Stano Pekar How to write a peer review Why to peer review?  Important service to the scientific community  Based on reciprocity  Requires expertise, critical thinking, ability to give feedback, sensitivity to the feelings of authors  Aim: to provide neutral, fair and balanced assessment to assist editor the decision process Benefits of reviewing  Helps to remove reviewer’s bias (own mistakes)  Improves communication of results to audience  Can bring new ideas, overlooked literature  Develops critical thinking  Opens new advances in methods  You can earn Publons credit  You can publish via platform Peerage of Science When to accept? Accept if:  It is within your area of expertise  It is free of conflict of interest  You have sufficient time by deadline Otherwise do not accept Reading  Read it at last twice  Make notes  Pause and think  Do not hurry with the review  Remember that authors read the paper more times than you did Review forms  A few journals provide review forms with dozens of detailed questions  Many journals have simple forms with a few questions  Some journals provide no forms at all  Some journals offer single-double-blind reviews Report To authors:  A brief summary – what the paper is about  General assessment  Major concerns  Minor comments To editor:  A short overall assessment for the editor  Acknowledge your lack of expertise to the editor with stats, for example  Sign review? General assessment  How novel and important to the field the paper is?  Highlight strengths  Are you convinced about the results?  Does it answer questions set in Intro?  Are methods used suitable to answer the research question?  Do findings support claims in the paper?  Is it well-written – understandable to the audience of the journal?  Is it suitable for the journal? Major concerns  Does the theory connects to data?  Is the study rationale clearly articulated?  Do hypotheses follow logically?  Are methods robust and well controlled?  Are statistical analyses appropriate?  Are results well interpreted and discussed?  Is presentation of results clear?  Is Introduction and Discussion well developed? Minor comments  Is the manuscript well organized?  Are methods clearly explained?  Are tables and figures well explained, self-explanatory and connected to the text?  Check for typos  Grammar mistakes  Does the manuscript follows submission guidelines?  Other formatting issues  Missing references Avoid  Personal judgments or value-ladden adjectives  Always criticize the paper not the authors  Make a constructive critique  Remember that authors know more about the study system than you  Try to be “in authors shoes” – consider his means (e.g., financial), logistic problems, etc.  Avoid suggestion to replace by a completely different study Recommendation  Accept (without any change) – only typos  Minor revision – minor problems  Major revision/resubmission – solid data and design but flaws in interpretation, inappropriate analyses  Reject – badly written, poor English, weak data, serious flaws Journal editors  Are your colleagues (other researchers)  May do the job for free – have little time for assessment  Work hard to improve the journal quality  Have to deal with too many submissions – many contributions must be rejected Receiving decision  Accepted  Revision invited  Rejection with/without a review  if rejected do not feel discouraged it is normal  Consider writing rebutal letter to the editor  Reformat and submit elsewhere Response to reviewers’  Respond to every comment  In most cases comments are due to misunderstanding - rephrase  Re-submit before given deadline