Kulturní krajinné ekosystémy – aktéři, agenti, aktanti (A.Hynek, listopad 2011) Landscape cultural ecosystems – actors, agents, actants Kód prostorových jednotek 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rozhodovatelé Decision makers 1 Podílníci Shareholders 2 Dotčení Stakeholders 3 Ostatní aktéři domácí a vnější Other inside/outside actors – 4 Agenti agents 5 Aktanti actants 6 Správa území Area management/administration 7 Odborníci experts 8 Nemovitosti real estates 9 Veřejný prostor/public space 10 stakeholder theory http://lexicon.ft.com/Term?term=stakeholder-theory Stakeholder theory suggests that the purpose of a business is to create as much value as possible for stakeholders. In order to succeed and be sustainable over time, executives must keep the interests of customers, suppliers, employees, communities and shareholders aligned and going in the same direction. Innovation to keep these interests aligned is more important than the easy strategy of trading off the interests of stakeholders against each other. Hence, by managing for stakeholders, executives will also create as much value as possible for shareholders and other financiers.