PHASE DIAGRAMS H. P. R. Frederikse A phase is a structurally homogeneous portion of matter. Regardless of the number of chemical constituents of a gas, there is only one vapor phase. This is true also for the liquid form of a pure substance, although a mixture of several liquid substances may exist as one or several phases, depending on the interactions among the substances. On the other hand a pure solid may exist in several phases at different temperatures and pressures because of differences in crystal structure (Reference 1). At the phase transition temperature, Ttr> the chemical composition of the solid remains the same, but a change in the physical properties often will take place. Such changes are found in ferroelectric crystals (example BaTi03) that develop a spontaneous polarization below T f in superconductors (example Pb) that lose all electrical resistance below the transition point, and in many other classes of solids. In quite a few cases it is difficult to bring about the phase transition, and the high- (or low-) temperature phase persists in its metastable form. Many liquids remain in the liquid state for shorter or longer periods of time when cooled below the melting point (supercooling). However, often the slightest disturbance will cause solidification. Persistence of the high temperature phase in solid-solid transitions is usually of much longer duration. An example of this behavior is found in white tin; although gray tin is the thermo-dynamically stable form below T (286.4 K), the metal remains in its undercooled, white tin state all the way to T = 0 K, and crystals of gray tin are very difficult to produce. A phase diagram is a map that indicates the areas of stability of the various phases as a function of external conditions (temperature and pressure). Pure materials, such as mercury, helium, water, and methyl alcohol are considered one-component systems and they have unary phase diagrams. The equilibrium phases in two-component systems are presented in binary phase diagrams. Because many important materials consist of three, four, and more components, many attempts have been made to deduce their multi-component phase diagrams. However, the vast majority of systems with three or more components are very complex, and no overall maps of the phase relationships have been worked out. It has been shown during the last 20 to 25 years that very useful partial phase diagrams of complex systems can be obtained by means of thermodynamic modeling (References 2, 3). Especially for complicated, multicomponent alloy systems the CALPHAD method has proved to be a successful approach for producing valuable portions of very intricate phase diagrams (Reference 4). With this method thermodynamic descriptions of the free energy functions of various phases are obtained that are consistent with existing (binary) phase diagram information and other thermodynamic data. Extrapolation methods are then used to extend the thermodynamic functions into a ternary system. Comparison of the results of this procedure with available experimental data is then used to fine-tune the phase diagram and add ternary interaction functions if necessary. In principle this approximation strategy can be extended to four, five, and more component systems. The nearly two dozen phase diagrams shown below present the reader with examples of some important types of single and multicomponent systems, especially for ceramics and metal alloys. This makes it possible to draw attention to certain features like the kinetic aspects of phase transitions (see Figure 22, which presents a time-temperature-transformation, or TTT, diagram for the precipitation of a-phase particles from the (5-phase in a Ti-Mo alloy; Reference 1, pp. 358-360). The general references listed below and the references to individual figures contain phase diagrams for many additional systems. General References 1. Ralls, K. M., Courtney, T. H., and Wulff, J., Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering, Chapters 16 and 17, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1976. 2. Kaufman, L., and Bernstein, H., Computer Calculation of Phase Diagrams, Academic Press, New York, 1970. 3. Kattner, U. R., Boettinger, W. J. B., and Coriell, S. R., Z. Metallkd., 87, 9, 1996. 4. Dinsdale, A. T., Ed., CALPHAD, Vol. 1-20, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1977-1996 and continuing. 5. Baker, H., Ed., ASM Handbook, Volume 3: Alloy Phase Diagrams, ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1992. 6. Massalski, T. B., Ed., Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, Second Edition, ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1990. 7. Roth. R. S., Ed., Phase Diagrams for Ceramists, Vol. I (1964) to Volume XI (1995), American Ceramic Society, Waterville, OH. References to Individual Phase Diagrams Figure 1. Carbon: Reference 7, Vol. X (1994), Figure 8930. Reprinted with permission. Figure 2. Si-Ge : Ref. 5, p. 2.231. Reprinted with permission. Figure 3. H20 (ice): See figure. Figure 4. Si02: Reference 7, Vol. XI (1995), Figure 9174. Reprinted with permission. Figure 5. Fe-O: Darken, L.S., and Gurry, R.W.,/. Am. Chem. Soc, 68,798, 1946. Reprinted with permission. Figure 6. Ti-O: Reference 5, p. 2.324. Reprinted with permission. Figure 7. BaO-Ti02: Reference 7, Vol. Ill (1975), Figure 4302. Reprinted with permission. Figure 8. MgO-Al203: Reference 7, Vol. XI (1995), Figure 9239. Reprinted with permission. Figure 9. Y203-Zr02: Reference 7, Vol. XI (1995), Figure 9348. Reprinted with permission. Figure 10. Si-N-Al-O (Sialon): Reference 7, Vol. X (1994), Figure 8759. Reprinted with permission. Figure 11. PbO-Zr02-Ti02 (PZT): Reference 7, Vol. Ill (1975), Figure 4587. Reprinted with permission. Figure 12. Al-Si-Ca-O: Reference 7 (1964), Vol. I, Figure 630. Reprinted with permission. Figure 13. Y-Ba-Cu-O: Whitler, J.D., and Roth, R.S., Phase Diagrams for High T Superconductors, Figure S-082, American Ceramic Society, Waterville, OH, 1990. Reprinted with permission. Figure 14. Al-Cu: Reference 5, p. 2.44. Reprinted with permission. Figure 15. Fe-C: Ralls, K.M., Courtney, T.H., and Wulff, J., Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering, Figure 16.13, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1976. Reprinted with permission. Figure 16. Fe-Cr: Reference 5, p. 2.152. Reprinted with permission. Figure 17. Cu-Sn: Reference 5, p. 2.178. Reprinted with permission. Figure 18. Cu-Ni: Reference 5, p. 2.173. Reprinted with permission. Figure 19. Pb-Sn (solder): Reference 5, p. 2.335. Reprinted with permission. Figure 20. Cu-Zn (brass): Subramanian, PR., Chakrabarti, D.J., and Laughlin, D.E., Eds., Phase Diagrams of Binary Copper Alloys, p. 487, ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1994. Reprinted with permission. Figure 21. Co-Sm: Reference 5, p. 2.148. Reprinted with permission. Figure 22. Ti-Mo: Reference 5, p. 2.296; Reference 1, p. 359. Reprinted with permission. Figure 23. Fe-Cr-Ni: Reference 5, Figure 48. Reprinted with permission. 12-187 12-188 Phase Diagrams 200 150 4000 r/K FIGURE 1. Phase diagram of carbon. (A) Martensitic transition: hex graphite -> hex diamond. (B) Fast graphite-to-diamond transition. (C) Fast diamond-to-graphite transition. Phase (Ge,Si) High-pressure phases Gell Sill Composition, mass % Si 0 to 100 Pearson symbol cFS tI4 tI4 Space group Fd3 m H lamd Hlamd Phase Diagrams 12-189 P/MRa FIGURE 3. Diagram of the principal phases of ice. Solid lines are measured boundaries between stable phases; dotted lines are extrapolated. Ice IV is a metastable phase that exists in the region of ice V. Ice IX exists in the region below -100 °C and pressures in the range 200-400 MPa. Ice X exists at pressures above 44 GPa. See Table 1 for the coordinates of the triple points, where liquid water is in equilibrium with two adjacent solid phases. TABLE 1. Crystal Structure, Density, and Transition Temperatures for the Phases of Ice Crystal Phase system Cell parameters Z n p/g cm3 Triple points Ih Hexagonal a = 4.513; c = 7352 4 4 0.93 I-III: -21.99 °C, 209.9 MPa Ic Cubic a = 6.35 8 4 0.94 II Rhombohedral a = 7.78; a = 113.1° 12 4 1.18 III Tetragonal a = 6.73; c = 6.83 12 4 1.15 III-V: -16.99 °C, 350.1 MPa IV Rhombohedral a = 7.60; a = 70.1° 16 4 1.27 V Monoclinic a c = 9.22; b = 7.54, = 10.35; ß = 109.2° 28 4 1.24 V-VI: 0.16 °C, 632.4 MPa VI Tetragonal a = 6.27; c = 5.79 10 4 1.31 VI-VII: 82 °C, 2216 MPa VII Cubic a = 3.41 2 8 1.56 VIII Tetragonal a = 4.80; c = 6.99 8 8 1.56 IX Tetragonal a = 6.73; c = 6.83 12 4 1.16 X Cubic a = 2.83 2 8 2.51 References 1. Wagner, W., Saul, A., and Pruss, A., / Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 23, 515, 1994. 2. Lerner, R.G. and Trigg, G.L., Eds., Encyclopedia of Physics, VCH Publishers, New York, 1990. Donnay, J.D.H. and Ondik, H.M, Crystal Data Determinative Tables, Third Edition, Volume 2, Inorganic Compounds, Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards, Swarthmore, PA, 1973. Hobbs, PV, Ice Physics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1974. Glasser, L., / Chem. Edu., 81, 414, 2004. 12-190 Phase Diagrams - Liq-,,--' 1 ' 1 1 1 i i i i i i "j_Crist ] ßQuartz 1190° A I 1.43 kbars// Trid /' / : / / •9" If -./ / Coesite - . "Quartz 1 , ■ i i i / Stishovite i .' \ i i i n I_I_\_I_I_I_I_I_I_£_1_I_I_I_ u0 20 40 60 80 100 120 P/kbar FIGURE 4. Si02 system. Crist = cristobalite; Trid = tridymite. FIGURE 5. Fe-O system. Phase Diagrams 12-191 Point trc %o A 1539 B 1528 0.16 C 1528 22.60 G 1400" 22.84 H 1424 25.60 I 1424 25.31 1 1371 23.16 L 911" 23.10 N 1371 22.91 3 Values for pure iron. Point trc Q 560 0.209 R 1583 0.209 R' 1583 0.263 S 1424 16.2 V 1597 16.2 Y 1457 0.282 Z 1457 0.447 Z' 0.282 PcoJPco PoJatm 23.26 1.05 28.30 1 28.07 1 27.64 16.2 27.64 0.0575 28.36 1 30.04 1 30.6 Mass Percent Oxygen 10 20 FIGURE 6. Ti-O system. Phase (ßTi) (aTi) Ti30 Ti20 yTiO pTiO aTiO ßTi^O aTij xO ßTiÄ «Ti203 PTi3Os aTi305 YTiP7 ßTi407 aTi407 ytía' ßTiA, TiA3 TiA5 TiA Rutile Ti02 Metastable phases Anatase Brookite High-pressure phases Ti02-II tkviii 20 30 40 Atomic Percent Oxygen Composition, mass % O Oto 3 0 to 13.5 ~8 to -13 -10 to 14.4 15.2 to 29.4 -18 -24 to -29.4 -25.0 -29.5 -29.5 33.2 to 33.6 33.2 to 33.6 35.8 35.8 35.8 36.9 36.9 36.9 37.6 38.0 38.3 38.5 38.7 40.1 Pearson symbol cI2 hP2 hP~16 hP3 cF8 hP~5 mC16 0/12 ř/18 hR30 hR30 nf* mC32 mC32 aPii aPii aPii aP28 aC68 aP40 aC92 «P52 tP6 tin oP24 oP12 W-48 Space group ImSm P63/mmc P3c P3ml FmSm P6/mmm A2/m or B"ř 7222 14,/m R3c R3c C2/m Cc PÍ PI PI PI Al PI Al PÍ P4Jmnm I4jamd Pbca Pbcn 12-192 Phase Diagrams 1600 FIGURE 7. BaO-Ti02 system. 2800 i 1 1 1 1 1 i 2600 - 2400 Periclase ss n. Spinel ss + Liquid N. T\+ Liquid - 2200 2105° 2000 Periclase " ss \ 1995° \^>S Spinel \ ss 1800 Periclase ss + Spinel ss \ - 1600 -1500° \- Periclase + Spinel 1400 1 i i i i i i I_I_I_I_I_I_l_ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 MgO Mol % Al203-► FIGURE 8. MgO-Al203 system. Phase Diagrams 12-193 12-194 Phase Diagrams 3(Si02) AI6Si4013ss 2(AI203) 100 1-7-1-7—r—r-1-1-1-1-r—1-7-1-1-—si Si3N4 Mol % 4(AIN) FIGURE 10. 3(Si02)-Si3N4-4(AlN)-2(Al203) system. "Behavior" diagram at 1700 °C. The labels 8H, 15R, 12H, 21R, 27R, 2H6 indicate defect A1N polytypes. fT = 3-sialon (Si6 Al O N ); O' = sialon of Si2ON2 type; X = SiA102N ("nitrogen mullite"). ALON ss = aluminum oxynitride ss extending from approximately A1?09N to A1303N. PbO FIGURE 11. PbO-Zr02-Ti02 (PZT) system, subsolidus at 1100 °C. P = PbO; T = TiQ2; Z = ZrQ2. Phase Diagrams 12-195 Crystalline Phases Notation Oxide formula Cristobalite 1 Si02 Tridymite •* Pseudowollastonite CaOSi02 Rankinite 3Ca02Si02 Lime CaO Corundum AljOj Mullite 3Al203-2Si02 Anorthite CaO-Al203-2Si02 Gehlenite 2CaO-Al203-Si02 Temperatures up to approximately 1550 °C are on the Geophysical Laboratory Scale; those above 1550 °C are on the 1948 International Scale. 12-196 Phase Diagrams Atomic Percent Copper 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 FIGURE 14. Al-Cu system. Phase Diagrams 12-197 o Composition, Pearson Space Phase wt%Cu symbol group (Al) 0 to 5.65 cF4 Fm3m B 52.5 to 53.7 tin I4lmcm 1, 70.0 to 72.2 oP16 or oC16 Pban or Cmmm n2 70.0 to 72.1 mC20 C2/W C 74.4 to 77.8 hP42 P6lmmm c2 74.4 to 75.2 (a) - 77.5 to 79.4 (b) - E2 72.2 to 78.7 hP4 P63/mmc 8 77.4 to 78.3 (c) R3m Yo 77.8 to 84 (d) - Yi 79.7 to 84 cP52 P43m P. 83.1 to 84.7 (d) - P 85.0 to 91.5 cI2 Im3m 88.5 to 89 (e) - (Cu) 90.6 to 100 cF4 Fm3m Metastable phases B' - tP6 - P' - cH6 Fm3m Al3Cu2 61 to 70 hp5 P3m\ (a) Monoclinic? (b) Cubic? (c) Rhombohedral. (d) Unknown, (e) DO type long-period superlattice. Atomic Percent Carbon 10 20 30 2000 1500 1394°C Ü " 1000 912°C 500 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Mass Percent Carbon FIGURE 15. Fe-C system. Composition, Phase mass % C (8Fe) 0 to 0.09 (yFe) 0 to 2.1 (aFe) 0 to 0.021 (C) 100 Metastable/high-pressure phases (eFe) 0 Martensite < 2.1 Fe4C 5.1 Fe3C (8) 6.7 Fe5C2(X) 7.9 Fe7C3 8.4 Fe7C3 8.4 Fe2C (n) 9.7 Fe2C (e) 9.7 Fe2C 9.7 (C) 100 Pearson symbol cI2 cF4 cI2 hP4 hP2 tI4 cP5 oP16 mC28 hP20 oP40 oP6 hP* hP* cFS Space group Im3m Fm3m Im3m Pdjmmc Pdjmmc I4lmmm P43m Pnma C2/c P6jnc Pnma Pnnm P6322 P3wl Fd3m 12-198 Phase Diagrams Atomic Percent Chromium 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Mass Percent Chromium FIGURE 16. Fe-Cr system. Composition, Pearson Space Phase mass % Cr symbol group (aFe, Cr) 0 to 100 cI2 Imim (yFe) Oto 11.2 cF4 Fmim a 42.7 to 48.2 tP30 Pijmnm Atomic Percent Tin 1001-'-1-1-U-1-1-111-1-1-1-1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Cu Mass Percent Tin Sn FIGURE 17. Cu-Sn system. Phase Diagrams 12-199 Phase Composition, mass % Sn Pearson symbol Space group a 0 to 15.8 cF4 Fm3m ß 22.0 to 27.0 ell I m'-> m y 25.5 to 41.5 cF16 Fm3m 5 32 to 33 cF416 F43m c 32.2 to 35.2 hP26 «>3 e 27.7 to 39.5 oC80 Cmcm 1 59.0 to 60.9 hP4 P6Jmmc 1' 44.8 to 60.9 (a) - (ßSn) -100 ÜA. HJamd (aSn) 100 cFS Fd3m (a) Hexagonal; superlattice based on NiAs-type structure. Composition, Pearson Space Phase mass % M symbol group (Cu, Ni) (above 354.5 °C) 0 to 100 cF4 Fm3m 12-200 Phase Diagrams Composition, mass % Sn 0 to 18.3 97.8 to 100 100 Pearson symbol cF4 m cFS Space group Fm3m I4Jamd Fd3m Phase (Pb) ((3Sn) (aSn) High-pressure phases e(a) 52 to 74 hPl Pdlmmm e'(b) 52 hP2 P6.Jmmc (a) From phase diagram calculated at 2500 MPa. (b) This phase was claimed for alloys at 350 °C and 5500 MPa. Phase Diagrams 12-201 Mass Percent Zinc 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Cu Atomic Percent Zinc Zn FIGURE 20. Cu-Zn system. Composition, Pearson Space Phase mass % Zn symbol group a or (Cu) 0 to 38.95 cF4 Fm3m P 36.8 to 56.5 cI2 Imim P' 45.5 to 50.7 cPl Pnßm Y 57.7 to 70.6 cIS2 I43m S 73.02 to 76.5 hP3 P6 E 78.5 to 88.3 hP2 P6Jmmc r| or (Zn) 97.25 to 100 hP2 P6Jmmc 12-202 Phase Diagrams °0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ^° Mass Percent Samarium ®m FIGURE 21. Co-Sm system. Composition, Pearson Space Phase mass % Sm symbol group (aCo) 0 to -3.7 cF4 Fm3m (eCo) ~0 hP2 Pdjmmc ßCo17Sm2 -23.0 hP38 Pdjmmc aCo17Sm2 -23.0 hR19 R3m hPS Pdlmmm Cos + >Sm -33 to 34 - - Cos Sm -34 to 35 - - Co19Sm5 -40.1 hR24 R3m hP48 Pdjmmc aCo7Sm2 -42.1 hR18 R3m ßCo7Sm2 -42.1 hP36 Pdjmmc Co3Sm 46 hRVl R3m Co2Sm 56.0 hR4 R3m cF24 Fd3m Co4Sm9 -85.1 0** - CoSm3 88 oP16 Pnma (ySm) -100 cI2 Im3m (ßSm) -100 hP2 Pdjmmc (aSm) -100 hR3 R3m Other reported phases CosSm -33.8 hP6 Pdlmmm Co2Sm5 -86.4 mC28 Cllc Phase Diagrams 12-203 o 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 1670°C 882°C Atomic Percent Molybdenum 20 30 40 50 70 80 90 100 (°Ti,Mo) 30 40 50 60 70 Mass Percent Molybdenum 90 100 Mo FIGURE 22. Ti-Mo system. Composition, Pearson Space Phase mass % Mo symbol group (|3Ti, Mo) 0 to 100 ell Im3m (aTi) 0 to 0.8 hP2 Pdjmmc a' (a) hP2 Pdjmmc a" (a) oC4 Cmcm Co (a) hP3 Pdlmmm (a) Metastable. 4001-—-1-1-1-1 0.1 1.0 10 100 1000 Time in Minutes Experimental time-temperature-transformation (TTT) diagram for Ti-Mo. The start and finish times of the isothermal precipitation reaction vary with temperature as a result of the temperature dependence of the nucleation and growth processes. Precipitation is complete, at any temperature, when the equilibrium fraction of a is established in accordance with the lever rule. The solid horizontal line represents the athermal (or nonthermally activated) martensitic transformation that occurs when the (3 phase is quenched. 12-204 Phase Diagrams Fe 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Ni Mass Percent Nickel FIGURE 23. The isothermal section at 900 °C (1652 °F) of the iron-chromium-nickel ternary phase diagram, showing the nominal composition of 18-8 stainless steel.