Cover illustration Waste Body Burden 'Metro Map'. Source: Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition; Metro lines adapted from Sam Loman (see p. 27). This is a publication of the Secretariat of the Basel Convention prepared by Zo'i Environment Network and GRID-Arendal. The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal is the most comprehensive global environmental agreement on hazardous and other wastes. It aims to protect human health and the environment against the adverse effects resulting from the generation, management, transboundary movements and disposal of hazardous and other wastes, The Geneva-based Zo'i Environment Network is a new answer to some stubborn old questions. An international non-profit organization, Zo'i's mission is to reveal, explain and communicate connections between the environment and society, GRID-Arendal is an official UNEP centre located in Southern Norway. GRID-Arendal's mission is to provide environmental information, communications and capacity building services for information management and assessment. The centre's core focus is to facilitate the free access and exchange of information to support decision making and secure a sustainable future, Copyright: ©2012 The Secretariat of the Basel Convention ISBN: 978-2-940490-02-8 Printed at Imprimerie Nouvelle Gonnet 01303 Belley, France. We promote environmentally sound practices globally and in our own activities. This publication is printed on fully recycled paper. Inks are vegetable-based and coatings are water-based. Our distribution policy aims to reduce our carbon footprint. Disclaimer The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Secretariat of the Basel Convention, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations (UN), Zo'i Environment Network orGRID-Arendal. While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the contents of this publication is factually correct and properly referenced, the Secretariat of the Basel Convention, UNEP or the UN do not accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the contents and shall not be liable of any loss or damage that may be occasioned, directiy or indirectly, through the use of, or reliance on, the contents of this publication. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Basel Convention, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations (UN), Zoi Environment Network or GRID-Arendal, concerning the geo-political situations or the legal status of any country, territory, city or area of its authority, or delineation of its frontiers or boundaries. VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 GLOBAL TRENDS HH^KHKm^^^HnH 6-9 THE WASTE HEAP 6-7 DARK SIDE OF A MODERN WORLD 8-9 DO WE REALLY WANT TO MINIMIZE WASTE? HHHedJRKJBmH 10-15 HAPPY THROWING AWAY, MR AND MRS CONSUMER! 10-11 NOW, UPGRADE! 12-13 TAKING ACTION 14-15 VVASTl- RHVENUES ■I^HMK^HmHM^^^H^HH 16-21 WASTE WORTH BILLIONS 16-17 VITAL SCRAP 18-19 BIOGAS AND COMPOST 20-21 WASTE COSTS nKfH^^H^Hi^HmQ^^H 22-27 DIRECT COSTS 22-23 GHOST COSTS I: THE ENVIRONMENT 24-25 GHOST COSTS II: HEALTH 26-27 PRODUCER AND CONSUMER RESPONSIBILITY HgaHHHKTHI 28-33 CLOSING THE LOOP 28-29 GREEN RULES FOR GREEN PRODUCTS 30-31 CITIZEN WASTE 32-33 DISASTERS AND CRIME nH^^H^HClKII A A^K • 34-39 DISASTERS AND WASTE 34-35 WASTE CRIME 36-37 GOOD GOVERNANCE AND ILLEGAL TRAFFIC 38-39 HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS AND WASTES CONVENTIONS 40-41 Vital Waste Graphics (2004) Vital Waste Graphics 2 (2006) Vital Waste Graphics 3 (2012) Vital Waste Graphics 3 has a deliberately wider scope than the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal. From generation to disposal, waste is a by-product of societal dynamics, and all too often absent from our consideration. Vital Waste Graphics 3 seeks to put waste in context by: • looking at some of the forces driving global trends; • examining various concerns and the strategies developed to address them; • considering the difficulties encountered in implementing these strategies. 4 VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 Foreword With more people living on this planet, more consumption, more waste, more pollution, less land available for landfills, and fewer resources, what will we do with all the waste? Because these elements are connected, it is our responsibility, as consumers and producers, to rethink our consumption and production patterns and, where appropriate, modify trends and shape the development of our society into more sustainable pathways. Decisions taken today determine the choices and solutions available tomorrow Within this web of interconnected factors, waste represents a major node, one that cannot be considered separately from other global issues such as resource sustainability As a by-product of our activities, waste can represent a significant burden for human society and the environment. The most obvious way to begin reducing this burden is through finding opportunities to use waste as a resource, transforming this burden into a challenge and an opportunity This simple idea of closing the loop' and evolving from cradle-to-grave to cradle-to-cradle has already spread spontaneously across various sectors of the economy, especially in the informal sector of many developing countries. The waste management sector can contribute to generating national income, instead of hampering it. While the economic benefits are often readily perceived, the social and environmental costs of these activities need to be made explicit in economic calculations. We need to have a broader vision for the future that accommodates new developments and realities as well as ensures that unavailable wastes that are generated are managed in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. To address the numerous issues highlighted in this publication, all actors need think in terms of integrated waste and resource management on both the local and global scales. Many options have been and are being developed to translate our shared responsibility into effective measures. The trends identified in this report hold interesting prospects for society in general as well as for business, in terms of innovation, job opportunities and sustainability Jim Willis Executive Secretary Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 5 GLOBAL TRENDS THE WASTE HEAP The world population is steadily increasing, consumption levels are growing, and as a result the global waste heap is getting bigger and bigger. Despite the economic difficulties faced by several countries, global trends for waste are clearly on the rise; and forecasts for 2050 indicate that these are long-term trends. By the middle of the century, 9 000 million human beings on the planet are expected to generate over 13 100 million tonnes of waste - about 20 per cent more than in 2009. The general rule is that the rich produce more waste; but a certain level of development allows for some decoupling of economic growth and waste production (cleaner production; waste prevention campaigns). This increase in waste generation is most apparent in urban areas. Today more than 50 per cent of the world's population lives in cities. By 2050 this number is expected to rise to around 70 per cent, with 50 per cent of this total urban population in Asian countries. Development of urban areas across the world, which is especially strong in emerging and developing countries, will pose significant challenges for policymakers. Transport, housing, energy and Municipal waste generation in rich countries Trends and projections Kilograms per capita per year 800 700 OECD North America 600 OECD..* _ - ^^"m m ^^^^^^ 500 " 400 *" ~ OECD Asia Pacific OECD Europe 300 200 100 At the time of the study, Chile, Estonia, q Slovenia and Israel were not yet OECD members. 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Source: OECD Environmental Outlook to 2030, 2008. Waste generation vs. income in selected cities Municipal waste generation Kilograms per capita per year 1 ooo 900 800 700 600 500 Kuala Lumpur Africa ■ Europe Asia ■ North America Latin America Data for 2009 or latest year available 1 - Average municipal waste generation in Lebanese cities. 2 - Ogbomosono is a traditional African citty in Nigeria. Lome ■ Kiev ■ Buenos Aires ■ Osaka Dublin ■ Bujumbura ■ Kinshasa Bangkok Guangzhou Säo Paulo . Santiag0 Rio ■ Mexico City Curitiba ■ Í Prague Athe New York City Hong Kong Ljubljana Tokyo Taipei Singapore Sources: Green city index reports, Economist Intelligence Unit, Siemens, 2009 to 2011;; Eric Achankeng, Globalization, Urbanization and Municipal Solid Waste Management in Africa, University of Adelaide, 2003; Solid waste management in Dhaka city, Dhaka City Corporation, The People's Republic of Bangladesh, Japan International Cooperation Agency, 2005; CREDOC, 2011. Porto Alegre 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 National Gross Domestic Product Dollars per capita per year (in purchasing power parity, inflation adjusted) 6 VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 Hazardous waste Million tonnes 20 BASIC CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING Major activities generating hazardous waste in the United States Only sectors generating more than 500 000 tonnes of hazardous waste in 2009 have been represented. Source: US Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report, US Environmental Protection Agency, 2010 2009 2001 PETROLEUM AND COAL PRODUCTS MANUFACTURING WASTE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL IRON AND STEEL MILLS AND FERRO-ALLOY MANUFACTURING NON-FERROUS METAL (INCLUDING ALUMINUM) PRODUCTION AND PROCESSING SEMI-CONDUCTOR AND OTHER ELECTRONIC COMPONENT MANUFACTURING ACTURING i r I J I I I 14 12 10 resource demand, and of course, waste management, top the list of these challenges. Cities concentrate a high level of economic activities, with higher incomes and therefore high levels of consumption. This, in turn, is reflected in the considerable volume of waste produced annually compared to other areas. Beyond volume, a matter of content: the threat of hazardous wastes Hidden in the global trend, hazardous waste generation poses a serious threat to human health and the environment. In addition, despite the various regulations in place and the monitoring mechanisms they imply, no exhaustive data can currently provide a clear overview of global hazardous waste generation, the exact sources and substances, the volumes and handling methods. Considering the significant potential for harm from hazardous waste, the present situation gives rise to legitimate concerns. Major hazardous waste producers (countries for which data are available) 'Hazardous waste is solid waste which may pose a substantial hazard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored or disposed of because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical or infectious characteristics.' (ThinkQuest) Please be careful when interpreting this map: wastes, other that those listed in Annex I and II of the Basel Convention, that can be considered or defined as hazardous differ from one country to the next. KAZAKHSTAN RUSSIA1 Only countries producing more than 5 million tonnes of hazardous waste per year are shown. Sources: Basel Convention, 2011 (data for 2007 or latest year available); Environmental Indicators, United Nations Statistics Division, 2009; Eurostat 2011 (data for 2008 or latest year available); Philippe Chalmin, Catherine Gaillochet, Du rare a I'infini. Panorama mondial des dechets 2009. VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 7 GLOBAL TRENDS DARK SIDE OF A MODERN WORLD Major concerns have emerged around the world, in particular about the fast soaring stocks of plastic waste, and electronic and electrical wastes - or e-waste. From packaging to the transportation industry, more and more materials are being replaced by their polymer or plastic counterparts, still almost exclusively produced from oil. The increase of crude oil prices seems to have little effect on this trend. Indeed the value of the physical and chemical properties of plastics far outweighs production costs. Resistant to degradation, plastics are also lighter than most other materials and can take any shape and any colour. Because of a strong market niche, plastics are becoming increasingly ubiquitous. The main distressing side-effect of this success swims in the planet's oceans. The slow degradabil- ity of plastics allows these materials to 'withstand the ocean environment for years to decades or longer.' Where large surface currents - gyres1 - converge, plastic waste forms entire floating islands of marine debris; but their precise distribution and impacts are much less obvious to the human eye, and hence poorly documented. Marine fauna ingest plastic or become entangled in it. Plastic also absorbs persistent organic pollutants (POPs)2 from the environment and eventually transfers them back to it. The main source of this pollution is apparently land-based, considering the increasing Trend for weight of plastic packaging generation Index = 100 in 1997 200 180 Plastic packaging in Europe 160 140 120 100 80 Highest growth in plastic packaging registered in Germany Germany Trend for waste streams in US municipal waste output Index = 100 in 1960 Please note indexed values only help to compare trends (plastic share displays the highest growth rate, but not the largest share of total waste output). 10000 Plastic waste share: growing (so much) faster Source: US Environmental Protection Agency, 2009. 1 000 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1 Metals i i i i 1995 2000 2005 2010 Sources: Nickolai Maximenko et al. cited in Tracking Ocean Debris, IPRC Climate, Newsletter of the International Pacific Research Center, 2008; Kara Lavender Law etat, Plastic Accumulation in the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre, Science, September 2010; US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Marine Debris Program, 2010; 8 VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 world production of plastics and their growing share in municipal waste.3 As for end-of-life electrical and electronic products, e-waste already constituted an estimated 8 per cent of municipal waste in 2005. With plastic as its second largest constituent, e-waste certainly contributes to the rise in plastic waste.4 Both types of waste share a similar problematic symbiosis with hazardous substances (see page 27 for details on potential health impacts of e-waste). As for all hazardous waste, the problem was initially seen mainly as an issue of exports by developed countries. In fact the situation is much more complex, and developed countries cannot solve the problem by themselves. Plastics are massively produced all over the world; and the volume of obsolete personal computers or mobile phones generated in developing countries has already exceeded - or soon will - that of developed countries. All countries are thus concerned by the issue of hazardous wastes, especially when heavy industry and natural resources extraction are among the leading economic sectors. Indeed, high levels of consumption do produce more waste, but other stages of the product life cycle contribute significantly to the overall hazardous waste heap (production waste, mining waste / see Vital Waste Graphics 1 and 2). Estimated number of obsolete computers Million units Developing countries Developed countries From about 2016 onwards there will probably be more obsolete PCs in the developing world. PROJECTION 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Source: Yu et al., Forecasting Global Generation of Obsolete Personal Computers, Environmental Science & Technology, 2010. Forecasting generation of obsolete computers Obsolete electronics in the United States Million units 200 Computers and related devices Televisions Mobile phones lllllll 1982 1984 1 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Source: Electronics Waste Management In the United States, Approach 7, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Solid Waste and Eastern Research Group, 2008. Mobile phone subscribers Share of World total 100% - 90 10 OECD countries have been more mobile-phone subscribers in the developing world. Non-OECD countries —i-1-1-1—i—i 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Source: OECD Factbook 2010. VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 9 DO WE REALLY WANT TO MINIMIZE WASTE? HAPPY THROWING AWAY, MR AND MRS CONSUMER! In response to the challenges posed by the growing waste heap, the concept of minimization - or prevention - of waste generation has been developed in major international texts and public policies on waste management. The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the European Environment Agency (EEA) or the United States Environment Protection Agency (EPA), for instance, all identify minimization as one of the topics on which to focus action against the growing problem of waste.5 Global trends, however, do not confirm any general consensus on when and how to achieve this objective. A number of obstacles prevent the practical implementation of waste minimization. The most prominent are the manufacturing strategy of'planned obsolescence, related consumption behaviour and surprisingly, the waste market itself. The core of the problem is certainly systemic. Many products need to be changed after a certain period of time. In a system in which production must increase steadily to cover credit interest payments and further investments, a limited service life allows the manufacturer to produce replacements, thus securing a regular revenue stream. The constant search for profitability also drives manufacturers and producers to look for production methods which save resources, energy and time. Although generally considered positive, this approach becomes problematic when durability is deliberately sacrificed for the sake of production gains. The strategy of planned obsolescence - shortening a product's lifespan, manufacturing 'made to break items or single-dose goods - undeniably leads to an increase in The advent of the throw-away culture A selected history of disposables in the United States First man-made plastic (Alexander Parkes). Paper shirt front, collar and cuff; Rubber condom Toilet paper I Latex condom Kleenex® Disposable razor One dollar pocket watch Disposable band I Sanitary napkin ■aid Paper Paper cup shopping Tampax® | Kitchen paper 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION: PAPER, STEELAND RUBBER INDUSTRIES GREAT IMPROVEMENTS CHEAP RAW MATERIALS FIRST DISPOSABLES TARGETING MEN A trend fuelled by two new concerns 1900 1910 1920 WORLD WAR I ADVERTISING STRATEGIES REFINING 1930 1940 DEPRESSION WOMEN GRADUALLY IN CHARGE OF THE FAMILY BUDGET: WOMEN-TARGETED DISPOSABLES DISPOSABLES led by ^\ :erns. ft A\ HYGIENE )§ Sources: Giles Slade, Made to break. Technology and Obsolescence in America, 2006; Wikipedia, 2011. HEALTH CONCERNS f "Selling Mrs. Consumer", \ Christine Frederick,1929 10 VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 resource consumption and consequently more waste. On the other hand, when new products offer higher performance or greater energy efficiency, for instance, a change may reduce the overall environmental impact. Indeed, the use-phase of certain electronic products carries significant weight in their Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The presence (or lack) of sound waste management methods can nevertheless alter the final verdict. To avoid counter-productive effects, environmental regulations on product efficiency and quality must also take into account the end-of-life of products. Happiness versus consumption Are high consuming, therefore high waste producing, societies happier? The satirical model developed by Colin Beavan, oka 'No Impact Man, illustrates the much discussed relationship between happiness and consumption. At what point ('the goal') does growth become useless and even harmful to our well-being, when objects, things, 'stuff' take over our lives? Plastic syringe Polyethylene plastic bottle Disposable nappy Ballpoint pen Aluminum can Latex medical glove Plastic shopping bag Disposable electronics? 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 WORLD WAR I HIV AIDS (great growth in the use of condoms) MASS USE OF DISPOSABLE PACKAGING MASS USE OF DISPOSABLE TABLEWARE Tangible sanitary or social improvement SPREAD OF FASHION (CLOTHES, FURNITURE, CARS); DISAPPEARANCE OF THE THRIFT AND DURABILITY CULTURE (associated with wartime) EVER-SHORTENING LIFESPAN OF ELECTRONICS "The Waste Makers", \ f "The Consumer Society', Vance Packard,1960 J \. Jean Baudrillard, 1970 VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 DO WE REALLY WANT TO MINIMIZE WASTE? NOW, UPGRADE! In recent decades the remarkable development and increased functionalities of computer software and hardware have caused an exponential increase in the rate at which computers become obsolete (see page 9). Regular replacement is now unavoidable, contributing with the growing total number of computers to the rising generation of e-waste. The technology race: where will this lead to? Average RAM (Mb)1 in today's standard computer Average processor speed(Ghz)2 in today's standard computer Average hard-drive capacity (Gb) on today's standard computer 6% actually used by a regular computer user (home or business use) 256 Mb required, 4 Gb standard 31 % actually used 1 Ghz required, 3.2 Ghz standard 10% actually used SO Gb required, 500 Gb standard Theoretical calculations based on the following applications: internet browsing, word processing, spreadsheet and image editing, watching videos, with adequate space to store data. Making allowance for video gaming would significantly change the results. Data compiled in March 2011. 1 - Random-access memory, measured in megabytes, is needed to run software; 2 - Gigahertz. Sources: Mozilla, Microsoft, Google, 2011. The reasons for replacement include both internal (a component breaks) and external factors (changes in fashion or technology make previous items unusable or simply obsolete). Such obsolescence has had systemic impacts not only on production but also on consumption patterns. While functional reasons (e.g. technical obsolescence, technological innovation) provide a major part of the explanation for the replacement rate, the importance of fun and social status attached to the adoption of the newest electronic products represents also a significant driver for obsolescence.6 Computer technologies come thus closer to common electrical products, despite the difference in technology level involved, the significant resource consumption and the environmental impacts attached to the computer life cycle. We should not underestimate the social obstacles to minimizing the waste this entails. Shortening life spans University computers case study Computer life span1 Years 12 10 1985 PROJECTION Scenario 1: linear decrease Arizona State University [ case study ] 1£ 1995 2000 2005 2010 1 - From purchase to disposal. Source: Callie W Babbitt et al., Evolution of Product Lifespan and Implications for Environmental Assessment and Management: A Case Study of Personal Computers in Higher Education, Environmental Science & Technology/Vol. 43, No. 13, May 2009 Technical obsolescence The end of cathode-ray tubes? US sales Million units 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 CRT monitors 1975 2005 Source: Electronics Waste Management In the United States, Approach 7, Office of Solid Waste of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Eastern Research Group, 2008. 12 VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 Upgrades: how much is really needed? Hard-drive capacity required [ to store software components ] Bytes 1011 LOOK AT THE BARS Adobe Photoshop Windows OS Random-access memory (RAM) required [ to run the software ] 4 LOOK AT THE LINES 20 Go 1010 10Go 5 Go 2 Go 109 = 1 Gb (gigabyte) 500 Mo 300 Mo 200 Mo 108 100 Mo 50 Mo 107 10 Mo 5 Mo 106 = 1 Mb (megabyte) Please note the logarithmic Adobe Photoshop hard-drive requirement 105 ME Windows operating syste _, T|1 _ . 1985 1987 1990 1993 1994 1995 1996 1998 2000 2001 20 06 20 09 J 1.0 2.0 Windows 3 Adobe Photoshop2 0 NT 3.1 NT 3.5 95 NT 4.0 S 8 2000 XP I Millenium Vista 7 [ 1990 1991 1992 1994 1996 1998 1999 2000 2001 2003 2005 2007 2008 2010 J Photoshop 1.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 7.0 [ TWO POPULAR SOFTWARES ] 1 - Software "organizing" the overall running of a computer (user interface). "NT" and "DOS" systems developed in parallel between 1993 and 2000. 2 - Image editor (Mac users only befbre1992). CS CS2 CS3 CS4 CS5 ^"successive versions Sources: Microsoft, Adobe, Wikipedia, 2011. VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 13 DO WE REALLY WANT TO MINIMIZE WASTE? TAKING ACTION Diagnosis of the growing waste heap reveals little sign of a bright future. Nevertheless strategies and tools exist to regain control and ultimately change global trends. Most need resources for their implementation, but everything depends on one of them: the willingness to change. Greece1 Ireland1 Poland Romania Latvia Lithuania Portugal Slovenia Estonia Spain Finland 2016 target >~l The Netherlands Share of landfilled biodegradables 110% in % of biodegradable municipal waste generated in 1995 [ 2006 status ] 1100 Czech Republic I United Kingdom I Hungary Italy 60 Various targets in store Governments and other public authorities are responsible for framing national and global strategies to solve the problems caused by waste. They alone possess the political legitimacy to implement effective and fair frameworks allowing such development, using regulations, and financial or legal incentives. These incentives can take the form of waste taxes, for instance, or norms and standards, either imposed by the authority or developed by the private sector (ISO standards). Of course problems of governance have a significant impact on the 50 1. Rates above 100 % result from a growth in the generation of biodegradable municipal waste as the targets are related to the absolute amounts in 1995. way authorities respond to this challenge and assume their responsibility An inadequate response to an issue, such as waste management, may result from a deliberate refusal to tackle the problem; but such an outcome often arises due to a lack of capacity for implementation. Enforcement strategies are the keystone for the success of any state policy, putting into practice the laws on statute books. Building capacity so that this can happen everywhere is a titanic task which requires substantial funding, and changes in habits and policies. By weight, from 1995 level 35% landfilled by 2016 recycling targets — Packaging — Glass: 60% recycled Paper/ cardboard: 60% Metals: 50% Plastics: 22,5% Wood: 60% 4 kg collected per capita per year 85% of the vehicles re-used or recovered France • Less than 35% of biodegradable municipal waste generated in 1995 I Source: EEA State of the Environment Report 2010. Luxembourg Sweden Austria |j Germany, * Switzerland 20 Belgium 10 Denmark 0 Source: European Union, 2011. Minimizing waste versus preventing waste The distinction between the two terms is still not settled. It is nevertheless crucial to distinguish between end-of-life actions such as waste management measures, and preventive measures to reduce waste production itself. By the time waste has been produced, resources (energy, materials) have already been consumed, and a number of impacts on humans and the environment have already occurred. It is too late for significant changes. In that sense, recycling and incineration, for instance, do reduce the amount of waste going for landfill - a diversion often associated with minimization. These operations, necessary as they are, do not help limit the actual generation of waste; they simply allow us to limit the occurrence of further impacts. Ultimately real prevention would mean changing not only the way we manufacture products, but also the way we produce waste, in other words, consumption.7 For instance, European targets for reducing the portion of biodegradable waste in municipal solid waste can be categorized as a waste minimization strategy. Beyond the obvious reduction of space required for landfill, the objective is twofold: to reduce emissions from landfill, but also to encourage energy and material recovery from organic waste (see pages 20-21 on organic waste). But the energy and material saved can often be 're-invested' to boost production, thus limiting the expected overall reduction in impacts. This 'rebound effect' or 'Jevons paradox,'8 underlines the importance of preventive measures as opposed to only focusing on end-of-life actions. 14 VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 Preventive tools for each stream Very efficient strategy for specific stream Useful strategy Inefficient strategy ~} No data or data not applicable WASTE STREAMS WASTE STRATEGIES V y Hazardous Household Paperand Metals Plastics waste Biowaste waste Mineral Wood Glass cardboard Product requirements1 | | Financial incentives Awareness and education Green public procurement2 | | Green marketing | | Voluntary agreements3 Ecodesign | | | | Technological standards | | Labelling / certification | | Prevention targets 1 - Prohibited toxic substances, packaging or volume requirements, etc. 2 - Green organizations and public spending. 3 - Environmental targets set in consultation with industry. Source: adapted fromArcadis, Analysis of the evolution of waste reduction and the scope of waste prevention. A report for the European Commission, 2010. What is waste for some, is a business opportunity for others. Indeed, those who produce waste must dispose of it, usually paying for its removal and/or treatment. These costs, however, turn into revenue for other economic activities. Such actors may therefore not welcome - may even oppose - the overall idea of reducing waste production at source. On the other hand, the production of limited but more homogenous and higher quality waste should prompt more positive reactions. Apart from transport, the cost of recovery, recycling and other waste-related activities should drop, thus improving the profitability of these operations as environmental policies (public, private) slowly turn waste into a resource. Waste costs vs. Waste revenues DIRECT EXPENDITURES Education / awareness / Waste management See pp. 22-23 Collection Sorting Transport Treatment Disposal Technical research Prospective analysis REVENUES Sale of recyclables ^ ^ or by-products from recycling see pp. 16-21 Sale of biogas from energy recovery see p. 20 (at landfill or incinerators) Waste taxes and tipping fees at landfill See p. 33 Waste sector funding (firms, governments, institutions) see p. 41 Is waste too profitable to reduce? EXTERNALITIES see pp. 24-25 Climate change Biodiversity losses Loss of ecosystem services see pp. 26-27 Health costs A- Public costs Private revenues VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 WASTE REVENUES WASTE WORTH BILLIONS At present, commodity prices are high and state regulations regarding waste have been developed in many countries.9 As a result of one or both conditions, many jobs and activities benefit from waste. The most numerous are probably informal waste pickers working on landfills in many cities in the developing world. Considering the size of the (legal and illegal) waste market, its economic value, the number of actors and jobs involved, one may wonder how great an obstacle this represents to progress towards much needed reduction of waste generation. A change in the current trend could certainly raise major social and economic issues. In simple economic terms, little profit can be derived from an item produced in significant volume but with little intrinsic value. Indeed, most manufactured goods lose their initial function when they are consumed or used, bringing down the value of each item to that of its constituent materials. Such is the basic characteristic of waste. So how can the global waste market, worth an estimated US$300 000 million a year, be so profitable? How can waste turn into a tradable good? Profit is obviously only possible if revenue from waste exceeds the cost of its handling. The waste market is therefore highly dependent on the price of raw materials and of energy. High prices for primary raw materials increase the revenue that can be expected from selling the valued fraction extracted from waste. With metals at the top of the commodity market (in terms of price per volume unit), demand for waste containing metallic elements is extremely high. In several regions the consumption of metals often exceeds the volume of extracted mineral ore. Scrap metals, cheaper than the primary material, can therefore constitute the main supply source for whole countries or industrial sectors.10 Among scrap metals, precious metals present in small amounts in electronic devices and used-vehicle parts, have the highest economic value, and are therefore most attractive. In terms of volume, however, the top scrap metals are still steel, aluminium, copper, zinc WASTE TURNING A PROBLEM... End-of-Me vehicles or electronics RECYCLABLES ... INTO A VALUABLE COMMODITY Us STIMULATED RECYCLING BUSINESSES MARKET From recycled raw material... up Copper scrap /Murrim'wm scrap dismantling sorting / separating 19laSs ^carded newspaper Textile. Organic waste fl£COVERY procj^ cutting / shearing / shredding cleaning /depolluting chemical / thermal processing baling / packaging shipping Recycled iron Recycled steel Recycled aluminium Recycled copper Recycled plastics Recycled glass Recycled paper Compost POTENTIALLY INTERESTED BUSINESSES Steel industry Electronics manufacturing Car manufacturing Construction industry Clothing industry Packaging industry Beverage industry Book production Paper-making industry Agriculture Landscaping CONTROL OF THE WASTE [ BEFORE RECOVERY ] Is this particular waste recyclable in an environmentally sound manner? Secondary waste Waste or not waste Discussing the status of "waste" QUALITY CONTROL AND FINAL MATERIAL APPROVAL [AFTER RECOVERY] ... to directly usable end-products The European Commission is working on regulations for the status of secondary raw materials, and in particular the conditions under which some of them can be lifted out of the "waste" category after proper recovery (and thus exempted from waste regulations). 16 VITA L WASTE GRAPHICS 3 Recycling and reuse Separation treatment Chemical I Thermal Containment | treatment | destruction The market for remediation Biological of hazardous waste Irradiation 2011 0 2 4 6 8 Market estimates by type of technology Source: BCC Research Market Forecasting, 2006. and iron, used in ships, cars and various types of infrastructure. The second condition for profitability is the presence of state regulations. Through taxes or subsidies, states can improve the revenue of waste-market actors or, alternatively, reduce their costs. By introducing waste management standards or guidelines, or favouring similar private initiatives, states can also force waste producers Recycling -finding the right scale Local, environmentally sound recycling has clear advantages: less transport, less primary raw materials extraction and associated environmental impacts. Appropriate facilities, however, are not available everywhere due to the substantial financial resources required (mainly technology and energy costs). In addition local businesses may not have a use for locally available scrap materials. Trading recyclables at a larger scale consequently seems necessary. But for the recycling industry international trade, bringing prices down and opening up competition, means pressure on profit margins, with adverse effects on working conditions and the environment in places where regulations are weak or non-existent. Ultimately the increasing size and complexity of the recyclables market means the valuable benefits of international trade are highly dependent on successful monitoring and control of shipments, bringing scrap materials to the appropriate waste management facilities. 10 12 14 16 18 Thousand million dollars Please note that the 2011 figures were estimated in 2006. to turn to specific economic sectors for the disposal or the recovery of their wastes complying with specific environmental or social criteria. This entails unavoidable costs for the producer - such as disposal fees - but secures revenue for the actors concerned. The remediation industry, for instance, depends entirely on the regulatory obligation for producers of hazardous or other types of waste to dispose of it in an appropriate way. Emerging sectors such as biogas production and composting of biodegradable waste illustrate the vital necessity for state support for such projects, which may not be economically viable without appropriate regulations and incentives. Raising public awareness and providing adequate logistics and infrastructure are also important levers for action in the hands of public authorities. Conversely, the absence of strict standards, or the failure to respect existing rules, allows actors on the waste market to avoid certain costs and thus increase their final profit. Such socially irresponsible behaviour is criminal when adopted as a deliberate ploy in a regulated context. However developing countries have few environmental regulations and implementing the existing framework is often hampered by corruption and lack of enforcement capacity, knowledge and technology. Waste market estimates for selected countries (from collection to recycling) Japan These numbers do not include the large share represented by the informal sector, especially in developing countries. United States EU151 and Norway Thousand million dollars 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Municipal waste Non-hazardous industrial waste 1 - Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, UK. Source: Philippe Chalmin, Catherine Gaillochet, Du rare ä ľinfmi. Panorama mondial des déchets 2009. VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 WASTE REVENUES VITAL SCRAP Scrap-metal recycling is booming. In 2008 approximately 71 million tonnes of ferrous waste and scrap were traded globally, with a value close to US$50 000 million. Recycling metals is very advantageous both in terms of material and energy consumption. Depending on the process, steel can contain between 25 per cent and 100 per cent of recovered steel. Scrap is easily collected and sorted, and can be reused, most of the time with limited material properly loss. The amount of energy required by recycling processes is generally much lower than for refining metal from ore - up to 95 per cent less energy for aluminium, and 75 per cent for iron and steel, according to some studies. For several countries, especially where natural resources are scarce, this market represents a vital source for national supply. Cheaper than ore, recycled metal 2009 imports value Million dollars Trade in selected scrap commodities Top five importers I Copper scrap I Plastic scrap I Aluminium scrap [105 reporting countries] Germany Ul from the ship recycling industry accounts for 50 per cent of national steel production in Bangladesh, for instance, one of the three major actors of the international recycling market for ocean-going vessels (with Pakistan and India). Iron or steel make up 80-90 per cent of a ship (as a percentage of the empty vessel's weight), representing a valuable source of scrap steel for construction, for example. The collateral damage associated with recovery operations is nevertheless significant. Metal scrap is not generally hazardous in itself, but contamination with other hazardous substances is a recurrent problem. Recycling operations themselves often have dramatically negative impacts on workers and the environment due to the lack of appropriate health, safely and environ- Y m Austria Belgium. +-if Austria The-Netherlarids mental standards. Ships sent for scrap contain a list of substances which make ship breaking sites highly polluted and dangerous, contaminated with used oil, asbestos cladding, flame retardants, toxic paints, heavy metals, amongst others. Official reports estimate that demand for scrap metal is not going to fall in the near future; on the contrary economic downturns tend to bring even more ships to breaking yards as owners seek to dispose of unproductive assets' quickly. If international regulations (such as those presented in the final chapter) are not properly enforced and as long as prevailing practices at ship breaking sites remain unchanged, hazardous substances will continue to accumulate, causing fatalities and injuries. India"' lion tonnes 1400 China 6.1 3.5 Historical use of steel scrap 1 200 A major input since the 1950s for steelworks and foundries 1 000 - 2.8 800 600 400 200 Estimated 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 South Korea United States I. Source: UN Comtrade database, 2011. 18 VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 Sources: Gmünder, 2007; USGS, 2009; CSR, 2009 compiled by Siddharth Prakash and Andreas Manhart in Socio-economic assessment and feasibility study on sustainable e-waste management in Ghana, Öko-Institut e.V., 2010. Waste picking, or scavenging, is a common income-generating activity for over 15 million people worldwide. Almost all of them live in developing countries where a varying share of municipal waste is not collected through formal channels. In these countries one to two per cent of the urban population is involved in recycling urban materials, with an economic impact estimated at several hundred million dollars. With incomes potentially higher than in the formal sector, incentives for scavenging are high, despite the heavy risks for workers' health and the environment. These conditions attract the most vulnerable sections of the population (migrants, unemployed, widows, children, elderly, disabled). In Brazil, for instance, the formal recycling industry itself relies on waste pickers, or catado- res, who recover up to 90 per cent of recycled materials. In the Philippines 90 per cent of national lead consumption in 1999 was covered by recycling of used lead acid batteries (ULAB), of which 35 per cent was extracted from imported batteries. At the time the informal sector accounted for 30 per cent of this secondary lead production. In urban environments where public waste services are deficient or nonexistent, this informal recycling - often highly organized - provides a cheap and abundant workforce, as well as contributing to the supply of materials, to waste collection and recovery, which is far from negligible. Considering sanitary and environmental factors, as well as economic and social aspects, regulating this sector poses a major challenge for many cities; but examples exist of policies to capitalize on this contribution while improving working conditions (Colombia, Argentina, Brazil). Such improvements yield multiple benefits. Inappropriate handling methods damage public health and the environment. But there may be adverse financial impacts too, with a valuable share of raw materials being lost or degraded in the process. Establishing basic social and safety standards, can improve both the quantity and quality of output, and working conditions. Jobs in recycling Estimates for selected countries 10 000 thousand jobs Beijing waste pickers CHINA Source: Zhou Yan-fang et al., Estimation of Economic Value of Recyclables Collected by Waste Pickers and Collectors and Suggestions for Their Management in Beijing, 2010 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government. — Electronics only Estimated amounts collected in 2007 Thousand tonnes Average value of materials collected Thousand dollars per tonne 800 i_ 600 _I_ 400 _I_ 200 _I_ COPPER PLASTICS I IRON CARDBOARD Sold at a very high price, copper is worth collecting, even in small amounts. Not so highly valued, cardboard is worth collecting because it is abundant. BOOKS AND NEWSPAPERS I TEXTILE WOOD I ALUMINUM I GLASS In rising order of annual economic value. UNITED STATES BRAZIL Source: Green jobs: Towards decent work in a sustainable, low-carbon world, a report from the Worldwatch Institute forthe UNEP, ILO, IOE, ITUC Green Jobs Initiative, 2008; 2011 Electronics Recycling Industry Survey, Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries. — Aluminum cans only VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 19 WASTE REVENUES BIOGAS AND COMPOST Organic or fermentable waste forms the largest fraction of municipal waste in most countries worldwide. From the 20-40 per cent range in high-revenue countries, the proportion rises to 50-80 per cent in developing countries. If paper and other biodegradable waste is also taken into consideration, this proportion can exceed two-thirds of urban waste. This gives some idea of the importance of sorting and recovering compostable wastes. Composting, bio-methaniza-tion and similar processes can reduce not only the volume of waste going to landfill, but also provide cheap local fertilizing products for agriculture. Moreover, with appropriate means and infrastructure, energy or heat can be recovered from such fermentation processes; greenhouse gas emissions linked to incineration or normal degradation processes can also be reduced, as can air, soil and water pollution linked to leaching or other gas emissions. Methane, for instance, is the main byproduct of the biodegradation of organic material such as food waste, animal manure or waste from the paper or food industry. Major sources also include municipal waste landfills, wastewater treatment plants (sewage sludge) and agriculture (rice fields). Methane gas can often be collected and harnessed to produce heat, electricity or both (cogeneration) through the process of methanization of biomass. The local benefits are numerous - industrial and household energy, or heating supplies for example. The emissions avoided in this way can have a significant impact on climate change, considering the related reduction in fossil-fuel consumption and the fact that methane's global-warming potential is 21 times higher than carbon dioxide. The issue of land-use competition between food crops and crops being grown especially for methanization (maize in Germany) remains contro- Compost markets Greenhouses Sports turf Landscaping top soil mix Nurseries Private gardens Organic farming Wine and fruits Land reclamation Other agricultural uses HORTICULTURAL USES high quality, mature compost 30 dollars per cubic metre1 AGRICULTURAL USES Volume of demand B Ed MB 1 - 2000 price estimates for Europe. Source: Modified from Amlinger, 2000 cited in Economic Analysis of Options for Managing Biodegradable Municipal Waste, a report by Eunomia for the European Commission, 2001. Biogas: electricity, heat (and waste reduction) lndex=100 in 1990 1990 1995 2000 2005 2007 Source: Biogas barometer, Eurobserv'ER, November 2010. French regulation prices for electricity by source1 o 100 200 300 dollars per MWh Wind (on land) Hydro power 1 - in September 2010. 2 - 75 to 140 € per MWh. 3 - Depending on plant capacity, technology and contract duration. ^^^^H Wind (offshore) Biogas / methanisation 95 to 178 $ p 3rMWh2 Biomass combustion Geothermal energy ^^^H Solar photovoltaic ^^^^H Minimum3 Source: EurOberVER, 2010. Maximum3 World electricity from waste TWh1 100 - 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Electricity from municipal waste and other biogas processes Electricity from industrial waste 1 - One Terawatt hour equals 1 000 000 000 kilowatt hour. Source: Worldwide Electricity Production from renewable energy sources, Edition 2010, Eurobserv'ER, EDF, ADEME. 20 VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 versial. Many European countries prefer to convert existing waste feedstock. Here too, the investment in appropriate solid-waste management policies and facilities is significant, often beyond the means of many municipalities in lower-income countries. Organic waste encompasses all types of materials derived from living organisms (plants or animals);11 as for com-postable and biodegradable waste, the terms indicate particular properties of the materials. Composting represents 'the controlled biological decomposition of organic material' under specific thermal and aeration conditions. A compostable product will completely break down into carbon dioxide, water and sometimes humus, under specific conditions. On the other hand, biodegradable products only partially break down; these products often leave traces of material in the environment, may release toxics and cannot be used by the earth's ecosystem as a resource. All sorts of organic waste can enter the composting process, even used oil from the oil industry. The operation is technical, demanding a balance between nitrogen and carbon inputs (green and 'brown materials), aeration (stirring), optimal moisture, and stable temperature. The outputs, concentrated liquid (leachate) and gas emissions, can have serious impacts if not managed appropriately. Studies now show that biodegradable waste can contain arsenic (animal growth promoters, banned in the EU and New Zealand), feed additives, antibiotics (in manure: in 2007, 70 per cent of all antimicrobials in US were used for livestock production) and heavy metals. All this remains in composting outputs. This serious obstacle highlights the prominent concerns related to our feedstock and livestock production. Input in composting processes should be controlled. But the number-one priority is still for measures and changes to be deployed higher up the chain. Only in this way will we be able to reduce the hazards and boost the potential of composting biodegradable waste. However many countries still lack the technology and funding to improve awareness, waste collection and treatment methods. Compostable wealth: a large share [especially in poor countries] Share of biodegradables as a percentage of raw waste wet weight 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i_i low income Vegetable / countries putrescible waste share 62.5% low income 5.5% (a fraction of it can be composted) Waste paper and cardboard share 32.5% high income Source: Sandra Cointreau, Occupational and Environmental Health Issues of Solid Waste Management. Special Emphasis on Middle- and Lower-Income Countries, World Bank, Urban Papers, July 2006. BIODEGRADABLE IN THEORY Garden waste Glass clippings Leaves Watch out for herbicides and pesticides Yard trimmings Tree pruning Stems and twigs A bucket A pile in your garden in your kitchen A worm bin in your cellar INDIVIDUAL LEVEL O Power reactors! O Research and test reactors © Uranium recovery sites © Complex materials © Fuel cycle facility CZECH REPUBLIC SWITZERLAND FINLAND I I [J I I I □ =V,CLO, I ■ TAIWAN 1 BELGIUM 11111111111 i L . ill I and much more [US example] o> water alternative institutional ^ Health spending health expenses Years of Life Lost (YOLL) approach (famines, disasters) Value of Statistical Life (VSL) approach Famine casualties Lives saved by remediation Health expenditures related to psychological disorders (including depression) Land competition Conflicts related to environmental justice (poor vs. rich neighbourhoods) and land competition Cost of disamenities Price of land Loss of land revenue Cost of remediation Impact on tourism ...a (dry but) useful approach Source: Emmanuelle Bournay from various sources including A Study on the Economic Valuation of Environmental Externalities from Landfill Disposal and Incineration of Waste, European Commission, 2000; Stern Review Report on the Economics of Climate Change, 2006; The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) Study, 2011. Sea-level rise: Number of refugees Price of land lost Cost of litigation Years of proceedings Cost of conflicts over land VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 Recent economic studies show that the social consequences of such degradation fall most heavily on those who depend directly on these services for subsistence and income, the rural poor. It is indeed from sectors like agriculture, animal husbandry and informal forestry - activities constitutive of the 'GDP of the poor - that 'much of the developing worlds poor draw their livelihood and employment.'13 Building upon the example set by the Stern Review Report on the Economics of Climate Change (2006), the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) study has attempted to quantify the effective costs of 'the loss of biodiversity and the associated decline in ecosystem services worldwide, and to compare them with the costs of effective conservation and sustainable use.' These studies and their wide impact have shown how effective it is to put numbers on environmental issues in order to prioritize such issues on the political agenda. Indeed, the results of the studies should provide the means to correct the price signals driving market actors today. The aim of internalizing negative externalities, already a longstanding approach, is to restore the balance in economic accounting and create the right incentives. For this we need to see the situation from a different perspective, based on the costs and benefits theoretically incurred by society and nature. With such an approach, health and remediation costs, loss of time and ecosystems can all be estimated in econom- Waste share of total GhG emissions Trends in greenhouse gas emissions from waste [1990-2009] Source: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2011. .4* Total emissions from solid waste disposal on land/ from wastewater, waste incineration and any otherwaste management activity. \ Average annual growth rate -3 -1 +1 + 3 % a year ■_i_i_i^m ■ No data ic terms, even life thanks to the value of a statistical life (VSL) approach. The accuracy of calculations and of basic assumptions is clearly open to question, given the extreme difficulty of finding reliable data; and we are still a long way from solving the problem of identifying sources of pollution or damage in order to assign costs (polluter-pays principle). These approaches remain, however, a useful means of attracting the attention of economic actors who reason in terms of costs and benefits. In time such internalization may help change behavioural patterns and production methods. Their application to waste could in turn yield valuable outputs, providing estimates of the external costs involved in waste-management activities. But systematic use of these economic simplifications may dangerously distract us from addressing crucial social and in % of all GhG emissions1 10 ■ 11 % TURKEY I JAPAN %-' t From incineration i— Other From landfills I RUSSIA UNITED STATES waste-related emissions. From wastewater From manure management Selected top emitting countries 1 - Excluding emissions from land use, land-use change and forestry. Source: UNFCCC, 2011 (data for 2009). Note that most countries do not report these emissions to UNFCCC. ethical questions. A tool is a tool, and a model is never the real thing. According to United Nations Environment Programme reports, waste management represents a relatively minor contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions - 3-5 per cent of total anthropogenic emissions in 2005. The major source of greenhouse gases in the waste sector is generally considered to be methane from landfill. However these estimates are hypothetical due, among others, to the large diversity of management techniques and the lack of reliable data for many regions. Moreover reports of the United Nations' Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) account for emissions from waste under various categories, such as agriculture (especially manure). The global contribution of waste could therefore be much larger in fact. But environmentally sound waste management reduces emissions in all other economic sectors, through lower landfill emissions, improved material and energy recovery, waste prevention, and cuts in raw material extraction and manufacturing. Waste-related expenditure should consequently be included in global climate-change mitigation costs estimated, for instance, by the Stern Review, at about 1 per cent of Global GDP by 2050 in order to stabilize greenhouse gases levels at 550ppm CO2 equivalent. VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 25 WASTE COSTS GHOST COSTS II: HEALTH Cost-benefit analysis by economic actors rarely includes impacts on human health. Waste pickers or workers on many ship breaking sites often earn meagre wages at the expense of their own health. Numerous other industrial activities release hazardous substances into the environment (air, water, soil), including waste-related operations. Impacts on human health and environmental degradation go hand-in-hand, and both are direct consequences of this situation. The generation and composition of waste are largely affected by a country's income, just as much as its level of industrialization. Unfortunately this holds true for waste-related health problems. Low-income countries produce less waste, but a smaller portion is collected too. Hazardous wastes are often mixed with municipal waste due to the lack of an alternative collection and disposal system, and the failure to fully enforce waste regulations where they do exist. In addition, protective measures for waste workers and nearby inhabitants, pollution control systems and risk mitigation measures are often insufficient in such countries. Waste management is there mostly dealt with by the informal sector, consisting of workers from vulnerable sections of the population who live and work on-site. The presence of hazardous (medical) waste and the mismanagement of other types of waste (burning electronic or electrical components to recover metals) can seriously impact a populations health and environment. Studies suggest that about 50-80 per cent of electronic waste produced in industrialized countries may be ending up in South-East Asia. Under the present circumstances it is extremely difficult for responsible consumers to ensure their waste is properly disposed of. It is hard for supervisory authorities to know the exact destination or real quality of these shipments.14 The efforts and means to achieve such vital objectives are so huge that they have so far remained beyond our reach. Over and above landfill, concerns have emerged about livestock waste as a significant vector of diseases, in particular from animals to humans. Indeed, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Bank, 75 per cent of all human diseases emerging in the past decade have come from animals or products of animal origin (SARS, High Path Avian Influenza, Mad Cow, Lyme, Ebola).15 The application of Flame retardant exposure workers dismantling Blood concentration electronics Picomol per gram of lipid weight ' Source: Sjödin et al., Flame retardant exposure: PBDE in blood from Swedish workers, Environmental Health Perspectives, 1999. waste management measures directly on contact and exposure pathways can significantly reduce risks (more contained waste technologies, contaminant-emissions reduction, improved working methods, use of protective clothing). Developing and developed countries face this ongoing challenge, but the latter suffer much less than the former, with better access to mitigating measures and resources. Pollutants released from waste-related industrial activities Reports to the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Reported heavy-metals releases Tonnes ZINC 1 NB: graph indicates the number of reports, not the levels reported. Number of reports' METHANE 1 100 ZINC 1 Only large facilities have to report to the Register. In 2009 they numbered 2 621, located in 32 European countries. RELEASED TO AIR TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON (TOC) NITROGEN PHOSPHORUS ► Most commonly reported pollutants ■ Greenhouse gases ■ Inorganic substances ■ Other organic substances ■ Heavy metais ► ► >- Heavy metals Setting aside greenhouse-gas emissions, 97% of these pollutants are released to water. RELEASED TO SOIL RELEASED TO WATER MERCURY1 CHLORIDES I IENIC1 I CHROMIUM ARSENIC CADMIUM1 'I Source: E-PRTR, The European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register, 2011. 1 - and compounds. 26 VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 Waste Body Burden Health concerns affecting waste workers and people living close to landfills or incinerators Notorious World WEEE1 dumps PARTICULARLY -f VULNERABLE ORGAN 2 Digestive and urinary Affected by: Lead, Cadmium, Antimony, Dioxins and Furans, BFRs, Vinyl Chloride (from PVC), PCBs. 4-Respiratory Particularly affected by: Mercury, Arsenic Hexavalent Chromium SYSTEMS TYPICALLY AFFECTED BY WASTE EXPOSURE [IN ORDER OF VULNERABILITY] 1 Central nervous system Particularly affected by: Lead, Mercury, Beryllium Arsenic, Antimony Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) milk] \J HI Stomach WELD Pancreas I Ovary 3 Reproductive and endocrine Particularly affected by: Lead, Brominated Flame Retardants (BFRs), Dioxins and Furans 6 ■ Skeleton Particularly affected by Cadmium B» Taizhou Province, China Q (WENLING, LUQIAO) O GUIYU, China 5 ■ Blood Particularly affected by Lead and Mercury Other more general toxics-related illnesses include cancers, skin diseases, impaired immunity, general weakness and depression. Source: Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition, 2010; Metro lines adapted from Sam Loman,2011 ( In red, the name of the scrap yards where e-waste is "recycled". E-waste destination countries Suspected e-waste destination countries 4 1 - Waste electrical and electronic equipment Associated heavy metals levels Sources: Greenpeace, Recycling of Electronic Wastes in China and India: Workplace and Environmental Contamination, 2005; Greenpeace, Chemical Contamination at e-waste recycling and disposal sites in Accra and Koforidua, Ghana, 2008. Dust, soil or sediments (direct residues like ashes and wastewater excluded) sampled in and around the studied e-waste scrap yards and workshops. Milligram of specific heavy metal per kilogram of dry weight in samples 10000 3000 3000 7000 3000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1 000 i -< Guiyu average Lead Peak values reached when separating components and recovering solders (using heating or mechanical shredding). Delhi ► •< Delhi average Guiyu ► Cadmium Peak values reached when recovering glass from cathode-ray tubes and when burning waste. •< Accra average NB: the height scales are different Uncontaminated soil values around 30 Accra ► Less than 2 ► 60 50 40 30 20 10 VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 27 PRODUCER AND CONSUMER RESPONSIBILITY CLOSING THE LOOP The ultimate aim is to close the loop of the economy, which means reducing as much as possible the economic system's inputs and outputs into and out of the natural substratum. In other words, we need to change the equation linking the global variables to the growing waste heap: rising population should not directly imply an equal rise in consumption and waste production, or greater pollution and resource depletion. Educate rich . . , Improve products consumers DESIGN: Durability Promote [less Low toxic content alternative is more] A Easy dlsmantlmS collaborative Low weight consumption integrated Low / No packaging WASTE AND RESOURCE Second-hand management Improve production Refurbished Repaired PROCESSES: [waste is Recover energy and heat not waste] Maximize RE-USE B RECOVER production residues as raw materials Maximize RECYCLING Safely dispose of 'waste waste' The first step is to transform our approach to human industry into 'integrated waste and resource management.' Durable goods, collaborative consumption (sharing goods), a functionality-based economy (buying a function or service, rather than goods)16 are some of the theoretical strategies of this general decoupling of economic growth from waste production. But this goal can only be achieved if in turn consumers and producers accept their share of responsibility, or have the capacity to do so. Governments, in their capacity as major consumers and employers in most national markets, must set an example in their own operations (through internal waste prevention measures, energy consumption, mobility policies). In view of the enormous volume of goods and services at stake, governments' setting of minimum environmental standards for public spending (through effective and responsible green procurement policies) can act as a significant driving force for the market. Such massive flows can reduce the production costs of durable goods and services, and support specific actors or sectors of the economy which have integrated durability principles. States have both the capacity and the responsibility to preserve the common interest, which in this case means promoting a sustainable economic system. Big private companies, with sizes and influence over the economic system similar to States, share such responsibility, as expressed in their respective Corporate Social Responsibility policies. Implemented by significant economic actors, green or sustainable procurement strategies, public or private, have a serious impact on whole supply chains. Industrial synergies: mobilizing business to foster re-use of residues in local industry Washington State Southeast Milwaukee Michigan q Kansas CityQ Chica9° SCRAP STEEL SECTOR 1 Connecticut-Massachusetts EAF1 SLAG Raw steel production Greater Houston Cement, concrete, road mix Working synergies or areas engaged in the process (not an exhaustive list) Source: US BCSD, 2011. ^ÄTampico [ BENEFITING ] SECTOR 2 / j MILL SCALE FLY ASH Possible schemes Coal or oil powerplants Plaster, fibre boards, drywall \ GYPSUM 2 Construction Fertilizer o Agriculture 1 - Electric arc furnace. 2 - From flue-gas desulphurization, a technology used to reduce S02 emissions from exhaust gases. NB: the toxicity of some residues should of course be considered in re-use patterns (not the subject of this graphic). 28 VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 circular A is foot Industrial ecology The 'industrial ecology' approach suggests a view of the industrial system as one type of human ecosystem in interaction with the biosphere. Like biological ecosystems, this particular type can be described in terms of flows and stocks of materials, energy and information. On this theoretical basis, a number of methodologies have been developed to help the decision-making process concerning the industrial system. Apart from the two most famous - life-cycle assessments (LCA) and material flow analysis (MFA)17 - the principle of 'industrial synergies' (by-product synergies or industrial symbiosis) has had a significant impact on the planning of industrial sites, and planning in general. Inspired by biological synergies, this principle focuses on possible forms of interaction between various industrial activities or processes within the same plant. The aim is to reduce the overall material and energy consumption by considering all types of waste or by-products as a potential resource for another process. Heat discharged into the air by many industrial processes can, for example, serve to reduce the amount of heating energy needed by other processes. Two main obstacles still hamper development of the synergy principle. Firstly, industrial production covers a large diversity of material flows, with specific compounds and properties. Without particular attention to the design of processes, a majority of output or throughput flows (mostly heterogeneous) does not match the requirements for input (homogeneous). Moreover for synergy planning to work, industrial actors must have a detailed understanding of their production operations and, perhaps more problematic, they must be prepared to share it. VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 29 PRODUCER AND CONSUMER RESPONSIBILITY GREEN RULES FOR GREEN PRODUCTS As one of the major sources of waste, industry should bear significant responsibility for the problem. It also holds the key to improvements through innovative solutions. The waste market itself, much as any market, operates within a framework of regulations. Public authorities can influence it to meet the growing challenges of waste management, and thus help the industry shoulder its responsibility. The principle of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), for instance, is present in various environmental policies. Designating a large variety of instruments and methods, this approach extends the responsibility of the producer to the post-consumer phase of a product's life-cycle.18 For such purposes, tools such as product life-cycle assessment (LCA) have been developed. By estimating and highlighting the various environmental impacts associated with extraction of raw materials, production, the use and disposal of a product, LCA helps industry to detect the most problematic aspects of their whole production system; it also provides consumers and decisionmakers with a valuable comparison between similar products. Political incentives can then support the alternatives which entail fewer consequences for the environment and public health. In its efforts to reduce the hazards caused by dangerous chemical substances and to drive the industry towards cleaner production, the European Union (EU) has developed strong legal instruments that go beyond simple incentives. The REACH (Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) directive, for instance, came into force on 1 June 2007. One of the main achievements of this regulation has been to make industry responsible 'for assessing and managing the risks posed by chemicals and providing appropriate safety information to their users'. In addition, this directive includes the possibility for the EU to phase-out highly dangerous substances. On the other hand, once past the tests imposed by REACH, substances can circulate freely within the EU. Substances recovered from waste are still subject to this regulation, but a number of exemptions exist.19 An earlier regulation, the 2006 RoHS (or Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment) has a more specific target. It forces EU member states to ensure that new electrical and electronic equipment entering the market does not contain concentration values of six banned substances (lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls or polybrominated diphenyl ethers) in quantities exceeding specific maximum levels. Considering the rise in e-waste production, expectations are high regarding these instruments and other international initiatives addressing the same issue.20 A first encouraging note The EPEAT Registry: Rating electronic products according to environmental criteria The Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) helps consumers evaluate laptops, desktop computers and monitors on the basis of precise environmental criteria, encouraging manufacturers to get greener (and helping them to communicate about their efforts). Share of products rated Gold1 ■ Over 75% ■ From 50 to 75% Number of electronic products ■ Less than 50% rated in the registry1 .___ c^nw I Sony registers more than 1 000 -, I- Sony ^ , nny„ nrunrtll„(« h,„ „„,„ ■ - HP registers 500 100 III ■ III 1 000 products, but only in the US and Canada. 317 products in 38 countries. "Toshiba Co™,,™ Hewlett- Samsung _ Packard Dell , Lenovo Fujitsu ASUS B B ^cer _LG Electronics ■ TPV Technology - MMD Taiwan ■ Apple ■ ■ ■ Hyundai NEC Manufacturers meeting EPEAT requirements August 2011 . Oracle Please note the logaritmic scale. -1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Number of countries where products have been registered 2 1 - Some criteria are required, others optional. A product must meet all of the required criteria to be added to the registry. It is then rated Bronze, Silver or Gold depending on how many of the optional criteria it meets. 2 - Country registering is esssential because take-back, recycling - among others - can only be assessed locally. Source: EPEAT®, global registry for greener electronics, 2011 []. 30 VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 Take back and what next? The Californian example Major domestic destination Major international destination Treated in California1 Shipped out of California 2 How does the journey begin? To other ■ US states E-Waste Collected Thousand in California in 2009 tonnes -350 -300 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 -0 I I I Please note that when comparing tonnes, quantities of exported e-waste can appear comparatively low because most e-waste collected are intact devices which weigh much more than parts (the latter being predominantly shipped abroad). 1 - Dismantling mostly. 2 - Parts mostly. Source: California Department of Toxic Substances Control, 2011. End-of-life management of electronics in the United States [20091 Collected for recycling Disposed of Source: US Environmental Protection Agency, 2011. Mobile devices Recycling —»■ 8% rate Computers Televisions 17% 38% I Million units - 140 -120 -100 - 80 - 60 - 40 - 20 - 0 is that the fraction of pollutants and hazardous components in e-wastes has already seen a steady decline over time. Complementary to the strategies already described (clean production, waste management strategies, life-cycle approach), the development of green (or eco-) design or take-back campaigns can be harnessed by appropriate EPR-based policy measures. Green design (or eco-design, Design for Environment) seeks 'to ensure that all relevant and ascertainable environmental considerations and constraints are integrated into a firms product realization (design) process.' Indeed, a significant proportion (ranging from 70 per cent to 90 per cent) of any given product's ecological footprint can be addressed at the design stage.' The EPEAT (as Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) global registry was set up to encourage manufacturers of electronic products to get 'greener', while helping them to communicate about their efforts. Its purpose is also to help consumers evaluate laptops, desktop computers, and monitors according to precise environmental criteria. On the other side of the life cycle, the take-back campaigns organized and financed by the private sector, aim to ensure a high-recovery rate of different types of waste. The most prominent type targeted by recent policies is e-waste. The complex structure of electrical and electronic products contains several hazardous substances, such as heavy metals (mercury, cadmium, lead), flame retardants, and other potentially harmful substances. The improper disposal of such waste causes major health impacts and environmental degradation.21 Tackling this issue is therefore a major challenge both during the design process and at the end of life. The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive passed in 2002 by the EU aims to ensure that manufacturers and importers take charge of recovering their products from consumers and disposing of this e-waste using environmentally sound methods. Despite this regulation, 2008 reports indicate that 'only one third WEEE arisings appear to be collected, treated and reported according to the WEEE Directive, and that trade to developing countries appears to be widespread.' Indeed, WEEE take-back policies, like any EPR-base instrument, face serious implementation problems when there are strong economic incentives to export 'used' or 'end-of-life products to developing countries. The outlook is hard to predict: e-waste generation will increase, but technology for appropriate disposal should improve as resource scarcity and energy costs increase too. VITAT WASTE GRAPHICS 3 31 PRODUCER AND CONSUMER RESPONSIBILITY CITIZEN WASTE Today, minimizing waste does not only imply the necessary changes in technological and industrial strategies. To address the challenges posed by waste in a serious and responsible manner involves far-reaching changes in behaviour and a shift towards the 'cultural obsolescence' of mass consumption. Sooner or later the depletion of certain resources, environmental degradation and health impacts are likely to weigh on the decision. Consumers, among others, have a part to play in how long the goods they consume may last. A product's lifespan varies, for instance, depending on how it is used and maintained. Changes in styles and preferences also affect product life expectancy; but the responsibility for fostering these changes is, much as for positive improvements in new products, often attributed to business and its obsolescence-based marketing strategies, or to political measures (ban or restriction of certain hazardous substances, for instance). Although historical evidence supports this argument, it takes three to make a bargain, to build an economic rapport linking supply and demand within a regulatory framework designed Choose durable goods More jobs, less waste Design and engineering n order to: > simplify product content for easier upgrades, repair, dismantling and recycling; > reduce energy input to processes; > reduce toxic content; intensive research into product design is needed, representing a major source of engineering jobs by governments. Ultimately, by discarding less and consuming differently (preferring durable goods or collaborative consumption) and through appropriate handling methods, consumers can reduce their own impacts. To foster such behaviour some countries or cities have introduced a proportional fee system for household waste (charged per waste bag or by weighing waste on disposal). The rationale is simple and consistent with the well-known polluter-pays principle: the more waste you produce, the more you pay. This type of public measure can cause controversy, as the Swiss example shows. One basic assumption is that the waste manage- Likely consequences of product durability on employment: 9 Positive jobwise 9 Mixed 0 Negative •fc Highly qualified jobs IMPACTED SECTORS Upgrading -fa A currently very limited field (mostly electronics) Maintenance, repairing + Two labor-intensive sectors that could be revitalised (almost abandoned in rich countries) Consulting and performance contracting -jc Advice on maximizing product utility and extending product life Energy and materials inputs If products last longer, production can slow down, hence less (but more robust) raw material input is needed Mining jobs could be affected. Manufacturing and assembly Less products would need to be manufactured but production processes focussing more on durability and quality would need to operate with smaller batches Distribution and transport Less products would need to be packed and delivered but local circulation from users to repair shops could increase. Refurbishing, remanufacturing and recycling More labour-intensive than initial manufacturing Source: Michael Renner, Working forthe Environment: A Growing Source of Jobs, WorldWatch Paper 152 (Washington, DC:Worldwatch Institute, 2000; cited in: Green jobs: Towards decent work in a sustainable, low-carbon world, a report from the WorldWatch Institute for the UNEP, ILO, IOE, ITUC Green Jobs Initiative, 2008. ment sector is fully operational, which is not the case globally. But by funding waste disposal through taxes, contributions match revenue levels. At first sight the switch to a fee proportional to waste production, as applied in certain Swiss regions, is interesting, but it omits the social justice aspect. The impact of the incentive is much greater on large families and low-income actors. Moreover, the increase in waste sorting in some regions has often been accompanied by higher amounts of illegal dumping due to the lack of harmonization between cantonal regulations within the Swiss federal State. This example shows that regulations and incentives can have a wide range of impacts that need to be assessed to avoid serious drawbacks. Nevertheless the higher up the waste-production chain such changes can occur, the more likely and predictable the effects will be. The infrastructure and administrative resources needed to implement such a tax system are far too heavy for many contexts. Reducing packaging in a few companies will yield much more concrete results than end-of-pipe solutions targeting thousands of households. Food waste, for instance, poses different challenges in the developing and developed world. In general, while the former faces major production losses (including distribution), the amount of waste in the latter often comes from inappropriate consumption. To work properly mass production needs a large, fully functional distribution system; with inappropriate conservation technologies and capacity, developing countries, more vulnerable to climate change, suffer considerable losses before food reaches consumers. On the other hand, food waste in developed countries is caused, among other things, by strict sanitary regulations which discard goods that could still be consumed, as 'out-of-date, and consumer habits which see throwing away edible food as perfectly acceptable. A change in consumption patterns often 32 VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 requires political and economic incentives, but a large share of responsibility is borne by consumers. Such action basically requires adequate, reliable information, and scope for choice, both of which are scarce in many parts of the world. In developing countries necessary changes to production and distribution systems put responsibility back in the political and economic arena, in view of individual citizens' low-level of capacity Nevertheless, for both sides of the food problem, on-going examples show that local initiatives can sometimes achieve things, which those on high are often reluctant or unable to do. Global losses along the food supply chain START > EDIBLE CROP 4 600 Thousand calories per capita per day AFTER HARVEST AFTER ANIMAL FEED 1 AFTER DISTRIBUTION AND CONSUMPTION [Shrinking] estimated available nutritional value 1 - Calorie gain from animal growth has been taken into account. Sources: Vaclav Smil, 2000; Jan Lundqvist et at, Saving Water: From Field to Fork - Curbing Losses and Wastage in the Food Chain, Stockholm International Water Institute, 2008. VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 33 DISASTERS AND CRIME DISASTERS AND WASTE The terrifying pictures of entire villages being washed away in Japan by the March 2011 tsunami following the biggest earthquake ever registered give an idea of the tremendous amount of debris left behind after such an event.22 While volume is the essential challenge, a significantly more complex dimension is added by the potentially hazardous nature of chemicals present in modern society. When disasters strike, exposure to hazardous substances is dramatically increased. Electronic equipment, cleaning products, medical and industrial waste all contain hazardous components that may affect human health and the environment. Waste management is a crucial part of reconstruction in the aftermath of a disaster. Yet aid agencies present in post-disaster areas are specialized in humanitarian and medical aid, emergency food and shelter logistics, seldom in waste disposal. After the Haiti earthquake in 2010, large amounts of debris obstructed the rapid progress of reconstruction efforts. Moreover, whereas food packaging just added to the volume of waste in general, 15-20 per cent of the waste produced as a result of the provision of first aid to the 300 000 people injured had hazardous characteristics (drugs, chlorinated hy- drocarbons and other chemicals and bacteria). Together with out-of-date or inappropriate medicine received as part of unwanted donations, medical-waste management was a major challenge. The local infrastructure, already inadequate for handling waste before the tragedy, could not cope with such hazards. Fortunately several hospitals were equipped with incinerators, which reduced the amount of medical waste dumped or burned on open ground. Sorting things out in the remains Typical disaster waste streams DEMOLITION WASTE (DAMAGED BUILDINGS) INDUSTRIAL / MANUFACTURING WASTE (RESHUFFLED) DISASTER-DISTURBED LANDFILL WASTE FUEL PRODUCTS TOXIC CHEMICALS DEAD BODIES/ ANIMAL CARCASSES l_l D D i ■!° ■ SOIL, MUD, SAND, ROCK PLANT DEBRIS D OTHER DEBRIS FROM DAMAGED INFRASTRUCTURE (ROADS, PIPES, ETC.) I DAMAGED ■ | GOODS WHITE GOODS ELECTRONICS FURNITURE, ETC I DAMAGED VEHICLES, VESSELS AND MACHINERY I I ■ FOOD WASTE OTHER FERMENTABLE WASTE (PAPER, CARDBOARD, ETC.) The height of bars does not represent an exact number (this is a conceptual diagram). □ (POTENTIALLY) HAZARDOUS SHARE + Waste generated indirectly after the event UNWANTED DONATIONS I HEALTH CARE WASTE ADDITIONAL FOOD WASTE DUE TO POWER OUTAGES | EMERGENCY RELIEF FOOD PACKAGING Sources: Modified from Charlotte Brown et at, 2011; US Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2007. This example shows that without well-designed post-disaster waste-management schemes, disaster wastes are likely to cause major challenges that will exacerbate the dramatic consequences of the catastrophe itself On the other hand, the re-use and recycling of debris can become a valuable resource for the rebuilding process, with a positive effect on social and economic recovery Debris Million tonnes 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 HAITI EARTHQUAKE, 2010 High estimate Quantities too big for landfill SICHUAN EARTHQUAKE CHINA, 2008 KOBE EARTHQUAKE, JAPAN, 1995 MARMARA EARTHQUAKE TURKEY, 1999 L'AQUILA EARTHQUAKE ITALY, 2009 _ High Low Source: Charlotte Brown et at, Disaster waste management: A review, International Journal of Integrated Waste Management, Science and Technology, February 2011. 34 VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 Deepwater Horizon oil spill emergency waste network Cumulative oil spill extent " (April-June 2010) ^ Impacted shoreline ^m Heavy oiling O Waste staging areas • Waste decontamination areas Waste treatment facilities □ Liquid waste ■ Solid waste (landfills) □ Recyclables Q Incident command post O Unified command post Sources: ERMAGeoPlatform (, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, University of New Hampshire; Unified Incident Command, US Government Official Website ( After the explosion and sinking of BP's Deepwater Horizon oil-extracting platform in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, 50 000 tonnes of boom and oily debris were landfilled, and more waste is being collected from what reappears on the ocean surface or the shore. This waste is an additional burden for human health and the environment in a region already devastated by the 2005 Hurricane Katrina (generating more than 75 million m3 of debris). Industrial and official waste disposal sites with inadequate risk protection pose threats by the mere presence of hazardous substances. In October 2010, for instance, a tailing dam holding back a sludge pond owned by the Hungarian Aluminium company in Ajka (Hungary) broke during heavy rain and storms. Some 600 000 to 700 000 m3 of highly toxic aluminium sludge were released into the Danube river and flood plain, Collected dead animals contaminating 800 hectares of fertile arable land and forcing whole villages to be evacuated. This tragic example was a further illustration that we should not underestimate the power of natural events, and that such factors should be emphasized in risk assessments for industrial Oil spill waste SEA TURTLES MARINE MAMMALS (MOSTLY DOLPHINS) Handled and disposed of by the US Fish and Midlife Service (FWS). Source: US FWS, Deepwater Horizon Response Consolidated Fish and Wildlife Collection Report, April 2011. Solid Liquid Thousand tonnes 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 facilities and infrastructures which produce or contain hazardous substances. Adequate risk assessments covering the whole waste management process are even more necessary in light of the increased chance of intense precipitation and flooding due to climate change. Thousand barrels OIL CONTAMINATED WASTE LIQUID WASTE [UNOILED] OILY SOLID WASTE OILY LIQUID WASTE Booms Oil and water from mixtures skimming from skimming operations operations Debris Vegetation Garbage Protective equipment from shoreline cleanup operations. WASTE-TO-ENERGY CEMENT INDUSTRY OIL INDUSTRY SOLID WASTE [UNOILED] Oiled sand Tar balls Oil and water emulsions sent for recovery Recyclables and recove rabies 1 000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 Not included: animal carcasses (see opposite), medical and municipal waste related to response operations Source: BP Waste and recoverable material tracking, cumulative total, June 2011. 6147 BIRDS VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 35 DISASTERS AND CRIME WASTE CRIME In general terms, waste crime can be denned as irresponsible behaviour related to waste management that entails damages for human health and/or the environment. Weak levels of legal protection and of awareness may foster criminal activities in the field of waste management, and such crimes will primarily affect those most vulnerable. Examples of international cooperation on fight against waste trafficking «IECE The moral element of the above mentioned definition may seem far-reaching; but, the protection of those most vulnerable actually underpins many legal norms or standards, both at the national and international levels. Enforcing rules and regulations is a complex and costly process in terms of financial, human and political resources. However, a lack of effective enforcement may unfortunately encourage criminal behaviour. At the international level, any attempt to estimate the global volume and economic weight of illegal trade (or traffic) in waste is hampered by the difficulty of obtaining direct evidence in the absence of systematic controls of transboundary movements. UNEP and the Green Customs Initiative23 nevertheless indicate that national and international crime syndicates worldwide earn an estimated US$20-30 000 million annually from hazardous waste dumping, smuggling proscribed hazardous materials, and exploiting and trafficking protected natural resources.' In addition to the challenges of monitoring and detecting criminal conduct, there are varying definitions or appreciations, from country to country, of what constitutes 'waste', 'hazardous waste and 'illegal shipments' of hazardous waste.24 To make things even worse, most developing countries apparently lack an adequate legal framework enabling them to effectively define, prevent and combat illegal traffic. Los Angeles Long Beach Pacific Ocean I Participating countries INTERNATIONAL HAZARDOUS WASTE INSPECTION PROJECT AT SEAPORTS Summer 2010 In the past decades, the OECD and the European Commission have introduced regulations prohibiting the export of hazardous wastes to, respectively, non-OECD and non-EU member states.25 These efforts complement the adoption, at the global level, of a ban (not yet in force) prohibiting countries that are members of the OECD and the EC as well as Liechtenstein from undertaking transbound- ary movements of hazardous wastes to developing countries and countries with economies in transition. Unfortunately, the impact of these measures remains unclear. European enforcement operations between 2007 and 2009, targeting waste movements within the EU and to countries outside the EU, showed that of the waste shipments inspected, 15-18 per cent infringed EU regulations. In spring 2009, a similar but larger operation steered by the World Customs Organization, Operation Demeter, lead to the seizure of more than 45 600 tonnes and 1800 pieces of illegal hazardous waste (scrap metal, household waste, e-waste, used vehicle parts). Out of the 86 seizures, a majority was made in European countries, such as the Neth- 36 VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 WORLD CUSTOMS ORGANIZATION OPERATION DEMETER Spring 2009 erlands, Belgium and Italy, hosts of the main European harbours. Again, it is extremely difficult to assess the harm to public health and the environment caused by illegal trafficking. The risk of confusing the negative impacts due to legal or illegal traffic is high; but when significant damage occurs in relation to transboundary shipments of hazardous wastes, it is highly likely that illegal trafficking is involved. This statement is without prejudice to the fact that the amount of hazardous wastes imported by developing countries might, in fact, be fairly small compared to the hazardous wastes generated on the spot, with certain notorious exceptions (when national supply is highly dependent on the import of specific waste streams / see previous chapters). On all these subjects, the positions held by official or institutional sources may differ from civil society reports. What everyone agrees upon, however, is the serious harm that the unsound management of hazardous and even non-hazardous wastes causes to well-being and the environment. VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 37 DISASTERS AND CRIME GOOD GOVERNANCE AND ILLEGAL TRAFFIC The recent waste crisis in Naples, Italy, has drawn public and political attention to the involvement of powerful (Mafia) criminal organizations in the lucrative business of'managing' hazardous waste outside the regulatory framework. According to the Italian association Le-gambiente, 20 000 tonnes of hazardous waste produced by Italian industry disappears annually, either dumped (on land or in the sea) or illegally exported to other countries. The price to pay for the community is high: large areas of farmland, lakes and forests around Naples are contaminated by illegal waste dumps. High levels of dioxins and other toxic substances have been detected in various agricultural products. As a developed country, a member of the European Union, OECD and other supranational bodies, one might assume that Italy has implemented and enforces appropriate national legal and institutional frameworks. It also seems fair to argue that Italy has access to the necessary means and technology to ensure environmentally sound waste management and to ensure that the rule of law is complied with. And indeed, the Italian authorities and civil society are already taking action. This, however, is only one example among many reported around the world; and in an overwhelming majority of cases, countries lack most, if not all, of Italy's resources to face the challenges posed by the environmentally unsound management of hazardous wastes. Lack of good governance often goes hand in hand with illegal traffic. Weak institutional and legal frameworks, corruption, insufficient controls and inadequate sanctions are some of the parameters that hinder the effectiveness of environmental standards and open the door to illegal activities. Even developed countries face such challenges. Criminal organizations like the Italian mafia infiltrate the waste management market and divert part of the shipments toward the much more profitable illegal market. The gigantic volume of waste generated across the world and the number of containers moving around the planet however make systematic monitoring and controlling of the entire waste chain an impossible task. In 2010, around 24 million standard-size containers passed through the Port of Hong-Kong, over 11 million through the port of Rotterdam, and still around 2,8 million through the port Gioia Tauro in Calabria, the biggest harbour in Italy and the Mediterranean Sea. Given this context, illegal traffic in hazardous wastes will be best prevented and punished if in addition to good governance, efficient means of detecting waste-related crimes, such as risk profiling and intelligence-led approaches, are implemented. Major partners in the legal hazardous waste trade Hazardous waste moves reported to the Basel Convention Million tonnes r 3.5 -, i-1-1-1-1-1-1-r 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Source: Basel Convention, 2011. 38 VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 1980-90: the peak of waste-trafficking by the Italian Mafia N Mediterranean Sea í FRANCE ALGERIA NIKOS I [1985] Genova SWITZ. TUNISIA SICILY Cosa Nostra; Stidda MARCO POLO [1993 Palermo mikigan [1986] cunsky AUST. / SLOVENIA CROATIA I^^Mff Local mafia f names Mediterranean Sea V 4. Catania Messina ^ Rosso H • • l^[1990 Augusta f**13' Re99|b GioiaTauro di Calabria ASO[1979] |^ RIGEL[1987] FOUR STAR I [1988] BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA HUNGARY MONTENEGRO Kosovo SERBIA MACEDONIA ROMANIA GREECE BULGARIA Waste-related offences by province [ 2009 ] 25 75 150 335 Napoli Selected suspicious sinking vessel cases1 [year of wreckage if known] H Major merchandise port 1 - In 2010 Legambiente reported 40 to 100 ships full of nuclear and toxic waste wrecked in the Mediterranean (no May-day signal / no sign of the crew). In 2009 the prosecutor's office in Reggio di Calabria listed 32 wrecking operations definitely linked to organized crime. Sources: Legambiente, Ecomafia report 2010; La Repubblica, La mappa degii affondamenti, 2009; Guy Dinmore, Timeline: A catalogue of suspicion, Financial Times, October 20 2009; ISEMAR, Les ports italiens en 200S, 2010. VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSES HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS AND WASTES CONVENTIONS At the international level, intergovernmental negotiations in the past decades have led to several multilateral legally binding instruments addressing the management of hazardous wastes and chemicals. The 1998 Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade focuses on facilitating information exchange about hazardous chemicals, by providing for a national decisionmaking process on their imports and exports and by disseminating these decisions to Parties. The 2001 Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) lists 22 POP chemicals for which consumption, production and use, import and export, disposal and/or environmental release should be reduced, prohibited and/or eliminated. The most comprehensive global agreement specifically Basel Convention [1989] on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal ■ 178 Parties I 71 Parties having ratified both the Convention and the BAN amendment [1994]1 1 - Ban on the export from OECD to non-OECD countries of hazardous wastes intended for final disposal [1994], recovery or recycling [1997]. Rotterdam Convention [1998] on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade I 144 Parties Stockholm Convention [2001] on Persistent Organic Pollutants ■ 176 Parties £2 Parties having ratified both Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions London Convention [1972] on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter | 87 Parties | 32 Parties having ratified both the Convention and the Protocol 2 | Protocol only 2 2 - Under the Protocol [1996], all dumping is prohibited, except for dredged material, sewage sludge, fish wastes, vessels and platforms, inert, inorganic geological material, organic material of natural origin, bulky items primarily comprising iron, steel and concrete, carbon dioxide streams from carbon dioxide capture processes for sequestration. MARPOL Convention [1973] for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships | 136 Parties 40 VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 ^98295 World Bank investments in the municipal solid-waste management sector Clean Development Mechanisms 3 336 registered projects among which 17% are related to waste Sources: unfccc, cdm Statistics, July 2011. eastasiaand pacific latin america and caribbean europeand centralasia middle east and north africa 3100 ■ 1300 targeting hazardous and other wastes is the 1989 Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal. The main goal of this Convention is the regulation of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes. It has also three additional objectives: to minimize hazardous wastes generation (both in quantity and hazardous-ness), to treat and dispose of hazardous wastes and other wastes as close as possible to their source of generation in an environmentally sound manner; and to reduce transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and other wastes to a minimum consistent with their environmentally sound management. 1 300 sub-saharanAfrica Million dollars Source: World Bank, 2009. Trends in generation and transboundary movements of toxic chemicals and hazardous wastes underline the growing size of the challenge these multilateral agreements are addressing. The increase is indeed global. On one side, the world population is increasing, and with it, resource and energy consumption, pollution, waste generation and transboundary movements.26 At the same time, material reuse and recycling are also increasing, and the coverage of regulations and enforcement is spreading. Concerns today focus on the rate and magnitude differences between these opposing trends and how they affect the environment and human health. The implementation of the changes necessary to reduce these environmental and health impacts significantly, and to move towards a 'greener' economy, faces a number of obstacles linked to the economic and social costs of change - divergences between waste minimization targets and the waste management market need for waste; consumption behaviours; the quickening obsolescence of various products; or illegal trafficking. The recent tenth Conference of the Parties (COP 10) of the Basel Convention sent a positive signal in this regard. Parties adopted the Cartagena Declaration on the prevention and minimization of hazardous wastes that gives an impulse towards more consideration of that key objective of the Convention. In addition, the Ban Amendment to prohibit all transboundary movements of hazardous wastes which are destined for final disposal operations from OECD to non-OECD States was given renewed impetus towards its entry into force in the coming future. Like every treaty, the Basel Convention depends to a large extent on national implementation and the political will of State parties to fulfil its goals. The COP 10 achievements, brought forward by the Country-Led Initiative (CLI) to Improve the Effectiveness of the Basel Convention launched in 2009 by Switzerland and Indonesia, hold encouraging prospects. The CLI's overall objective was indeed to find a solution to the stalemate situation of the negotiations on the Ban Amendment and, more generally, to address problems and obstacles to the implementation of the Ban and of the provisions of the Convention itself, through informal and flexible discussion on a variety of topics, at the centre of which, the problems of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes to countries where environmentally sound management could not be ensured. VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 41 NOTES 1. A giant circular oceanic surface current. 2. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are organic (carbon-based) chemical substances such as pesticides, industrial chemicals or by-products of industrial processes. They possess a particular combination of physical and chemical properties such that, once released into the environment, POPs remain stable for long periods of time, during which they can spread throughout the environment, accumulate in fatty tissue of living organisms and concentrate throughout the food chain. All such substances are toxic to both humans and wildlife. 3. Lavender Law, Kara and Skye Mo rét-Ferguson, Nikolai A. Maximenko, Giora Proskurowski, Emily E. Peacock, Jan Hafner, Christopher M. Reddy (September 2010). Plastic Accumulation in the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre. Science, vol. 329. 4. Streams of e-wastes differ from each other in terms of material composition. The most common materials are ferrous metals (iron and steel, more than 50% of the total weight), plastics (-20%) and non-ferrous metals (including precious metals, -13%). 5. See Basel Conventions key objectives (chapter 6), and also OECD work programme on waste minimization, the European Waste Framework Directive, and US National Waste Minimization Program. 6. Venkatesh, Viswanath and Susan A. Brown (2001). A longitudinal investigation of personal computers in homes: adoption determinants and emerging challenge. MIS Quarterly, vol. 25, nol, pp.71-102. 7. Even recovery includes unavoidable material and energy loss (100 per cent recycling is impossible due to the energy required, the collection shortages, the production losses, and the degradation of the recycled material's properties). Again, the development of the recovery industry is necessary; but without appropriate prevention policies, this industry's dependence on waste is likely to cause more waste generation than prevention. In the end, the result is not an absolute reduction in resource consumption and waste production. 8. For the historical background to these notions, see the introduction of Holm, Stig-Olof and Goran En-glund (15 January 2009). Increased eco-efficiency and gross rebound effect: Evidence from USA and six European countries 1960-2002, Ecological Economics, vol. 68, issue 3. 9. In fact every commodity has its own market operating differently depending on the nature of the commodity, the trading system and the historical background. Broad consensus now exists that supply and demand alone cannot explain recent developments in these markets. Financial speculation plays a major role in the high volatility of prices. Nevertheless, considering the increasing demand of emerging countries and the finite nature of reserves, the logical course of events will lead to ever increasing prices as depletion of resources becomes more and more visible. 10. See the example of the Philippines on page 19. 11. US EPA definition of organic materials includes yard trimmings, food scraps, wood waste, and paper and pa-perboard products. Organic food and organic agriculture refer, however, to particular production methods and certifications specific to each country or region. Most of the time these types of production include limitations or a ban on non-organic pesticides and fertilizers. 12. Considering the amount of scrap metal that the decommissioning of nuclear plants produces and the growing importance of the metal recycling industry, mixing of the two streams is a major concern, with material from conventional recycling and contaminated scrap. Official authorities and the media periodically report on incidents in which radioactivity has been measured in scrap metal or material already processed in recycling facilities. 13. GDP: Gross Domestic Product is the total market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given year. 14. The issue is complex as two types of flows of end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment exist. A first part of the used equipment is sent directly as waste for recycling or recovery of materials. On the other hand, a number of shipments are labelled second-hand' and sent as products for direct continued use or for continued use after repair or refurbishment. Extending the useful lifetime of this equipment contributes, indeed, to the reduction of overall environmental and health impacts. Unfortunately large portions of this second-hand equipment turn out to be not useable and are disposed of right or shortly after their arrival. This method allows bypassing legal restrictions on e-waste export to countries that do not possess the appropriate waste management policies and facilities. 15. Sourcs: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (2009). The State of Food and Agriculture 2009, Livestock in the balance / World Bank (2005). Managing the Livestock Revolution, Policy and Technology to Address the Negative Impacts of a Fast-Growing Sector. 16. The 'functionality economy' is, indeed, a business model that puts emphasis on the sale of functions, or services, rather than goods. For instance, one could buy an effective 'thermal comfort' service rather than the heating system itself (existing examples: Xerox copy machines, Michelin tyres, IT infrastructure). The company providing this service remains the owner of the machine or product; all incentives are there for it to ensure its product to be most energy-efficient, most reliable, and long-lasting. This model is obviously not applicable to all products, and still needs to be tested for viability on a larger scale. 17. The MFA is a method for calculating the material or/and energy flows within a particular system (a production process or plant, an economic region, a city). The difference between the inputs and outputs of a process provides valuable information on the stocks or losses (according to the mass and energy conservation principle). 18. The OECD, which provides this definition, identifies the following instruments for the implementation of the EPR principle: take-back policies, advanced disposal fees, deposit-refund, a combined upstream tax and downstream subsidy, and standards. 19. See the Guidance document on waste and recovered substances (version 2) published by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in May 2010. 20. The issue of green electronics is, indeed, also addressed in several international forums, in particular by intergovernmental bodies dealing with issues of chemicals management, such as the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) and the international conventions presented in chapter 6. 21. See graphs on page 27. 22. UNEP Disasters and Conflict branch estimates the total amount of waste generated by the earthquake and the tsunami as between 80 to 200 million tonnes. In contrast, the Japanese Ministry of the Environment declares that the total quantity reaches 25 million tonnes of disaster waste. 23. The Green Customs Initiative is a global partnership between international organizations including the World Customs Organization, UNEP, Interpol, and the secretariats of relevant multilateral agreements such as the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions. Its aim is the prevention of illegal trade in environmentally-sensitive commodities and the facilitation of the legal trade in these. 24. For the definition of'illegal traffic' by the Basel Convention, see the section on legal matters of the Convention website. 25. This ban is a direct legacy of the Ban Amendment to the Basel Convention adopted in 1995 but missing yet 17 acceptances for its entry into force. 26. The correlation between demographic growth and resource consumption, waste generation and pollution, for instance, is not equally strong in all socio-economic circumstances. On a global scale, however, we can consider these trends as significantly related. VITAL WASTE GRAPHICS 3 SELECTED BOOKS, REPORTS, ARTICLES AND ON-LINE DATABASES GLOBAL TRENDS 6-7 THE WASTE HEAP European Environment Agency (EEA) (2010). The European Environment, State and Outlook 2010, Assessment of Global Megatrends Maresca, Bruno (2011). Dans les grandes villes, la col-lecte publique des dechets est a la baisse. CREDOC, Consommation et modes de vie, issue 236 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (2011). Towards a Green Economy: Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication, Summary for Policymakers 8-9 DARK SIDE OF A MODERN WORLD Chalmin, Philippe and Catherine Gaillochet (2009). Du rare a 1'infini. Panorama mondial des dechets 2009 International Pacific Research Center (2008). Tracking Ocean Debris. IPRC Climate newsletter Lavender Law, Kara and Skye Moret-Ferguson, Nikolai A. Maximenko, Giora Proskurowski, Emily E. Peacock, Jan Hafner, Christopher M. Reddy (September 2010). Plastic Accumulation in the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre. Science, vol. 329 Ongondo, F.O. and I.D. Williams, T.J. Cherrett (2011). How are WEEE doing? A global review of the management of electrical and electronic wastes. Waste Management, vol. 31 Secretariat of the Basel Convention (2010). Waste without frontiers: Global Trends in generation and transbound-ary movements of hazardous wastes and other wastes, Analysis of the Data from National Reporting to the Secretariat of the Basel Convention for the Years 2004-2006 Stockholm Convention. What are POPs? Webpage, last accessed 18 August 2011 Tsydenova, Oyuna and Magnus Bengtsson (January 2011). Chemical hazards associated with treatment of waste electrical and electronic equipment. Waste Management, vol. 31 Witik, Robert and Remy Teuscher (Spring 2011). Recycling of Composites. Course at the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne Yu, Jinglei and Eric Williams, Meiting Ju, Yan Yang (February 2010). Forecasting Global Generation of Obsolete Personal Computers. Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 44, issue 9 The 5 Gyres Institute: DO WE REALLY WANT TO MINIMIZE WASTE? 10-11 HAPPY THROWING AWAY, MR AND MRS CONSUMER! Basel Convention website: European Commission. European Waste Framework Directive (available online) No Impact Man, Colin Beavans documentary, book, blog and project: OECD. Work programme on waste minimization (available online) US EPA. National Waste Minimization Program (available online) 12-13 NOW, UPGRADE! Babbitt, Callie W and Ramzy Kahhat, Eric Williams, Gregory A. Babbitt (May 2009). Evolution of Product Lifespan and Implications for Environmental Assessment and Management: A Case Study of Personal Computers in Higher Education. 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Climate change and POPs: Predicting the Impacts Other websites: Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm, London Conventions Basel Action Network (BAN) United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) World Bank Acknowledgements For helpful comments, data providing and assistance, we would like to thank: Emmanuelle Bournay, Cartographer, Crest; Yann Demont, Geographer, Geneva; Wladyslaw Senn, Environmental analyst, Fribourg; Karin Blumenthal, Eurostat; David Leloup, Journalist, Liege (; Kees Wielenga, FFact (; Ross Bartley, Bureau of International Recycling; John McCallum, IT Professor, Singapore; Dania Cristofaro, European Commission; Nancy Isarin, IMPEL-TFS Secretariat; Hui Fu, World Customs Organization; Sam Loman, Graphic designer, The Hague; Sarah O'Brien, EPEAT / US Green Electronics Council; Teresa Rizzardo, California Department of Toxic Substances Control; Vincent Rossi, LCA analyst, Lausanne. Wasted and wounded, it ain't what the moon did. 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