Nature Conservation (semester course) Threat by Hunting doc. Jiří Schlaghamerský, Ph.D. Dept of Botany and Zoology, Fac. of Science, MU MODULARIZACE VÝUKY EVOLUČNÍ A EKOLOGICKÉ BIOLOGIE CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0204 Characteristic traits of particularly endangered species (1) • very small range - birds restricted to one or few oceanic islands - fish restricted to a single lake (pool!) or a single river systém • with a single or a small number of populations • with small populations / low density - large predators - highly specialized species • requiring a large home range • of large body size (the largest within its taxonomic group) • with slow population growth (K-strategists) • lacking effective mechanisms of dispersal (e.g. unable to fly) Which species are under threat? Characteristic traits of particularly endangered species (2) • living in stable environments (e.g. in tropical primeval forests, in cavities of ancient trees) • migratory species • living permanently or temporarily in groups - herds of hoofed animals (bison, wild horse, onager, kulan) - bats (caves), - migratory birds (e.g. passenger pigeon), - birds breeding in collonies, - fish (salmon), - sea turtles (laying eggs),… • hunted or collected by man Which species are under threat? Decline of megafauna or lemures in dependance on the arrival of humans North America (megafauna; genera in %) Africa (megafauna; genera in %) Madagascar (lemures; species in %) Threat to species by hunting Comparison of the size of extinct birds, Aepyornitids (elephant birds) and Moas in comparison with other birds incapable of flight and man Threat to species by hunting extinct species species alive Euryapterix curtus Anomalopteryx didiformis The Moa Birds (Diornithiformes) - New Zealand - about 10 species (2 families) - mostly woodland species - from 20 kg up to over 230 kg (2 m at the withers) - last one killed in 1785? Threat to species by hunting The Haast’s eagle (Harpogornis moorei) - New Zealand - females up to 13 kg, wing spread 3 m - youngest bones ca 500 years old Threat to species by hunting The Elephant birds (Aepyornitidae) - Madagascar - at least 7 species (2 genera) - up to 400 (500?) kg (height 3 m) - last one died in 1649? - contribution of hunting and climatic change (drought) to extinction? Threat to species by hunting Threat to species by hunting The Elephant birds (Aepyornitidae) - eggs: volume 10 l, length 35 cm Threat to species by hunting The lemur Megaladapsis edwardsi - Madagascar - the largest lemur – gorilla-sized (the genus included another two large species, in total some 17 “giant” lemur species got extinct) - woodland species - 600 years before present still alive - contribution of hunting, clearing of forests and climate change to extinction? The lemur Megaladapsis edwardsi Threat to species by hunting Threat to species by hunting The Dodo (Raphus cucullatus) - The Isle of Mauritius (Indian Ocean) - extinction due to hunting by man and introduced animals - cats, pigs and macaques - first landing of seafarers in 1507 - colonisation of the island in 1644 - last birds observed in 1662, survival until 1681? Only drawing by a person that actually saw the bird alive (François Leguat, 1708) Skeleton of female and male Reconstruction according to Leguat’s description (Frederick William Frohawk) Threat to species by hunting The Rodriguez Solitaire (Pezohaps solitaria) - Rodrigzuez Island (Indian Ocean) - discovered in 1691, in 1730 common, in 1755 very rare, in 1761 not found - hunted to extinction by man and introduced cats The Réunion ibis (Threskiornis solitarius = Borbonibis latipes) - Réunion Island (Indian Ocean) - Discovered in 1613, last one died in 1791 - Real appearance?! Systematic position?! - For long referred to as the Réunion solitaire (Raphus solitarius)“, a dodo-like species that probably never existed! It might have looked like this: Hypothetical restoration based on contemporary descriptions, subfossil remains, and extant relatives (Wikipedia). Misleading image (short beak!): Frohawk's 1907 restoration of the Réunion solitaire, based on Sieur Dubois’ description It certainly did not look like this, but was often depicted as a white dodo! Here Frederick William Frohawk's 1907 restoration of the Réunion solitaire, adapted from Withoos' white dodo. Threat to species by hunting The Great Auk(Penguinus impennis) - The largest auk (5 kg, height 75-92 cm) - Originally occurring on the coasts and islands of the Nothern Atlantic - Massive hunting and egg collecting - The birds served not only for food of the inhabitants of the coast and sailors but also as fishing bait and fuel (much fat), later as a source of dune feathers in high demand Threat to species by hunting The Great Auk (Penguinus impennis) - Before the end of the 13th century extinct on the Norwegian mainland - Dramatic population decline at the end of the 16th century - in N. America erradicated at the end of 18th century (last population on Funk Island off the coast of Newfoundland ceased to exist between 1785 and 1800) - 1808 erradicated on the Faroer Islands - 1812 erradicated on the Orkney Islands - 1813 erradicated on the British Isles - 1815 erradicated in Greenland - 1821 erradicated on the Hebrides - 1830 Geirfuglakor island with last breeding colony submerged due to volcanic activity - 1835 a colony of surviving birds (less than 50) discovered close-by on Eldey Island - 1840 one bird killed on the isle Stac an Armin (St. Kilda Archipelago, Outer Hebrides) - 1844 last nesting pair on Eldey Island beaten to dead, egg destroyed - 1852 one bird reported off the coast of Newfoundland – last sighting ever reported - in the last decades the demand of museums and private collectors for skins and eggs contributed substantially to the erradication of the species Eldey Island southwest of Iceland Threat to species by hunting Threat to species by hunting The Labrador Duck (Camptorhynchus labradorius) - occuring along the northern part of the North American Atlantic coast (Labrador) - egg collecting and hunting by man (meat, down feathers) - antropogennic decrease of mollusc populations in its wintering grounds - last bird killed in r. 1875 The Short-tailed Albatross (Phoebastria [=Diomedea] albatrus) - original range: Bonin (Izu) archipelago and Ryuku (Japan), Taiwan, islands close to Chinese coast, Pacific coast of North America - at the end of the 19th cent. population of ca. 5 million (on Bonin = Izu) - intensive hunting for feathers (pens, feather beds) - 1939: 30-50 birds on Torishima island, last nesting pairs disappeared concurrently with the se prohibition of hunting - 1949: declared extinct (however, juveniles survived at the open sea) - 1954: return of 25 birds to Torishima, at least 6 pairs, first eggs - 2008: 1922 birds (ca 426 pairs) on Torishima, 442 birds on Minami-kojima (Senkaku archipelago) Tori shima Threat to species by hunting The Passenger Pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) - original range in North America east of the Rocky Mountains - original population size ca 2 million - in the 2nd half of the 19th century decline of population due to massive hunting, total protection declared - last individual died in 1914 (Cincinnati Zoo) Distribution area: nesting red, wintering orange Threat to species by hunting The American Bison (Bison bison) (Pre-)Historic distribution of the bison Present distribution (continuously increasing due to reintroductions) - population size before arrival of Europeans ca 60 million (still valid in ca 1800) - mass killing since the 18th century - in 1832 exterminated east of the Mississipi - in 1870 exterminated in the Southern Plains - in 1870-1875 2.5 million animals shot per year - in 1889 only 1091 individuals alive (635 in the wild) Threat to species by hunting The plains indians were totally dependent on bison (after the expansion of horse keeping and the corresponding cultural changes) The American Bison (Bison bison) Threat to species by hunting Bizon (Bison bison) - The hides were processed on a large scale, the skinned corpses were left behind. The famous buffallo hunter William F. Cody alias Bufallo Bill - The construction of the transcontinental railway contributed substantially to the almost total extermination of bison. - The last utilization was the collecting of bones (e.g. for fertilizer production). J. Schlaghamerský: Ochrana přírody – ohrožení druhů lovem The Wisent or European Bison (Bison bonasus) Three subspecies: - The European / Lowland Bison (B. b. bonasus) – today ca. 1000 animals, ca. 70 % „in the wild“ - The Caucasian Bison (B. b. caucasus) , pure-blood subspecies extinct, a breed of hybrids with the lowland subspecies with some genes of the American Bison (B. bison) has survived - The Carpathian bison (B. b. hungarorum), extinct around 1790 (the last one perhaps killed as early as 1762 in the Rodna mountains (presently in northern Romania), valid subspecies? Threat to species by hunting Original distribution: Euroasia Reconstruction of distribution area in the Holocene (light green) and high middleages (dark green); last endemic populations in red 1 AD - ranging from the British Isles to Siberia and the Caucasus (there are doubts about the western border of the distribution area, in the Caucasus represented by another subspecie, i.e. B. b. caucasus) 7th cent. - in the West still present in the Vosges mountains 1100 - 1500 - exterminated in the British Isles, Apennine Peninsula and Sweden 11th cent. - still present in northern Switzerland until 16th cent. - still present in Brandenburg until 18th cent. - in Poland / Eastern Prussia and Transilvania early 19th cent. - last lowland wisents living in the Białowieża Forest (formerly the Polish king’s, then the Russian tsar’s hunting reserve) 1850 - ca 1920 - decline and extinction of the lowland subspecies population in the wild : 1850 - 1500 individuals; 1910 - 600 ind. 1923 - The international Society for the Protection of the European Bison founded in Berlin, 54 (56?) specimens in captivity, of those 12 able to reproduce 2006 - 3200 pure-blood wisents in the breed registry, including also the lowland-Caucasus line (of those ca 60% “in the wild”) Bison bonasus (bonasus) Threat to species by hunting The Causacian Wisent (Bison bonasus caucasicus) 1831 - population of the Caucasian subspecies discovered in the north-western Caucasus (SZ Kavkaz) ca 1860 - 2000 individuals 1914 - 800 individuals 1917 - 500-600 individuals 1921 - 50 individuals (fast declined due to hoof and mouth disease, anthrax, poaching and excesses of Soviet revolutionaries) 1924 - reserve established 1927 - last three pure-blood individuals killed 2002 - ca 2200 hybrids of the Caucasian and lowland subspecies, most of those also with genes of the American Bison (all genes of the Caucasian subspecies come from a single bull held in captivity, which died in 1925) Threat to species by hunting The Aurochs (Bos primigenius) Reconstruction of original range Several subspecies: - B. p. primigenius – ancestor of taurine or European cattle (B. taurus) - B. p. namadicus (India) – ancestor of the Indian cattle - the zebu • Size at the withers up to 185 cm in bulls (1000 kg), 150 cm in cows • Domestication from 6500 B.C. onwards • The wild form became extinct in Asia in antiquity, in western and central Europe between the 12th and 14th century (after large-scale forest clearing between the 9th and 11th century) Threat to species by hunting Reconstruction of bull and cow after 1300 BC – not present (exterminated?) in the British Isles after 400 BC – not present (exterminated?) in the Netherlands ca 1 AD - exterminated in northern Italy (30 BC still hunted there) - exterminated in Jutland (mainland Denmark) 800 AD - still present in France 1000 AD - still present in Switzerland ca 1250 - exterminated in Hungary (Pannonian Plain) 12th or 13th cent. - exterminated in Russia 1406 and 1408 - last reliable records from Germany 1476 - last two herds of wild aurochs become the property of the Polish king (received from the Duke of Mazovia) The Auerochs (Bos primigenius) Threat to species by hunting The Aurochs (Bos primigenius) Last population in the Jaktorow royal hunting enclosure (south of Warsaw): 1564 - 38 individuals (8 bulls, 22 cows, 3 immatures, 5 calfs) 1566 – 24 individuals remaining 1602 - 4 individuals (3 bulls, 1 cow) 1620 – last individual (cow) – died in 1627 An attempt to get the original Aurochs back by cross-breeding of several primitive races of domestic cattle was undertaken in 1920-1940 (the Heck brothers, Zoos in Munich and Berlin) - today some 2000 individuals of an stabilized breed exist in various zoological gardens and game enclosures. The bulls reach „only“ 150 cm at the withers. Threat to species by hunting The Quagga (Equus q. quagga) - southern subspecies of E. quagga - orig. range NW to the Oranje river, NE to the Vaal river, SE to Great Kei River - massive hunting by white settlers (for meat and hides, as competitors of domestic animals on range-land) - last live individuals captured in 1870 Plains Zebra (E. quagga burchelii) Mountain Zebra (E. zebra) Grevy’s Zebra (E. grevyi) Threat to species by hunting Zebra kvaga (Equus q. quagga) - last animal shot in the wild in 1878 - last animal died in captivity in 1883 (Amsterdam Zoo) - only later it became clear that this had been the last quaggakvagu Threat to species by hunting Since 1987 there is a project attempting to obtain zebras of quagga phenotype by breeding selected individuals of the adjacent subspecies captured in Namibia (apparently carrying genes of the nominate subspecies). Franz Roubal, 1931 - up to 9 m long, up to 6 tonnes body mass - discovered in 1741 on a single island in the Bering Sea (formerly also present on the Kamtchatka peninsula – erradicated by tribesman) - erradicated by sailors within 27 years – in 1768 (scientific description 12 years hereafter) Steller’s Sea Cow (Hydrodamalis gigas) Threat to species by hunting - original range included Australia and New Guinea (erradicated by the aborigines and by competition of dogs and the ferralized dingo) - at the time of the colonization by Europeans only occurring (demonstrable) in Tasmania - from 1830 to 1909 bounty was paid for killed thylacines (said to attack sheep) - from 1888 to 1909 2184 bounties were paid (minimal number of killed individuals) - last known shot in the wild in 1933 - in 1936 the last individual died in Hobart Zoo, absolute protection of the species was decreed in the very same year The Tasmanian Wolf or Tiger (Thylacinus cynocephalus) Threat to species by hunting Three subspecies of the tiger: Panthera tigris virgata, P. t. balica, P. t. sondaica - the 2nd largest subspecies - orig. range: Turkey - N. Iraq – Iran – Aserbajdzhan, Russian Central Asia, Turkhmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Mongolia - intensive hunting incl. a campaing of the Russian army at the Caspian Sea in the early 20th century - last(?) shot in 1959 (Iran?, Iraq?) or as late as 1970 (Turkey) or 1997 in northern Afghanistan? Tiger distribution area in 1900 The Caspian Tiger (Panthera tigris virgata) Threat to species by hunting The Bali Tiger (Panthera tigris balica) - subspecies of smallest body-size, only on the island of Bali (rather small population) - last kill in 1937 - reports on sightings up to 1952 (questionable ones from 1970 and 1972) The Java Tiger (Panthera tigris sondaica) - only on the island of Java, in the early 19th century very abundant - in 1940 only in mountainous areas – decline due to hunting, poisoning, deforestation - 20-25 individuals remaining - 1979: last footprints found (max. 3 ind.) Java Threat to species by hunting Bali - were also on the brink of extinction, today their populations remain mostly small but are rising in many areas due to their protection and reintroductions. Threat to species by hunting Large Carnivores in Europe Threat to species by hunting Current problems of threats to species by hunting or collecting: poaching and international trade • trading with ivory (elephant, mammoth (subfossile), narwhal, wealrus, and hippopotamus tusks/teeth; rawmaterial for artistic objects) • trading with rhinoceros horns, bones and other body parts of tigers and other objects used in traditional medicine (in particular Chinese) • capturing or collecting (e.g. eggs, marine molluscs, but also plants such as cacti and orchids) for sale to zoological and botanical gardens, at present mostly to private keepers, breeders (falconers, parrot breeders, etc.) or collectors. • hunting for subsistance and trade („bushmeat“) in developing countries • too intensive use of wild populations by fishing, hunting or similar activities by “developed” countries, often based on international agreements but also on the brink of illegality (e.g. whaling). Ivory Trade Threat to species by hunting CITES and the ivory trade 1975 Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora): The African Elephant listed in Annex II (allowing monitored international trade with ivory and other products); The Asian Elephant listed in Annex I (not allowing trade with ivory or any other products). 1989 (valid from 1990) CITES transferrs all African Elephant populations from Annex II (threatened) to Annex I (endangered) 1997 CITES (COP 10) transfers populations in Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe to Annex II, to allow an one-time sale of ivory stocks (done in 1999). 2000 The Republic of South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe withdrew their applications for a permit of trading with ivory, which they had filed earlier. Kenia a India withdrew their applications to transfer the elephant populations of other countries from Annex II back to Annex I. Southafrican population transferred from Annex I to Annex II. 2002 The Republic of South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe asked for the permit to sell their existing ivory stocks and to receive annual quota for the sales of elephant tusks. Zambia did not ask for annual quota but for a permit to sell existing stocks only. 2006 CITES put aside the requests of South Africa, Namibia and Botswana to sell their ivory stocks. 2007 African Elephant populations in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe transferred to Annex II. This allows non-commercial trophy hunting, trade with live individuals (restricted by given rules), trade in skins, hair, leather products, limited trade with ivory products under compliance with explicit rules, trade with registred raw ivory (tusks and their parts) from state-owned stocks (except ivory that had been confiscated or of unknown origin) to checked buyers (max. one sale to one buyer), in a one-time transaction – followed by a 9-year moratorium on further sales . Threat to species by hunting Threat to species by hunting The African Elephant (Loxodonta africana) The development of regional populations of the African Elephant from 1900 and estimates of present regional population sizes Present (2007) distribution of the African Elephant Total population ca 550 000 (2007) cca 60 000 cca 160 000 cca 300 000 cca 8 000 Threat to species by hunting Foto: Bodenseemann The Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) Number of elephants poached in India in 1991-2001 Asian Elephant population world-wide (estimate, 1996) and in India (1991-2001) Threat to species by hunting Rhinoceroses – victims to superstition about the healing power of their horns White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) In 2010 scientific evidence was presented, indicating that the northern subspecies, Cotton’s, deserves the status of an independent species. Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) Population estimates for rhinos living in the wild in Africa as of Dec. 2007 Threat to species by hunting Thanks to strict protection the populations of African rhinos grew in the last decades (the population of the Southern Wide Rhinoceros increased from 20-50 animals in 1885 to ca 20 000; the population of the Black Rhino had dramatically decreased from ca 300 000 in 1950 dramaticky poklesla, but even here an increase to ca 5 000 was reached). However a dramatic breaking point was reached in 2007. Rhinoceroses – victims to superstition about the healing power of their horns Poaching victim Development of rhino populations in Zimbabwe reflects poaching intensity The demand for rhino horns on the black market – mainly in China and further South Asian countries (use in traditional Chinese medicine) and in Yemen (used for handles of traditional daggers) – started to rise steeply, once the superstitious belief that they presented effective medicine against cancer spread in Vietnam. Since than the price of rhino horn has increased manifold (35 USD / kg in 1975, 65 000 USD / kg in 2004) . Threat to species by hunting Minimal numbers of rhinos poached in Africa (2006 – Feb. 2013) dle údajů AfRSG, TRAFFIC a CITES Rhino Working Group Numbers of rhinos poached in Africa (2006–2009) broken down to countries and way of killing 98% of all African rhinos now live in four countries in southern Africa: South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Botswana. The Czech Republic plays an important role in the illegal trade with rhino horns (large vietnamese community, feigned trophy hunting by Czech citizens, theft of horns from exhibitions, stepping stone on the way to Asia). Numbers of rhinos poached in South Africa (2000 – Oct. 2014) Rhinoceroses – victims to superstition about the healing power of their horns Threat to species by hunting Rising numbers of poached rhinos and arrested poachers in South Africa from 2010 to Sept. 2014. One measure to protect rhinos against poachers is the careful removal of their horns. However, to prevent injury, the ceratin base of the horn (which is growing into the bone), has to be left intact. Even this remaining part attracts poachers as the price per kg horn is very high. In the Republic of South Africa, paid trophy hunting of rhinoceroses is still legal, usually in private game reserves (ca 23% of rhinos in South Africa have private owners). According to official sources legal trophy hunting makes up for 100-160 rhinos killed per year. The export of private trophies, however, serves as a disguise for their further trade and for the trade with poached horns. In the meantime South Africa has prohibited trophy hunting by citizens of Vietnam and Czechia! Threat to species by hunting Rhinoceroses – victims to superstition about the healing power of their horns Rhino horns on the black market in Africa Percentages of horns entering the illegal trade, and confiscated by security forces in Africa. The fight against the well-organized and armed groups of poachers is dangerous and requires sufficient numbers of well-trained and equipped rangers. Threat to species by hunting Rhinoceroses – victims to superstition about the healing power of their horns Estimate of Asian rhino populations in the wild as of Sept. 2009 (trends since 2007) Number of photo trap records of Lesser One Horned (= Javan) Rhinoceros in Vietnam Greater One Horned (= Indian) Rhino population development (1910-2005) On the 24th October 2011 the WWF announced that the last Lesser One Horned Rhinoceros in Vietnam had been poached. Threat to species by hunting In many developing (poor!) countries, wild animals are hunted, often illegally, as an supplementary or even main source of food (proteins!) – so-called „bushmeat“ (in Africa) – however, this meat reaches increasingly also the European market! Apes are among the hunting game. Threat to species by hunting Example: Bioko Island (Equatorial Guinea): what ends on the market and eventually in the kitchen! Threat to species by hunting The sale of animals, their parts or products made of them as souvenirs or collector items can lead to dramatic decline in populations. Legal trophy hunting (“sport”) can provide substantial funding for national or private reserves, and thus co-fund nature conservation. However, the longing for trophies can also lead to illegal hunting, corruption etc. The existence of legal products obtained from animals killed for trophy makes it easier to trade with such products obtained illegally. Threat to species by hunting The orchid trade in Laos Trade with wild-growing orchids seriously threatens many species Threat to species by hunting Photo: Stan Shebs Photo: Ansgar Walk Photo: Zenwort Whaling – most populations of large species decreased dramatically Nowadays mostly subsistence hunting by indigenous peoples is permitted (above Eskimoes or Inuit in Greenland) Whale meat in a grocery shop in Japan, where Whaling is still done for “research purposes” Threat to species by hunting Species Natural population size Present population (pre-hunting estimates) (estimates of the number of individuals) Baleen whales Blue whale 200 000 9 000 Common minke whale 140 000 850 000 Sei whale 100 000 55 000 Fin whale 475 000 123 000 Grey whale 23 000 21 000 Bowhead whale 56 000 8 200 Humpback whale 150 000 25 000 North Atlantic right whale ? 1 300 Southern right whale 100 000 1 500 Toothed whales Beluga ? 50 000 Narwhal ? 35 000 Sperm whale 2 400 000 1 950 000 Assessement of the impact of human hunting on whale populations Threat to species by hunting Photo: Erik Christensen Catch of Atlantic white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus) na the island of Hvalba (Faroe Islands, 26. Aug. 2006) Numbers of Minke whale (Balaenoptera acurostrata) catches by Norwegian whalers (red) and quotas of allowed catches (blue) Hunting, fishing, harvesting: about the use of populations Living / growing in the wild Threat to species by hunting Threat to species by hunting Hunting, fishing, harvesting: about the use of populations living / growing in the wild Threat to species by hunting Hunting, fishing, harvesting: about the use of populations living / growing in the wild Threat to species by hunting Hunting, fishing, harvesting: about the use of populations living / growing in the wild Threat to species by hunting Hunting, fishing, harvesting: about the use of populations living / growing in the wild Threat to species by hunting Hunting, fishing, harvesting: about the use of populations living / growing in the wild Net recruitment (increment) curveof a hypothetical population To reach a maximal yield while not damaging the population we have to keep population size at Nm. hm is the highest yield that the population is able to support by its own increment = maximum sustainable yield (MSY) Threat to species by hunting The highest frequence of harvesting at a medium population density Hunting, fishing, harvesting: about the use of populations living / growing in the wild Threat to species by hunting Hunting, fishing, harvesting: about the use of populations living / growing in the wild The MSY approach was used by the International Whaling Commission to set fixed annual whaling quota in 1949-1960. An alternative to fixed quota is the regulation of harvesting effort. h = g * E * N h = yield from a harvest g = harvesting efficiency E = level of harvesting effort N = population size Threat to species by hunting Hunting, fishing, harvesting: about the use of populations living / growing in the wild Threat to species by hunting Hunting, fishing, harvesting: about the use of populations living / growing in the wild Threat to species by hunting Hunting, fishing, harvesting: about the use of populations living / growing in the wild Threat to species by hunting Hunting, fishing, harvesting: about the use of populations living / growing in the wild Threat to species by hunting Hunting, fishing, harvesting: about the use of populations living / growing in the wild Surplus Yield Models (all introduced above) Alternative approach (more complicated): Dynamic Pool Models (the very first one formulated in 1957) Available data on the population (empirical and theoretical) are arranged in such a way to reflect the dynamics of a structured population. Recommendation for the practise includes not only harvesting effort but also its break down to the individual age classes. Threat to species by hunting Hunting, fishing, harvesting: about the use of populations living / growing in the wild Threat to species by hunting Hunting, fishing, harvesting: about the use of populations living / growing in the wild Garrod a Jones made at the the turn of the 1970s a dynamic pool model for the northernmost part of the cod population in the Atlantic ocean – the subpopulation in Norwegian Arctica: - They assessed the age class structure in the late 1960s. - They forcasted the medium-term effect of various fishing intensities and mesh sizes in the trawl nets on the catch. - The temporary peak after five years was the effect of the large year-class hatched in 1969. - Recommendation: low intensity fishing using a large mesh size (let the fish grow and reproduce for a longer time). Threat to species by hunting Hunting, fishing, harvesting: about the use of populations living / growing in the wild What happened with the recommendations given by Garrod and Jonese? - The mesh size was not modified before 1979 when it was increased from 120 mm to 125 mm (according to Garrod and Jonese already the use of a mesh size of 130 mm led to an overexploitation of the population!). - Cod fishing intensity never dropped below 45% (in the late1970s annual catches of 900 000 tonnes were taken). At the end of the 1980s the subpopulation of cod in Norwegian Arctica was seriously depleted – similarly as all other cod stocks in the North Atlantic. For more details see Chapter 15 in Begon et al. (2006): Ecology: from individuals to ecosystems. 4th ed. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.