zahlavi CZ Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Your gateway to an exciting research career doc. Lenka Zajíčková, Ph.D. (MU) – personal experience Reviewers have quite short time for their own evaluation and they have to find a consensus within the limited time of Brussels meeting The proposal has to clearly emphasize important messages •Excellence of the researcher, •Excellence of the host, •Significance of the research topic and its novelty. Choose the research work that will allow to •demonstrate its importance to the reviewers that are not expert in this particular field – advantage of topics with some general applicability (fundamentals of our existence, health, environment, ...) •leave a space for transfer of knowledge, i.e. your further training (importance of the host expertise and equipment, complementarity with your expertise) •provide conceived arguments why the stay is important for your career development zahlavi CZ Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Your gateway to an exciting research career doc. Lenka Zajíčková, Ph.D. (MU) – personal experience Do not omit any point that is mentioned in evaluation criteria. (Young) researcher do not like to discuss, e.g. •work management and work plan, •risk assessment, contingency plan, •measures for communication and results dissemination. Seek help of people from project support at your and host institution, ask your (older) colleagues for ideas, formulations. The quality of the researchers and the host are “measurable” parameters but the metrics of different experts can vary a lot. •Evaluate critically your achievements. Explain why they are valuable. •Publish something in widely respected journals. •If you recently finished PhD provide even the month. •Explain any gaps in your CV. Think carefully, there are other reasons besides official parental leave or military service!