Solvation Models • Many reactions take place in solution • Short-range effects • Typically concentrated in the first solvation sphere • Examples: H-bonds, preferential orientation near an ion • Long-range effects • Polarization (charge screening) Solvent Effects solvent • Explicit Solvent vs. Implicit Solvent Explicit: placing real molecules Implicit: treating the solvent as a continuous medium (Reaction Field Method) Some are hybrids of the above two: – Treat first solvation sphere explicitly while treating surrounding solvent by a continuum model – These usually treat inner solvation shell quantum mechanically, outer solvation shell classically Solvation Methods in Molecular Simulations explicit solvent implicit solvent Two Kinds of Solvation Models Models Explicit solvent models Continuum solvation models Features All solvent molecules are explicitly represented. Respresent solvent as a continuous medium. Advantages Detail information is provided. Generally more accurate. Simple, inexpensive to calculate Disadvantages Expensive for computation Ignore specific short-range effects. Less accurate. Continuum (Reaction Field) Models • Consider solvent as a uniform polarizable medium of fixed dielectric constant  having a solute molecule M placed in a suitably shaped cavity. • Solute induces polarization at the interface of cavity. • This polarization acts back on the solute changing its wavefunction. • Various solvation models use different schemes for evaluation of solvation effects. • Problems arise when electrostatics do not dominate solventsolute interactions Models Differ in 5 Aspects 1. Size and shape of the solute cavity 2. Method of calculating the cavity creation and the dispersion contributions 3. How the charge distribution of solute M is represented 4. Whether the solute M is described classically or quantum mechanically 5. How the dielectric medium is described. (these 5 aspects will be considered in turn on the following slides) Solute Cavity Size and Shape Spherical Ellipsoidal van de Waals (Born) (Onsager) (Kirkwood) N C O H H CH3 N C O H H CH3 N C O H H C H H H r r The Cavity •Simple models Sphere Ellipsoid •Molecular shaped models Van der Waals surface Determined by QM wave function and/or electron density Solvent accessible surface Not accessible to solvent Visualizing cavity 1. Geomview software (in the modules). 2. Works only with Gaussian 03 3. SCRF=(read) in the route section of the job 4.“geomview” in the SCRF specification 5. Visualize the “” file The walls of cavity determine the interaction interface (Solvent Excluded Surface, SES) Size of the solvent molecule determines the Solvent Accessible Surface (SAS Conductor like screening model Why Implicit Solvent? Method Explicit Solvent (all-atom description) Implicit Solvent (Continuum description) Pros •Full details on the molecular structures •Realistic physical picture of the system •No explicit solvent atoms •Treatment of solute at highest level possible (QM) Cons •Many atoms--> expensive •Long runs required to equilibrate solvent to solute •Often solvent and solute are not polarizable. •Large fluctuations due to use of small system size •Need to define an artificial boundary between the solute and solvent •No “good” model for treating short range effects (dispersion and cavity) Explicit QM Water Models • Sometimes as few as 3 explicit water molecules can be used to model a reaction adequately: CHOO H H + C Cl HCl+ CO H O H H C Cl O H H O H H O H H O H H H Cl Could use HF, DFT, MP2, CISD(T) or other theory. Explicit Hybrid Solvation Model Red = highest level of theory (MP2, CISDT) Blue = intermed. level of theory (HF, AM1, PM3) Black = lowest level of theory (MM2, MMFF), or Continuum O H H O H H O H H ClCH O H H O H H O H H O H HO H H O H H OH H O H H O H H O H H O H H O H H O H H O H H O H H O H H O H H O H H O H H O H H O H Practical task 1. Model the Cl − + CH 3 Br → CH 3 Cl + Br − 2. Find the energy barrier for the reaction 3. Select any solvent from Gaussian library (be not concerned about solubility of species or chemical relevance) 4. Assume Sn1 and Sn2 reaction pathways 5. Use “SCRF=(solvent=XY)” in the route section of the calculation Procedure 1. Use B3LYP 6-31+g(d,p) method 2. Usage of difuse functions when dealing with anions is crucial! 3. Use ultrafine integration grid 4. Use Frequency calculations to be sure where on PES you are 5. For the scan use the distance between C and Cl as RC 6. Negative value of step defines two atoms approaching Turbomole 1. Prepare job using define module (see presentation 6 for help) 2. Setup COSMO using cosmoprep module 3. Set epsilon to 78.4 and rsolv to 1.93 4. Leave all other values at their default 5. Define radii of atoms using “r all o” for optimized values 6. Optimize all geometries