[DEL: Template for Calix 2015 Abstract Submissions :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: Submitted abstracts should conform exactly to the format of the template on the next page. Colored graphics are allowed, but grayscale are recommended as the conference abstract book will be printed in black and white only. :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: Step 1. :DEL] [DEL: Use the editable template on the next page by clicking on the section you would like to fill in and begin typing or overwriting. This should ensure that all your information is in the correct format. Please do not deviate from the formatting outlined in this template; abstracts that deviate from this format will be returned for revision. If you would like to insert a graphic (with an appropriate figure caption), please do not insert it as a text box. All abstracts must fit entirely onto one page. Be sure to underline the presenting author. :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: Step 2. :DEL] [DEL: Save the abstract onto your computer (without these instructions) with the filename “Abstract_NameSurname_Calix2015.doc.” Create a PDF version of the same file named “Abstract_NameSurname_Calix2015.pdf.”.These two files should be identical and should conform exactly to the format of the template. :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: Step 3. :DEL] [DEL: Upload both the PDF and MSWord versions of the abstract. :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: Title of the Contribution :DEL] [INS: New macrocycles for selective binding of ions :INS] [DEL: :DEL] [INS: K. :INS] [INS: Sleziakova :INS] ^[INS: a :INS] [INS: :INS] [DEL: A. Surname :DEL] [DEL: , :DEL] [DEL: a B. C. Surname :DEL] [DEL: ,^a :DEL] [DEL: D. Presenting Author :DEL] ^[DEL: a :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] and [DEL: E. F. Surname :DEL] [INS: V. :INS] ^[DEL: b :DEL] [INS: Sindelar^a :INS] ^ [DEL: :DEL] ^a [DEL: Department of Something, University of Somewhere, City, Country. :DEL] ^[DEL: b :DEL] [DEL: Department of Something Else, University of Somewhere Else, City, Country. :DEL] [DEL: E-mail :DEL] [DEL: : :DEL] [DEL: presenting.author@somewhere.com :DEL] [INS: Department of Chemistry and Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment, :INS] [INS: Masaryk University, Kamenice 5, 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic. :INS] [INS: E-mail: :INS] [INS: [VS1] :INS] [INS: 177422 :INS] [INS: @mail.muni.cz :INS] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: Abstract text. :DEL] ^[DEL: 1 :DEL] [DEL: Abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text. :DEL] [INS: Bambusurils :INS] [INS: (BUs) represent a relatively novel class of host molecules that are :INS] [INS: formed :INS] [INS: via templated ring-closure reaction between 2,4-disubstituted glycoluril and formaldehyde. :INS] [INS: ^1,2 :INS] [INS: Resulting cyclic products, BU[4] and BU[6], are arranged in flexible structure comprising internal cavity with different sizes. Exclusively, the interior of BU[6] :INS] [INS: favors :INS] [INS: the binding of inorganic anions with remarkably high affinities reaching 10 :INS] ^[INS: 7 :INS] [INS: M :INS] ^[INS: -1 :INS] [INS: for iodide and perchlorate even in such competitive environment as water. :INS] ^[INS: 3 :INS] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] [INS: :INS] Figure 1. [DEL: :DEL] [INS: Substituted bambusuril, R = :INS] [INS: carboxybenzyl or pol :INS] [INS: y :INS] [INS: ethyleneglycol :INS] [INS: group. :INS] [DEL: Your figure caption may be placed here. Delete this text if not used. :DEL] [INS: In order to gain broader insight into strong interaction between BU and anion, we studied the binding properties of neutral and charged BUs in more detail. Firstly, we report supramolecular study of (COOHBn)[12]BU[6]. Acidic carboxybenzyl groups become negatively charged in basic :INS] [INS: pH :INS] [INS: . As a consequence, (COO^-Bn)[12]BU[6] simultaneously accommodates anion inside the cavity and cations at the negatively charged :INS] [INS: carboxybenzyl :INS] [INS: groups. Moreover, binding of anion by COO^-Bn[12]BU[6] can be modulated either positively or negatively in the presence of certain salts. :INS] [INS: Secondly, we present :INS] [INS: neutral BU with polyethyleneglycol chains (PEG[12]BU[6]), that is highly soluble in almost all solvents ranging from toluene to water. This has given us the opportunity to compare the :INS] [INS: behavior :INS] [INS: of PEG[12]BU[6] in different environments. Th :INS] [INS: is study has brought us to conclusion :INS] [INS: , that besides hydrogen bonding between C-H groups of BU[6] and anion, there :INS] [INS: is evidence of :INS] [INS: significant solvophobic effects stabilizing the anion inside BU[6]. :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [DEL: Abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text, abstract text.^2 :DEL] [INS: Acknowledgments :INS] [INS: [VS2] :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: Support for this work was provided by the Czech Science Foundation (13-15576S) and the Czech Ministry of Education (projects LM2011028 and LO1214). :INS] [INS: :INS] ^[DEL: :DEL] ^[DEL: :DEL] ^[DEL: 1 Gutsche, C. D.; Lin, L. G. Tetrahedron 1986, 42, 1633–1640. :DEL] ^[DEL: 2 :DEL] ^[DEL: Gutsche, C. D.; Iqbal, M.; Stewart, D. J. Org. Chem. 1986, 51, 742–745. :DEL] ^[INS: 1 :INS] [INS: J. Svec, M. Necas and V. Sindelar, :INS] [INS: Angew :INS] [INS: . Chem. Int. Ed. :INS] [INS: , 2010, :INS] [INS: 49 :INS] [INS: , 2378–2381. :INS] ^[INS: 2 :INS] [INS: V. Havel, J. Svec, M. Wimmerova, M. Dusek, M. Pojarova and V. Sindelar, :INS] [INS: Org. Lett. :INS] [INS: , 2011, :INS] [INS: 13 :INS] [INS: , 4000–4003. :INS] ^[INS: 3 :INS] [INS: M. A. Yawer, V. Havel and V. Sindelar, :INS] [INS: Angew :INS] [INS: . Chem. Int. Ed. :INS] [INS: , 2015, :INS] [INS: 54 :INS] [INS: , 276–279. :INS] ________________________________ [VS1]Můžeš uvést svůj email [VS2]Vlozit toto podekovani