1166 D 1166 VS 1157 (lb) ľ 10 O-CH 3stretch.......... 925 C 925 S 912 (10) p vn OCO deform............ 767 C 767 M 765 (2) v u COC deform............ 318 D 318 M a" ľlS CHa d-stretch........... 3012 D 3012 M ľ 14 CH 3 d-deform........... 1443 E 1443 W 1440 (3b) (CCU soln.) V Vi CH 3 rock............... 1168 D 1168 M Vie. CH bend............... 1032 C 1032 M 1030 (0.5) V VI C-0 torsion............. 332 D 332 M 332 (3b) p ľ 18 CH 3 torsion............ 130 D 130 VW M¥: 132 [3]. References [1] R. K. W. F. Kohlrausch, Ramanspektren, p. 263 (Edwards Bros., Inc., Ann Arbor, 1945). [2] IR.R. J. K. Wilmshurst, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 1, 201 (1957). [3] MW. R. F. Curl, J. Chem. Phys. 30, 1529 (1959). [4] IR. W. G. Fateley and F. A. Miller, Spectrochim. Acta 17, 857 (1961). [5] IR. H. Susi and T. Zell, Spectrochim. Acta 19, 1933 (1963). [6] IR.Th. S. Ichikawa, K. Toriyama, and T. Shimanouchi, unpublished. 107 Molecule: Methyl formatc-di DCOOCHa Symmetry CB Symmetry number d = 1 No. 171 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments v\ Vl "3 Vi Ví, ve vi vs v<> via vu viz vu vu vis vie vu vis CH3 d-stretch. CH3 s-stretch. CD stretch. . . C = 0 stretch. CHs d-deform. CHs s-deform. . CD bend....... C-O stretch. . . . CH3 rock...... 0-CH3 stretch. OCO deform.. . COC deform.. . . CH3 d-stretch.. CH3 d-deform. . CH3 rock... CD bend.. . . C-0 torsion. CH3 torsion. 3041 C 2967 C 2216 C 1739 E 1448 E 1441 D 1048 D 1213 C 1157 D 878 C 762 C 315 E 3007 D 1440 E 1164 E 870 E 290 E 130 E cm-1 (Gas) 3041 M 2967 S 2216 S f 1755 VS { 1716 VS 1448 W (CCUsoln.) 1441 M 1048 M 12J.3 VS 1157 VS 878 S 762 M 315 M 3007 S 1440 W (CCU soln.) 290 M FR (2i>ie). CF 12], OV („,). CF [2], OV (via). CF [2]. References [1] IR. H. Suai and T. Zell, Speotrochim. Acta 19, 1933 (1963). [2] IR.Th. S. Iehikawa, K. Toriyama, and T. Shimanouchi, unpublished. 108 Molecule: Methyl formate-ds HCOOCD3 Symmetry Cs Symmetry number d = 1 No. 172 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments vi CD 3 d-stretch. V2 CD 3 s-stretch. vs CH stretch. . . v4 C = 0 stretch. . j»5 CD3d-deform. H CD3 s-deform. vi CH ip-bend... va C-0 stretch. . va CD 3 rock..... via O-CD3 stretch 0C0 deform.. j>i2 COC deform.. Vis CD3 d-stretch vu CD3 d-deform. j»i5 CD3 rock..... yje CH op-bend. . vri C-0 torsion. . vu CDs torsion. . cm' -1 (Gas) 2284 D 2284 M 2087 D 2087 M 2931 D 2931 S 1754 C 1754 vs 1060 E 1060 w 1102 E 1102 s 1368 D 1368 M 1210 C 1210 VS 985 D 985 M 877 C 877 M 714 C 714 M 297 E 297 M 2258 D 2258 M 1060 E 1060 W 905 D 905 W 1040 E 1040 w 312 E 312 M 96 E cm OV (vu). OV (yt). CF [2]. References See No. 171. 109 Molecule: Methyl formatc-cU DCOOCD8 Symmetry Cs Symmetry number 6 = 1 No. 173 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Ra Comments »1 V2 V% Vi Ví Vf, v-i Vn Vli Vli Vis Vli Vli vis va Vl% CD8 rl-stretch CD 3 s-stretch. CD stretch. . . C = 0 stretch. CD 3 d-deform. CD3 s-deform. CD hend..... C O stretch . . CD 3 rock..... O -CDS stretch OCO deform.. COC deform.. CD 3 d-stretch. CD3 d-deform. CD 3 rock..... CD op-bend. . C 0 torsion. . CDs torsion. . cm" -i (Gas) 9.291 T> 2291 M 2100 D 2100 M 2210 D 2210 S 1739 E f 1749 VS \ 1719 vs 1060 E 1060 w 1107 D 1107 s 1041 E 1041 V 1203 D 1203 vs 974 D 974 M 840 D 840 M 708 D 708 M 295 E 295 M 2267 D 2267 M 1060 D 1060 W 908 D 908 M 870 D 870 W 280 D 280 M 96 E FR (2vie). OV On). OV 00-CF [1]. Reference [1] IR.Th. S. Ichikawa. K. Toriyama, and T. Shimanouchi, unpublished. 110 Molecules Acetic acid Symmetry Cs CHaCOOH Symmetry number d = 1 No. 174 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments vi V-L v% Vi Ví vz VI Vg vs no vn »12 »18 Vli vu Vli vn »18 OH stretch. . . . CH3 d-strctch. . CH3 s-stretch.. C = 0 stretch. . CH3 d-deform., CH3 s-deform.. OH bend...... C-0 stretch. . . CH3 rock...... CC stretch. . . . OCO deform. . CCO deform... CH3 d-stretch. CH3 d-deform. CH3 rock...... C = O op-bend. C-0 torsion. . CH3 torsion. . 3583 B 3051 B 2944 B 1788 B 1430 C 1382 B 1264 B 1182 B 989 B 847 B 657 B 581 B 2996 B 1430 C 1048 B 642 B 534 B 93 E cm"1 (Gas) 3583 M 3051 VW 2944 VW 1788 VS 1430 sh 1382 M 1264 M 1182 S 989 M 847 W 657 S 581 M 2996 VW 1430 sh 1048 W 642 S 534 M SF (Vli). SF (»,). CF [3]. References [1] IR. W. Weltner, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 77, 3941 (1955). [2] IR. J. K. Wilmshurst, J. Chem. Phys. 25, 1171 (1956). [3] IR. M. Haurie and A. Novak, J. Chim. Phys. 62, 137 (1965). [4] IR. M. Ohara and T. Shimanouchi, unpublished. Ill Molecule: Acetic acid-di CH3COOD Symmetry C3 Symmetry number «5 = 1 No. 175 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cm-1 cmr1 (Gas) a! V\ CH3 d-stretch........... 3039 B 3039 V¥ V2 CH3 s-stretch........... 2952 B 2952 VW V3 OD stretch............. 2642 B 2642 M Vi C = 0 stretch........... 1775 B 1775 VS Vl CH3 d-deform........... 1440 C 1440 sh SF (k14). Vu CH3 s-deform........... 1383 B 1383 S VI OO stretch............ 1270 B 1270 S vg CH3 rock............... 990 D 990 sh vs OD bend............... 955 B 955 S do 840 B 840 W vu OCO deform............ 609 B 609 M Vli CCO deform............ 543 B 543 M a" Vis CH3 d-stretch........... 2997 D 2997 VW Vu CH3 d-deform.......... 1440 C 1440 sh SF Os). Vli CHs rock............... 1052 B 1052 W vu C = 0 ip-bend........... 603 B 603 M vn 415 B 415 M via CH3 torsion............ 93 E CF [3]. References See No. 174. 112 Molecule: Dimelhylether CH3OCH3 Symmetry C2v Symmetry number d = 2 No. 176 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments a2 VI V2 VS Vé Ví Vt VI Vi V9 V10 vu VU Vis Vli vis vis Wl7 VIS V19 V20 CH3 d-stretch CH3 s-stretch. CH3 d-deform CH3 s-deform. CH3 rock..... CO s-stretch. . COC deform.. CH3 d-stretch CHs d-deform CH3 rock..... Torsion...... CH3 d-stretch CHs s-stretch. CH3 d-deform CH3 s-deform. CH3 rock..... CO a-stretr.ti CH3 d-stretch CH3 d-deform CH3 rock..... Torsion...... 2996 B 2817 B 1464 D 1452 D 1244 B 928 B 418 C 2952 C 1464 D 1150 C 203 E 2996 B 2817 B 1464 D 1452 D 1227 C 1102 B 2925 B 1464 D 1179 B 242 C cm~L (Gas) 2996 S 2817 S 1464 M 1452 M 1244 W 928 S 418 M ia ia ia ia 2996 S 2817 S 1464 M 1452 M 1102 VS 2925 S 1464 M 1179 VS 242 W cm~L (Liquid) 2989 S 2815 VS, p 1452 S, dp 922 S, p 428 M, p 2952 S 1150 M, d 2989 S 2815 VS, p 1452 S, dp 1227 W 1104 M, dp 1170 sh SF CF [3]. OV (vi). OV M. OV („,). OV (V4). OV (vs). References [1] IR.R. G. Herzberg, Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules (Van Nostrand, New York, 1945). [2] R. R. C. Taylor and G. L. Vidale, J. Chem. Phys. 26, 122 (1957). 3] IR.R. Y. Kanazawa and K. Nukada, Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 35, 612 (1962). 4] IR. W. G. Fateley and F. A. Miller, Spectrocbim. Acta 18, 977 (1962). 5] IR. J.-P. Perchard, M.-T. Forel, and M.-L. Josien, J. Chim. Phys. 61, 632 (1964). [6] Th. T. Shimanouchi and M. Oka, unpublished. 113 Molecule: Diiiielliylelher-ds CII3OCD3 Symmetry C8 Symmetry number ô No. 177 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments vi vz Vz Vi Ví Vi vi vs Vi V10 Vli VYl WlS Vli vis vu vir Vli V19 V 20 ^21 CH3 d-stretch. CH s s-stretch. CD3 d-stretch. CDs s-stretch. CH s d-deform CH3 s-deform. CH 8 rock..... CO a-stretch., CD3 s-deform. CD 3 d-deform CD3 rock..... CO s-stretch. . COC deform.. CH3 d-stretch CD3 d-stretch CH3 d-deform CH» rock..... CD3 d-deform CD3 rock..... Torsion...... Torsion...... 2992 B 2819 B 2244 B 2058 B 1465 C 1453 C 1212 B 1156 C ]]]] B 1061 C 947 C 860 C 395 E 2932 B 2189 B 1462 D 1156 C 1061 C 901 C 227 E 164 E cm"1 (Gas) 2992 S 2819 S 2244 S 2058 S 1465 M 1453 M 1212 M 1156 VS 1111 S 1061 M 947 W 860 M 2932 S 2189 S 1462 M 1156 VS 1061 M 901 W cm SF („„)• SF (.i8). CF [2], SF (,.8). SF W. CF [2]. CF [2]. References [1] IR. J.-P. Perchard, M.-T. Forel, and M.-L. Josien, J. Chim. Phys. 61, 632 (1964). [2] Th. T. Shimanouchi and M. Oka, unpublished. 114 Molecule: Allene Symmetry D2(i CH2CCH2 Symmetry number «j = 4 No. 178 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments ai bl 62 vi V2 CH2 scis................ Vi CC stretch............. Vi CH2 twist.............. vs CH2 s-stretch........... Vt CC stretch............. n CH2 scis................ Vg CH2 a-stretch........... "9 CH2 rock............... vvi CH2 wag............... v\\ CCC deform............ 3015 A 1443 A 1073 A 865 C 3007 A 1957 C 1398 C 3086 A 999 A 841 A 355 A cm-1 (Gas) 865 3006.7 1957 1398 3085.5 999.1 840.8 355.3 (Gas) 3015.0 1442.6 1072.6 865 (liquid) 1960 (liquid) 1421 (liquid) References [1] IE.E. G. Herzberg, Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules (Van Nostrand, New York, 1945). [21 IR. C. H. Miller and H. W. Thompson, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), Ser. A,200, 1 (1949). [3] IR.R. R. C. Lord and P. Venkateswarlu, J. Chem. Phys. 20, 1237 (1952). [41 IR. J. Overend and H. W. Thompson, J. Opt. Soc. Amer. 43, 1065 (1953). [5] R. B. P. Stoicheff, Can. J. Phys. 33, 811 (1955). [6] IR. K. N. Rao and E. D. Palik, J. Chem. Phys. 23, 2112 (1955). [7] IR. J. Overend and H. W. Thompson, Trans. Faraday Soc. 52, 1295 (1956). [8] IR. K. N. Rao, A. H. Nielsen, and W. H. Fletcher, J. Chem. Phys. 26, 1572 (1957). [91 IR. K. N. Rao and E. D. Palik, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 1, 24 (1957). [101 IR. J- Overend and B. L. Crawford, J. Chem. Phys. 29, 1002 (1958). [11] R. S. Brodersen and E. H. Richardson, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 4, 439 (1960). [121 IR- L M. Mills, W. L. Smith, and J. L. Duncan, J. Mol. Spectrosc, 16, 349 (1965). [13] IR. A. G. Maki and R. A. Toth, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 17, 136 (1965). 115 Molecule: Methylacetylene CH3CCH No. 179 Symmetry C3v Symmetry number d = 3 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cm-1 cmr1 (Gas) (Liquid) Ol V\ CH stretch............. 3334 C 3334 3305 M vi CH3 s-stretch........... 2918 E /2941 M J2941 VS, p FR (ví + 2v7) [2]. \2881 v% C = C stretch........... 2142 A 2142.2 M 2142 VS, p Vi 1382 D 1382 S, dp Ví C-C stretch............ 931 C 930.7 W 930 S, p (gas) e ve CH3 d-stretch........... 3008 A 3008.3 M 2971 M Vi 1452 B 1452 M 1448 M v% CH3 rock............... 1053 A 1052.5 W 1035 W vs CH bend............... 633 C 633 S 643 S, dp vio CCC bend.............. 328 C 328 W 336 VS, dp References [1] R. G. Herzberg, Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules (Van Nostrand, New York, 1945). [2] IR. D. R. J. Boyd and H. W. Thompson, Trans. Faraday Soc. 48, 493 (1952). [3] Th. J. L. Duncan, Spectrochim. Acta 20, 1197 (1964). Molecule: Methylacetylene-di CH3CCD Symmetry C3v Symmetry number d = 3 No. 180 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Ra Comments vi Vi Ví Vi Vb ve vi Vi no CH3 s-stretch. CD stretch. . . C=C stretch. CH3 s-deform. C-C stretch. . CH3 d-stretch CH3 deform. . CH3 rock..... CD bend..... CCC bend... . cm 1 (Gas) 2920 E (2941.0 M \2881.0 M 2617 B 2616.8 S 2060 C 2060.3 W 1378 E 1378 W 886 E 3009 B 3008.9 M 1454 B 1453.5 M 1051 B 1051.0 W 498 B 497.5 S 314 B 314 M FR (2vi) [1]. OV CF [1]. References [i] IR. [2] Th. R. J. Crieenthwarte and H. W. Thompson, Trane. Faraday Soo. SO, 212 (1954). J. L. Duncan, Spectrochim. Acta 20, 1197 (1964). 116 Molecule: Methyl-d3- acetylene CD3CCH Symmetry C3v Symmetry number d = 3 No. 181 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared cm"1 (Gas) CH stretch............. 3336 A 3335.8 S V2 CD 3 s-stretch........... 2110 E Í2121.0 M \2077.0 M vs C = C stretch 2142 A 2142.0 M Vl CD 3 s-deform........... 1115 B 1115 M Vf, 830 B 830 W vs 2235 A 2234.9 M Vl CD3 d-deform........... 1048 A 1048.2 M v% 835 A 835.4 W vs CH bend............... 633 B 633 S via CCC bend.............. 305 B 304.5 M Raman Comments ai \ \ FR {vt + 2vi) [2]. OV (w). OV (,.). References [1] IR. M. T. Christensen and H. W. Thompson, Trans. Faraday Soc. 52, 1439 (1956). [2] Th. J. L. Duncan, Spectrochim. Acta 20, 1197 (1964). Molecule: Methylacetylene-d4 CD3CCD Symmetry C3v Symmetry number d No. 182 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments Vl V2 Ví Vi vs Vi Vl Vg VS vm CD stretch. . CD 3 s-stretch. C = C stretch. CD3 s-deform, C—C stretch . . CD3 d-stretch CD3 d-deform CD 3 rock..... CD bend..... CCC bend.... cmr1 (Gas) 2616 A 2616.3 VS 2110 E Í2121 M \2077 M 2008 A 2008.4 W 1110 A 1110.1 M 810 E 2235 A 2234.8 M 1048 A 1048.2 M 834 A 834.4 W 492 B 492 VS 294 B 294 M FR („, + 2v7) [2]. CF [1]. References See No. 181. 117 Molecule: Malononitrile NCCH2CN Symmetry C2v Symmetry number 6 = 2 No. 183 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments ai «2 fcl "1 "2 "3 "4 "5 "G "7 n C9 "11 "12 "la "14 "15 CH2 s-stretch CN s-stretch. CH2 scis..... CC s-stretch. CCC deform. CCN bend... CH2 twist. . . CCN bend... CN a-stretch. CH2 wag.... CC a-stretch. CCN bend... CH2 a-stretch CH2 rock.... CCN bend. . . 2935 C 2275 C 1395 C 890 C 582 167 1220 367 2275 1318 982 366 2968 933 337 cm 1 (Liquid) 2935 VS 2275 M 1395 VS 890 S 582 M 1220 V\v 371 M 2275 M 1318 W 982 S 366 S 2968 VS 933 M 337 S cm 1 (Liquid) 2929 (5) 2263 (7) 1386 (4) 892 (5) 574 (3b) 167 (10) 1214 (3) 367 (10) 22C3 (7) 1310 (2) 975 (1) 367 (10) 2960 (1) SF („). SF ("12). SF (vs). SF (,s). References [1] It. [2] IR.Th. [3] IR.R.Th. K. W. F. Kohlrausch and G. Prinz Ypsilanti, Z. Phvs. Chem. B29, 274 (1935). F. Halverson and R. J. Francel, J. Chem. Phys. 17,'694 (1949). T. Fujiyama and T. Shimanouchi, Spectrochim. Acta 20, 829 (1964). Molecule: Malononitrile-d2 NCCD2CN No. 184 Symmetry C2v Symmetry number d = 2 Sym. Approximate Selected species No. type of mode value of Infrared Raman Comments frequency cmr1 cmr1 (Liquid) (D20 soln.) «i "i CD2 s-stretch........... 2146 C 2146 S 2146 (4) VI CN s-stretch............ 2272 C 2272 M 2273 (8) SF (vs). Vs CD 2 scis................ 1037 C 1037 S 1033 (3) "4 CC s-stretch............ 858 C 858 M 854 (5) "5 CCC deform............ 577 C 577 M 581 (2) "6 CCN bend.............. 163 C 163 (4) Vl 892 C ia, 892 YW 892 (1) v% CCN bend.............. 356 C ia 356 (4) SF ("12). 6i Vs 2272 C 2272 M 2273 (8) SF (,2). "10 CD2 wag............... 1153 C J1165 M 1162 (0.5)\ FR ("i2 + "u). \1142 M 1130 (0.5)/ "11 CC a-stretch............ 829 C 829 M 828 (1) "12 CCN bend.............. 356 C 356 S 356 (4) SF ("S). 62 "13 CD2 a-stretch........... 2230 C 2230 S 2228 (2) "14 CD« rock............... 795 C 795 W "15 CCN bend.............. 302 C 302 (1) Reference [1] IR.R.Th. T. Fujiyama and T. Shimanouchi, Spectrochim. Acta 20, 829 (1964). 118 Molecule Propenal CH2CHCHOa Symmetry Ce Symmetry number d = 1 No. 185 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments vi CH2 a-stretch.. v2 CH(j3) stretch.. vs CH2 s-stretch. . Vi CH(a) stretch.. vs CO stretch. . . . »6 C=C stretch . . 7J7 CH2 scis....... vg CH(a) ip-bend. ví CH(jS) ip-bend. »io C-C stretch. .. vn CH2 rock...... »12 CCO deform... »18 CCC bend..... vu CH(/3) op-bend no CH(a) op-bend vie CH2 wag...... vn CH2 twist..... vu CC torsion. . . . cm 1 (Gas) 3103 C 3103 M 3028 D 3028 M (sobd) 3000 D 3000 M 2800 C 2800 S 1724 C 1724 VS 1625 C 1625 M 1420 C 1420 S 1360 C 1360 M 1275 C 1275 W 1158 C 1158 S 912 C 912 S 564 C 564 M 327 C 327 M 993 B 993 S 980 E 959 B 959 S 593 C 593 S 157 C 157 M CF [1, 2]. * Numbering of atoms: OHaCHCHO. References [1] IR. J. C. D. Brand and D. G. Williamson, Disc. Faraday Soc. 35, 184 (1963). [2] IR. R. K. Harris, Spectrochim. Acta 20, 1129 (1964). 119 Molecule: Cyclopropane CbHb Symmetry D3h Symmetry number 6 = 6 No. 186 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cm"1 cm"1 (Gas) (Gas) Ol' CH2 s-stretch........... 3038 C ia 3038 S, p y2 CH2 scis............... 1479 D ia J1504 W, p \FR (2,14). \1453 W, p ) Ring stretch............ 1188 C ia 1188 S, p Ol" Vi CH2 twist.............. 1126 D ia, ia, 1126 VW 1133 Vi CH2 wag............... 1070 D ia, ia OC (vi + Vio). 1075 (solid) o2" Vi CH2 a-stretch........... 3103 C 3103 S ia V7 CH2 rock............... 854 C 854 S ia e' "8 CH2 s-stretch........... 3025 C 3025 VS 3020 VS, p Vi CH2 scis............... 1438 C 1438 M 1442 M, dp via CH2 wag............... 1029 C 1029 S 1023 VW (liquid) Vll Ring deform............ 866 C 866 VS 866 S, dp e" vn CH2 a-stretch........... 3082 C ia 3082 S. dp vu CH2 twist.............. 1188 C ia 1188 M Vli 739 C ia 739 W, dp References [1] IR.R. [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] IR.R. IR.Th. R. IR. IR. G. Herzberg, Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules (Van Nostrand, New York, 1945), and references cited there. A. W. Baker and R. C. Lord, J. Chem. Phys. 23, 1636 (1955). Hs. H. Günthard, R. C. Lord, and T. K. McCubbin, Jr.. J. Chem. Phys. 25, 768 (1956). P. M. Mathai, G. G. Shepherd, and H. L. Welsh, Can. J. Phys. 34, 1448 (1956). C. Brecher, E. Krikorian, J. Blanc, and R. S. Halford, J. Chem. Phys. 35, 1097 (1961). J. L. Duncan and D. C. McKean, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 27, 117 (1968). 120 Molecule: Cyclopropane-de CjD6 Symmetry Symmetry number d = 6 No. 187 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments ai ai" a 2' a2" e' vi V2 Vi V5 vs V7 vs v» via Vll V12 vis vu CD2 s-stretch. CD 2 scis..... Ring stretch. . CDS twist. . . . CD 2 wag..... CD 2 a-stretch CD2 rock. . . . CD2 s-stretch CD 2 scis..... CD2 wag..... Ring deform. CD 2 a-stretch CD2 twist. .. CD2 rock 2236 C 1274 D 956 C 800 D 870 D 2336 C 614 C 2211 C 1072 C 885 C 717 C 2329 C 940 E 528 C cm 1 (Gas) ia ia ia ia, 800 VW ia, 875 (solid) 2336 VS 614 W 2211 VS 1072 S 885 M 717 VS ia ia ia cm"1 (Liquid) 2236 VS, p 1274 S, p 956 S, p ia ia ia 2204 W, dp 1068 W, dp 884 M, dp 721 M, dp 2329 S, p CF [2]. CF [2], OC ("5 + Vll). 528 W, dp CF [2], OC (2vn). References [1] IE.R. A. W. Baker and R. C. Lord, J. Chem. Phys. 23, 1636 (1955). [2] IR.Th. Hs. H. Giinthard, R. C. Lord, and T. K. McCubbin, Jr., J. Chem. Phys. 25, 768 (1956). [3] IR. J. L. Duncan and D. C. McKean, J. Mol. Speetrosc. 27, 117 (1968). 121 Molecule: Ethylcyanide CH3CH2CN Symmetry Cs Symmetry number d = 1 No. 188 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cm"1 cm"1 (Liquid) (Liquid) OV {vn). a1 »1 CH5 d-stretch........... 3001 c 3001 VS 2999 s Vi (H2 s-stretch........... 2955 C 2955 VS 2949 VS, p »3 CHs s-stretch........... 2900 C 2900 S 2898 S, p Vi CN stretch............. 2254 C 2254 VS 2251 VS, p Vi CHs d-deform........... 1465 c 1465 S 1466 VS, p SF (vie). »6 CH2 scis................ 1433 C 1433 S 1136 M. p Vi CH 3 s-deform........... 1387 C 1387 M 1374 VW. p vs CH» wag............... 1319 C 1319 M 1322 W, p vs 1077 C 1077 S 1078 M, p via CC stretch............. 1005 C 1005 M 1010 S, p Vll CH 8 rock............... 836 C 836 W 838 S, p Vli CCC deform........ 545 C 545 M 548 M, p Vis CCN bend............. 226 c 226 M 226 M, p a" Vli CH 3 d-stretch........... 3001 C 3001 VS 2999 S OV (vi). vn CH2 a-stretch........... 2849 C 2849 S 2850 M vie 1465 C 1465 S 1466 VS, dp SF (vb). vn 1256 C 1256 VW 1270 VW, dp ^18 CH3 rock 1022 E CF [2]. »19 CHS rock............... 786 C 786 M 784 VW, dp »20 CCN bend............. 378 C 378 M 378 M, dp V" 1 Torsion 222 C MW 12J. References [1] IR.R. N. E. Duncan and G. J. Janz, J. Chem. Phys. 23, 434 (1955). [2] MW. V. W. Laurie, J. Chem. Phys. 31, 1500 (1959). [3] IR.R.Th. T. Fujiyama, Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 44, 89 (1971). 122 Molecule: Acetone CH3COCH3 Symmetry C2V Symmetry number tf = 2 No. 189 Sym. species No. Vi Vi Vi Vi v* Vi Vi vi vio vii Vli vis Vli Vli Vli v a Vli Vli Via Vil va ViS Vii Approximate type of mode Cir., d-sireieh ....... 3019 C CH3s-stretch........... 2937 D CO stretch............. 1731 C CH3 d-deform........... 1435 C CHss-deform........... 1364 C CHjrock............... 1066 C CC stretch............. 777 C CCC deform............ 385 C CHS d-stretch........... 2963 E CH3d-deform........... 1426 E CH3rock............... 877 E Torsion................ 105 D CH3 d-stretch........... 3019 C CH3s-stretch........... 2937 D CHS d-deform...........1 1410 C Selected value of frequency CH3 s-deform. CC stretch. . . CH3 rock..... CO ip-bend... CH3 d-stretch. CH3 d-deform. CH 3 rock..... CO op-bend. . Torsion...... 1364 C 1216 C 891 C 530 C 2972 C 1454 C 1091 C 484 C 109 D Infrared cm~L (Gas) 3018.5 S 2937 S 1731 VS 1435 S 1363.5 VS Raman 777 W 385 W ia ia ia ia 3018.5 S 2937 S 1410 S 1363.5VS 1215.5 VS 891 M 530 S 2972 S 1454 S 1090.5 M 484 W 109 cmr1 (Liquid) 3005.5 S 2922 VS, p 1710.5 S, p 1430 1356 1066 787 393 Comments S ~w M, p VS.p W, dp 3005. 2922 5 S, dp VS 1221 M, dp 902.5 W, dp 531 M, dp 2967 S 493 W, dp SF (?-,»). SF (vu). SF (vie). CF [4]. CF [4]. CF [4]. CF[4];MW:102[1]. SF („0. SF („2). SF (vb). MW: 102. [1]. References [1] MW. [2] IR. [3] IR.R.Th. [4] IR.R.Th. [51 IR.R.Th. [6] R. J. D. Swalen and C. C. Costain, J. Chem. Phys. 31, 1562 (1959). W. G. Fateley and F. A. Miller, Spectrochim. Acta 18, 977 (1962). P. Cossee and J. H. Schachtschneider, J. Chem. Phys. 44, 97 (1966). G. Dellepiane and J. Overend, Spectrochim. Acta 22, 593 (1966). M. Mikami, Ph.D. Thesis, (University of Tokyo, 1969). T. Fujiyama and T. Shimanouchi. Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, in press. 123 Molecule: Acetone-Symmetry Ca a. a-d3 CH3COCD3 Symmetry number d = 1 No. 190 Sym. species No. V2 Vs VA Vi VI VB Vi) Vw VII Viz VIS Vli VlS vie Vll Viz vw vw V21 Vl$ V2i References [1] IR.R.Th. [2] IR.R.Th. Approximate type of mode CH3 d-stretch. CH3 s-stretcb. CDS d-stretch. CD3 s-stretch. CO stretch. . . . CH3 d-deform, CHs s-deform. CC stretch. . . CD3 s-deform. CHS rock..... CD3 d-deform. CD 3 rock..... CC stretch____ CO ip-bend.. . CCC deform CH8 d-stretch. CD3 d-stretch. CH3 d-deform. CH3 rock..... CD3 d-deform. CD 3 rock..... CO op-bend. CH3 torsion. CDS torsion. Selected value of frequency 3018 C 2922 C 2265 C 2115 E i C C c c c c 1734 C 1430 C 1360 1225 1058 1021 1003 781 740 C 502 C 352 C 2968 C 2222 C 1447 C 1035 C 999 C 764 D 438 C 106 E 78 E Infrared cm 1 (Gas) 3017.5 S 2265 M 2150 WW 2095 vw 1734 VS 1430 s 1360 VS 1224.5 VS 1021 s 781 w 735 w 501 5 S 352 w 2968 S 2222 M 1447 S 1035 s 999 S 764 M (solid) 438 Raman cmr1 (Liquid) 3004.5 S 2921.5 VS, p 2256 S 2141.5VS,p 2095.5 S, p 1706 S 1427.5 M 1361.5 VW 1227.5 W 1057.5 W 1029.5 W 1003 M, p 780.5 VW 740 VS, p 356.5 W 2965 S 2217.5 S 444 W Comments FR (2. CF [2]. CF [2]. G. Dellepiane and J. Overend, Spectrochim. Acta 22, 593 (1966). M. Mikami, Ph.D. Thesis, (University of Tokyo, 1969). 124 Molecule: Acetone-d6 CD3COCD3 Symmetry C2v Symmetry number 2). CF [4]. a Assigning frequencies higher than these by 10-20 percent may be more reasonable in view of the results for CHSCH2CH References 1] IE. H. L. McMurry auj V. TWulou, J. CUeui. Phys. 18, 1515 (1950). 2] IK. H. L. McMurry and V. Thornton, J. Chem. Phys. 19, 1014 (1951). 3] Th. H. Takahashi, Nippon Kagaku Zasshi 82, 1304 (1961). 4] IR. J. N. Gayles, Jr. and W. T. King, Spectrochim. Acta 21, 543 (1965). '5] Th. T. Shimanouchi and T. Ueda, unpublished. 6] Th. J. N. Gayles, Jr., W. T. King, and J. H. Schachtschneider, Spectrochim. Acta 23A, 703 (1967). 127 Molecule: Propane-1.1,1-d, CILCILCDs Symmetry Ca Symmetry number d = 1 No. 194 No. "1 "2 v% "4 "s "6 "7 "8 "9 "10 vu "12 "13 "14 "15 "16 "17 "18 "19 "20 "21 "22 "23 "24 "25 "26 "27 Approximate type of mode CH3 d-stretch.. CH3 s-stretch. . CH2 s-stretch. . CD3 d-stretch. CD 3 s-stretch. . CH2 scis...... CH3 d-deform. CH3 s-deform. CH2 wag...... CC stretch. . . CH3 rock..... CD3 d-deform. CD3 s-deform. CC stretch. . . CD 3 rock..... CCC deform.. CH8 d-stretch. a-stretch. d-stretch. d-deform. twist.... rock..... d-deform. rock..... rock..... torsion. . CD2 CD 3 CH3 CH2 CH3 CD3 CH2 CD3] CH3 CD 3 torsion. Selected value of frequency C C C C 2966 C 2934 D 2882 C 2225 C 2075 C 1461 D 1460 D 1383 C 1332 1132 1101 1062 999 D 846 C 750 C 339 E 2966 C 2935 C 2214 C 1461 D 1285 D 1129 C 1063 C 831 C 660 C »216 E "161 E Infrared cm.-1 (Gas) 2966 2934 2882 2225 2075 1461 1460 1383 1332 1132 1101 1062 999 846 750 2966 2935 2214 1461 1285 1129 1063 831 660 Raman Comments CF [2]. SF {vi). SF ("6). CF [2]. CF [2]. * Assigning frequencies higher than these by 10-20 percent may be more reasonable in view of the results for CHSCH2CH3 References [1] IR. J. N. Gayles, Jr. and W. T. King, Spectrochim. Acta. 21, 543 (1965). [2] Th. T. Shimanouchi and T. Ueda, unpublished. [3] Th. J. N. Gayles, Jr., W. T. King, and J. H. Schachtschneider, Spectrochim. Acta 23A, 703 (1967). 128 Molecule: Propaiie-l,l,l,3,3,3-d6 CD3CH2CD3 Symmetry C2v Symmetry number d = 2 No. 105 Sym. species Ol a2 No. VI Vi Vi Vi Vi V« vi fs vs VW y 11 v 12 vn vu Vli ľl6 V17 ľ 18 V19 V20 Vil Vil vis Vli V2i V26 ľ 27 Approximate type of mode CH 2 s-stretch. CD 3 d-stretch. CD8 s-stretch. CH2 scis...... CD 3 s-deform. CD 3 d-deform. CD 3 rock..... CC stretch.... CCC deform.. CD3 d-stretch. CH2 twist.... CD3 d-deform. CD 3 rock..... Torsion...... CD3 d-stretch. CDs s-stretch. CH2 wag..... CC stretch. . . CD3 d-deform. s-deform. rock..... a-stretch. d-stretch. d-deform. rock..... rock..... CDS CDS CH2 CD 3 CDa CH2 CD3 Torsion. Selected value of frequency 2883 C 2225 C 2091 C 1467 C 1098 E 1066 C 962 E 711 D 315 E 2222 E 1257 E 1052 E 700 E "142 E 2227 C 2091 C 1331 C 1131 C 1066 C 920 E 725 C 2929 C 2225 C 1087 C 1066 D 640 C *173 E Infrared cm 1 (Gas) 2883 2225 2091 1467 Raman 1066 962 711 ía ia ia ia ia 2227 2091 1331 1131 1066 920 725 2929 2225 1087 1066 640 Comments SF (vis). SF (*„). CF [4]. SF (vn). CF [4]. CF L4]. CF [4]. CF [4]. CF [4]. OC (vii + Vil, vn — 2vu) [3]. SF (vs). SF (v*). SF (vi). OC (y2i + V27 - vu) m. " Assigning frequencies higher than these by 10-20 percent may be more reasonable in view of the results for CH3CH2CH3. References 11 IR. H. L. McMurry and V. Thornton, J. Chem. Phys. 19,1014 (1951). 21 Th. H. Takahashi, Nippon Kagaku Zasshi 82, 1304 (1961). 31 IR. J. N. Gayles, Jr. and W. T. King, Spectrochim. Acta 21, 543 (1965). 41 Th. T. Shimanouchi and T. Ueda, unpublished. [51 Th. J. N. Gayles, Jr., W. T. King, and J. H. Schachtschneider, Spectrochim. Acta 23A, 703 (1967). 129 Molecule: Propane-dg CD3CD2CDS Symmetry C2v Symmetry number o = 2 No. 196 Sym. species at No. "i ^2 ^3 Vi Vi Vi Vi Vi Vä via vn V\2 v\s V\i V\i Vit, vn v\% vn via Vil Vit Vis Vu Vi*, Vi«, Vil Approximate type of mode CD, d-stretch. CD3 s-stretch. CD2 s-stretch. CD3 s-deform. CD2 scis..... CD 3 d-deform. CD 3 rock..... CC stretch. . . CCC deform. . CD3 d-stretch. CD3 d-deform CD2 twist CD 3 rock..... Torsion...... CD3 d-stretch. CD 3 s-hlrelch. CC stretch. . . CD 3 d-deform CD3 s-deform. CD2 wag..... CD 3 rock..... CD3 d-stretch CD 2 a-stretch CD3 d-deform CD 3 rock..... CD 2 rock..... Torsion...... Selected value of frequency 2225 C 2122 C 2081 C 1086 D 1064 D 1064 D 959 C 712 C 332 E 2221 E 1064 E 945 E 659 E »143 E 2224 C 2031 C 1203 C 1086 D 1068 D 862 D 688 C 2224 C 2149 D 1064 D 949 D 544 D »172 E Infrared cm 1 (Gas) 2225 2122 2081 1086 1064 1064 959 712 ía ia ia ia ia 2224 2081 1203 1086 1068 862 688 2224 2149 1064 949 544 Raman cm Comments SF („«). CF [3]. CF [4]. CF [4]. CF [4]. CF [4]. OC (vu + ^22, Vu + ^24) [3]. SF (ys). SF (Vi). SF („„). SF <>5, vi). OC (v25 + Vil - vn) [3.] a Assigning frequencies higher than 10-20 percent may be more reasonable in view of the results for CH3CH2CH3 References [1] IR. H. L. McMurry and V. Thornton, J. Chem. Phys. 19, 1014 (1951). [2] Th. H. Takahashi, Nippon Kagaku Zasshi 82, 1304 (1961). [3] IR. J. N. Gayles, Jr. and W. T. King, Spectrochim. Acta 21, 543 (1965). [4] Th. T. Shimanouchi and T. Ueda, unpublished. [5] Th. J. N. Gayles, Jr., W. T. King, and J. H. Schachtschneider, Spectrochim. Acta 23A, 703 (1967). 130 Molecule: Methyl acetate CH3COOCH3 Symmetry Ca Symmetry number C-0 stretch............ 1268 C 1268 VS Vll CH3 rock............... 1160 D 1160 V Vli O-CH3 stretch.......... 1049 D 1049 V VIS 780 C 780 M Vli CC stretch............. 860 C 860 M Vli C = 0 ip-bend........... 599 C 599 M via 390 C 390 M V17 COC deform............ 298 D 298 M a" Vis 3004 D 3004 M Vis, CD 3 d-stretch........... 2253 D 2253 V Via CH3 d-deform......... 1455 E 1455 V, sh OV (,6). (CCI4 soln.) Vil CD 3 d-deform........... 1033 D 1033 V Vii 1181 E 1181 W vis CD8 rock............... 918 C 918 M Vli C = 0 op-bend.......... 525 D 525 M vis 178 D 178 M .26 C—C torsion............ 98 E CF [2]. vn O-CH3 torsion.......... 110 E CF [2]. References [1] IR. B. Nolin and R. N. Jones, Can. J. Cnem. 34, 1382 (1956). [2J IR.Th. S. Ichikawa, Y. Udagawa, and T. Shimanouchi, unpublished. 132 Molecule: Methyl-da-acetate CHsCOOCDs Symmetry Cs Symmetry number d No. 199 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments vi Vi V3 Vi Vi v$ vi Vg K9 VlO Vll Vl2 vn vu VIS Vie vn vis Vl) V%j V21 vn vu vn ^26 vzi CD 3 d-stretch. CH3 d-stretch. CD 3 s-stretch. CH3 s-stretch. C = O stretch. CD3 d-deform. CD3 s-deform. CH3 d-deform. CH3 s-deform. . C-0 stretch. . . CD 3 rock...... O-CD3 stretch. CHs rock...... CC stretch. . . . C = 0 ip-bend.. CCO deform... COC deform... CD8 d-stretch. CH3 d-stretch. CD3 d-deform. . CH3 d-deform. CD3 rock...... CD 3 rock...... C = O op-bend. C-0 torsion. . . C-C torsion. . . O-CD3 torsion. 2288 D 3031 D 2104 D 2964 D 1769 C 1050 E 1106 C 1430 E 1375 D 1268 C 985 D 1043 D 947 C 781 C 619 C 420 C 270 D 2263 D 2994 D 1050 D 1430 E 908 E 1015 E 600 D 165 D 136 E 81 E cm (Gas) 2288 M 3031 W 2104 M 2964 W 1769 VS 1050 W 1106 S 1430 W (CCI4 soln.) 1375 S 1268 VS 985 W 1043 M 947 M 781 M 619 M 420 M 270 M 2263 M 2994 W 1050 W 1430 W (CChsoln.) 908 VW" 1015 W, sh 600 W, sh 165 M OV (v20). OV (vn). OV (vt). OV (*). CF [2]. CF [2]. References See No. 198. 133 Molecule: Methyl acetate-d6 CD3COOCD3 Symmetry Cs Symmetry number d = 1 No. 2U0 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments VI Ví. V3 Vi Vb ve vi vs vs vw VII viz V13 "a Vis vis Vll Via Vll Vii V2Í va Vib vis vn CD3(0) d-stretch CD3(C) d-stretch. CD3(0) s-stretch . CDa(C) s-stretch. C = O stretch. . . . CDs(0) d-deform CD3(0) s-deform. CD3(C) d-deform CD3(C) s-deform. C-0 stretch..... CDj(O) rock..... O-CH3 stretch. . . CD3(C) rock..... CC, stretch...... C = 0 ip-bend.. . . CCO deform..... COC deform..... CD0(O) d-stretch CD3(C) d-stretch CD3(0) d-deform CD3(C) d-deform CD3(0) rock..... CD3(C) rock..... C = O op-bend. . . C-0 torsion..... C-C torsion..... O—CH3 torsion. . . 2285 D 2275 E 2099 D 2087 E 1767 C 1059 E 1106 C 1003 E 1086 E 1282 C 975 D 1045 E 828 E 747 C 585 C 334 C 266 D 2264 D 2253 E 1059 D 1038 E 908 E 925 D 522 D 160 D 100 E 80 E cm 1 (Gas) 2285 M 2099 M 1767 VS 1059 W 1106 S 1003 W 1282 VS 975 M 1045 W 828 W 747 M 585 M 334 M 266 M 2264 M 1059 W 1038 W 925 M 522 M 160 W SF (ví of CD3COOCH3). SF (y, of CDsCOOCHs). OV (ym). SF (vs of CD3COOCH3). SF Ou of CD3COOCH3). OV (v6). SF (ťa of CH3 COOCD3). CF [2]. CF [2]. References See No. 198. 134 Molecule: Butadiyne HCCCCH Symmetry DMh Symmetry number o" = 2 No. 201 Sym. No. Approximate Selected species type of mode value of Infrared Raman Comments frequency cm-1 cmr1 CH stretch............. (Gas) (Gas) *.+ V\ 3293 D ia 3293 VW C = C stretch........... (liquid) "2 2184 C ia 2184 VS Vz G—C stretch............ 874 C ia 874 W a + j'i9, 2ji19)_ 453 (0) dp " These frecruencies were estimated from isotopic rule [3]. References 1] IR. H. W. Thompson and R. B. Temple, Trans. Faraday Soc. 41, 27 (1945). 2] R. K. W. Kohlrausch and H. Schreiner, Acta Phys. Austriaca 1, 373 (1948). 3] IR.R. M. Rico, J. M. Orza, and J. Morcillo, Spectrochim. Acta 21, 689 (1965). 4] IR.R. V. T. Aleksanyan, Ya. M. Kimelfeld, N. N. Magdesieva, and Yu. K. Yurev, Opt. Spectrosc. 22, 116 (1967). 137 Molecule; Thiopkene-d« CJJ-iS No. 204 Symmetry Gzv Symmetry number d = 2 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cm-1 cm-1 CD stretch............. (Gas) (Liquid) ai VI 2343 C 2343 M 2326 (6) Vs. CD stretch............. 2290 C 2290 M Vs ip-Ring II.............. 1376 C 1376 S 1372 (10) p Vi ip-Ring III........... 1248 C 1248 W 1240 (5) Vi 896 C 896 M 891 (10) p Vß CD ip-bend............. 785 C 785 M 780 (3) dp v7 ip-Ring IV............. 731 C 731 VS 723 (3) Vi ip-Ring VII............ 585 D 585 VW 582 (2) p V9 CD op-bend............ 752 E ia, 756 752 (3) dp SF (v„). (solid) V10 CD op-bend............ 532 D ia 532 (2) dp Vll op-Ring I.............. 488 D ia 488 vu CD stretch............. »2340 E vis CD stretch........... 2305 C 2305 M 2286 (4) dp Vli ip-Ring I............. 1459 C 1459 M Vll CD ip-bend.......... 1034 C 1034 S V16 CD ip-bend........... 846 C 846 S 847 (2) Vll ip-Ring V........... 752 D 756 752 (3) dp (solid) vis ip-Ring VI............. 712 C 712 W Vli CD op-bend............ 684 C 684 VW 682 (1) V20 CD op-bend......... 531 C 531 VS Vll op-Ring II............ 414 C 414 VW 411 a This frequency was estimated from isotopic rule [2], References [1] R. K. W. Kohlrausch and H. Schreiner, Acta Phys. Austriaca 1, 373 (1948). [2] IR.R. M. Rico, J. M. Orza, and J. Morcillo, Spectrochim. Acta 21, 689 (1965). [3] IR.R. V. T. Aleksanyan, Ya. M. Kimelfeid, N. N. Magdesieva, and Yu. K. Yurev, Opt. Spectrosc. 22, 116 (1967). 138 Molecule: 1,3-Butadiene CH2CHCHCH2 No. 205 Symmetry C2h Symmetry number d = 2 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cm"1 cwr1 (Gas) (Solid) ae Vl 3087 D ia 3087 M VI 3003 D ia 3003 M Vi 2992 D ia 2992 S Vi 1630 D ia 1630 VS Vi 1438 D ia 1438 S Vi CH bend...... ,........ 1280 D ia 1280 S C7 1196 D ia 1196 S ^8 894 D ia 894 W vs 512 D ia 512 S au via CH bend............... 1013 B 1013.4 VS ia Vll 900 B 907.8 VS ia vu CH2 twist.............. 522 B 522.2 M ia Vu 162 B 162.3 VW ia b„ vn CH bend............... 976 D ia 976 W vis 912 D ia 912 S vie CH2 twist.............. 770 D ia 770 VW bu vn 3101 B 3100.6 S ia vis CH stretch............. 3055 B 3054.9 S ia Vli CH2 s-stretch........... 2984 B 2984.3 S ia V20 C = C stretch. .......... 1596 B 1596.0 S ia V21 CH2 scis............... 1381 B 1380.7 W ia V22 CH bend............... 1294 B 1294.3 W ia vaz CH2 rock............... 990 B 989.7 M ia V2i CCC deform............ 301 B 300.6 VW ia References 1] R. C. M. Richards and J. R. Nielsen, J. Opt. Soc. Amer. 40, 438 (1950). 2] Th. L. M. Sverdlov and N. V. Tarasova, Opt. Spectrosc. 9, 159 (1960). 3] IR. R. K. Harris, Spectrochim. Acta 20, 1129 (1964). 4] IR.R.Th. K. Abe, Ph.D. Thesis (University of Tokyo, 1970). 139 Molecule: 1,3-Butadiene-l-di (trans) CH2CHCHCHD Symmetry Ca Symmetry number d = 1 No. 206 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments vz V% VI vi V6 VI Vi Vs vio VII vn V13 vn V1Í vw vn vts vw vzo Vll V22 V23 V2i CH2 a-stretch. CH stretch. . . CH stretch. . . CH stretch. . . CH2 s-stretch. CD stretch. . . C = C stretch. C = C stretch. CH2 scis..... CH ip-bend... CH ip-bend. . CH ip-bend... C-C stretch. . CH2 rock..... CD ip-bend.. CCC deform. CCC deform. CH op-bend. CH op-bend. CH2 wag. . . . CH op-bend. CD op-bend. CH2 twist. . . C—C torsion. 3100 C 3075 D 3048 C 3021 C 3003 D 2286 C 1631 D 1580 B 1409 D 1304 E 1288 D 1270 C 1183 D 964 D 793 D 511 D 288 C 1008 B 960 B 909 B 849 B 674 C 464 C 161 E cm-1 (Gas) 3100.4 S 3047.9 S 3020.5 S 2285.9 M 15797 S' 1270 M 1185 W 964 W (solid) 288 VW 1008.0 VS 959.9 S 908.6 VS 849.2 S 673.9 VW 464.0 W cm 1 (Solid) 3090 M 3075 W 3003 M 2276 M 1631 VS 1572 M 1409 VW 1288 S 1272 VW 1183 S 793 W 511 M 921 M 862 M CF [1]. CF [1]. Reference [1] IR.R.Th. K. Abo, Pk.D. Thesis (UhívclsUjt „r Tokju, 1970). 140 Molecule: l,3-Butadicnc-l,l,2-d3 CH2CHCDCD2 No. 207 Symmetry Cs Symmetry number 6 = 1 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cm"1 cmT1 (Gas) a' VI 3099 C 3099.1 S Vi CH stretch............. 3016 C 3016.4 S Vi CH2 s-stretch........... 2995 C 2995.4 S Vi 2342 C 2341.9 S Vi 2268 C 2267.9 S V6 2217 C 2217.1 S VI C = C stretch........... 1630 C 1630.4 M Vi C = C stretch........... 1549 B 1548.5 S Vi CH2 scis................ 1425 C 1425 M Via 1298 C 1298 W Vli C-C stretch............ 1185 C 1185 W Vli CD2 scis............... 1080 C 1080 W vu 992 D 991.8 W (solid) Vli CH2 rock............... 880 D 879.9 M (solid) Vu CD2 rock............... 757 E CF [1]. vie CCC deform............ 476 E CF [1]. vin CCC deform............ 280 D 280 W a" Vis 991 B 990.6 VS vw 909 B 909.2 VS ViO CD op-bend............ 791 B 791.3 W Vil CD2 wag............... 715 E Í 734.0 S \........... FR (vn + vu). 1 710.1 VS } Vii CH2 twist.............. 674 B 673.8 S Vi% CD 2 twist.............. 439 C 439.0 M Vii C—C torsion............. 153 E CF [1]. Reference [1] IR.Th. K. Abe, Ph.D. Thesis (University of Tokyo, 1970). 141 Molecules 1.3-DulatIuue-] ,1,4yl- vu Vl2 Vl3 VU vis Pis vn vis Vl9 via V21 V22 V2S CD2 s-stretch. . CD 2 scis...... Ring stretch. . . CD2 a-stretch.. CD2 rock. . . . Ring puckering CD 2 wag...... CD 2 twist..... CD2 wag...... Ring deform. . . CD2 twist..... CD2 s-stretch. . CD 2 scis...... Ring deform. . . CD2 a-stretch., CD rock...... CD2 a-stretch.. CD2 twist. . . . CD2 rock. , . . . CDs s-stretch. CD2 scis...... CD2 wag..... Ring deform. . 2124 E 1160 C 882 C 2224 E 632 E 158 D 1010 E 889 E 1078 C 746 C 864 E 2115 E 1040 D 938 D 2242 C 483 C 2230 C 938 D 556 C 2103 E 1078 C 1048 C 734 C cm 1 (Gas) ia ia ia ia ia ia ia ia ia ia ia 2242 S 483 S 556 W 1078 S 1048 S 734 S cm 1 (Liquid) 1160 p 882 p ia ia 1078 dp 746 dp 1040 dp 938 dp 2230 dp 938 dp CF [2]. CF 2 CF 2 RP 3 CF r2 CF f2 CF [2]. CF [2]. SF (vis). SF (vu). CF [2]. References [1] IR.E. D. G. Rea, Ph.D. Thesis (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1954). [2] Th. R. C. Lord and I. Nakagawa, J. Chem. Phys. 39, 2951 (1963). [3] IR.R. J. M. R. Stone and I. M. Mills, Mol. Phys. 18, 653 (1970). 146 Molecule: 2-Metb.ylpropene (CH3)2CCH2 Symmetry C2v Symmetry number d = 2 No. 213 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments Ol a2 61 .1 V-L Vi Vi Ví, Vi Vi Vs ve v 10 Vil Vil Vi!, Vli ľlS Vli v n vis Vw vw V21 vit Vli Vli Vli Vli vn Via ľ30 CH2 s-stretch. CH8 d-stretch. CH3 s-stretch. C = C stretch. CH3 d-deform. CH2 scis...... CH 8 s-deform..... CH 3 rock......... C-C stretch...... C = CC2 ip-deform. CH 3 CH3 CHä CH2 CH3 CH2 CHS CH 3 CH3 CH3 C-C CH3 CH2 C = CC2 ip-deform. d-stretch. d-deform. rock..... twist. . . . torsion. . . a-stretch. d-stretch. s-stretch. d-deform. s-deform. stretch. . rock..... rock..... CH8 d-stretch..... CH 3 d-deform..... CH3 rock......... CH2 wag......... C = CC2 op-deform. CH3 torsion....... 2989 D 2941 C 2911 D 1661 C 1470 C 1416 D 1366 D 1064 C 801 C 383 D 2970 D 1459 D 1076 E 981 E 193 E C C C C c c 3086 2980 2893 1458 1381 1282 1043 E 974 C 430 D 2945 1444 1079 890 429 196 cm 1 (Gasl 2991 M (solid) 2940.8 2919 W 1661.1 S 1469.6 S 1419 W (solid) 1063.9 S 801 W 384 W (solid) ia ia ia ia ia 3086.0 S 2980.4 2892.9 W 1458.4 S 1381.2 S 1281.9 S cm 1 (Liquid) 2989 S, p 2930 W, p 2911 S, p 1655 S,p 1462 VW 1416 S, p 1366 VW, p 1058 W, p 803 VS, p 383 W 2970 W, p 1459 VW 3079 W, dp 2970 W, dp 2892 W, dp 1386 W 1281 W 973.7 W 430 sh (solid) 2944.9 S 1443. 1079. 889, 429. 196 S S VS S VW 972 VW 1439 VW 883 W, dp 431 W, dp OV (.17). CF [4]. CF [4]. CF [3]. OV (vn). CF [4]. References [1] IR. D. R. Smith, B. K. McKenna, and K. D. Möller, J. Chem. Phys. 45, 1904 (1966). [2] IR.R. W. Liittke and S. Braun, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 71, 34 (1967). [3] IR.Th. Y. Abe, Ph.D. Thesis (University of Tokyo, 1968). [4] IR.R. C. M. Pathak and W. H. Fletcher, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 31, 32 (1969). 147 Molecule: 2-Methyl-d3-propene-3,3,3-d3 (CD8)2CCH2 Symmetry C2v Symmetry number d = 2 No. 214 Sym. species Ol No. »1 Vi Vi Vi Vi v» »9 »10 »11 »12 »13 »14 »15 »16 »17 »18 »19 »20 »21 »22 »23 »24 »25 »26 »27 »28 »29 »30 Approximate type of mode CH2 s-stretch. CD 3 d-stretch. CD 3 s-stretch. C = C stretch. CH2 scis...... CD 5 s-deform. CD 3 d-deform. CD 3 rock C-C stretch. C = CC2 ip-deform. CD 3 d-stretch..... d-deform..... rock......... twist........ torsion....... a-stretch..... d-stretch..... s-stretch..... C—C stretch...... CD 3 d-deform..... CD 3 s-deform..... CD3 CD 3 cnv CD3 CH2 CD3 CD 3 CH2 rock.......... CD 3 rock.......... C = CC2 ip-deform. CD3 d-stretch...... CD 3 d-deform..... CD 3 rock.......... CH2 wag.......... C = CC2 op-deform. CD 3 torsion....... Selected value of frequency 2996 C 2166 D 2111 C 1650 C 1410 C 1092 D 1056 D 850 E 718 D 319 C 2208 E 1054 E 731 E 664 E 138 E 3085 C 2236 C 2072 C 1294 C 1074 C 1052 D 880 E 745 C 400 C 2204 C 1055 C 923 C 884 C 369 C 143 E Infrared cm-1 (Gas) 2996 M 2166 W (solid) 2111 W 1650 S 1410 W 1092 W (solid) 1056 M (solid) Raman 718 W (solid) 319 W ia ia ia ia ia 3085 S 2236 S 2072 M 1294 M 1074 W 1052 M (solid) 745 W 400 M 2204 S 1055 S 923 M 884 VS 369 S cm Comments CF [1]. CF [1]- CF 11]. CF m. CF [ll- CF Ul- CF [1]. CF [1]. Reference [1] IR.Th. Y. Abe, Ph.D. Thesis (University of Tokyo, 1968). 148 Molecule: 2-Butanone CH8COCH2CH3 (trans form) Symmetry Cs Symmetry number d = 1 No. 215 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments v\ Vi v% Vi Ví Vi Vi vs v» "10 "11 ľl2 vn Vli vis vis vn vis vw ViQ vn Vn Vit Vii Vii Vif, Vil Vis V29 vao vn VS2 "33 CH3(1) d-stretch. CH3(4) d-stretcb. CH3(1) s-stretch. CH3(4) s-stretch. CH2 s-stretch CO stretch...... CHS(4) d-deform. CH2 scis.v........ CH8(1) d-deform. CH3(4) s-deform. CH3(1) s-deform. CH2 wag........ CC(12) stretch.. . CH3(4) rock..... CC(34) stretch.. . CHa(l) rock..... CC(23) stretch.. . CO ip-bend....... CCC(123) deform. CCC(234) deform. CH3(1) d-stretch. CH3(4) d-stretch. CH2 d-stretch.... CHa(4) d-deform. CHs(l) d-deform. CH2 twist....... CH8(4) rock..... CH3(1) rock..... CH 2 rock........ CO op-bend. . . CC(34) torsion. CC(12) torsion. CC(23) torsion. 2983 D 2983 D 2910 D 2910 D 2884 D 1716 C 1460 D 1422 C 1413 D 1373 C 1346 C 1263 L) 1182 C 1089 C 997 C 939 C 760 D 590 C 413 C 260 C 2983 D 2983 D 2941 D 1460 D 1413 D 1263 D 1108 C 952 C 768 D 460 C 201 E 106 E 87 C cm 1 (Solid) 2983 S (liquid) 2983 S (liquid) 2910 S (liquid) 2910 S (liquid) 2884 S (liquid) 1716 S 1460 M 1422 S 1413 S 1373 S 1346 S 1263 W 1182 S 1089 M 997 939 760 S (liquid) 590 S 413 S 260 S 2983 S (liquid) 2983 S (liquid) 2941 S (liquid) 1460 M 1413 S 1263 W 1108 W 952 sh 768 S (liquid) 460 VW 87 W cm 1 (Liquid) 2983 M 2983 M 2924 S, p 2924 S, p 1715 M, p 1450 M 1419 M 1345 W 1258 W 1169 W 1087 M, p 999 W 951 W 760 M, p 591 W 410 W 264 W 2983 2983 1450 M 'Í258W" 951 W OV (ví, vn, vn). OV (vi, v n, va). OV {vi). OV („). OV (vu). OV (Vis). OV (*„). OV (ľl, Vi, Va). OV (ľi, ví, ľ2i). OV („). OV („,). OV (vu). CF [4]. CF [4]. References [1] IR. [2] IR.R. [3] IR.Th. [41 IR.R.Th. A. Pozefsky and N. D. Coggeshall, Anal. Chem. 23, 1611 (1951). J. E. Katon and F. F. Bentley, Spectrochim. Acta 19, 639 (1963). T. Shimanouchi, Y. Abe, and M. Mikami, Spectrochim. Acta, 24A, 1037 (1968). M. Mikami, Ph.D. Thesis (University of Tokyo, 1969). 149 Molecule: n-Butane CH3CH2CH2CH3 (trans form) Symmetry C2U Symmetry number á = 2 No. 216 Sym. epecies No Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments v\ v% vz Vi Vh Vf, vs Vi VVj vn vu viz vn vis vn vn vis vis "20 "21 ^22 VZ3 V2i V2b V26 V27 V2S V2<3 v so V31 VZ2 VIZ V34 Via VM CH3d-stretch. CHS s-stretch . CH2 s-stretch. CH3 d-deform. CH2 scis...... CH3 s-deform. CH2 wag..... CH3 rock..... CC stretch. . . CC stretch. . . CCC deform.. CH3 d-stretch. CH2 a-stretch. CHS d-deform. CH2 twist.... CHS CH2 CH3-CH2-CH3 CH2 CH3 CH2 CH3 CH2 CHS. CH3 CH3 CH2 CH3 roek........ rock........ ■CH2 torsion. ■CH2 torsion. d-stretch... . a-stretch d-deform twist....... rock........ rock........ ■CH2 torsion. d-stretch s-stretch. . . . s-stretch d-deform.... CH2 scis...... CH3 s-deform. CH2 wag..... CC stretch. . . CHs rock... . CCC deform. 2965 C 2872 C 2853 D 1460 C 1442 D 1382 C 1361 D 1151 C 1059 C 837 C 425 C 2968 C 2930 C 1461 C 1257 C 948 B 731 B 194 E 102 E 2965 C 2912 C 1460 C 1300 C 1180 D 803 D 225 E 2968 C 2870 C 2853 E 1461 C 1461 C 1379 B 1290 B 1009 C 964 B 271 E cm~i (Matrix isolation) ta 2968 S 2930 S 1461 S 1257 W (solid) 948 M 731 S ía ia ia ia ia ia ia 2968 S 2870 S 1461 S 1461 S 1379 M 1290 W 1009 W (solid) 964 M (Solid) 2965 (9) 2872 (8) 2853 (8) 1460 (2) 1442 (3) 1151 (4) 1059 (5) 837 (6) 425 (4) ia ia ia ia ia ia ia ia 2965 (9) 2912 (4) 1460 (2) 1300 (4) ia ia ia ia ia ia ia ia ia ia SF („„). SF (»„). CF [9]. CF [9]. SF M- SF (vS0),OV(vs3g Approximate type of mode CH3 d-stretch... . CH3 d-stretch... . CH2 a-stretch.... CH3 s-stretch. . . . CH2 s-stretch.... CH3 d-deform.... CH3 d-deform---- CH2 scis........ CHa s-deform. . . . CH2 wag........ CH2 twist....... CH3 rock........ CC stretch...... CH3 rock........ CC stretch...... CH2 rock........ CCC deform..... CH3-CH2 torsion. CH2-CH2 torsion. d-stretch... . d-stretch a-stretch s-stretch. . . . CH2 s-stretch. . .. CH3 d-deform.... CH3 d-deform____ CH2 CH3 CH2 CH3 CH31 CH2 CH3 SCIS...... s-deform. wag........ CH2 twist....... CC stretch...... CH3 rock........ CH3 rock........ CH2 rock........ CCC deform..... CHs-CHs torsion. Selected value of frequency *2968 C "2968 C *2920 D »2870 C "2860 D »1460 C »1460 C "1450 D »1380 C 1350 C 1281 C 1168 D 1077 D 980 D 827 D 788 C 320 C 201 E 101 E »2968 C "2968 C »2920 D »2870 C »2860 D *1460 C a1460 C a1450 D a1380 C 1370 D 1233 C 1133 D 980 D 955 C 747 C 469 D 197 E Infrared cmrL (Liquid) 1350 W 788 M Raman cm 1 (Liquid) 1233 W 1133 M 747 S 1281 (0) 1168 (0) 1077 (1) 980 (2) 827 (6) 789 (2) 320 (1) 1370 VW 980 (2) 955 (lb) Comments OV (VZ2). CF [5]. CF [5]. OV (vu). CF [5]. CF [5]. * Deduced from the corresponding frequencies of the trans form. References [1] R. N. Sheppard and G. J. Szasz, J. Chem. Phys. 17, 86 (1949). 2] IR. D. W. E. Axford and D. H. Rank, J. Chem. Phys. 17, 430 (1949). 3] R. S. Mizushima and T. Shimanouchi, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 71, 1320 (1949). 4] Th. R. I. Podlovchenko and M. M. Sushchmekii, Opt. SpertroKc 2, 49 (1957). 5] Th. R. G. Snyder and J. H. Schachtsehneider, Spectrochim. Acta 21, 169 (1965). 151 Molecule: Benzene C6H6 Symmetry D6h Symmetry number d = 12 No. 218 Sym. Approximate Selected species No. type of mode value of Infrared Raman Comments frequency cm-1 cm-1 (Gas) (Liquid) alg "i CH stretch......... 3062 C ia 3061.9 VS, p "2 Ring stretch........ 992 C ia 991.6 VS, p "3 CH bend........... 1326 E ia 1326 VW O-lv. "4 CH bend........... 673 B 673 S ia biv "5 CH stretch......... 3068 C 3067.57 VW ia (solid) "6 Ring deform........ 1010 C 1010 W ia (solid) "7 CH bend........... 995 E ia ia OC ("19 + "7, "?0 + "7). "8 703 E ia ia OC ("19 + "8, "20+"8)- bin "9 Ring stretch........ 1310 C 1310 W ia (liquid) "10 CH bend 1] 50 C 1150 W ia (liquid) eig "11 CH bend........... 849 C ia 848.9 M, dp eiu "12 CH stretch......... 3063 E /3080 S ] ia FR (n3 -f- j-i6). \3030 S J (liquid) "13 Ring stretch -f- 1486 B 1486 S ia deform........... "14 CH bend........... 1038 B 1038 S ia ei„ "IS CH stretch......... 3047 C ia 3046.8 S, dp "16 1596 E ia Í1606.4S, dp JFR („, + vM). 11584.6 S, dp "17 CH bend........... 1178 C ia 1178.0 S, dp "18 Ring deform........ 606 C ia 605.6 S, dp "19 CH bend........... 975 C 975 W ia (liquid) "20 410 C / 417.7 \ ia \ 403.0 J (solid) References [1] IR.R. N. Herzfeld, C. K. Ingold, and H. G. Poole, J. Chem. Soe. 316 (1946). 2] IR. R. D. Mair and D. F. Hornig, J. Chem. Phys. 17, 1236 (1949). 3] IH. n. Spcddlug and D. II. Whiffen, Troc. Roy. Soo. (London), Scr. A, 238, 245 (1956). 4] Th. S. Califano and B. Crawford, Jr., Spectrochim. Acta 16, 889 (1960). 5] Th. J. R. Scherer and J. Overend, Spectrochim. Acta 17, 719 (1961). 6] IR. J. L. Hollenberg and D. A. Dows, J. Chem. Phys. 37, 1300 (1962). 152 Molecule: Benzene-de CeJ>e Symmetry D6h Symmetry number d = 12 No. 219 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cm-1 cm"1 (Gas) (Liquid) Cllg "1 CD stretch......... 2293 C ia 2292.6 VS, p VI 943 C ia 943.2 VS, p "3 CD bend........... 1037 E ia ia OC ("3+"14, "3+"16)- "4 CD bend........... 497 C 496.5 S ia (liquid) bm "6 CD stretch......... 2292 E 2292 VW ia (solid) [ 970.48 1 "e Ring deform........ 969 C \ 969.77 ia [ 966.76 J (solid) big Vl CD bend........... 827 E ia ia OC ("7 +"19). vs Ring deform........ 601 E ia OC (vs +Vm)- (1287.51 ] bin "8 Ring stretch........ 1286 C 1286.41 ia 11285.14 J (solid) "10 CD bend......... 824 C f 825.2 \ 822.57 I (solid) eig Vll CD bend........... 662 C ia 661.7 M, dp "12 CD stretch......... 2287 C 2287 S ia "13 Ring stretch + 1335 B 1335 M ia "14 CD bend........... 814 B 814 S ia etg "15 CD stretch......... 2265 C ia 2264.9 S, dp "16 Ring stretch........ 1552 C ia 1551.5 S, dp "17 CD bend........... 867 C ia 867.3 S, dp "18 Ring deform........ 577 C ia 577.4 M, dp 799.91 797.37 "19 CD bend........... 795 C 794.64 ia 790.9 790.3 (solid) "20 Ring deform........ 352 E ia ia OC ("4 + C20, "14+"2o). References [1] IK.R. N. Herzfeld, C. K. Ingold, and H. G. Poole, J. Chem. Soc. 316 (1946). [2] Th. S. Califano and B. Crawford, Jr., Speelrocliim. Aula 16, 889 (1960). [3] Th. J. R. Scherer and J. Overend, Spectrochim. Acta 17, 719 (1961). [4] IR. D. A. Dows and A. L. Pratt, Spectrochim. Acta 18, 433 (1962). [5] IR. J. L. Hollenberg and D. A. Dows, J. Chem. Phys. 37, 1300 (1962). 153 Molecule: Cyclohexane C6Hi2 Symmetry D3d Symmetry number d = 6 No. 220 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments dig a2s 02m VI VI V% Vi Ví Vi Vi vs v» "10 Vil vu V13 >'14 Vli Vis VII vis VS& V20 Vll V22 V23 V2i Vii V2G v-a vn j»29 Vw Vtl V32 CH2 a-stretch. CH2 s-stretch...... CH2 scis.......... CH2 rock.......... CC stretch........ CCC deform + CC torsion.......... CHi) twist......... CH2 wag.......... CC stretch + CC torsion.......... CH2 wag.......... CH2 twist......... CH2 a-stretch...... CH2 s-stretch...... CH2 eciE.......... CH2 rock.......... CCC deform........ CH2 a-stretch....... CH2 s-stretch....... CH2 scis........... CH2 wag........... CH2 twist.......... CC stretch......... CH2 rock........... CCC deform + CC torsion........... CH2 a-stretch....... CH2 s-stretch....... CH2 scis............ CH2 wag........... CH2 twist.......... CH2 rock........... CC stretch......... CCC deform. + CC torsion........... 2930 E 2852 C 1465 C 1157 C 802 C 383 C 1383 C 1157 C 1057 C 1437 C. 1090 C 2915 E 2860 E 1437 C 1030 D 523 A 2930 E 2897 E 1443 1347 1266 1027 785 426 C C c c c c 2933 A 2863 A 1457 A 1355 B 1261 A 907 B 863 A 248 C C7TV~ (Gas) ia ia ia ia ia ia »1383 "1157 1057 a1437 a1090 2915 M 1437 M / 1040 M \ 1016 M 523 W "785 2933 VS 2863 VS 1457 VS 1355 W 1261 S 907 S 863 S 248 VV (liquid) cmr1 (Liquid) 2938 VS, p 2923 VS, p 2852 VS, p 1465 M, p 1157 S,p 802 VS, p 383 M, p i a ia ia ia ia ia ia ia ia FR (2vt). 2897 M, vb 1443 S, dp 1347 S, dp 1266 VS, dp 1027 VS, dp 785VW,dp 426 S, dp SF (v2, Vis, v2g). FR (v23 + ^32)-SF (vi, Vll, V2i). ia ia ia ia ia ia ia ia " Observed in tbc crystalline state at abont 90 K. [8]. References [1] R. A. Langseth and B. Bäk, J. Chem. Phys. 8, 403 (1940). [2] Th. C. W. Beckett, K. S. Piteor, and R. Spitzer, J. Amer. Cbem. Soc. 69, 2488 (1947). [3] R. N. I. Peokof'eva, L. M. Sverdlov and M. M. Sushchinskii, Opt. Spectrosc. 15, 250 (1963). [4] IR. S. Abramowitz and R. P. Bauman, J. Chem. Phys. 39, 2757 (1963). [5] IR.Th. H. Takahashi, T. Shimanouchi, K. Fukushima, and T. Mivazawa, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 13, 43 (1964). [6] IR.R. F. A. Miller and H. R. Colob, Spectrochim. Acta 20, 1517 (1964). [7] Th. R. G. Snyder and J. H. Schachtschneider, Spectrochim. Acta 21, 169 (1965). [8] IR. D. A. Dows, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 16, 302 (1965). 154 Molecule: Cyclohexane-di2 CeD^ Symmetry D3d Symmetry number d = 6 No. 221 Sym. species die No. "1 "2 "3 "4 "5 "6 VI "s "9 via "11 VVh "13 "14 "15 "16 "17 "18 "10 "20 "21 "22 "as "24 "25 "26 "27 "28 "00 "30 "31 "82 Approximate type of mode CD2 a-stretcb....... CD2 s-stretcb....... CD 2 scis............ CD2 rock........... CC stretch......... CCC deform. + CC torsion........... CD 2 twist.......... CD2 wag........... CC stretch. + CC torsion........... CD2 wag........... CD2 twist CD 2 a-stretch....... CD2 s-stretch....... CD 2 scis........... CD 2 rock........... CCC deform;....... CD2 a-stretch....... CD s-stretch........ CT)a scis ........... CD2 wag........... CD 2 twist.......... CC stretch......... CD 2 rock........... CCC deform. + CC torsion........... CD2 a-stretch....... CD 2 s-stretch....... CD 2 scis........... CD2 wag........... CD2 twist.......... CD2 rock........... CC stretch......... CCC deform. + CC torsion........... Selected value of frequency 2152 2082 1117 1012 723 298 864 E 842 E 1187 E 1126 E 778 E 2206 C 2108 C 1091 B 917 A 395 B 2199 C 2104 C 1071 C 1212 937 795 637 373 2206 C 2108 C 1069 C 1165 A 991 A 687 B 720 A 203 C Infrared cm í (Gas) ia ia ia ia ia ia ia ia ia ia 2206 VS 2108 VS 1091 VS 917 VS 395. S ia ia 19 ia ia ia ia ia 2206 VS 2108 VS 1069 M (liquid) 1165 VS 991 VS 687 S 720 S Raman cm-1 (Liquid) 2152 VS, p 2082 VS, p 1117 M, p 1012 W, p 723 VS, p 298 W, p Comments ia ia ia ia ia ia ia ia 2199 VS, dp 2104 VS, dp 1071 M, dp 1212 M, dp 937 S, dp 795 S, dp 637 W, dp 373 M, dp ia ia ia ia ia ia ia ia CF [4]. CF [4]. CF [4]. CF [4]. CF [4]. OV (?„). OV (*„). OV (v«). OV ("13). CF [4]. References [1] IR. S. Abramowitz and R. P. Bauman, J. Chem. Phys. 39, 2757 (1963). [2] R. N. I. Peokof'eva, L. M. Sverdlov, and M. M. Sushchinskii, Opt. Spectrosc. 15, 250 (1963). [3] IR.R. F. A. Miller and H. R. Golob, Spectrochim. Acta 20, 1517 (1964). [4] IR.R.Th. H. Takahashi and T. Shimanouchi, to be published. 155 Molecule: Poly (methylene) (CH2)n Symmetry B2h Symmetry number d = 4 No. 222 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cm-1 cm"1 (Solid) (Solid) «„ Vl C, II2 s-stretch........... 2848 C ia 2848 S VI CH2 scis............... 1440 G ia 1440 M Vl CG stretch............. 1131 C ia 1131 M Clu Vi CH2 twist.............. a1050 D ia,1050VW ia bi„ Vh GH2 wag............... 1370 D ia 1370 VW vs CC stretch............. 1061 C ia 1061 M bin CIIi a-stretch........... 2919 C 2919 S ia vs CH2 rock............... 725 C b/ 731 S 1 ia \ 720 S / big vs CII2 twist.............. 1295 C ia 1295 M biu via CH2 s-stretch........... 2851 C 2851 S ia Vll CH) scis................ 1468 C b/1473 S 1 ia {1463 S / bi0 Vll CH2 a-stretch........... 2883 C ia 2883 S viz GH2 rock............... 1168 C ia 1168 W via CH2 wag............... 1176 C 1176 VW ia a 1063 cm 1 is given to this mode in ref. 6. b Doublet due to the crystal field effect [1, 8]. References [1] IR.Th. S. Krimm, C. Y. Liang, and G. B. B. M. Sutherland, J. Chem. Phys. 25, 549 (1956). [2] R. J. R. Nielsen and A. H. Woollen, J. Chem. Phys. 26, 1391 (1957). [3] IR. R. G. Snyder, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 4, 411 (1960). [4] IR. J. R. Nielsen and R. F. Holland, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 4, 488 (1960); 6, 394 (1961). [5] Th. M. Tasumi, T. Shimanouchi, and T. Miyazawa, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 9, 261 (1962). [6] IR.Th. J. H. Schachtschneider and R. G. Snyder, Spectrochim. Acta 19, 85, 117 (1963). [7] R. R. G. Brown. J. Chem. Phys. 38, 221 (1963). [8] Th. M. Tasumi and T. Shimanouchi, J. Chem. Phys. 43, 1245 (1965). [9] IR.Th. R. G. Snyder, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 23, 224 (1967). [10] IR. R. G. Snyder, J. Chem. Phys. 47, 1316 (1967). [11] R. R. G. Snyder, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 36, 222 (1970). 156 Molecule: Poly(methylene-d2)„ (CD2) Symmetry D2h Symmetry number d = 4 No. 223 Sym. species No. Approximate type of mode Selected value of frequency Infrared Raman Comments cm"1 cmr1 (Solid) (Solid) ag VI CD2 s-stretch........... 2102 C ia 2102 S Vi CD 2 scis............... 1146 C ia 1146 M V3 CC stretch............. 966 E ia 966 VW au Vi CD2 twist.............. 743 E ia ia CF [5]. big Vi 1249 C ia 1249 W "6 CC stretch............. 820 E ia CF [5]. bin Vi CD2 a-stretch........... 2192 C 2192 S ia Vs CD2 rock............... 526 C a/ 528 M ) ia \ 522 M / big v<* CD 2 twist.............. 916 C ia 916 M biu do CD 2 s-stretch........... 2088 C 2088 S ia Vll CD2 scis............... 1090 C a/1092 S 1 ia \10«7 S / big Vli CD 2 a-stretch........... 2197 C ia 2197 M vn CD2 rock................ 991 C ia 991 M bzu Vli CD2 wag............... 889 E ia CF [5]. a Doublet due to the crystal field effect [5]. References [1] IR. N. Sheppard and G. B. B. M. Sutherland, Nature 159, 739 (1947). [2] IR. L. C. Leitch, P. E. Gagnon, and A. Cambron, Can. J. Res. B28, 256 (1950). [3] R. R. G. Brown, J. Chem. Phys. 38, 221 (1963). [4] IR. M. Tasumi, T. Shimanouchi, H. Tanaka, and S. Ikeda, J. Polymer Sei. A2, 1607 (1964). [5] IR.Th. M. Tasumi and T. Shimanouchi, J. Chem. Phys. 43, 1245 (1965). 157 5. Empirical Formula Index In this index molecules are divided into two groups: (a) those containing no carbon atoms, which are arranged with the elemental symbols of the empirical formulas in alphabetical order and are listed alphabetically, and in ascending order of the empirical formula subscripts; (b) molecules containing carbon, which are ordered in the same way except that carbon is listed first and hydrogen second. No distinction is made for isotpic species in the empirical formula; this deuterium is listed as H. Compounds Not Empirical formula Name Molecule ISo. AsH3 Arsine 21 AsHs Arsine-d3 22 B2H6 Diborane-uB2H6 55 B2H6 Diborane-10B2H6 56 B2H6 Diborane-10B2D6 57 BrClsSi Bromotrichlorosilane 45 BrHsSi Silyl bromide 44 Br2Cl2Si Dibromodichlorosilane 49 Br3ClSi Tribromochlorosilane 47 Br4Ge Germanium tetrabromide 39 Br4Si Silicon tetrabromide 31 Br4Sn Tin tetrabromide 41 CIH3S1 Silyl chloride 43 ClI3Si Chlorotriiodosilane 48 CI2O Oxygen dichloride 8 Cl8ISi Trichloroiodosilane 46 CI3P Phosphorus trichloride 20 CI4Ge Germanium tetrachloride 38 Cl4Si Silicon tetrachloride 30 Cl,Sn Tin tetrachloride 40 FH3S1 Silyl fluoride 42 F20 Oxygen difluoride 7 FSN Nitrogen trifluoride 16 F3P Phosphorus trifluoride 19 F4Si Silicon tetrafluoride 29 F6Mo Molybdenum hexafluoride 52 F6S Sulfur hexafluoride 50 F6Se Selenium hexafluoride 51 F6U Uranium hexafluoride 54 Containing Carbon Empirical formula Name Molecule No. F«W Tungsten hexa fluoride 53 GeH4 Germane 33 GeH4 Germane-di 34 GeH4 Germane-dj 35 GeH( Germane-d3 36 GeH4 Germane-d4 37 H20 Water 4 H20 Water-dj 5 H.O Water-d2 6 H2S Hydrogen sulfide 9 H2S Deuterium sulhde 10 H2Se Hydrogen selenide 12 H2Se Hydrogen deuterium selenide 13 H„N Ammonia 14 H3N Ammonia-ds 15 H3P Phosphine 17 H3P Phosphine-d3 18 H3Sb Stibine 23 HsSb Stibine-d3 24 H,Si Silane 25 H4Si Silane-d2 26 H4Si Silane-do 27 H4Si Silane-d4 28 I4Si Silicon tetraiodide 32 N20 Nitrous oxide 1 N20 Nitrous oxide-»N»NO 2 N20 Nitrous oxide-15NaO 3 o2s Sulfur dioxide 11 Compounds Containing Carbon Empirical formula Name Molecule No. Empirical formula Name Molecule Nu. CBrCl3 Bromotrichloromethane 93 CHBr3 Tribromomethane-di 92 CBrN Cyanogen bromide-,9BrCN 66 CHCL Trichloromethane 89 CBrN Cyanogen bromide-81BrCN 67 CHCls Trichloromethane-di 90 CBr,Cl2 Dibromodichloromethane 101 CHF3 Trifluoromethane 88 CBrsCl Tribromocbloromethane 94 CHN Hydrogen cyanide 62 CBr4 Carbon tetrabromide 78 CHN Deuterium cyanide 63 en \ Cyanogen chloride-35ClCN fi4 CHjRrCl Ttromoehlorome.thane 102 CC1N Cyanogen chloride-3'ClCN 65 CH2BrCI Bromochlorometha ne -di 103 ecu Carbon tetrachloride 77 CHjBrCl Bromochloromethane-d2 104 CF4 Carbon tetrafluoride 76 CH2Br2 Dibromomethane 98 CI. Carbon tetraiodid-e 70 CH2Br2 Dibromometbaoe -di 99 COS Carbonyl sulfide 61 CH2Br2 Dibromomethane -d2 100 C02 Carbon dioxide 58 CH2C12 Dichloromethane 95 co2 Carbon dioxide-13C02 59 CH2C12 Dichloromelhane-di 96 CS2 Carbon disulfide 60 CH2C12 Dichloromethane-d2 97 CHBr3 Tribromomethane 91 CH20 Formaldehyde 68 158 Empirical formula Name Molecule No. CHzO Formaldehyde-di 69 CH20 Formaldehyde-d2 70 CH202 Formic acid 105 CH202 Formic acid-d2 106 CH3Br Methyl bromide 84 CHaBr Methyl bromide-da 85 CHaCl Methyl chloride 82 CHaCI Methyl chloride-d3 83 CH3F Methyl fluoride 80 CH5F Methyl fluoride-d3 81 CH3I Methyl iodide 86 CH3I Methyl iodide-d3 87 CH4 Methane 71 CH4 Methane-di 72 CH4 Methane-d2 73 CHi Methane-d3 74 CH4 Methane-d4 75 CH40 (Gas) Methanol 107 CfLO Methanol 108 (Liquid) CH40 (Gas) Methanol-di 109 CH40 Methanol-di 110 (Liquid) CH40 (Gas) Methanol-da 111 CH40 Methanol-ds 112 (Liquid) CH40 (Gas) Methanol-d4 113 CH6N Methylamine 114 CH5N Methylamine-d2 115 CH6N Methylamine-d3 116 CH6N Methylamine-ds 117 C2Br4 Tetrabromoethylene 128 C2Br6 Hexabromoethane 159 C2CI2F2 Trans-1,2-Dichloro-l, 2- 138 difluoroethylene C2CI2F2 1, l-Dichloro-2,2-difluoroethylene 142 C2C14 Tetrachloroethylene 127 C2CI6 Hexachloroethane 158 C2F4 Tetrafluoroethylene 126 C2Fe Hexafluoroethane 157 C2HBr Bromoacetylene 123 C2HC1 Chloroacetylene 122 C2HF Fluoroacetylene 121 C2H2 Acetylene 118 C2H2 Acetylene-di 119 C2H2 Acetylene-d2 120 C2H2C12 Trans-1,2-Dichloroetbylene 132 C2H2C12 Trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene-di 133 C2H2CI2 Trans-1,2-Diehloroethylene-d2 134 C2H2Gli Cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 135 C2H2Ci2 Cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene-di 136 C2H2C12 Cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene-d2 137 C2H2C12 1,1-Dichloroethylene 139 C2H2CI2 1,1-Dichloroethylene-di 140 C2tI2Cl2 1,1-Dichloroethylene-d2 141 C2H2F2 Cis-1,2-Difluoroethylene 129 G2H2F2 Cis-1,2-Difluoroethylene-di 130 C^H^Fs» Cis-1,2-Difluoroethylene-d2 131 C2H2N20 1,2,5-Oxadiazole 147 C2HaN Methyl cyanide 143 C2H3N Methyl cyanide-da 144 C2H3N Methyl isocyanide 145 Empirical formula Name Molecule No. C2H3N Methyl isocyanide-ds 146 C2H4 Ethylene 124 C2H4 Ethylene-d4 125 C2H4BrCl l-Bromo-2-chloroethane, trans form 164 C2H4BrCl l-Bromo-2-chloroethane, gauche form 165 C2H4Br2 1,2-Dibromoethane, trans form 162 C2H4Br2 1,2-Dibromoethane, gauche form 163 C2H4C12 1,2-Dichloroethane, trans form 160 C2H4C12 1,2-Dichloroethane, gauche form 161 CAO Ethylene oxide 149 C2H40 Ethylene oxide-d4 150 C2H40 Acetaldehyde 151 C2H40 Acetaldehyde -di 152 CAO Acetaldehyde-ch 153 C2H402 Methyl formate 170 C2H402 Methyl formate-di 171 C2H402 Methyl formate-d3 172 ČAO, Methyl formate-d4 173 C2H402 Acetic acid 174 C2H402 Acetic acid-di 175 C2H4Si Silylacetylene 148 C2H6Br Bromoe thane 168 C2H6C1 Chloroethane 167 CÄF Fluoroethane 166 CAN Ethylene imine 169 C2H6 Ethane 154 C2H6 Ethane-d3 155 C2He Ethane-d6 156 C2H60 Dimethylether 176 CÄO Dimethyletfaer -d3 177 C3H2N2 Malononitrile 183 CaH2N2 Malononitrile-d2 184 C3H4 Allene 178 CaH4 M ethyla cety lene 179 C3H4 Methylacetylene-di 180 C3H4 Methylacetylene-d3 181 C3H4 Methylacetylene-d4 182 C3H40 Propenal 185 C3H5N Ethylcyanide 188 C,H, Cyclopropane 186 CsHe Cyclopropane -de 187 C8H60 Acetone 189 C3H60 Acetone-d3 190 C3H80 Acetone-de 191 CaHgOz Methyl acetate 197 C3H602 Methyl-d3-acetate 198 C3He02 Methyl acetate-ds 199 CgH602 Methyl acetate-de 200 C3H8 Propane 192 CjHa Propane-da 193 C3H8 Propane-du 194 C3H8 Propane-de 195 Calls Propane-ds 196 C4H2 Butadiyne 201 C4H40 Furan 202 C4H4S Thiophene 203 C4H4S Thiophene-d4 204 C4H6 1,3-Buta diene 205 C4H6 1,3-Butadiene-dj, trans 206 C4Ha l,3-Butadiene-l,l,2-d3 207 C^Hß 1,3-Butadiene-l ,1,4,4-d, 208 C4H6 1,3-Bntadiene-de 209 159 Empirical formula Name Molecule No. C4H6 2-Butyne 210 C4HB Cyclobutane 211 C4H8 Cyclobutane-ds 212 C4H8 2-Metbylpropene 213 C4IIS 2-Mcthyl-a3-prop<;Tie-3,3,3-d3 214 C4H8O 2-Butanone, trans form 215 C4H10 n-Butane, trans form 216 Empirical formula Name Molecule No. C4H10 n-Butane, gauche form 127 C6H6 Benzene 218 CCHB Benzene-d6 219 CeHis Cyclohexane 220 CH12 Cyoloboxano-d12 221 (CH2)n Poly (methylene) 222 (CH2)n Poly(methylene-d2) 223 160