§&X ©.o @..o 4 lOO- O.O Q.& O.O 0.0 6.0 O.O O.O PiC i - 3 SI %q0. o. o o.o o.o o.o €.0 c.0 0.0 LQ i T LA-. J " ' tcM^ £>.0 O.O 0.0 OJ) O.O tom. 0.0 Q.0 &.0 0.0 4.0 %hi$. o.o o.-o e.o o.o o.o 0.0 0jO O.V 0.0 o^o O.O Oj) 6.0 OD 1 1 o.o O.o DATE 11/ 7/1995 SYSTEM: AQ-BE-AC-EQUILIBRIUM: Liquid Number of TIE-angles: TIME 16:10: 8.82 Liquid >>computed values« 1 TIE-angle": T= 299.15CK] G syst.= global cont.[%] AQ 10.0000 BE 45.0000 AC . 45.0000 phase ratio [ ]: phase en. [J]: , TIME 16:10: 9.21 ■188390. 9688761562000 C J] MAX I NT. NFV== 400 Liquid , l_.14647287/ 67.24531259 32.60821454 .49685029 .765746E+05 Liquid 29.26374653 1.51018590 69.22606757 .50314971 , 298807E+06 computed by PD_* (3.14) using: ac_aq_be.fdc {ac_aq_be.pdd) (ac_aq_be.par) SYSTEM: AC-AQ-BE-EQUILIBRIUM: Liquid Number of TIE-angles: TIME 16:15:30.36 Liquid DATE 11/ 7/1995 »computed values« llC . poľ c■ / ŕ 1 TIE-angle: 'T= 299... 15 [K] G syet.= -188390.96887360530001 J] MAX INT. NFV- 165 global cont.[%] AC 45.0000 AQ 10.0000 -BE 45.0000 phase ratio [ ]: phase en. [J]: TIME 16:15:30.63 Liquid 69.22408944 29.26603338 1.50989717 .50312499 -.298804E+06 -. Liquid 32.61075919 6Y724Z7^672 .49687501 765890E+05 computed by PD_* (3.14) using: ac_aq_be.fdc {ac_aq_be.pdd) (ac_aq_be.par) SYSTEM: AC-AQrBE-■ EQUILIBRIUM: Liquid Number of TIE-angles: TIME 16:17:45.53 Liquid' DATE .11/ 7/1995 »computed values« 1 TIE-angle: T= 299.15CK] G syst.- -188390.9688752844000[J] MAX INT. NFV= 270 global cont.[%3 AC 45.0000 AQ 10.0000 BE 45.0000 phase ratio [ 3: phase en. [J]: TIME 16:17:45.86 Liquid 69.22780750 29.26172405 1.51/346845 .50317158 .298810E+06 Liquid 32.60597639 L^146^3555J 67.24758807 .49682842 .765619E+05 computed by ČD_„# (3.14) using: ac_aq_be tfdc (ac_aq_be.pdd) (ac__aq_be .par) .j QU PARAMETERS OP THE VODA-BENZEN-OCTOVA rce: LANDOLT-BERNSTEIN TAB SYSTEM To ci TO |*****PHAS£ : LIQUIDS ***** Model: Number of sublatices: 1 Number of components: 3 sublatice Stoich.kosf. 1 1.0 THERMODYNAMIC PARAMETERS t Reference level parameters: Schematic view AQ BE AC AQ ( 298.15- 398. 00K) 1 -20840.685 0. 0 . 0 . 0 . 0. 0. 0. BE ( 298.1 5™ 398 . 00K) 1 -51669.395 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0. 0.0. AC ( 298.15- 398. 00K) 1 -47644.37 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0.0. Interaction parameters of first order: included(Y/N) [Y] L0 : L1 : L2 : AQ , BE 19194.0 0 . 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 . 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 AQ, AC 2059.0 0 . 0 ' 0.0 0 .0 0.0 0. 0 0 . 0 0.0 0.0 BE, AC 2315.0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 .0 0.0 0. 0 0 . 0 0.0 0.0 ? In teraction parameters of high order: included(Y/N) \M AQ,BE,AC 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 MAGNETIC PARAMETERS: *****PHASE:LIQUID2 ***** Model: Number of sub'latices; Number of components sublatice Stoich.koef 1 1.0 THERMODYNAMIC PARAMETERS: Reference level parameters: included(Y/N) [N] 1 3 Schematic view AQ BE AC AQ ( 298 . 15- 398 . 00K) l1 -20840.685 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0. 0. 0. BE ( 298 . 1 5- 398 . 00K) 1 -51669.395 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0. 0. 0. AC ( 298 .15- 398 . 00K) 1 -47644.37 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0. 0. Interacti on parameters of first order included(Y/N) [Y] 10 : L1 : L2 : AQ , 8 E 1 9000 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0.0 0.0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 AQ, AC 2400.0 0 . 0 0.0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0,0 0 . 0 0 . 0 BE , AC 1900.0 0 . 0 0.0 0 .0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 $ Interaction parameters of high order: AQ s BE,AC 0.0 0.0 0.0 $ MAGNETIC PARAMETERS: *****___end ****** Qf f-ne AQBEAC.par included(Y/N) [N] included(Y/N) [N] DAT 3/29/1995 SYSTEM: AQ-BE-AC-EQUILIBRIUM: LIQUI01 Number of TIE-angles: 11 TIME 18: 5:48.66 LI0UID2 >>computed values<< 1 TIE-angle: T-- 298.1 5 [K] 8 sys gl oba 1 cent.[S] AQ 49.9000 BE 50.0000 AC .1000 phase ratio [ ] : phase en. [J]t TIME 18: 5:56.30 -26669. LIQUID1 9,6 . 53 210046 3.30953657 .15836297 .81717424 .211249E+05 9430054070800[J] LIQUID2 .18217722 99.78004772 .03777505 .18282576 514548E+05 MAX INT. NFV= 239 2 TIE-angle: T=- 298. 1 5 CK3 G sys g1oba1 cont. [%] AQ 45.0000 BE 45.0000 AC 10.0000 phase ratio phass TIME en 1 C 3: CJ] : 6: 1.90 ;t.= -2 8226. LIQUID1 81.48088420 3.65497701 14.86413879 .81903752 •. 230428E + 05 5422266501300[J] LIQUID2 . 22870290 95.74082903 4 . 03046807 .18096248 -.516882E+05 MAX INT. NFV~ 123 3 TIE-angle: T~ 298.00[K] G global cont. AQ 40.0000 BE 40.0000 AC 20.0000 phase ratio phase en TIME 18: [J]: 6: 6.90 it.- -29785 LIQUID1 67 .89642456 4. 13317701 27.97039844 .82140511 -.250136E+05 )37Q100[J] LIQU ID 2 .29516423 91 .04906235 8.65577342 . 17859489 517319E+Ü5 STEP TOL NFV= 181 4 TIE-angle: T« 298.00[K] G syst, globa1 cont. AQ 35.0000 BE 35.0000 AC 30.0000 phase ratio phase en. TIME 18: -31432.3198308309400EJ] STEP TOL NFV™ 139 [%] [J] : 6:10.30 LIQU ID 1 55.64486180 4.82676344 39.52837476 . 82526639 271514E+05 LIQUID2 .39530878 85.57604863 14.02864259 .17473361 -.516513E+Q5 5 TIE-angle T= 298. 00 [K] global cont. AQ 30.0000 BE 30.0000 AC 40.0000 phase ratio phase en TIME 18: G syst [%3 [ 3: [J] : 6:14.48 - -33207. LIQUID1 44.49160780 5.84736938 49.66102282 . 83204829 295302E+05 8991301589300[J] LIQU ID 2 .55347440 79 . 07744301 20 .36908259 . 1679517 1 -.514274E+05 MAX INT. NFV= 166 5 TIE-angle: J~ 298. 00 [fi 3 G syst global cont.[X] AQ 2 5.0000 BE 25.0000 AC 50.0000 phase ratio [ ]: phase en, [J]: TIME 18: 6:18.65 .= -35147 LIQUID1 34.20115193 7.43436012 58 .36448795 .84550536 322513E+05 3155695423200[J] LIQUID2 .82376294 71 .15412038 28 . 0221 1668 .15449464 . 509965E+05 MAX INT. NFV^ 139