Introduction to Computational Quantum Chemistry Calculations of electronic excited states Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: UV/VIS October 31, 2017 1 / 15 Electronic excited states Uses electromagnetic radiation in UV and visible region UV light: ~190 to 400 nm VIS light: 400 to 700 nm Excitations in valence electronic structure n → π∗, π → π∗ ... X-RAYS: High-energy irradiations excitation of core electrons Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: UV/VIS October 31, 2017 2 / 15 Selection rules “Allowed” and “forbidden” transitions Nonzero transition dipole moment: µi = Ψfinal ˆµiΨinitialdτ = 0 (1) Intensities according to size of TD Blue - vertical excitation Green - emission Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: UV/VIS October 31, 2017 3 / 15 Linear Response Time-dependent DFT Vertical excitation energies vs adiabatic excitation energies Energy quantum absorbed by molecule The time-dependent Schrödinger equation: i ∂ ∂t Ψ(r, t) = ˆH(r, t)Ψ(r, t) (2) ˆH = ˆT(r) + ˆW(r) + ˆVext(r, t) (3) Check for low-lying excited states using TDDFT Use DFT with caution for molecules with ES lower than ~1.5 eV General problem - Functionals are fitted to GS not ES Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: UV/VIS October 31, 2017 4 / 15 Real Time TDDFT Alternative approach to investigate excited states Free evolution of excited wavefunction irradiated by pulse Fourier transformation of induced dipole moments (Compare with FT-NMR, FT-IR, FT-Raman) All excitations in a single simulation (valence to core) Computationally EXTREMELY demanding method −0.01 −0.005 0 0.005 0.01 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Induceddipole(a.u.) Simulation Time (a.u.) TCB−Br − Induced dipole moment, pulse from X−axis X Y Z 0 4 8 12 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Intensity Energy (eV) Absorption spectrum for TCB−Br− Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: UV/VIS October 31, 2017 5 / 15 ReSpect Relativistic Spectroscopy Developed at Slovakian Academy of Science and University of Tromsø Up to four-component (fully relativistic) approach Calculation of NMR, EPR and electronic excitations Under heavy development - Cutting edge methods No proper manual. Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: UV/VIS October 31, 2017 6 / 15 Simulation setup In most general case 3 independent simulations needed Irradiation from x-, y-, z- directions For symmetric systems can be reduced to 2 - C∞v, D∞d 1 - spherical Setup of calculation: EOM_SOLVER: propagation scheme (always use MAGNUS) ITERATIONS: SCF convergence threshold followed by maximum allowed microiterations per step TIME: Time step size (in a.u.) and number of steps FIELD: DELTA (i.e. Dirac delta pulse) and field size FIELD_DIRECTION: x- y- and z- component of the field vector CHECKPOINT: save information to WF every N steps ANALYSIS ORBITALS: virutal and occupied range of orbitals Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: UV/VIS October 31, 2017 7 / 15 Important remarks Maximum microiterations between steps: 6 (3-4 is fine) 1000 a.u. of time from each independent direction Typically time steps around 0.1 a.u. Higher energy excitations require lower timestep - higher frequency oscillations Fiddle a bit with values to obtain stable simulation Induced dipole should have at least 4 significant digits with respect to SCF during propagation Orbital analysis must be set in advance (cannot be recovered after simulation) Energy must be conserved Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: UV/VIS October 31, 2017 8 / 15 ReSpect: K-edge spectrum of Ne Start with the template distributed in IS This is a minimal input for ReSpect SCF TDSCF section is almost ready, just commented out (# initiates a comment line) Go to the manual page and fill in the calculation details Use NR/B3LYP/aug-ucc-pvtz method Run SCF first, then select the orbitals you wish to include for the analysis K-edge means excitations from 1st period orbital Four numbers define the orbital contributions in output: V IR1 V IRN OCC1 OCCN Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: UV/VIS October 31, 2017 9 / 15 Running ReSpect & Analysing Results Respect is within modules Usage: $ respect --help # perform ReSpect calculation $ --help # Fourier Transformation of data $ ./ --help # Orbital analysis Results: input.out # general output of calculation input_spectrum.out # Spectrum itself (plot 2:6 for energy in eV) input_peaks.out # Lists only peaks inputENERGY_TMatrix.out # Matrix of orbital excitations Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: UV/VIS October 31, 2017 10 / 15 Gaussian: K-edge spectrum of Ne Keyword “TD” Calculate 200 singlet excited states Use same basis set as in ReSpect Basis set directory: /software/ncbr/softrepo/ncbr/respect/4.0.0- beta.4+Sep15/x86_64/para/BAS/mdks_gaussian_format/ Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: UV/VIS October 31, 2017 11 / 15 Experimental spectrum of the K-edge of Neon Figure: K-edge spectrum of Neon.1 1 Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: UV/VIS October 31, 2017 12 / 15 Colors of dihalogens Calculate the vertical excitation energies of Br2 Calculate the emission energy from the “allowed” state Use PBE1PBE/6-311+G(2d) method Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: UV/VIS October 31, 2017 13 / 15 Thermodynamic cycle GS - Ground state WF EXC - Excited state WF eq - equliribrium geometry noneq - nonequilibrium geometry Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: UV/VIS October 31, 2017 14 / 15 Hints Calculate first three excited triplet and singlet states td=(nstates=3,50-50) Select the allowed states and optimize the first excited one: opt=readfc td=(nstates=3,{singlets/triplets},root=1,read) Excitations/emissions including solvent effects are described at Gaussian SCRF manual page ∆E = hc λ (4) Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: UV/VIS October 31, 2017 15 / 15