1 Trophic niche and capture efficacy of an ant-eating spider, Euryopis episinoides (Araneae:1 Theridiidae)2 3 Eva Líznarová  Stano Pekár*4 Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, 6115 37, Brno, Czech Republic6 7 8 9 * Corresponding author: E-mail address: pekar@sci.muni.cz (S. Pekár)10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Running head: LÍZNAROVÁ  PEKÁR: TROPHIC NICHE OF EURYOPIS EPISINOIDES22 23 24 2 25 Abstract — Field and laboratory observations of the feeding ecology (natural diet, prey26 acceptance, and predatory behavior) of Euryopis episinoides spiders were combined in this study27 to reveal their trophic niche and capture efficacy and to test the hypothesis that this species is a28 myrmecophagous specialist. Natural prey was investigated from individuals collected in southern29 Portugal and was found to contain only ants of several species. Prey acceptance experiment30 revealed that spiders accepted several prey types occasionally, but only ants, termites, and fruit31 flies were accepted with a high frequency. Prey capture behavior was similar for four tested prey32 types. Wrapping time, number of bites, and waiting time differed among prey types with longest33 wrapping time, highest number of bites and longest waiting time during capture of Myrmicinae34 ants. From our findings we conclude that E. episinoides is a myrmecophagous specialist35 possessing specialized adaptations that enable them to capture ants. Yet, they maintain the ability36 to capture alternative prey.37 38 39 40 41 42 Keywords: ants, diet breath, myrmecophagous, trophic specialization43 44 3 Spiders are among the most abundant predators in terrestrial ecosystems and diversified45 enormously in foraging habits (Cardoso et al. 2011). The majority of spider species seem to be46 euryphagous or oligophagous with a slightly restricted diet (Nentwig 1987) and only a few47 species are stenophagous, feeding on restricted prey types. Most spider species hunt preferably48 prey which is innocuous (Pekár et al. 2012), so the prey capture is not risky for them, but some49 spiders catch also dangerous prey, such as other spiders (e.g. Whitehouse 1987), ants (e.g. Pekár50 2004; Jackson & Nelson 2012), or termites (e.g. Eberhard 1991). Spiders, which hunt dangerous51 prey frequently, evolved various adaptations to avoid being injured or even killed by such prey52 during prey capture (Pekár & Toft 2015).53 Specifically, ants as dangerous prey are avoided by most of the euryphagous spiders (e.g.54 Huseynov et al. 2008). However, some spider species specialized on ant capture; indeed55 myrmecophagy is the most frequent type of stenophagy in spiders (Pekár et al. 2011a).56 Predominantly myrmecophagous spiders are found in a number of families, particularly of the57 cursorial guild (Cushing 2012; Pekár & Toft 2015). For example, many species of the genus58 Zodarion feed only on ants and reject other prey types (Pekár 2004, Allan et al. 1996; Pekár et al.59 2005; Pekár et al. 2008).60 Myrmecophagous spiders use specialized capture strategies to subdue ants (Cushing 2012;61 Jackson & Nelson 2012), which differ from the hunting strategy used for other prey. For62 example, myrmecophagous web-building spiders from the family Theridiidae use sticky silk63 when preying on ants (Nørgaard 1956; Nentwig 1987). Passing ant is stuck at the end of the trip64 line, which is equipped with highly adhesive gumdrops (Hölldobler 1970; MacKay 1982;65 Nyffeler et al. 1988). Web-building spiders situate their webs close to places with high ant66 occurrence. They often build their webs over ant foraging trails (Nørgaard 1956; MacKay 1982;67 Cushing 2012) or even directly over ant nest entrances (Hölldobler 1970; MacKay 1982).68 4 Cursorial myrmecophagous spiders may not use silk but venom for ant capture (Jackson &69 Nelson 2012). Ant-eating spiders from the family Zodariidae or Salticidae typically employ70 attack-and release strategy that minimize the time in the ant proximity (Pekár 2004; Li et al.71 1999; Jackson & Li 2001; Huseynov 2008). Cursorial spiders occur near to ants as well and they72 must be able to move among them safely. Zodarion spiders build igloo-like shelters from the73 detritus under the rock that are situated in the close proximity to ant nests and serves them as a74 safe place when they are not hunting (Jocqué 1991; Pekár & Král 2001). Both Zodarion spiders75 and myrmecophagous crab spider of the species Aphantochilus rogersi O. P.-Cambridge use76 paralyzed ant as a shield to protect themselves from attack by passing ants (Castanho & Oliveira77 1997; Pekár & Král 2002).78 In this study, we focused on the spider species Euryopis episinoides (Walckenaer) from the79 family Theridiidae that occurs in the Mediterranean area and Asia (World Spider Catalog 2017).80 Although most theridiid species are web-builders, spiders of the genus Euryopis do not build any81 permanent web for prey capture (Carico 1978). However, they use silk during prey capture as82 they throw silk over the prey from their spinnerets while running around it, in similar way as83 spiders of the genus Oecobius (Glatz 1967) and Hersilia (Bristowe 1930). After the prey is84 tangled in silk and cannot escape, they give one or more bites to paralyze it.85 There has been more than 70 species of Euryopis described in the world (World Spider86 Catalog 2017). Published data on their prey indicate that Euryopis spiders prey mostly on ants,87 suggesting they are myrmecophagous. For example, Levi (1954) listed observations on several88 Euryopis species preying on ants. Berland (1933) reported that Euryopis episinoides captured89 Crematogaster ants. Carico (1978) observed individuals of all instars and both sexes of Euryopis90 funebris (Hentz) wandering on the trunks, branches and leaves; adult females fed mainly on large91 red carpenter ant Camponotus castaneus (Latreille), whereas immature spiders fed on variety of92 5 other ant species corresponding to their body size. Gertsch (1979) observed female of Euryopis93 texana Banks preying upon small ants. Porter & Eastmond (1982) frequently observed spiders of94 Euryopis coki Levi closely associated with Pogonomyrmex ants. However, adult females and late95 instars accepted also fruit flies in a laboratory (Porter & Eastmond 1982).96 Here, we studied specifically natural diet, prey acceptance, prey capture behavior and capture97 efficacy of E. episinoides spiders to reveal if this species is stenophagous and specialized on ants98 as suspected.99 100 METHODS101 Study species.—We collected individuals of Euryopis episinoides spiders together with their102 silken retreats made under stones in Lagoa do Santo André, Alentejo, Portugal. After transfer to103 the laboratory in the Czech Republic, we kept living individuals singly in plastic tubes (diameter104 5 mm, height 50 mm) with a layer of plaster of Paris at the bottom. The tubes were plugged with105 rubber-foam and maintained under controlled conditions (26 °C, L: D = 16:8). The plaster of106 Paris was moistened with a few drops of water at 4-day intervals.107 108 Natural prey analysis.—Spiders’ silken retreats contained prey remnants (carcasses). These109 spiders usually place prey carcass after feeding on one spot, thus creating small bundles of prey110 remnants. We collected seven prey bundles and placed them separately in plastic tubes with111 ethanol. We took them to laboratory where we counted number of prey individuals in each prey112 bundle and identified each prey individual to the species level. We identified collected ant113 remnants to species level using Collingwood & Prince (1998).114 115 6 Prey acceptance experiment.—In the prey acceptance experiment, we observed the spiders’116 capture success with different prey types. We used 11 prey species from ten invertebrate orders117 and only adult female spiders. We took fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster, Diptera, mean body118 length 2.0 mm), termites (workers of Reticulitermes sp., Isoptera, 3.5 mm), springtails (Sinella119 curviseta Brook, Collembola, 4.0 mm), crickets (Gryllus assimilis (Fabricius), Orthoptera, 5.0120 mm), and cockroaches (Paratemnopteryx couloniana (Saussure), Blattodea, 5.0 mm) from121 laboratory reared cultures. We collected spiders (Thomisidae, Araneae, 3.5 mm), beetles122 (Curculionidae, Coleoptera, 3.0 mm), bugs (Miridae, Heteroptera, 3.5 mm), ants (workers of123 Messor sp., 7 mm, Myrmica sp., 5 mm, Lasius sp., 3 mm, Hymenoptera) and thrips124 (Thysanoptera, 1.0 mm) from the field.125 Before start of the experiment we placed spiders (n=45) individually in a Petri dish (diameter126 40 mm). We used only adult female spiders. We left spiders in the Petri dish for one hour before127 we released one living prey individual in each dish occupied by spider. We recorded whether the128 spider attacked and captured the prey. If the spider did not attack the prey within 15 minutes, we129 removed the prey from the dish and replaced with another prey type. We used a randomized130 incomplete block design so that each prey type was used with at least ten spider individuals in a131 random order.132 The breadth of the fundamental trophic niche was estimated by using the standardized133 Levin’s index (BA), which varies between 0, when the niche breadth is minimal, up to 1, when the134 species does not discriminate among prey types (Hurlbert 1978). Values of BA higher than 0.6135 indicate a wide trophic niche, and values below 0.4 indicate narrow niche (Novakowski et al.136 2008).137 138 7 Prey capture behavior.—In the prey capture behavior experiment, we observed predatory139 sequence with different prey types. We used only adult female spiders. As prey we used ants140 from the two ant subfamilies, Formicinae (Lasius spp., n=11) and Myrmicinae (Messor sp.,141 Myrmica sp., n=14), termites (Reticulitermes sp., n=10), and fruit flies (Drosophila142 melanogaster, n=12) because these were frequently accepted in acceptance experiments. Before143 start of the experiment, we placed spiders individually in a Petri dish (diameter 40 mm). We left144 spiders in the Petri dish for one hour before we released one living prey individual in Petri dish145 occupied by spider. Following prey capture behavior was recorded on a videocamera (Canon146 Legria HF R56). These recording were then analysed and used to construct a kinematic diagram147 of prey capture behaviours.148 We distinguished the following behavioural events: encounter - when the spider first149 encountered prey; wrap - the spider circled around the prey and wrapped it in silk; bite – the150 spider bit the prey; wait – the spider retreated from the prey and waited for a while at a distance;151 attach – the spider attached immobilised prey to its spinnerets; carry – the spider dragged the152 immobilised prey away; feed – the spider started to consume the prey. The sequences and153 frequencies of hunting behaviour that followed encounter and ended with a successful subduing154 (feed) were recorded to construct the flow diagrams with transition frequencies for selected prey155 types. The transition frequencies for the first step were estimated from the total number of156 individuals used with particular prey. The transition frequencies for all next steps were estimated157 from the number of individuals, which went through the previous step thus the sum of the158 transition frequencies leaving each step was 1.159 From the predatory sequence for each prey species we estimated entropy index using the160 Shannon formula (Lehner 1998) to measure the stereotypy of hunting behaviour.161 162 8 Capture efficacy.— During prey capture behavior experiment we also measured the time during163 which the spiders wrapped the prey into the silk; number of bites; and waiting time (time between164 bite and beginning of feeding).165 166 Data analyses.—We performed all analyses with R (R Development Core Team 2010). The167 probability of prey acceptance was compared using GLM with Binomial distribution. Wrapping168 time and waiting time were compared among prey types using GLM with Gamma distribution169 (GLM-g). Number of bites was compared among prey types using GLM with Poisson170 distribution (GLM-p) (Pekár & Brabec 2016).171 172 RESULTS173 Natural prey.—Analysis of seven prey bundles collected from the retreat of E. episinoides174 female spiders revealed in total 94 prey items. All individuals were ants, belonging to three175 species (Table 1): the majority of the prey (94.6%, n=94) were Tapinoma erraticum Latreille176 (Dolichoderinae, 3-4 mm), remaining individuals were Messor marocanus Santschi (6-8 mm,177 Myrmicinae), and Aphaenogaster senilis Mayr (6-7 mm, Myrmicinae).178 179 Prey acceptance.—The probability of prey acceptance in laboratory differed significantly among180 11 used prey types (GLM-b, X2 309=256.37, P<0.0001, Table 2). Euryopis episinoides spiders181 accepted only termites, ants and fruit flies in more than 50% of the cases. Springtails, crickets and182 bugs were accepted much less frequently (< 10%), and beetles, cockroaches, spiders, and thrips183 were rejected. Levin’s index (BA) of fundamental trophic niche breadth was 0.38 indicating184 narrow niche.185 186 9 Prey capture behavior.—When on hunt, Euryopis episinoides spiders used a specific hunting187 posture, with the first three pairs of legs placed on the ground and hind legs lifted up in the air188 alongside its elevated abdomen. At the same time, they drew a short thread of silk from189 spinnerets by repeated lifting of abdomen. Once prey walked close enough to the threads, the190 spider started throwing silk from its spinnerets on it while circling around with abdomen pointing191 at the prey (Fig. 1A). Usually the hunting sequence continued with the spider biting the prey (Fig.192 1B) and wrapping it in more silk, then the spider waited for some time, until the prey become193 motionless. Finally, the spider started to feed on the hunting spot or attached immobilized prey to194 its spinnerets and carried it away (Video 1).195 There were some differences in prey capture sequence among four prey types (Fig. 2). Ants,196 both Formicinae and Myrmicinae, were always bitten at least once during prey capture sequence,197 while termites and fruit flies were not often bitten and spiders started feeding immediately after198 wrapping the prey.199 The Shannon entropy index of behavioral sequences was 2.05 for Formicinae, 2.64 for200 Myrmicinae, 2.22 for termites and 0.83 for fruit flies.201 202 Capture efficacy.—Wrapping time differed among prey types (GLM-g, F3,99=34.2, P0.0001):203 wrapping of Myrmicinae ants was much longer than other prey types (Fig. 3A). Number of bites204 during prey capture also differed among used prey types (GLM-p, χ2 3=20.4, P0.0001):205 significantly more bites were used in capture of Myrmicinae ants than other prey types (Fig. 3B).206 The waiting time differed among prey types too (GLM-g, F3, 99=14.3, P0.0001): the longest207 waiting time was during capture of Myrmicinae ants and the shortest during capture of fruit flies208 (Fig. 3C).209 10 210 DISCUSSION211 Analysis of natural prey revealed that realised trophic niche of E. episinoides is narrow as it212 includes only ants, which is well in agreement with observations on other Euryopis species213 (Berland 1933; Levi 1954; Allred 1969; Carico 1978; Porter & Jorgensen 1980; MacKay 1982).214 Thus would be tempting to consider E. episinoides specialized myrmecophagous spiders. Yet,215 narrow diet may be observed in unspecialized predators if the habitat is dominated by a single216 prey type (Pekár et al. 2011a; Monzó et al. 2013). Indeed, Euryopis spiders seem to prefer217 microhabitats with high ant abundances.218 Yet, acceptance experiments revealed that the fundamental trophic niche of E. epsinoides is219 wider than realized as it includes some other prey types than ants. Nevertheless, according to the220 Levin’s index the fundamental trophic niche is still narrow. We expected termites to be accepted,221 as this prey type is frequently accepted by other myrmecophagous spider species (Pekár 2004).222 Termites probably produce a signal similar to that of ants (e.g. movement pattern) and are223 therefore accepted. Fruit flies were captured as well by E. episinoides with quite high frequency;224 nevertheless, we believe that flies are seldom captured in nature because capture strategy of E.225 episinoides is designed for crawling insects (Carico 1978).226 Results of realized and fundamental trophic niche indicate that E. episinoides spiders are227 myrmecophagous thus able to feed on ants. Yet, are they specialized in the capture of ants? A228 strict specialist sensu Pekár & Toft (2015) involves presence of a variety of adaptations that229 enhance efficiency in preferred prey utilization. Moreover, prey-specific adaptations will be230 found primarily when predators take exceptionally dangerous prey (Brodie & Brodie 1999),231 which applies to ants as a prey for most of the spiders (Huseynov et al. 2008). Hereafter, we will232 deal with traits, which might be specialized in ant capture.233 11 Due to the restricted diet range, specialists have adapted to recognize a narrow range of prey234 cues (Dukas & Kamil 2001). Predatory behavior of E. episinoides is driven by olfactory cues235 deposited on the substrate and was found that they have innate olfactory preference to ants (Pekár236 & Cardenas 2015). Such selective attention is beneficial as it may help the spider to prepare for237 the use of a specific foraging strategy, may increase prey capture efficiency, and decrease the risk238 when hunting dangerous ants. Chemical cues from their preferred prey are found to be important239 in prey capture in other myrmecophagous and araneophagous salticids as these chemical cues240 primed selective attention to visual cues of their prey (Clark et al. 2000; Jackson et al. 2002).241 The ability to recognize prey type before initiation of the hunting sequence may be important242 if predator uses versatile strategies tuned to the particular prey type (Jackson & Nelson 2012).243 The hunting sequence when hunting various prey types may be distinctively different. For244 example, in Portia fimbriata (Doleschall), an araneophagous spider, uses three different hunting245 tactics for catching other salticid depending on the prey species and context (Jackson 1992). Most246 myrmecophagous salticids capture ants using ant-specific prey capture tactics but use other247 tactics to take other prey (Jackson & Olphen 1991; Jackson & Li 2001). One myrmecophagous248 salticid Anasaitis canosa (Walckenaer) even distinguish ant of different size and accordingly use249 different hunting tactic (Edwards et al. 1974). Web–building spider Araneus diadematus Clerck250 attacked muscid flies twitching in the web by first wrapping them in silk and biting them after,251 whereas motionless flies were attacked first by biting and then by wrapping (Robinson &252 Robinson 1976).253 On the other hand, the hunting sequence used when hunting different prey may be overall254 similar. Hunting of bigger or more dangerous prey usually requires more silk, or venom, and time255 investment. Prey capture of E. episinoides when hunting four different prey types did not differ256 much in sequence of behavior events. Only in trials with fruit flies or termites, the prey was only257 12 wrapped into silk and not bitten. Probably the wrapping was efficient enough to immobilize the258 prey and spider did not need to invest any venom. The lowest value of Shannon entropy index of259 fruit fly hunting sequence indicate that this prey was hunted in the most stereotyped way, while260 other prey types required more complex hunting behavior.261 However, greater difference among prey types appeared when we looked into investment of262 silk, venom and handling time. Wrapping and waiting time was longest and number of bites263 highest during capture of Myrmicinae ants, which were the biggest prey used and thus were more264 dangerous. On the contrary, capturing of smaller Formicinae (Lasius) ants required similar265 investment of venom, silk and time as capture of innocuous fruit flies. The size of Lasius ants266 was probably optimal for E. episinoides spiders as it was similar to body size of Tapinoma267 erraticum Latreille ants that were the most abundant prey of E. episinoides in nature. Termites268 were wrapped only for a short time bur their capture involved repeated bites and long waiting for269 the paralysis, probably due to less efficient venom (Líznarová, unpublished data).270 Even if the specialized predator is able to catch alternative prey, it may have negative effect on271 its fitness. Our previous study (Líznarová & Pekár 2016) with E. episinoides revealed that fruit272 flies do not provide suitable food source. Probably the presence of metabolic adaptations to ants273 constrains the utilization of alternative prey. Their ability to capture and feed on alternative prey274 is probably advantageous only for a short period of preferred prey scarcity.275 Our results revealed that E. episinoides is stenophagous, capturing only ants. Further, we276 found that E. episinoides was able to capture Formicinae ants with a similar efficiency as277 innocuous alternative prey indicating that it is adapted to ant capture with adaptations such as278 hunting strategy suitable for dangerous prey and efficient venom. Their capture strategy even279 allows them to catch ants bigger then themselves, which is another indication of specialization.280 However, presence of specialized adaptations may constrain the ability to feed efficiently on281 13 alternative prey (Pekár 2005; Cárdenas et al. 2015). This is supported by finding that fitness of E.282 episinoides reared on alternative prey was markedly decreased (Líznarová & Pekár 2016). All283 these findings together indicate that E. episinoides spiders have specialized adaptations in ant284 capture and thus we can consider them as myrmecohagous specialist.285 286 Acknowledgment287 We would like to thank Magdalena Neradilová for help with the experiments, which were part of288 her bachelor thesis.289 290 LITERATURE CITED291 Allan, R.A., M.A. Elgar & R.J. Capon. 1996. Exploitation of an ant chemical alarm signal by the292 zodariid spider Habronestes bradleyi Walckenaer. Proceedings of the Royal Society of293 London B: Biological Sciences 263(1366):69–73.294 Allred, D.M. 1969. Spiders of the national reactor testing station. Great Basin Naturalist 29(2): 5.295 Berland, L. 1933. Contribution a 1'etude de la biologie des arachnides . Archives de zoologie296 experimentale et generale 76(1):1–23.297 Brodie, E.D. III & E.D. Brodie, Jr. 1999. Predator–prey arms races. Asymmetrical selection on298 predators and prey may be reduced when prey are dangerous. 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Journal of Arachnology 15:355–362.423 424 20 Table 1: List of prey items found in seven bundles in the retreat of Euryopis episinoides females.425 Prey species (number of individuals) Tapinoma erraticum (13) Messor marocanus (1), Tapinoma erraticum (15) Aphaenogaster senilis (1), Tapinoma erraticum (15) Aphaenogaster senilis (1), Tapinoma erraticum (11) Messor marocanus (2), Tapinoma erraticum (25) Tapinoma erraticum (9) Tapinoma erraticum (1) 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 21 Table 2: Probability of acceptance of different prey types by Euryopis episinoides females.443 Prey type Prey taxon Acceptance frequency (n=number of observations) Araneae Thomisidae 0.0% (n=42) Collembola Sinella curviseta 6.5% (n=31) Blattodea Paratemnopteryx couloniana 0.0% (n=16) Isoptera Reticulitermes sp. 95.2% (n=21) Orthoptera Gryllus asimilis 40.0% (n=15) Thysanoptera 0.0% (n=17) Heteroptera Miridae 3.7% (n=27) Hymenoptera Myrmicinae (Messor sp., Myrmica sp.) 85.3% (n=34) Formicinae (Lasius sp.) 89.6% (n=48) Coleoptera Curculionidae 0.0% (n=26) Diptera Drosophila melanogaster 52.4% (n=42) 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 22 Fig. 1. Euryopis episinoides spider attacking a Messor ant: A. Throwing silk from spinerrets. B.455 Biting into base of antennae.456 Fig. 2.: Kinematic diagrams of prey capture behaviour of Euryopis episinoides used against four457 prey types with the relative frequencies of transitions. A. Formicinae ants (n=11), B. Myrmicinae458 ants (n=14), C. termites (n=10), D. fruit flies (n=10). The transition frequencies between events459 are also indicated by the width of the line.460 Fig. 3: Comparison of the wrapping time (A), the number of bites (B), and the waiting time (C) of461 Euryopis episinoides for four different prey types: fruit flies (n=20), Formicinae ants (n=39),462 Myrmicinae ants (n=27), and termites (n=17).463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 23 471 472 Fig. 1473 A B 24 474 Fig. 2475 476 25 477 Fig. 3478 479 480 481 482 Video 1. Capture and handling of Messor ant by Euryopis episiniodes female.483