indian 1 monroe halle_berry Snipes lucy_liu_014 426px-Robert_Redford_2005 Jackie_Chan_2002-portrait_edited 401px-Morgan_Freeman%2C_2006 whoopi-goldberg 45745715_Oldaboriginalmanweb Evolution as a two-stage process: 1. variation among individuals in a population 2. changes in the proportion of variants from generation to generation R.A. Fisher The increase in mean fitness due to natural selection is proportional to the additive genetic variance in fitness. jpg Biometricians: continual variation many genes often strong influence of environment F. Galton 5/4-b1-topic-1-continuous-and-discontinuous-variation-1-638.jpg?cb=1397461750 Paradox: for evolutionary biologists important to study phenotypes × for geneticists easier to directly study molecules Sources of phenotypic variation: differences in genotype differences in environmental conditions maternal influences (paternal influences) y.jpg George Udny Yule Why don´t we observe the 3:1 ratio in populations? Reginald C. Punnett: brachydactyly B b B b bb Bb Bb BB •gene … till now difficult to define/delimit •locus … here = gene •alleles = alternative forms of genes (now broader meaning – segment of DNA) •genome = set of all genes of an individual (nuclear, mitochondrial...) •genotype = set of alelles of one or more genes of an individual • •haplotype (haploid genotype) = combination of alelles inherited together Genotype and allele frequencies Frequencies: genotype: P (fAA), Q (fAa), R (faa) allele (gene): p (A), q (a) P + Q + R = 1 p + q = 1 3.1.jpg Evolution takes place in populations… T. Dobzhansky, E. Mayr: population as a shared gene pool » set of shared alelles or gametes local populations (subpopulations, demes) global population, metapopulation Evolution takes place in populations… T. Dobzhansky, E. Mayr: population as a shared gene pool » set of shared alelles or gametes local populations (subpopulations, demes) global population, metapopulation populations natural, experimental, agricultural, model Local populations also share a system of mating foto_011 Model populations – Hardy-Weinberg population Characteristics: diploid sexual reproduction discrete generations 2 alleles, „fair“ segregation 1:1 same frequencies of alleles in both sexes Characteristics: random mating (panmixis) non-random: assortative mating, inbreeding very large (effectively infinite) size no gene flow no mutation no selection Model populations – Hardy-Weinberg population Why don´t we observe the Mendelian ratios in nature? Godfrey Harold Hardy File:Ghhardy@72.jpg .png R. C. Punnett 1908 HARDY-WEINBERG PRINCIPLE Godfrey Harold Hardy (1877-1947) File:Ghhardy@72.jpg File:Wilhelm Weinberg.jpg Wilhelm Weinberg (1862-1937) p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 Father´s gametes Genotype frequencies in zygotes: 1. Alelle frequencies stable across generations = Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) 2. HWE achieved within a single generation of random mating Generalization: X-linked genes: females: p2 + 2pq + q2 males: p + q more than 2 alleles: 3 alleles: p2 + q2 + r2 + 2pq + 2pr + 2qr in general pi2 + 2pij HARDY-WEINBERG PRINCIPLE 2_3 heterozygotes most frequent when p = q = 0,5 fAa decreases with 2pq faa decreases with q2 Þ fAa / faa increases ® rare allele „hidden“ for selection in heterozygous state Frekvencies of rare alleles Possible causes of HWE violation: Methodic causes: Violation of some of the assumptions of the H-W population: null alleles, allelic dropout Heterozygote deficiency: selection against heterozygotes nonrandom mating (inbreeding, assortative mating) structured populations (different allele frequencies, cf. Wahlund effect) Heterozygote excess: selection in favour of heterozygotes nonrandom mating (outbreeding, negative assortative mating) migration mutation GENETIC VARIATION IN POPULATIONS Methods of the study of genetic variation: protein electrophoresis + - analysis of restriction fragments (Southern blotting, RFLP, DNA fingerprinting) PCR, sequencing, NGS, microsatellites ... Finger Polymorfism and polytypy File:Heliconius mimicry.png Polymorfism: proportion of polymorphic loci (P) sample size usually finite Þ limit 5% (P0.05) or 1% (P0.01) number of alleles per locus (A; allele diversity, allele richness) mean observed heterozygosity (Ho) mean expected heterozygosity (He) = gene diversity nucleotide polymorphism (q) nucleotide diversity (p) Issue of the extent of variation in natural populations: [USEMAP] T.H. Morgan, H. Muller: „classical“ model limited variability [USEMAP] A. Sturtevant, T. Dobzhansky: „equilibrium“ model variation widespread GENETIC VARIATION IN NATURAL POPULATIONS HZ 1966: Harry Harris – humans; Richard Lewontin, John Hubby – D. pseudoobscura microsatellites, minisatellites → high mutation rate, high variability question to what extent protein electrophoresis representative? GENETIC VARIATION IN NATURAL POPULATIONS VARIATION AT MORE LOCI linkage proximity of loci = linkage valid H-W assumptions Þ formation of linkage equilibrium this proces can be slow Þ linkage disequilibrium (LD) coefficient of LD: D relation of D to recombination r : Causes of linkage disequilibrium: absence of recombination (eg. inversion) nonrandom mating selection recent mutation sample is a mixture of 2 species with different allele frequencies recent merging of 2 populations random genetic drift LD needn´t exist only between loci on the same chromosome! = mating between relatives eg. repeated autogamy (self-fertilization, self-pollination): initial generation (HWE): 1/4 AA, 2/4 Aa, 1/4 aa 1. gen. of selfing: 3/8 AA, 2/8 Aa, 3/8 aa 2. gen. of selfing: 7/16 AA, 2/16 Aa, 7/16 aa 3. gen. of selfing: 15/16 AA, 2/32 Aa, 15/16 aa INBREEDING COEFFICIENTS 1. Pedigree inbreeding, F: = probability of autozygosity autozygosity: alleles identical by descent (IBD), always homozygous allozygosity: either heterozygote or homozygote (alleles identical by state, IBS) IBD - IBS Inbred population = pop. in which the probability of autozygosity due to inbreeding > in panmictic population F = probability that an individual inherited both alleles at a locus from the same ancestor (both alleles are IBD) 0 £ F £ 1 Inbred population = pop. in which the probability of autozygosity due to inbreeding > in panmictic population F = probability that an individual inherited both alleles at a locus from the same ancestor (both alleles are IBD) a) Amenhotep I. and Aahotep II. 25% b) Aames 37.5% c) Hatsheput 25% d) Remaining in the pedigree are not inbred, ie F = 0 FIS = (He – Ho)/He -1 £ FIS £ +1 Ho= observed He= expected heterozygosity 2. System-of-mating inbreeding, FIS: = deviation from HWE F and FIS don´t measure the same thing! F is the individual measure, FIS is the group measure Př.: hutterites (anabaptists) of the Great Plains in USA and Canada in spite of respecting the incest taboo this is one of the most inbred human groups known (F = 0,0255) caused by a small number of founders (Protestants from Tyrol and Carinthia, 16th century) inbred Genetic effects of inbreeding: inbreeding changes genotype frequencies (increase of homozygote freq.) ´ allele freqs. don´t change affects all loci Obrázek1.jpg Leavenworthia alabamica Size inbreeding depresion diseases, reduced fertility and/or viability BUT! Not always must inbreeding be deleterious (eg. many species of embryophyte (land) plants are self-fertilising). Moreover, the inbreeding effects can differ within a single species depending on environment. Phenotypic effects of inbreeding: OfC5- Vadoma tribe, Zimbabwe (tzv. „Ostrich people“): ectrodactyly Mormons of Hilldale (Utah) and Colorado City (Arizona) Amazonia Indians aristocratic dynasties Inbreeding depression in humans: the Amish: haemophilia B, anemia, myotonic dystrophy, Ellis-van Creveld syndrome (dwarfness, polydactyly), defects in nail development, dental defects Charles II of Spain: unnaturally big head, deformed mandible, weak body, difficulties with walking and other defects, mental and psychical defects, impotence, sterility Francis II: in some children mental retardation, hydrocephaly, seizures, some unable of living without assistence Soubor:Carlos II.jpg Soubor:Francesco I.jpg Human inbreeding depression: Maria_Theresia_as_child hybrid vigour (heterosis) Francis I of Lorraine Maria Theresa Soubor:Joseph II Portrait with crown.jpg = higher probability of mating between individuals with the same phenotype can be caused by active mating preference but another causes can exist as well eg.: phytophagous insects – individuals living at different host species can mature in different times Þ more frequent mating between individuals of the same phenotype (confinement to the host) without active mating preference Þ this is only a positive phenotypic correlation assortative mating causes deficit of heterozygotes assortative mating causes linkage disequilibrium (LD) Differences between inbreeding and assortative mating: affects only locus (loci) connected with preferred phnotype × inbreeding affects all loci ass. mating is a powerful evolutionary force (strong LD at more loci) ´ inbreeding only strenghtens existing LD, and only in the case of selfing, in other cases recombination „more succesful“ ® reduction of LD -sticking-out-tongue.jpg ion_XXL.jpg = preference of mates with different phenotypes results in intermediary allele frequencies, reduces LD eg. preference of males with different MHC (mouse, man) MHC