JAC01 Angličtina pro chemiky I - skupiny M. Barotové

Course Information

Mgr. et Mgr. Marie Barotová

Contact information:
  - e-mail: barotova@med.muni.cz
  - phone: 549 49 3345
Consultation hours:
  - Tuesdays 13-15:00 and via e-mail
  - office: Kamenice 5, A15/117

•weekly sessions and homework
•no textbook
•study materials uploaded in the IS
•students asked to print out materials for each lesson

•Main goal:
You will:
•develop a B1+/B2 level competence in English for specific purposes; i.e. for chemists

                  (entrance level: B1)
      »courses offered by the CJV MU
      »courses offered by Faculty of Arts MU
      »JA003 at the Faculty of Science

You will be able to:
•present  yourself as a university student
•describe experiments
•classify concepts in chemistry
•describe structural relationships between parts and a whole
•compare properties of substances
•give spoken definitions, ask for definitions
•speak about different perspectives
•state pros and cons of an idea

PASSING THE COURSE (zápočet, 2 credits)
•you can miss 2 lessons maximum
•do 5 grammar revision tests in the odpovědníky
•submit two written tasks (80-100 words)
in weeks 6 and 11
•present a 5 minute spoken description of an experiment of your choice
since week 4
•pass a credit test (minimum of 60%)
in week 13


Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.