Vysazení a zavlečení nepůvodních druhů živočichů (psů, koček, krys, prasat, koz atd. a jejich parazitů i nemocí) bylo a je příčinou vyhubení mnohých ostrovních endemitů. The intentional or accidental introduction of non-indigenous animal species (dogs, cats, rats, pigs, goats, etc., and their parasites and diseases) has been the cause of extinction of many island endemics. Kočka ulovila leguána na Galapágách A cat has caught an iguana on the Galapagos islands Na Hawaii bylo kromě jiných druhů vyhubena řada šatovníků (Drepanidini), typického příkladu adaptivní radiace. / On Hawai a number of Hawaian finches (Drepanidini) a typical example of adaptive radiation, have been driven to extinction (as many other species). Vysazená divoká a zdivočelá domácí prasata mění prostředí a hubí původní druhy./ Introduced wild boars and ferralized pigs are changing the environment and killing indigenous species. Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Zavlečená stromová užovka Boiga irregularis ohrožuje endemické ptáky na pacifických ostrovech, např. Guamu. The brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis) threatens endemic birds on Pacific islands, e. g. Guam. Původní areál / Native range Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Ostrov Moorea (Společenské ostrovy) Moorea Island (Society islands) Francouzská Polynésie / French Polynesia Ulity druhů rodu Partula Shells of the genus Partula Vysazení nepůvodních plžů vedlo k zániku velkého počtu druhů endemických druhů plžů (Partula spp.) Francouzské Polynésie. The introduction of exotic snails led to the extinction of a large number of snail species (Partula spp.) endemic to French Polynesia Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Původní, endemický druh Partula sp. / Native, endemic Partula species Oblovka Achatina fulica z Afriky, introdukce na ostrov Moorea v 60. letech 20. století. The Giant African Land Snail (Achatina fulica) from Africa was introduced to the island of Moorea in the 1960s. Euglandina rosea z Floridy a střední Ameriky; introdukce na ostrov Moorea v r. 1977 za účelem hubení plžů Achatina fulica. / Euglandina rosea from Florida and Central America; introduced to Moorea Island in 1977 to reduce the population of Achatina fulica. Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Jihoamerická ropucha Bufo marinus byla vysazena na severu Queenslandu aby redukovala hmyzího škůdce (brouka) na cukrové třtině. Místo toho hubí mnohé původní živočichy vč. ptáků a malých vačnatců. The Marine or Cane Toad (Bufo marinus) from South America was introduced to northern Queensland to reduce an insect pest (beetle) on sugar cane. Instead it has been preying on many native species including birds and small marsupials. Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Kapradinka nepukalka (Salvinia molesta) z jihovýchodní Brazílie / The aquatic fern Salvinia molesta from south-eastern Brasil Lake Moon Dara (sev. Queensland, Austrálie) před a po vysazení nosatce Cyrtobagous salviniae (1981) / Lake Moon Dara (N.Queensland, Australia) before and after the introduction of the Black Long-snouted Weevil (Cyrtobagous salviniae) in 1981. Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Mol Castoblastis cactorum z již. Ameriky zredukoval populace amerických kaktusů opuncií (Opuntia inermis, O. stricta) v Austrálii. Jeho šíření do sev. Ameriky (vč. Mexika) však ohrožuje existenci velkého počtu zde domácích druhů opuncií. / The Prickly Pear Moth (Cactoblastis cactorum) from S. America reduced populations of Prickly Pear cacti (Opuntia inermis, O. stricta) in Australia. Its spreading to N. America (incl. Mexico) threatens the existence of many native species of Prickly Pear. Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Tuberkulóza skotu ohrožuje lesní poddruh bizona v Kanadě, populace buvola kaferského i lva v Krügerově národ. parku v jižní Africe. Bovine tubercolosis threatens the Wood Bufallo subspecies of the American bison as well as the populations of African Bufallo and Lion in the Krüger Nat. Park of South Africa. Pontokaspický mlž slávička mnohotvárná (Dreissena polymorpha) se rozšířil od r. 1890 z Hamburku Labem po střední Evropě. Od konce 80. let 20. století, kdy se dostal s balastní vodou do severoamerických Velkých jezer, se lavinovitě šíří vodní sítí severní Ameriky, kde vytlačuje původní druhy benthosu a způsobuje velké ekonomické (technické) škody. The Ponto-caspian Zebra Mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) spread in Central Europe vie the Elbe river, starting in 1890 in Hamburg. In the end of the 1980s it was introduced with balast water to the N. American Great Lakes and has been expanding in the N. American water ways ever since with tremendous speed, out-competing native benthic species and causing large economic (technical) damage. Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Introduced species / Zavlečené, vysazené, nepůvodní druhy species that were only able to surmount a barrier to dispersal with the (intentional or unintentional) assistance of man and thus to colonize a given locality druhy, které byly schopny překonat překážku svého šíření pouze s pomocí (úmyslnou či neúmyslnou) člověka, a tak osídlit danou lokalitu Classification of species introduced to Europe / Klasifikace druhů zavlečených do Evropy: - archeophytes / (archeozoa) – introduced before 1492 archeofyty / (archeozoa) – zavlečené či vysazené před r. 1492 - neophytes / (neozoa) – introduced from 1492 onwards neofyty / (neozoa) – zavlečené či vysazené od r. 1492 Invasive species / invazní druhy - a subset of introduced (non-indigenous, exotic) species podmnožina nepůvodních (exotických) druhů - introduced species expanding their range and representation in habitats by outcompeting native species nepůvodní druhy, které rozšiřují svůj areál a zastoupení v biotopech vytlačováním původních druhů Expansive species / expanzivní druhy - species native to a given area that have started to substantially expand their range and the number of colonised localities, often because of habitat disturbance by man druhy původní, které začaly výrazně rozšiřovat svůj areál a počet lokalit výskytu, často v důsledku narušení prostředí člověkem Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones island tropical maritime arid The proportion of introduced plant species in large reserves (National Parks, Biosphere Reserves) world-wide. For the character of the reserves see explanation of symbols below. For name of reserve see Czech legend below the map. Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones original forest forest with selective logging secondary forest secondary vegetation scrub stand grassland Number of mammal species Percentage of introduced species (%) The gradual degradation of forests in south-east Asia by logging and agricultural practices does not only reduce the number of native mammal species but also increases the percentage of introduced species. In the last stage of this succession, the savannah, only introduced rat species are present. Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones The number of species of exotic molluscs, fishes, plants and insects in the USA has been increasing constantly over time molluscs fishes plants insects Year Year Totalspeciesnumber Totalspeciesnumber J. Schlaghamerský: Ochrana přírody – introdukce nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Vodní mor kanadský (Elodea canadensis) je dnes rozšířen po celé Evropě / Canadian pondweed (Elodea canadensis) is today present all over Europe Vodní mor kanadský (Elodea canadensis) je dnes rozšířen po celé Evropě / Canadian pondweed (Elodea canadensis) is today present all over Europe Zelená řasa Caulerpa taxifolia z teplých vod Pacifiku se šíří ve Středozemním moři; zkouší se biol. boj pomocí plže Elysia subornata. / The green alga Caulerpa taxifolia from warm Pacific waters has been spreading in the Mediterranean Sea; biological control by the snail Elysia subornata is being tested. Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Zelená řasa Caulerpa taxifolia z teplých vod Pacifiku se šíří ve Středozemním moři; zkouší se biologický boj pomocí plže Elysia subornata. / The green alga Caulerpa taxifolia from warm Pacific waters has been spreading in the Mediterranean Sea; biological control by the snail Elysia subornata is being tested. 1982: kultivace řasy v akváriích monackého oceánografického muzea / cultivation of the alga in the aquarium of the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco 1984: řasa objevena v monackém zálivu přímo pod okny muzea (porost na 1 m2 mořského dna) / discovered in the Bay of Monaco just below the museum’s windows (patch covering 1 m2 of sea bed) 1992: řása dosáhla břehů Itálie a Španělska / reached the coasts of Italy and Spain 1995: řasa dosáhla břehů Chorvatska / reached the coast of Croatia 1997: známo 99 lokalit o celkové rozloze 6600 ha / 99 sites of occurrence covering in total 6600 ha known from the Mediterranean Sea Oblasti s nepůvodním výskytem řasy Caulerpa taxifolia / Areas with introduced populations of Caulerpa taxifolia Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Norek evropský (Mustela nutreola) byl dříve intenzivně loven European Mink was formerly intensively hunted Dnes je vytlačován norkem americkým - minkem (Mustela vison) ze Sev. Ameriky. At present it is being out-competed by the American Mink Např. v Estonsku je volně žijící populace norka posilována vysazováním jedinců z chovu. / For instance in Estonia its wild populations are being reinforced by individuals bred in captivity. Rozšíření norka dříve (bíle) a dnes (červeně) / Former (white) and present (red) range of European Mink Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Nálezy půdního ploštěnce Artioposthia triangulata (= Arthurdendyus triangulatus) z Nového Zélandu v Anglii a Walesu (první nálezy v Evropě 1963 v sev. Irsku, 1965 v sev.-záp. Skotsku). Jako predátor významně redukuje populace žížal. / Records of the soil-dwelling flatworm Artioposthia triangulata (= Arthurdendyus triangulatus) from New Zealand in England and Wales (first records in Europe from Northern Ireland in 1963 and north-western Scotland in 1965). A predator of earthworms substantially reducing their populations. Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Evropské druhy žížal se šíří severní Amerikou (vč. velkých oblastí prostých severoamerických žížal) a mění charakter lesních ekosystémů / European earthworm species have been spreading across North America (including large areas lacking Northamerican earthworm species) profoundly changing the character of forest ecosystems Oblast zalednění (modře) během poslední doby ledové / Glaciated Area during the last ice age Invaze evropských žížal do Severní Ameriky Invasion of European earthworms to North America Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones V Sev. Americe se žížaly v době příchodu Evropanů vyskytovaly hlavně na jihovýchodě; tyto druhy v konkurenci podléhají evropským druhům / Upon arrival of the Europeans, native earthworms occurred mainly in the south-east; these species are often outcompeted by the European ones. Půdní povrch (vlevo) a přirozená obnova javoru Acer saccharum (vpravo) v lese bez žížal / soil surface (left) and natural rejuvenation of sugar maple (right) in a forest without earthworms Lesní podrost (vlevo) a přirozená obnova javoru (vpravo) v lese s žížalami / soil surface and undergrowth (left) and lacking natural rejuvenation of sugar maple (right) in a forest with exotic earthworms Kapradina Botrychium mormo mizí z lesů osídlených žížalami / The fern Botrychium mormo is disappearing from forests invaded by earthworms Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Půda a podrost v lese bez žížal (vlevo) a s nimi (vpravo) / Soil and undergrowth in a forest without (left) and with earthworms (right) Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Půda v části lesa bez žížal Soil in an earthworm-free forest area Půda v části lesa na invazní frontě Forest soil at the leading edge of invasion H/Ah L/F L/F H/Ah H/Ah Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Půda v části lesa s etablovanými populacemi žížal (vč. anektického druhu Lumbricus terrestris) / Soil in forest with established earthworm populations incl. the anectic Lumbricus terrestris Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Srovnání obsahu celkového uhlíku v horních vrstvách půdy (nahoře podle vrstev, dole celkem) v lesích s (nepůvodními) žížalami a bez nich ve dvou oblastech (Arnot Forest a Tomkins Farm) v USA Comparison of total carbon contents in the upper soil layers (above broken down to layers, below in total) in forests with (exotic) earthworms and without them studied at two sites (Arnot Forest and Tomkins Farm) in the USA Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Srovnání příjmu dusíku ve formě amoniového iontu a dusičnanového iontu rostlinami (vztaženo na jeden mg kořenů) v lesích s (nepůvodními) žížalami a bez nich ve dvou oblastech (Arnot Forest a Tomkins Farm) v USA Comparison of nitrogen up-take in the form of the ammonium ion and the nitrate ion by plants (per mg roots) in forests with (exotic) earthworms and without them (Arnot Forest and Tomkins Farm) in the USA Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae)– accidentally imported from Japan to eastern North America First record: Richmond, VA 1951 Hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) on Eastern and Carolina Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis and T. carolinensis) Hemlock woolly adelgid annual life cycle on hemlock in North America (parthenogenetic, specific spruce host is lacking) Damage to needles and branches after 2-3 years of infestation Decline and mortality in infested hemlock in North Carolina Progression of hemlock infestation and crown loss within a 1600 ha watershed in the southern Appalachians (Vose et al. (2013), Forest Ecology and Management 291: 209–219) Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) The tooth-necked fungus beetle (Laricobius nigrinus), a natural predator of HWA Worldwide occurrence of Hemlock (red) with arrows showing where biological control agents were collected for importation to the USA. HWA seems to be native on the west coast of North America, where native hemlock species are little affected. Scymnus sinuanodulus adults, a biological control agent under consideration Sasajiscymnus tsugae adult feeding on HWA eggs Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Chestnut blight is a fungal disease of plants caused by the fungus Cryphonectria parasitica from Asia, which has almost extermined the American chestnut (Castanea dentata) • American chestnut made up for 25% of timber in the eastern USA • Origin of fungus: Eastern Asia • Disease first observed in the USA in 1904 (New York City) • Apparently introduced after 1870 with seedlings of Castanea crenata from Japon • 1926 in all the range of American chestnut Natural Range of the American chestnut Lumberjacks stand beside old-growth chestnut trees in North Carolina around 1910 (Forest History Society, Durham, N.C.) Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica) Dead American chestnuts, 1943 (USDA Forest Service) A stand of blight-infected chestnuts in New York, 1915. (source: nationalgeographic.com, courtesy of William Powell) Resprouting American chestnut stump Spread of Chestnut Blight in the USA Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Chestnut blight Photographs Claudette Hoffman (Cryphonectria parasitica) Disease cycle of Cryphonectria parasitica (http://sfr.psu.edu/public/chestnut/breeding/blight/life-cycle/view) Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Since the 1980s, backcrossing experiments have been conducted with the objective to obtain blight-resistant “American” chestnuts by backcrossing of resistant hybrids of American and Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima). In the last years there have been new attempts to obtain trees with as pure C. dentata genome as possible by means of genetic engineering (first taking a blight-resistance gene from wheat, now screening for such genes in the genome of C. mollissima) A diagram of backcrossing experiments. American Chestnut Foundation (source: nationalgeographic.com) Chestnut hybrids, grown at the Hashawa Environmental Center,Carroll County, MD. (Photo: Melissa Boyle; source: http://www.americanforests.org /magazine/article/revival- of-the-american-chestnut/) Chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica) Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Chestnut trees infected with chestnut blight near Collonges (Valais). After a long-standing infection, a large portion of the crown has died off. (Photo: Phytopathology WSL) Occurrence of chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica) within the distribution range of the European chestnut (Castanea sativa). Years indicate when the disease was first observed, while arrows suggest probable points of introduction. Chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica) Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones • First wave of elm dieback in Europe from ca 1910 • The cause was a fungal disease leading do clotting of tracheae (tracheomykosis) caused by Ophiostoma ulmi (= Ceratocystis; first observed in the Netherlands). • Two bark beetles were the vectors, the larger (Scolytus scolytus) and smaller European elm bark beetle (S. multristriatus). • In the process, the fungus O. ulmi outcompeted the less harmful, related O. quercus, with which these bark beetles had lived in symbiosis. • Around 1920, S. multristriatus and the fungus O. ulmi were accidentally introduced to North America, where a pandemy affected all elms present (the even more sensitive native species as well as planted European ones). • Here, another bark beetle introduced from Asia (Scolytus schevyrewi) and a native species associated with elm (Hylurgopinus rufipes) also became vectors. Symptom of the Dutch Elm Disease: wilt of branches and later the whole tree crown Scolytus multistriatus (above) a Hylurgopinus rufipes (below) (photos: J. R. Baker and S. B. Bambara, North Carolina State University, Bugwood.org) Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Dutch Elm Disease (caused by the fungi Ophiostoma ulmi and O. novo-ulmi) Longitudinal section of an elm vessel with enlarged tyloses. (Courtesy D.M. Elgersma) • The first epidemy in Europe ceased in the 1940s. • From the 1950s there was a second epidemy, caused by the even more virulent species O. novo-ulmi, in which two subspecies are distinguished, traditionally called Euro-Asian Race (EAN) and North American Race (NAN), which hybridise. This pandemy still continues. • In Great Britain alone, some 25 million elms died; for instance in the floodplain forests of South Moravia (Czechia) the representation of elms dropped from about 30% to single, interspersed trees (mainly the more resistant young ones). Galleries of an elm bark beetle (Scolytus spp.) under elm bark Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Dutch Elm Disease (caused by the fungi Ophiostoma ulmi and O. novo-ulmi) The life cycle of elm bark beetles and how the fungi Ophiostoma ulmi and O. novo-ulmi, causing Dutch Elm Disease, are transmitted. Typical synnemata (bundles of konidiophores) of the fungi Ophiostoma ulmi and O. novo-ulmi. Left: view under a light microscope (photo: L. F. Grand), right: micrograph from a scanning electron microscope (photo: M. F. Brown a H. G. Brotzman) Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Dutch Elm Disease (caused by the fungi Ophiostoma ulmi and O. novo-ulmi) The European elm bark beetle (S. multistriatus) feeding in the twig crotch of an elm (Courtesy P. Svihra) Invasion of the Argentine fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) to North America Spread of Solenopsis invicta in the USA The result of direct contact of man with S. invicta Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Solenopsis invicta The workers show a high degree of polymorphism. Under favourable conditions, S. invicta creates supercolonies extending over large areas (interconnected nests of related colonies). Photo: Kenneth G. Ross Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Photo: Kenneth G. Ross According to a study conducted in the late 1980s in central Texas (Porter and Savignano, 1990), S. invicta supercolonies had the following effects on assemblages of ants and other arthropods: - drop of ant species richness by 70% - drop of ant abundance of native species by 90% - where S. invicta occurred, it made up for over 99% of all ants, the total abundance of ant workers increased by 10-30% - decrease of the species richness of other arthropods by 30% and of their abundance by 75% (some groups were severely reduced, others beneffited from that and increased) Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Effect of S. invicta on species richness and abundance of ants (workers) – based on pitfall trapping (Texas, USA, 1987) - from Porter and Savignano (1990). Porter and Savignano (1990) Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Solenopsis invicta Assessment of annual damage inflicted by S. invicta in the USA There have been attempts of biological control of S. invicta using parasitoid flies of the genus Pseudacteon and the pathogenous protozoan Thelohania solenopsae. Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones A molecular-genetic study has shown that first colonies of Solenopsis invicta found on Taiwan, mainland China and in Australia were of North American origin (Ascunce et al. 2011) Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Solenopsis invicta Potenciální rozšíření (červené body) mravence S. invicta v severní Americe, Austrálii a na okolních souostrovích na základě vyhodnocení klimatických dat. Potential range (red points) of S. invicta in N. America, Australia and neighbouring archipelagos based on the analysis of climatic data. První, maloplošný výskyt v Austrálii byl již zaznamenán! A first small-scale occurrence in Australia has already been recorded. Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Solenopsis invicta Potenciální rozšíření (červené body) mravence S. invicta v Asii na základě vyhodnocení klimatických dat. Potential range (red points) of S. invicta in Asia based on the analysis of climatic data. Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Solenopsis invicta Potenciální rozšíření (červené body) mravence S. invicta v Evropě, Africe a na Blízkém východě na základě vyhodnocení klimatických dat (červené body). Potential range (red points) of S. invicta in Europe, Africa and in the Near East based on the analysis of climatic data. Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Africký poddruh včely medonosné - Apis mellifera scutellata, resp. jeho hybridi s jinými poddruhy se šíří jižní a střední Amerikou. Svou vysokou agresivitou představují nebezpečí pro původní včelstva, zvířata i člověka. The African subspecies of the honeybee – Apis mellifera scutellata – or its hybrids with other subspecies are expanding their range in South and Central America. By their high agressivity the present a threat to native bee colonies, animals and humans. Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Bolševník velkolepý (Heracleum mantegazzianum) v ČR The Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) in the Czech Republic. Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Invasive hogweeds (Heracleum spp.) in Europe Source: Nielsen, C., H. P. Ravn, W. Nentwig, M. Wade (editors), 2005: The Giant Hogweed Best Practise Manual. Forest & Landscape Denmark, Hoersholm, 43 pp. Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Invasive hogweeds (Heracleum spp.) in Europe Invasive hogweeds (Heracleum spp.) in Europe Additional to Giant hogweed (originally from the Caucasus and areas south of it) some related exotic species are spreading in Europe: - Persian hogweed (H. persicum) in Fennoscandia - Sosnowsky’s hogweed (H. sosnowskyi) in the Baltic states The Giant hogweed is also invasive in North America. Ohrožení druhů introdukcí nepůvodních druhů Threat to species by the introduction of exotic ones Source: Nielsen, C., H. P. Ravn, W. Nentwig, M. Wade (editors), 2005: The Giant Hogweed Best Practise Manual. Forest & Landscape Denmark, Hoersholm, 43 pp.Source: Nielsen, C., H. P. Ravn, W. Nentwig, M. Wade (editors), 2005: The Giant Hogweed Best Practise Manual. Forest & Landscape Denmark, Hoersholm, 43 pp.Source: Nielsen, C., H. P. Ravn, W. Nentwig, M. Wade (editors), 2005: The Giant Hogweed Best Practise Manual. Forest & Landscape Denmark, Hoersholm, 43 pp. Distribution of invasive hogweeds (Heracleum spp.) in Europe Threat to species by the introduction of threatened ones Invasive hogweeds (Heracleum spp.) in Europe Distribution of invasive hogweed species (Heracleum spp.) in Europe Source: Nielsen, C., H. P. Ravn, W. Nentwig, M. Wade (editors), 2005: The Giant Hogweed Best Practise Manual. Forest & Landscape Denmark, Hoersholm, 43 pp. Invasive hogweeds (Heracleum spp.) in Europe Threat to species by the introduction of threatened ones Source: Nielsen, C., H. P. Ravn, W. Nentwig, M. Wade (editors), 2005: The Giant Hogweed Best Practise Manual. Forest & Landscape Denmark, Hoersholm, 43 pp. Invasive hogweeds (Heracleum spp.) in Europe Threat to species by the introduction of threatened ones Dynamics of the Giant hogweed invasion in Czechia (grid size: 11 km x 12 km) The Giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) in Europe As in other countries, Giant hogweed was originally planted in Czechia as an ornamental plant – for the first time in 1862 – possibly even earlier – in the gardens of Kynžvart castle in western Bohemia. Wild-growing plants were observed here from 1877, by 1907 already in north-eastern Moravia. In 1950 there were 9 known localities in the open countryside, today ca 600. J. Schlaghamerský: Ochrana přírody – introdukce nepůvodních druhů Source: Nielsen, C., H. P. Ravn, W. Nentwig, M. Wade (editors), 2005: The Giant Hogweed Best Practise Manual. Forest & Landscape Denmark, Hoersholm, 43 pp. Traits that make the species such an successful invader: - High fecundity and ability of self-pollination (a single plant can found a population and thus cause an invasion) - Flowering sufficiently early in the vegetation period to complete the development of seeds - High density of seeds in the soil seed bank, with some seeds surviving for at least two years - Very high germination rate - Germination in early spring before the resident vegetation appears - Fast growth of rosettes allowing rapid development of populations and the ability to form dense cover and place leaves above the resident vegetation - Low mortality of plants once they become established - Stable proportion of plants that flower and produce seeds - Ability of plants under stressful conditions to postpone flowering until a time when sufficient reserves are stored (success at suboptimal sites) The Giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) in Europe Threat to species by the introduction of threatened ones Source: Nielsen, C., H. P. Ravn, W. Nentwig, M. Wade (editors), 2005: The Giant Hogweed Best Practise Manual. Forest & Landscape Denmark, Hoersholm, 43 pp. Invasive hogweeds (Heracleum spp.) in Europe Threat to species by the introduction of threatened ones Source: Nielsen, C., H. P. Ravn, W. Nentwig, M. Wade (editors), 2005: The Giant Hogweed Best Practise Manual. Forest & Landscape Denmark, Hoersholm, 43 pp. Invasive hogweeds (Heracleum spp.) in Europe Threat to species by the introduction of threatened ones Japanese or Asian knotweed (Reynoutria japonica), Nakai giant knotweed (R. sachalinensis) and in Czechia in particular their local hybrid Bohemian knotweed (R. x bohemica) are among the most successful invasive plants. Origin: The Far East (Japan, Korea, China and the Sachalin island, respectively). Introduced in the 19. century as ornamental plants. Spreads along water courses and to disturbed (ruderal) sites. Strong competitors with high ability of regeneration. Outcompete native species. Threat to species by the introduction of threatened ones Impatiens glandulifera (many English names, e.g. Himalayan Balsam, Policeman’s helmet) Origin: The Himayas Introduced to Europe as an ornamental Plant in the first half of the 19th century. First planted within Czechia in the Červený Hrádek castle park near Jirkov (NW Bohemia), first record “in the wild” near Litoměřice (ca 50 km to the east of Jirkov) in 1896 . Became invasive in the 1930s, spreading mostly along water courses, building up homogenous, permanent stands in the river floodplains, replacing native vegetation. Threat to species by the introduction of threatened ones Impatiens parviflora (Small balsam, Small-flowered touch-me-not) Origin: south-western Siberia, western Mongolia, western Himalayas. Introduced to further areas of Asia, Europe, North Africa, and North America in the first half of the 19th century. In Czechia spreading since the end of the 19th century from castle parks and botanical gardens. Requires shady, nutrient-rich habitats. Under these conditions it creates contiguous stands and supresses native species of the herb layer including the native touch-me-not balsam. Touch-me-not balsam (Impatiens noli-tangere) Small balsam (Impatiens parviflora) Threat to species by the introduction of threatened ones