3.3 Computing software

Commercial software is advertised through Internet. A common feature is to offer online access to demo-versions or partial WWW implementations of these software. On some occasions, one can even come across tutorial lectures in calculation techniques etc. e.g. Electron Microscopy Image Simulation NACE (corrosion)

3.3.1 Chemistry and Inorganic Chemical Thermodynamics

There exist a great variety of thermochemical databases and software packages in pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, chemical engineering, electrochemistry and process simulation for pure substances and non-ideal solutions of gases, alloys, ceramics, salts, mattes, slags, minerals, aqueous, etc. Quite a large amount of thermodynamic and physico-chemical data are accessible online (for free); for elements, including chemical data and ionization enthalpies (Webelements), for compounds, e.g. COMPOUND-Web (F*A*C*T pure substances database. See table 13.) and NIST's Standard Reference Data Program which includes the Chemistry WebBook with thermodynamic and ion energetics data, and finally for solutions. Online calculators comprise e.g. conversion of properties, chemical reaction and equilibria, and chemical searching and information integration. CS ChemFinder is a useful tool where the user gives one or more of compound name, formula, formula weight and/or CAS RN and ChemFinder fills in the blanks and also returns other chemical and physical properties for the common compounds as well as links to other web sites. Some information on fully integrated commercial databases and software packages with extensive chemical equilibria and phase diagram capabilities is provided below. In addition to these, a number of downloadable free software for thermodynamic calculations, analyses, and simulation of phase equilibria exist on the net. A comprehensive guide to different web sites in inorganic chemical thermodynamics as partially accounted for here above, including databases and software packages, free downloads, publications, and miscellaneous links is given at the home of F*A*C*T, an integrated thermochemical database well presented on the web. Thermodynamic calculations are playing an ever-increasing role in the planning and execution of materials processes of all types. With the aid of reliable thermochemical data and appropriate application software, optimum operating temperatures, reacting amounts and/or gas pressures necessary to obtain a product of the required purity can be calculated. Costly and time-consuming experimental development work can thereby be reduced considerably.
NameHostContentAccess Mode
F*A*C*TÉcole Polytechnique
de Montréal
Integrated thermochemical
database which couples
software with
thermodynamic data.
online, PC
and web
Thermophysical and
JICST. factual
databases (JOIS-F)
thermophysical and related
data for inorganic and
low molecular weight
compounds and up to
3-component systems.
planned for
Note: this service
is temporary down
KINDASLehrstuhl für
Theoretische Hüttenkunde
Database of kinetic
properties and with
calculation programs
THERDASLehrstuhl für
Theoretische Hüttenkunde
Databank system for
thermochemical data
ThermoalloyTHERMODATAProperties of
multicomponent systems,
and phase diagrams
Thermo-CalcRoyal Institute
of Technology
Software for thermodynamic
and phase diagram
calculations, specially
designed for systems with
strongly non-ideal phases.
PC and
ThermocompTHERMODATAThermodynamic properties
of elements and substances
in inorganic chemistry, and
their reactions.
ThermodocTHERMODATABibliographic references
pertaining to the
thermodynamic properties of
elements, stoichiometric
substances, alloys and
non-stoichiometric phases
of interest to dry mineral


- Facility for the Analysis of Chemical Thermodynamics - started in 1976 as a joint research project between two universities, McGill University and the École Polytechnique de Montréal, for treating thermodynamic properties and calculations in chemical metallurgy. F*A*C*T has now grown into a fully integrated thermochemical database which couples proven software with self-consistent, critically assessed thermodynamic data. It is employed in many diverse fields of chemical thermodynamics by pyro- and hydrometallurgists, chemical engineers, corrosion engineers, inorganic chemists, geochemists, ceramists, and so on. It is also employed as a teaching aid. F*A*C*T contains 12 program modules written in FORTRAN, Pascal and C for performing various types of calculations in chemical thermodynamics. For example; one is able to display tabular and graphical thermodynamic data (H, S, Cp, G, magnetic, real gas data and compressibility/expansivity properties) on over 5000 compounds as a function of temperature, to calculate thermodynamic property changes for different types of chemical reaction including non-ideal solutions, to compute multicomponent multiphase equilibria including non-ideal alloys, slags, mattes and molten salts drawn from the F*A*C*T solution databases, to simulate metallurgical processing of "open" systems such as copper converting and steelmaking, etc. F*A*C*T is available in three formats: on-line, PC and web. The on-line version is accessed via Internet, Datapac, Telenet, Tymenet, etc. The user signs a contract with the McGill University Computing Centre. F*A*C*T-PC runs under MS-DOS and is well suited to operate within a DOS window of Windows 3.1 or Windows 95. At the homepage of F*A*C*T there is an introduction of each program with sample calculations, detailed worked examples for the more common programs, and an user manual which provides documentation of the F*A*C*T databases and programs.


The Japan Information Center of Science and Technology (JICST) was established in 1957 and is the main organization in Japan for gathering, storage and processing of scientific and technical information from all over the world. JICST has an online information system for the distribution of bibliographic databases (JOIS). Another online system, JOIS-F, for factual data dissemination has been developed. It started in order to enable the systematic accumulation and compilation of physical and chemical property data as part of an Integrated Chemical Database System. It contains several databases of which experimental demonstrations for data retrieval are available for the Crystal Structure and the Mass Spectral databases. The JICST Thermophysical and Thermochemical Property Database (this link a technical note) has thermophysical and related data for inorganic and low molecular weight compounds and up to 3-component systems. About 60 thermophysical-thermochemical properties are dealt with. The JOIS-F system is at present accessible for customers in Japan through 22 nodes located all over the country as a step towards the aim to distribute these databases online to all kind of users through a public information service center.

Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Hüttenkunde (Institute of Theoretical Metallurgy) at the RWTH Aachen

The Thermochemical Databank System THERDAS contains critically evaluated thermochemical data of all types. The data can be accessed and used to provide calculated thermodynamic properties via interactive commands. Data sets for different types of pure substances or solutions can be combined in calculation programs which provide answers to typical practical problems. The Institute is also offering other thermochemical services in collabaration with GTT-TECHNOLOGIES including; calculation services, consulting, experimental services and technical literature search service. KINDAS is a databank developed at the the Institute, containing a database of kinetic properties and calculation programs. Its principle use is presently metallurgical applications. The database contains data and approximation formulae for the following properties: thermal conductivities and diffusivities, dynamic and kinematic viscosities, electrical conductivities, diffusion and emission coefficients, specific heat capacities and densities. The calculation service involves the calculation of kinetic data of substances over wide temperature ranges and presentation of the results in diagram form. KINDAS has potential to be used in the development of process simulation programs. The system is written in Standard FORTRAN and can be installed either on mainframe computers or PCs. A valuble source of information for those with interests in the application of technical thermochemistry is Stephan’s Technical Thermochemistry Web Page. Here is information on the software and data originally developed at the Institute of Theoretical Metallurgy.


Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. A software for all kinds of thermodynamic and phase diagram calculations. It is specially designed for systems with strongly non-ideal phases. There are also facilities to calculate many other types of diagrams for example CVD depositions, Scheil-Gulliver solidification simulations, partial pressures in gases etc. With Thermo-Calc one may use databases from many sources using different models for each phase in a system. In particular there are the databases from SGTE (Scientific Group Thermodata Europe), a solution database with about 200 accessed systems and a substance database with about 3000 compounds. Any modern PC or workstation can be used for running the program.

THERMODATA Domaine Universitaire de Grenoble.

Thermodata is a non profit association, active member of the Scientific Group Thermodata Europe (SGTE), created on its initiative in 1979 between eight european research laboratories. This group´s efforts are directed towards critical assessment and compilation of thermodynamic data. The purposes of Thermodata in the inorganic chemical thermodynamic field are as follows: the maintenance and development of databases, an activity of consultancy, and the development of software. The computer software developed are especially designed for the needs of industry and research engineering. The information can be accessed online by a computer connected to the networks (Transpac, Internet). There are three databases: THERMODOC contains of bibliographic references, pertaining to the thermodynamic properties of elements, stoichiometric substances, alloys and non-stoichiometric phases of interest to dry mineral chemistry. The update is monthly. THERMOCOMP. This database contains the thermodynamic properties of elements and substances in inorganic chemistry and their reactions. Thermocomp contains among other things a list of chemical species whose names obey criteria of composition, thermodynamic values for a given reaction, and graphical output of the properties. The selected data in the base originate from different sources but are critically assessed before storage. THERMOALLOY contains properties of multicomponent systems, and phase diagrams. Information on the software available from Thermodata for PC usage is given on their web page, plus the opportunity to upload demo versions. This software are featuring search and selection of substances, numeric and graphic tabulations of the chemical species and their reactions, and thermochemical equilibia calculation codes. NEXT PREVIOUS Contents