Problem solving seminar VI 21. Let U ⊆ Rn be an open set. Suppose that the map h : U → Rn is a homeomorphism from U onto Rn , which is uniformly continuous. Prove that U = Rn . 22. Suppose that f maps the compact interval I into itself and that |f(x) − f(y)| < |x − y| for all x, y ∈ I, x = y. Can one conclude that there is some constant M < 1 such that |f(x) − f(y)| < M|x − y|? 23. Let V be a finite dimensional vector space and A and B two linear transformations of V into itself such that A2 = B2 = 0 and AB + BA = id. (a) Prove that ker A = A(ker B), ker B = B(ker A) and V = ker A ⊕ ker B. (b) Prove that the dimension of V is even. 24. Prove that the group G = Q/Z has no proper subgroup of finite index. Homework VI. (a) Let M be a compact metric space and let f : M → R be an upper semicontinuous function. Prove that f is bounded from above and that it takes its maximum in a point of M. (b) Let I and J be two metric spaces and let g : I×J → R be continuous and bounded from below. Prove that the function f : I → R defined f(x) = inf{g(x, y); y ∈ J} is upper semicontinuous. 1