Short course “Diamond as a messenger from the Earth’s interior: natural samples and experiment” Part 2: What do we learn from diamonds? Yana Fedortchouk Department of Earth Sciences, Dalhousie University Halifax, Canada ( Outline • What do we know about diamond formation? • Phenocrysts or xenocrysts? • Complex growth – resorption patterns in natural diamonds • Role of oxidation – reduction processes • Role of carbon saturation in mantle fluids/melts • Applications • Carbon isotopes – carbon cycle • Craton-formation • “window” into the mantle • How studies of diamond inclusions help in kimberlite prospecting and exploration 2 FIG. 1. HRXCT three-dimensional image of the eclogite xenolith U51, created by stacking the 80 two-dimensional images. The appearances of various phases are the same as those in Figure 2. entations to look for any associations or alignments. Volume visualization software makes it possible to view any aspect of the 3-D model from any perspective. It is possible to render some of the model as transparent and display only one or two mineral phases at a time. Then by rotating the model, it is possible to look for spatial relationships between different crystals of the same mineral or between different minerals. These visualizations are difficult to display here as 2-D figures (Fig. 1), but an animation of the diamonds, garnets, and clinopyroxenes of this U51 eclogite xenolith rotating in space can be viewed at the following address: http:// A complete 3-D model is more representative of the sample than are thin sections. Modal analyses of five thin sections taken from this U51 xenolith ranged from 25 to 40% garnet. The entire xenolith is actually 25.9% garnet by volume, so most of the thin sections are poor representations of the complete xenolith. This results partly from the coarse grain size of the xenolith compared to the size of a thin section. Also, the location of a thin section is commonly chosen to include some interesting feature, rather than to accurately represent the entire volume of the rock. Chemical and isotopic analytical techniques Major- and minor-element compositions of minerals were determined with a Cameca SX-50 electron microprobe at the University of Tennessee. Minerals and metals were used as standards. Analytical conditions employed an accelerating voltage of 15 keV, a beam current of 20 nA, beam size of 5 µm, and 20 second counting times for all elements, except K in clinopyroxene and Na in garnet (60 seconds each). All analyses underwent a full ZAF correction. Cathodoluminescence (CL) images of diamonds were collected on the EMP by beam rastering and translation of the sample stage. Each frame of the CL images is 384 µm x 384 µm in size. Concentrations of REE and other trace elements were obtained using a Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (SIMS, Cameca IMS 3f) at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. A well-calibrated augite megacryst from an alkali basalt in Japan and a quenched glass of JB-1 rock were used as standards. An energy-filtering technique with an offset voltage of -40V for REE and -100V for other trace elements was applied to eliminate possible molecular interference. The primary ion beam 16 Owas about 20 µm in diameter. Analytical uncertainties are 10- 20% for REE and 5-10% for other trace elements. Details of the SIMS technique were presented in Yurimoto et al. (1989). Isotopic compositions of carbon and nitrogen, and the concentrations of nitrogen in micro-areas on the surfaces of polished diamonds were analyzed using the SIMS (Cameca IMS 6f) at the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Carbon isotopes were measured using an Cs+ ion beam (0.5-2.0 nA) and collection of negatively charged C-ions at low mass resolution and high energy offset (+250 ± 100 eV). Nitrogen isotopes and concentrations were determined using the 15 N12 C/14 N12 C ratio to measure δ15 N in nitrogen-bearing diamonds, because nitrogen itself does not ionize appreciably by sputtering. The analysis used a Cs+ ion beam (5-40 nA, depending on N concentration) and collection of negatively charged CN molecules at high mass resolution (MRP = 7000-9000). The analytical uncertainties are ±0.6‰ for δ13 C, ±3‰ for δ15 N, and ±10 % in nitrogen concentrations. Details about the analytical techniques were presented by Hauri et al. (1999). Downloadedby[DalhousieUniversity]at06:0914June2012 3 Phenocrysts or xenocrysts? Diamond nucleation and growth by reduction of carbonate melts under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions Makoto Arima Yusuke Kozai Geological Institute, Yokohama National University 79-7, Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama 240-8501, Japan Minoru Akaishi Advanced Materials Laboratory, National Institute for Materials Science 1-1, Namiki, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0044, Japan ABSTRACT We report for the first time experimental evidence for the nucleation and growth of diamonds from carbonatitic melts by reduction in reactions with silicon metal or silicon carbide. Experiments were carried out in the CaMg(CO3)2-Si and CaMg(CO3)2-SiC systems at 7.7 GPa and temperatures of 1500–1800 8C. No graphite was added to the run powder as a carbon source; the carbonate-bearing melts supply the carbon for diamond formation. Diamond grows spontaneously from the carbonatitic melt by reducing reactions: CaMg(CO3)2 1 2Si 5 CaMgSi2O6 1 2C in the CaMg(CO3)2-Si system, and CaMg(CO3)2 1 2SiC 5 CaMgSi2O6 1 4C in the CaMg(CO3)2-SiC system. Our results provide strong experimental support for the view that some natural diamonds crystallized from carbonatitic melts by metasomatic reducing reactions with mantle solid phases. Keywords: diamond formation, moissanite, metasomatic reducing reaction, carbonatitic melts. INTRODUCTION It has been suggested that some diamonds in Earth’s mantle crystallized from carbonatitic melts by reducing reactions and/or formed from volatile (C-H-O) rich fluids (Haggerty, 1986; Luth, 1993; Blundy et al., 1991; Navon, 1999). Studies of inclusions METHODS Series of experiments were carried out in the CaMg(CO3)2-Si and CaMg(CO3)2-SiC systems at 7.7 GPa and temperatures of 1500– 1800 8C for 60–1440 min (Table 1) using a modified belt-type high-pressure apparatus with a 32-mm-diameter bore (Yamaoka et al., 1992). Methods of pressure calibration and temperature measurement were described previously (Akaishi et al., 1990). No direct control or estimation of oxygen fugacity was made in this study. The starting materials with various Si/C ratios (3.0–15.6) were carefully prepared from highly pure synthetic calcite on July 8, 2013geology.gsapubs.orgDownloaded from iamond nucleation and growth by reduction of carbonate melts under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions Makoto Arima Yusuke Kozai Geological Institute, Yokohama National University 79-7, Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama 240-8501, Japan Minoru Akaishi Advanced Materials Laboratory, National Institute for Materials Science 1-1, Namiki, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0044, Japan ABSTRACT We report for the first time experimental evidence for the nucleation and growth of diamonds from carbonatitic melts by reduction in reactions with silicon metal or silicon carbide. Experiments were carried out in the CaMg(CO3)2-Si and CaMg(CO3)2-SiC systems at 7.7 GPa and temperatures of 1500–1800 8C. No graphite was added to the run powder as a carbon source; the carbonate-bearing melts supply the carbon for diamond formation. Diamond grows spontaneously from the carbonatitic melt by reducing reactions: CaMg(CO3)2 1 2Si 5 CaMgSi2O6 1 2C in the CaMg(CO3)2-Si system, and CaMg(CO3)2 1 2SiC 5 CaMgSi2O6 1 4C in the CaMg(CO3)2-SiC system. Our results provide strong experimental support for the view that some natural diamonds crystallized from carbonatitic melts by metasomatic reducing reactions with mantle solid phases. Keywords: diamond formation, moissanite, metasomatic reducing reaction, carbonatitic melts. ODUCTION as been suggested that some diamonds rth’s mantle crystallized from carbonmelts by reducing reactions and/or METHODS Series of experiments were carried out in the CaMg(CO3)2-Si and CaMg(CO3)2-SiC systems at 7.7 GPa and temperatures of 1500– 1992). Methods of pressure calibration and temperature measurement were described previously (Akaishi et al., 1990). No direct control or estimation of oxygen fugacity was on July 8, 2013geology.gsapubs.orgDownloaded from Figure 1. Sample assembly of high-pressure experiments. 1—pyrophyllite, 2—NaCl, 3— starting powder in Pt capsule, 4—graphite heater, 5—steel ring, 6—NaCl with 10 wt% ZrO2, 7—NaCl with 20 wt% ZrO2. Figure 2. Scanning electron microscope photographs of diamond (run MK-17). A: Newly crystallized octahedral diamonds in matrix of quench phases. B: Octahedral diamonds with spinel twin. and natural magnesite from Victoria, Australia (Brey et al., 1983), with 9-grade silicon metal for the CaMg(CO3)2-Si system and with reagent-grade a-SiC (moissanite) for the CaMg(CO3)2-SiC system (Table 1). No graphite was added to the run powder as a carbon source. The carbonate-Si or carbonate-SiC mixture was sealed into a Pt capsule made of a platinum tube 6 mm in diameter, 6 mm long, and 0.2 mm thick. The capsule was packed in a dry NaCl pressure medium and placed in the center of a graphite heater in a high-pressure sample assembly (Fig. 1). In some runs, a natural octahedral diamond with an edge length of 0.8–1.0 mm was placed in the center of the starting powder in the run capsule. The run products were examined with optical microscope, scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and electron microprobe. Weighing the run capsule before and after under the pressure and temperature conditions employed in this study. RESULTS The addition of higher amounts of reduction agents (Si or SiC) to the carbonate mixture, as well as higher run temperature and longer run duration, greatly enhanced the formation of diamond (Table 1). No seed growth or nucleation was observed in the run with the minimum Si (run MK-7), but all runs with higher amounts of Si contain newly crystallized diamonds. In the CaMg(CO3)2-SiC systems, all runs at 1600 and 1800 8C contain newly crystallized diamonds, except for two short time runs at 1600 8C: 240 min for run MK-15 and 120 min for run MK-1. In run MK-1, we observed growth on the seed, but no new nucleation. Longer run duration (1440 min) in the CaMg(CO3)2-SiC system led to spontaneous nucleation of diamond, even at 1500 8C (run MK-18). To test the effect of the Pt capsule, dummy experiments were carried out in which carbonate powder was encapsulated in a Pt capsule without the reduction agents (Table 1). After the experiment (run MK-14 with seed diamond at 1800 8C and 7.7 GPa for 60 min and run MK-11 without seed at 1800 8C and 7.7 GPa for 50 min), no diamond nucleation or seed growth was detected in run MK-14 and there was no diamond nucleation in run MK- 11. The results confirm that Pt metal does not act as a solvent catalyst in the experiments. and growth were detected (runs MK-1 and MK-15). No significant difference in morphology was noticed between newly crystallized diamonds in both the CaMg(CO3)2-Si and on July 8, 2013geology.gsapubs.orgDownloaded from Figure 3. Differential interference micrograph of {111} face of seed diamond. A: Resorbed dull edge of seed crystal was sharpened after run by newly grown fibrous diamonds (run MK-8). B: Triangular growth hillocks having both positive and negative orientation to {111} faces of seed (run MK- 5). CaMg(CO3)2 1 2Si 5 CaMgSi2O6 1 2C in the CaMg(CO3)2-Si system and CaMg(CO3)2 1 2SiC 5 CaMgSi O 1 4C in the served that flaky graphite crystals, similar to those of our study, first crystallized from and coexisted with supercritical fluids, then transformed into diamond after a substantial incubation period. Akaishi et al. (2000) suggested that the incubation period is probably the induction time, which determines the diamond formation in the fluid systems. In this study, relatively larger concentrations of graphite crystals occurred in the runs with shorter duration, in which no diamond nucleation and growth were detected. The spontaneous diamond growth occurred after a substantial incubation period. The metastable graphite would be a quench phase that crystallized from excess carbon dissolved in the carbonate melt at higher temperatures. Alternatively, the graphite could be a precursor that first crystallized from the carbonatitic melt, and was the substrate on which diamond crystallized after a substantial incubation period via a mechanism similar to that suggested by Akaishi et al. (2000). Graphite microinclusions, located in the genetic center of Yakutian diamonds, were described by Bulanova et al. (1998). The graphite is closely associated with metallic iron, wu¨stite, and carbonate phases. They suggested nucleation of the Yakutian diamonds on the matrix of graphite–metallic iron-wu¨stite in the presence of carbonate-rich fluids or melts. Our experimental results support the genetic model proposed by Bulanova et al. (1998) for the Yakutian diamonds. Recent high-pressure melting experiments for valu roda for to H. W isotope REFER Akaishi tio hig tio p. Akaishi Sy sy su p. Akaishi ma mo hig tio p. Arima, S., am po ex Blundy, Ca of p. Brey, G Ha ro tle p. Bulanov 19 fro M Dalton, me the on July 8, 2013geology.gsapubs.orgDownloaded from Taylor et al. (2000) 4 as the ca. 88 Ma Buffalo Head Hills kimberlites in northern Alberta, are situated on a Paleoproterozoic accreted terrane without an apparent Archean basement (e.g., Eccles et al., 2004). Diamondiferous lamproites, which are generally in Proterozoic terranes, span an age range from ca. 1400 Ma, at the Bobi dyke, Ivory Coast (Bardet, 1974), to 22 to 20 Ma at Ellendale, in the West-Kimberley province, on the southwestern margin of the Kimberley Block of Western Australia (Jaques et al., 1986). The most important lamproitic diamond deposit, Argyle, on the southeastern margin of the Kimberley Block, has been dated at 1150 Ma (Pidgeon et al., 1989). Ultrahigh-pressure diamonds: The type locality for diamond-bearing ultrahigh-pressure rocks is the Kokchetav massif, Kazakhstan, which is located near the collisional suture between a Proterozoic microcontinental nucleus and a Vendian to Early Cambrian arc system along the southwestern margin of the Siberian platform (e.g., Sengor et al., 1993). The ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism took place between ca. 540 and 530 Ma (Jagoutz et al., 1990), and exhumation of the ultrahigh-pressure rocks to midcrustal levels was achieved by ca. 517 to 515 Ma (Troesch and Jagoutz, 1993). Although traced to metamorphic source rocks in the 1970s (Rozen et al., 1972), the microdiamonds were not recognized 694 GURNEY ET AL. 0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 694 TABLE 1. Kimberlite Ages and Diamond Ages from Southern African Diamond Mines Name of Emplacement P-type Archean P-type Proterozoic kimberlite age (Ma) Harzburgitic (Ga) E-type (Ga) Iherzolitic (Ga) E-type (Ga) FD References Premier 1180 ± 30 छ ~2.0 ~2.0 1,2,3 ~1.2 Venetia 519 ࡗ ~2.0 ~2.0 3, 4 Jwaneng 235 ± 2 ࡗ ~2.9 ~1.5 ✵ 5, 6 Klipspringer 155 छ ~2.6 7 Finsch 118 ± 3 ~3.3–3.2 1.58 ± 0.05 8, 9, 10 Orapa 93.1 छ ~2.9 0.99 ± 0.05 ✵ 10, 11 Kimberley pool 95 ~3.3– 3.2 2.89 ± 0.06 8, 12 Koffiefontein 90.4 ࡗ ~2.9 ~1.1 13 Jagersfontein 86 छ ~1.7 14 ~1.1 Notes: Filled diamonds = G-10 inclusions common, but not dated; Open diamond = G-10 inclusions present, but P-type diamonds form only minor part of production; FD = fibrous diamond References: For kimberlite ages see compilation of Field et al. (2008); Inclusion ages: 1 = Richardson et al. (1993), 2 = Richardson (1986), 3 = Richardson and Shirey (2008), 4 = Richardson et al. (2009), 5 = Richardson et al. (1999), 6 = Richardson et al. (2004), 7 = Westerlund et al. (2004), 8 = Richardson et al. (1984), 9 = Smith et al. (1991), 10 = Richardson et al. (1990), 11 = Shirey et al. (2001), 12 = Richardson et al. (2001), 13 Pearson et al. (1998), 14 = Aulbach et al. (2009) TABLE 2. Kimberlite Ages and Diamond Ages from Slave Province Kimberlites and Diamond Mines (*) Name of Emplacement P-type P-type kimberlite age (Ma) harzburgitic (Ga) Iherzolitic E-type (Ga) FD References Anuri 613 1 Gahcho Kué 542 ࡗ 2 Snap Lake* 533–535 ࡗ छ ✵ 3 Victoria Island 256–286 2 Jericho 172.3 छ ࡗ 4 Diavik* 55 ~3.5–3.3 2.2–1.8 ✵ 5,6 Panda* 53 3.5.± 0.17 छ ✵ 7,8 Inclusion ages: 6 = Aulbach et al. (2008), 8 = Westerlund et al. (2006) References: Kimberlite ages: 1 = Masun et al. (2004), 2 = Heaman et al. (2003), 3 = Heaman et al. (2004), 4 = Heaman et al. (1997), 5 = Graham et al. (1999), 7 = Creaser et al. (2004) From Gurney et al. (2010) as the ca. 88 Ma Buffalo Head Hills kimberlites in northern Alberta, are situated on a Paleoproterozoic accreted terrane without an apparent Archean basement (e.g., Eccles et al., 2004). Diamondiferous lamproites, which are generally in Proterozoic terranes, span an age range from ca. 1400 Ma, at the Bobi dyke, Ivory Coast (Bardet, 1974), to 22 to 20 Ma at Ellendale, in the West-Kimberley province, on the southwestern margin of the Kimberley Block of Western Australia (Jaques et al., 1986). The most important lamproitic diamond deposit, Argyle, on the southeastern margin of the Kimberley Block, has been dated at 1150 Ma (Pidgeon et al., 1989). Ultrahigh-pressure diamonds: The type locality for diamond-bearing ultrahigh-pressure rocks is the Kokchetav massif, Kazakhstan, which is located near the collisional suture between a Proterozoic microcontinental nucleus and a Vendian to Early Cambrian arc system along the southwestern margin of the Siberian platform (e.g., Sengor et al., 1993). The ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism took place between ca. 540 and 530 Ma (Jagoutz et al., 1990), and exhumation of the ultrahigh-pressure rocks to midcrustal levels was achieved by ca. 517 to 515 Ma (Troesch and Jagoutz, 1993). Although traced to metamorphic source rocks in the 1970s (Rozen et al., 1972), the microdiamonds were not recognized 694 GURNEY ET AL. 0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 694 TABLE 1. Kimberlite Ages and Diamond Ages from Southern African Diamond Mines Name of Emplacement P-type Archean P-type Proterozoic kimberlite age (Ma) Harzburgitic (Ga) E-type (Ga) Iherzolitic (Ga) E-type (Ga) FD References Premier 1180 ± 30 छ ~2.0 ~2.0 1,2,3 ~1.2 Venetia 519 ࡗ ~2.0 ~2.0 3, 4 Jwaneng 235 ± 2 ࡗ ~2.9 ~1.5 ✵ 5, 6 Klipspringer 155 छ ~2.6 7 Finsch 118 ± 3 ~3.3–3.2 1.58 ± 0.05 8, 9, 10 Orapa 93.1 छ ~2.9 0.99 ± 0.05 ✵ 10, 11 Kimberley pool 95 ~3.3– 3.2 2.89 ± 0.06 8, 12 Koffiefontein 90.4 ࡗ ~2.9 ~1.1 13 Jagersfontein 86 छ ~1.7 14 ~1.1 Notes: Filled diamonds = G-10 inclusions common, but not dated; Open diamond = G-10 inclusions present, but P-type diamonds form only minor part of production; FD = fibrous diamond References: For kimberlite ages see compilation of Field et al. (2008); Inclusion ages: 1 = Richardson et al. (1993), 2 = Richardson (1986), 3 = Richardson and Shirey (2008), 4 = Richardson et al. (2009), 5 = Richardson et al. (1999), 6 = Richardson et al. (2004), 7 = Westerlund et al. (2004), 8 = Richardson et al. (1984), 9 = Smith et al. (1991), 10 = Richardson et al. (1990), 11 = Shirey et al. (2001), 12 = Richardson et al. (2001), 13 Pearson et al. (1998), 14 = Aulbach et al. (2009) TABLE 2. Kimberlite Ages and Diamond Ages from Slave Province Kimberlites and Diamond Mines (*) Name of Emplacement P-type P-type kimberlite age (Ma) harzburgitic (Ga) Iherzolitic E-type (Ga) FD References Anuri 613 1 Gahcho Kué 542 ࡗ 2 Snap Lake* 533–535 ࡗ छ ✵ 3 Victoria Island 256–286 2 Jericho 172.3 छ ࡗ 4 Diavik* 55 ~3.5–3.3 2.2–1.8 ✵ 5,6 Panda* 53 3.5.± 0.17 छ ✵ 7,8 Inclusion ages: 6 = Aulbach et al. (2008), 8 = Westerlund et al. (2006) References: Kimberlite ages: 1 = Masun et al. (2004), 2 = Heaman et al. (2003), 3 = Heaman et al. (2004), 4 = Heaman et al. (1997), 5 = Graham et al. (1999), 7 = Creaser et al. (2004) DIAMONDS THROUGH TIME 695 TABLE 3. Kimberlite Ages and Diamond Ages from Kimberlites of the Siberian Craton Name of Emplacement P-type P-type kimberlite age (Ma) harzburgitic (Ga) E-type (Ga) Iherzolitic (Ga) FD References Chomur) 436-421 (Upper Olenek Nakyn 364 ࡗ Udachnaya 361 ± 6 ~3.5 – 3.1 2.9 ± 0.4 ~2.01 ± 0.06 ✵ 1,2, 3 (Daldyn) Yubileynaya (Alakit) 358 ࡗ ✵ Mir 360 ࡗ ✵(Malo-Botuoba) 23 Party Congress ࡗ(Malo-Botuoba) Upper Muna 345 Kharamai 235 Kuoika 128–148 References: For kimberlite ages see compilation by Griffin et al. (1999); Inclusion ages: 1 = Pearson et al. (1999), 2 = Pearson et al. (1995), 3 = Richardson and Harris (1997) TABLE 4. Lamproite, Kimberlite and Diamond Ages from the Kimberley Block, NW Australia Name of Emplacement P-type P-type kimb./lampr age (Ma) harzburgitic Iherzolitic (Ga) E-type (Ga) FD References Argyle 1178 ± 47 छ छ 1.58 ± 0.06 Ga 1,2 Lamproite Seppelt 800 छ 3 Kimberlite Aries Kimberlite 815 छ छ 4 Ellendale 20 छ 1.43 ± 0.13 ࡗ 5,6 Lamproite Inclusion ages: 2 = Richardson (1986); 6 = Smit et al. (2008) References: Kimberlite ages: 1 = Pidgeon et al. (1989); 3 = Wyatt et al. (1999); Downes et al. (2006); 5 = Allsopp et al. (1985) Phenocrysts or xenocrysts?core by their textural characteristics above (again, see figure 9). Recognizing kimberlite in the field is important because diamonds are always so scarce in kimberlite that they are never visible in outcrop. Starting with the right rock is the first step to finding diamonds. Figure 10. This diagram shows the ages of continental keels and their relationships with tectonic processes, diamond-hosting magmas, and different diamond types. Note the antiquity of mantle keels and lithospheric diamonds (parallel to the rhombohedral face (parallel to the rhombohedral face (greater than 1 billion years) and the youth of most kimberlite eruptions (less than 550 million years). Solid vertical bars depict the duration of ongoing processes, magmas, or diamond-forming events, while solid dots indicate single known occurrences. Dashed lines connect known ages or indicate when these events might have occurred. Adapted from Gurney et al. (2010), with modifications. Typically, the host rocks that carry diamonds are younger than the diamonds and the ancient continental cratons they intrude, as shown in figure 10. With only a few exceptions (Argyle, Premier, and Wawa), all known diamond-bearing kimberlites are less than about 550 Ma (million years old) and most of them less than 300 Ma, with abundant episodes of kimberlite eruption at less than 120 Ma in southern Africa and less than 80 Ma in North America. Kimberlites are very quickly weathered and eroded rocks, so quickly—years, in fact—that this degradation cannot explain the preponderance of young kimberlitic volcanism. Instead there are likely some unique changes in mantle volatiles and the relationship of plate From Shirey (2013) and Gurney et al. (2010) 5 Complex growth – resorption patterns in natural diamonds Smart et al. (2011) 6 Role of carbon saturation in mantle fluids/melts Diamond may form in Earth's mantle by a variety of processes (Stachel and Luth, 2015): • recrystallization of the low-pressure graphite polymorph, • Precipitation from a fluid or melt saturated with carbon, • by oxidation–reduction reactions involving carbonate or methane. Graphite Carbonate Pressure(GPa) Temperature,C o C-O fluid Diam ΔlogfO2 2 4 6 8 10 1300 1340 1380 1420 -2.5 -2.1 -1.7 -1.3 -0.9 -0.5 Frost & Wood, 1997 the Fe and Ni contained in the carbide to leave a contains all iron as Fe21 and Fe31 in silicates and ll carbon as diamond. Owing to its low viscosity operties27,28 , any excess carbonatite not consumed would percolate upwards along grain boundaries (Fe,Ni)-metal and carbide until complete redox mmobilization due to reduction of CO2 to C0 —is umably very efficient process will eventually exmetal and carbide through precipitation of dian a metal-free mantle domain where diamond earing garnet or perovskite (Fig. 3). of such domains, where the supply of carbonatite the redox capacity of Fe,Ni-metal, an iron carbide orm. The redox capacity of Fe31 in such mantle xactly equivalent or slightly superior (due to the disproportionation of Fe21 ) to that necessary to nd to CO2. Similarly, the maximum increase in C domains metasomatized by carbonatites derived g lithosphere is restricted to ,1,000 p.p.m., equint of carbonatite that may be immobilized by the content of 1 wt% expected in the lower mantle5 . pristine mantle itself does not contain sufficient C to form diamonds25 , and thus diamonds are expected to form dominantly through the above redox freezing process wherever carbonatites percolate. The inverse process—that is, redox melting which destroys most of these diamonds through oxidation—then leads to the generation of melts that carry remnants of such deep mantle domains to the Earth’s surface. Average mantle is expected to contain ,1 wt% Fe0 formed from Fe21 disproportionation in the lower mantle5 ; such metal fractions are stable and would not segregate to Earth’s core30 . For reaction (1), the redox capacity of 1 wt% Fe0 is equivalent to 0.8 wt% magnesite. As argued above, the properties of carbonatite melt result in a selfregulating mechanism, where infiltrating carbonatite melt oxidizes all Fe0 , leaving behind a diamond-bearing mantle domain with exactly the same redox-capacity (that is, that of 0.8 wt% magnesite). In the reverse process, it can thus be expected that about 1 wt% of carbonatite melt forms in such upwelling mantle domains. Although upwelling occurs at speeds comparable to plate tectonic movements (that is, 1–10 cm yr21 ), 1% low viscosity melt in the mantle matrix rises with speeds of at least 10–100 m yr21 (ref. 31). Consequently, carbonatite flow will tend to escape from the upwelling mantle matrix but will suffer redox freezing as long as progressing carbonatite melts encounter ~250 km ~410 km Depth ~660 km Carbonatite escape Metal saturation Abyssal peridotite Fe3+/Fe2+ control Fe0–FeO control Buffer capacity IW Redox freezing Redox melting Δlog fO2 –1.5 0 +3 1 0.5 0.10 Rel. to IW Metal (wt%) c redox freezing and redox melting caused by redox rth’s mantle. Main panel, cartoon illustrating a possible zing and redox melting events driven by oxidation state ducted lithosphere and ambient asthenospheric mantle. e fO2 (red line) and redox buffer capacity (blue line) as decreases in the subcratonic upper mantle13 to reach ion at ,250km depth6,14 . Change in redox control from 0 plus ,3,200 p.p.m. Fe0 calculated from mass balance (mantle: 8 wt% FeOtotal ; 40 vol% majoritic garnet: 5.5wt% FeOtotal , Fe31 /SFe 5 0.33 (ref. 6); 60 vol.% ringwoodite: 9.7wt% FeOtotal , Fe31 /SFe 5 0.02 (ref. 14)). Transition to the lower mantle is accompanied by a gain in buffer capacity because MgSiperovskite incorporates more Fe31 at metal saturation fO2 than majoritic garnet, resulting in ,1.0wt% metal5 . Remixing of subducted carbonated lithosphere into the mantle at these depths leads to redox freezing and MgCO3 + 2(Fe,Ni)0 = 3(Fe,Ni,Mg)O + C Oxidation – reduction processes Rohrbach and Schmidt (2011) without permission. Luth (2013) Stagno et al. (2013) En + Mgn = Ol + Dia + O2 Dol + Coes = Di + Dia + O2 8 Carbon saturation in mantle fluids/melts Stachel and Luth (2015) Stachel and Luth (2015) Harzburgite: • Xenoliths P-T below solidus à Diamond growth from fluid • extremely limited redox buffering capacity of cratonic peridotites à redox reactions cannot produce notable diamond growth What can we learn from diamonds? • Carbon cycle • Formation of cratons • “Window” into the mantle • Kimberlite exploration 10 Carbon isotopes – carbon cycle Diamonds&theGeologyofMantleCarbon377 -20-25-30-35-40 -15 -10 -5 0 -20-25-30-35-40 -15 -10 -5 0 -15 Polycrystalline from kimberlites (n = 120) Komatiitic from Dachine French Guyana (n=181) -20-25-30-35-40 -15 -10 -5 0 -20-25-30-35-40 -15 -10 -5 0 Carbonados (n=54) δ13C (‰) F) Metamorphic diamonds (n = 120) Recycled carbon -20-25-30-35-40 -10 -5 0 Eclogitic from Jericho, Slave Craton, Canada (n=42) -20-25-30-35-40 -15 -10 -5 0 lowest value Jagersfontain (South Africa) Sao Luiz (Brazil) Kankan (Guinea) highest value Transition Zone (n = 31) main mantle-range (fibrous diamonds, mid-ocean ridge basalts carbonatites and kimberlites) Peridotitic diamonds (n = 1357) Eclogitic diamonds (n = 997) Fibrous diamonds and diamond coats (n = 127) Lower mantle diamonds (n = 78) δ13C (‰) of of ied nds and ond in itic wn e or ds, ado wn ge” ite- and see From Shirey et al. (2013) • Worldwide carbon isotopic composition of diamonds ranges from −41 to +5‰, close to the range in sedimentary rocks. • ~72% of diamonds have carbon isotopic composition within of −8 to −2‰ (mean −5‰) = similar to mantlederived rocks (mid-ocean ridge basalts, ocean island basalts, carbonatites, kimberlites). 11 Formation of cratons Underthrusting of oceanic slabs or upwelling plume magmatism ? From Stachel and Harris (2008) Oceanic Crust Continental Crust Lithosphere Oceanic LithosphereLithosphere Astenosphere Continental Crust Oceanic Crust Oceanic Lithosphere Eclogites Peridotites E-type Dia P-type Dia 0 P-type E-type δC 13 -10-20-30-40 From Stachel and Harris (2008) and Helmstaedt and Schulze (1989) Origin of cratonic lithosphere during Archean subduction events Formation of cratons From Stachel and Harris (2008) Mantle residence temperatures for peridotitic, websteritic and eclogitic diamonds based on the nitrogen thermometer shows that diamonds forming in very distinct environments (peridotite vs. eclogite) show identical equilibration temperatures. 13 When plate tectonics has started? Insights from diamond ages From Stachel and Harris (2008) and Helmstaedt and Schulze (1989) Diamonds as a “time-capsule” of ancient processes 14 examples of the same phenomena. The idea that diamonds can form beneath the younger mobile belts surrounding the ancient cratonic nuclei opens up new tectonic settings for exploration and ties some diamond formation to deep continent-scale geologic processes. Specific Mantle Geologic Settings. From the data gathered on diamond ages within some cratons, patterns of age and mineral inclusion composition can be linked to broad-scale regional cratonic lithosphere evolution. The way diamonds form in the lithosphere is better understood if diamond formation pulses can be correlated with thermo-tectonic events for which there is independent evidence. The best examples where this correlation can be drawn are the Kaapvaal craton of southern Africa (box A) and the Slave craton of Canada. In both cases, suites of diamonds that form with initial craton stabilization can be distinguished from diamonds produced by later fluids added to the base of the mantle keel by underthrusting of oceanic slabs or upwelling plume magmatism. Figure 27. This figure illustrates the use of inclusions in diamonds to understand the onset of a global process. The absence of diamonds with E-type (eclogitic) inclusions in the oldest diamond populations suggests that something changed around 3,200 Ma to create and preserve diamonds with E-type inclusions. The letters refer to specific localities around the world (Pa = Panda, M =Murowa, L = Letseng, U = Udachnaya, W = Wellington, Dv = Diavik, K = Kimberley, Kl = Klipspringer, Jw = Jwaneng, V = Venetia, Ja = Jagersfontein, E = Ellendale, and Ko = Koffiefontein). Closed symbols are from many inclusion isochron ages, and open symbols are single inclusion model ages. Shirey and Richardson (2011) hypothesized that the change recorded was the onset of the major cycle of plate tectonics known as the Wilson Cycle (WC). The Wilson Cycle is comprised of the opening of an ocean basin (stages 1–2, thin gray band) and its closing (stages 5–6, thicker gray band), which culminates in continental collision. Global patterns in diamond composition, style of formation, Shirey and Shigley (2013) • Significant difference in age between E- and P-type diamonds: no eclogitic diamonds (Etype) older than 3 billion years • E-type diamonds (3 Ga) capture the first record of basaltic rock (eclogite is a basalt at high pressure metamorphism) in the mantle keel of the continents. • This indicates ocean basin closure and continental collision (modern plate tectonics or Wilson Cycle), because • Basalt is derived from the ocean floor and is incorporated into the mantle keel during collision. • Mark a transition from a planet dominated by vertical geodynamic processes (plumes) to lateral tectonics and subduction. When plate tectonics has started? Insights from diamond ages 15 Diamonds & the Geology of Mantle Carbon 381 the case for most of the deep diamonds from the mantle transition zone such as at Jagersfontein, South Africa and the Sao Luis-Juina fields, Brazil (Tappert et al. 2005a; Palot et al. 2012) and possibly at Dachine, French Guyana (Cartigny 2010; Smith et al. 2012). But many eclogitic diamonds worldwide show a d15 N-distribution similar to most peridotitic diamonds, pointing to a mantle origin of their nitrogen and therefore of their carbon (Fig.  9). About half of eclogitic diamonds with low-d13 C values also show negative d15 N-values. These d13 C-d15 N-N co-variations have been argued to be inconsistent with simple mixing of subduction components (see Cartigny 2005 for review) and the data thus have been interpreted to reflect decarbonation reactions occurring in eclogites. However, the remarkably low- d15 N compositions of the peridotitic diamonds from Pipe 50, China (Cartigny et al. 1997) suggests that variability in the N isotopic composition of mantle exists, and might mask the straightforward assignment of a positive d15 N to recycled components involved in diamond formation. With a heterogeneous mantle, the d13 C-d15 N mixing relationships become more complex. Evidence for subduction is clear from many studies: sulfur isotope of sulfide inclusions, oxygen isotopes of eclogitic silicate inclusions and eclogite nodules, and geological considerations. But subduction seems to require some decoupling of carbon from other elements, like N. This view can be reconciled by metasomatic processes during diamond formation. But it remains unclear, if carbon is a massively cycled element, why the presence of low d13 C for recycled carbon in eclogitic diamonds remains rarer than the normal mantle-like d13 C. Perhaps the amount of C recycled form the mantle portion of the slab which should have d13 C near −5‰ has been underestimated. 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 20 40 60 5 10 10 20 40 60 δ15N (‰) -24 -18 +18-12 +12-6 +60 Nitrogen in Metasediments (n=146) Devolatilisation Metamorphic Diamonds (n=20) Fibrous/Coated Diamonds (n=124) Peridotitic Diamonds (n=218) Mid Ocean Ridge Basalts (n=38) Eclogitic Diamonds (n=152) Figure 9. The rationale in using the 15 N/14 N-values in diamonds lies in the distinct distributions displayed by surface and mantle reservoirs. Nitrogen in metasedimentary and metamorphic diamonds, metagabbros and metaophioloites (not shown) being enriched in 15 N compared to the mantle shown here by fibrous/coated diamond, mid-ocean ridge basalts (not shown) and peridotitic diamonds. The similarities of the 15 N/14 N-distributions of eclogitic and peridotitic diamonds must be explained if the source of carbon and nitrogen in eclogitic diamond is to be largely related to subduction (see text for discussion). From Cartigny (2005). From Shirey et al. (2013) From Smart et al. (2016) • Witwatersrand diamonds have enriched nitrogen but mantle carbon isotopic compositions. • This nitrogen values suggest contamination of the mantle by nitrogen-rich Archaean sediments. • Modern-style plate tectonics operated as early as 3.5 billion years ago When plate tectonics has started? Insights from nitrogen and carbon isotopes Lower mantle inclusions McCammon, 2001 150 µm Occurences Mineral Assemblage (Mg,Fe)O MgSiO3 Nitrogen- free 1. Material exchange 2. Material uplift from the base of the lower mantle 3. Upper and Lower mantle are chemically different “Window” into the mantle 17 Weiss (2015) Composition of fluids in diamonds The infiltration of fluids into continental lithospheric mantle is a key mechanism for controlling abrupt changes in the chemical and physical properties of the lithospheric root1,2 , as well as diamond formation3 , yet the origin and composition of the fluids involved are still poorly constrained. Such fluids are trapped within diamonds when they form4–7 and so diamonds provide a unique means of directly characterizing the fluids that percolate through the deep continental lithospheric mantle. Here we show a clear chemical evolutionary trend, identifying saline fluids as parental to silicic and carbonatitic deep mantle melts, in diamonds from the Northwest Territories, Canada. Fluid–rock interaction along with in situ melting cause compositional transitions, as the saline fluids traverse mixed peridotite–eclogite lithosphere. Moreover, the chemistry of the parental saline fluids—especially their strontium isotopic compositions—and the timing of host diamond formation suggest that a subducting Mesozoic plate under western North America is the source of the fluids. Our results imply a strong association between subduction, mantle metasomatism and fluid-rich diamond formation, emphasizing the importance of subduction-derived fluids in affecting the composition of the deep lithospheric mantle. Ancientsectionsof continental lithospheric mantle (CLM) are characterized by multi-stage evolution, involvingstrong depletionand melt removal followed by variable degrees of ephemeral refertilization1,2 . Refertilization, or enrichment, occurs by mantle metasomatism, whereby invading fluids or melts transport mobile components between different mantle reservoirs. This process plays a major part in shaping the mineralogical and geochemical variation in the CLM, as well as in determining its long-term stability, rheology and oxidation state1,8 . While many mantle samples reflect the action of metasomatism, including mantle xenoliths and mineral inclusions in diamonds, the nature of the fluids involved can normally only be constrained Omphacite OPX CPX Olivine Chromite (SiO2 + Al2O3) (MgO + FeO + CaO) Saline HDF and peridotitic microinclusions Silicic HDF and eclogitic microinclusions Saline Silicic Carbonatitic 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Cs Rb Ba Th U K Ta Nb La Ce Pr Sr Nd Sm Hf Zr Eu Ti Gd Tb Dy Y Ho Er Tm Yb Lu 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 Cs Rb Ba Th U K Ta Nb La Ce Pr Sr Nd Sm Hf Zr Eu Ti Gd Tb Dy Y Ho Er Tm Yb Lu PM-normalized Saline HDFs Silicic HDFs (Na2O + K2O) Range of HDF composition in fibrous diamonds 0.01 0.1 1 Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy 0.001 0.1 10 Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy a c Diamond E191 500 μm Laser ablation pit b E111 E151 E153 E191 E231 E141 E152 E142 E11014E154 E217 HDF composition in eclogitic fibrous diamond (PAN4) from Panda HDF composition in peridotitic fibrous diamond (ON-DVK-294) from Diavik Figure 1 | Microinclusion compositions in fibrous diamonds from the Fox kimberlite, Ekati mine. a, Photomicrograph of diamond E191 with the location of the microinclusions analysed by electron probe micro-analyser (EPMA). Filled symbols indicate HDFs; open symbols indicate olivine and orthopyroxene (OPX). b, Composition of HDFs and micro-mineral inclusions associated with specific Fox diamonds coded by colour. The global compositional range of HDFs (delineated by average compositions for individual diamonds) and the wide range of compositions shown by individual diamonds PAN4 (ref. 5) and ON-DVK-294 (ref. 6) from neighbouring central Slave kimberlites are also shown. Shaded arrows define the compositional evolution trajectories of HDFs due to fluid–rock interaction and melting in carbonated peridotite (taupe arrow) and hydrous eclogite (pink arrow) lithologies (see also Fig. 2). c, Primitive-mantle (PM) normalized trace element and chondrite-normalized (CN) REE patterns of saline and silicic HDFs in fibrous diamond from the Fox kimberlite. Full analyses and additional figures are in Supplementary Tables 1–4 and Supplementary Fig. 1. 1 Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory,ColumbiaUniversity,New York,New York10964, USA. 2 Departmentof Earth Sciences,Durham University, Durham,DH1 3LE, UK. 3 Departmentof Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E3, Canada. 2 0 A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 | V O L 5 2 4 | N A T U R E | 3 3 9 The infiltration of fluids into continental lithospheric mantle is a key mechanism for controlling abrupt changes in the chemical and physical properties of the lithospheric root1,2 , as well as diamond formation3 , yet the origin and composition of the fluids involved are still poorly constrained. Such fluids are trapped within diamonds when they form4–7 and so diamonds provide a unique means of directly characterizing the fluids that percolate through the deep continental lithospheric mantle. Here we show a clear chemical evolutionary trend, identifying saline fluids as parental to silicic and carbonatitic deep mantle melts, in diamonds from the Northwest Territories, Canada. Fluid–rock interaction along with in situ melting cause compositional transitions, as the saline fluids traverse mixed peridotite–eclogite lithosphere. Moreover, the chemistry of the parental saline fluids—especially their strontium isotopic compositions—and the timing of host diamond formation suggest that a subducting Mesozoic plate under western North America is the source of the fluids. Our results imply a strong association between subduction, mantle metasomatism and fluid-rich diamond formation, emphasizing the importance of subduction-derived fluids in affecting the composition of the deep lithospheric mantle. Ancientsectionsof continental lithospheric mantle (CLM) are characterized by multi-stage evolution, involvingstrong depletionand melt removal followed by variable degrees of ephemeral refertilization1,2 . Refertilization, or enrichment, occurs by mantle metasomatism, whereby invading fluids or melts transport mobile components between different mantle reservoirs. This process plays a major part in shaping the mineralogical and geochemical variation in the CLM, as well as in determining its long-term stability, rheology and oxidation state1,8 . While many mantle samples reflect the action of metasomatism, including mantle xenoliths and mineral inclusions in diamonds, the nature of the fluids involved can normally only be constrained Omphacite OPX CPX Olivine Chromite (SiO2 + Al2O3) (MgO + FeO + CaO) Saline HDF and peridotitic microinclusions Silicic HDF and eclogitic microinclusions Saline Silicic Carbonatitic 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Cs Rb Ba Th U K Ta Nb La Ce Pr Sr Nd Sm Hf Zr Eu Ti Gd Tb Dy Y Ho Er Tm Yb Lu 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 Cs Rb Ba Th U K Ta Nb La Ce Pr Sr Nd Sm Hf Zr Eu Ti Gd Tb Dy Y Ho Er Tm Yb Lu PM-normalized Saline HDFs Silicic HDFs (Na2O + K2O) Range of HDF composition in fibrous diamonds 0.01 0.1 1 Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy 0.001 0.1 10 Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy a c Diamond E191 500 μm Laser ablation pit b E111 E151 E153 E191 E231 E141 E152 E142 E11014E154 E217 HDF composition in eclogitic fibrous diamond (PAN4) from Panda HDF composition in peridotitic fibrous diamond (ON-DVK-294) from Diavik Figure 1 | Microinclusion compositions in fibrous diamonds from the Fox kimberlite, Ekati mine. a, Photomicrograph of diamond E191 with the location of the microinclusions analysed by electron probe micro-analyser (EPMA). Filled symbols indicate HDFs; open symbols indicate olivine and orthopyroxene (OPX). b, Composition of HDFs and micro-mineral inclusions associated with specific Fox diamonds coded by colour. The global compositional range of HDFs (delineated by average compositions for individual diamonds) and the wide range of compositions shown by individual diamonds PAN4 (ref. 5) and ON-DVK-294 (ref. 6) from neighbouring central Slave kimberlites are also shown. Shaded arrows define the compositional evolution trajectories of HDFs due to fluid–rock interaction and melting in carbonated peridotite (taupe arrow) and hydrous eclogite (pink arrow) lithologies (see also Fig. 2). c, Primitive-mantle (PM) normalized trace element and chondrite-normalized (CN) REE patterns of saline and silicic HDFs in fibrous diamond from the Fox kimberlite. Full analyses and additional figures are in Supplementary Tables 1–4 and Supplementary Fig. 1. 1 Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory,Columbia University,New York,New York10964, USA. 2 Departmentof Earth Sciences,Durham University, Durham,DH1 3LE, UK. 3 Departmentof Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E3, Canada. Weiss (2015) Fibrous diamonds from Ekati Mine, Canada: • Diamonds can trap fluids percolating through lithosphere • Saline fluids as parental to silicic and carbonatitic deep mantle melts • The timing of diamond formation suggest that a subducting Mesozoic plate under western North • America is the source of the fluids 18 Kimberlite prospecting and exploration • Pyrope Garnet • Chromite • Ilmenite • Chrome-diopside • (Olivine) • Heavy minerals, resistant to chemical and mechanical weathering Diamond grade of a kimberlite depends on: • How much diamond-bearing peridotite and eclogite are present • What the diamond grade of the source rocks were • How well the diamonds were preserved during transportation to the surface • Recognition of mineral composition known to be associated with diamond • Confirmation that these are derived from the diamond stability field (“diamond window”) • Assessment of the quantity of highinterest mantle minerals sampled and preserved by kimberlite Indicator minerals: Mineral composition Mineral abundance Recognition of mineral composition known to be associated with diamond Recognition of mineral composition known to be associated with diamond Ilmenite Diamond Inclusions From Stachel and Harris (2008) 1. Peridotite association vs. Eclogite association 2. Peridotite xenoliths: Grt harzburgite > Spl harzburgite > Grt lherzolite 1. About 32-fold preferential association of carbon for depleted harzburgite over lherzolite The mantle source : - Rich in carbon? - In diamond stability field (“diamond window”)? Garnets From Stachel and Harris (2008) G10 G9 Garnets: “diamond window” Temperature Pressure Graphite Diamond Thermobarometery - Garnet - Chrome Diopside - Enstatite Ni in Garnet thermometer: -well-calibrated, reliable - single grain thermobarometer Diamond preservation in kimberlite After Mitchell (1986) Thank you!