Programming in geoinformatics 2017 Theory 5 1 Reading and writing data We use open() in Python to access files in the filesystem, to read text files, load and edit geometry files (e.g. in GeoJSON). 1.1 Accessing files – opening and closing (C:/test.txt contains ”text text text”) • loading file to variable: aFile = open("C:/test.txt") print aFile # • okay, not really what we expect, reading content: aFile = open("C:/test.txt") content = print content # text text text • if you open a file, you should also close it! aFile = open("C:/test.txt") aFile.close() content = print content # ValueError: I/O operation on closed file Closing prevents memory overflow and other issues. 1.2 Enconding Usually you encounter Windows 1250 (that is cp-1250) encoding on Windows with Czech. Other frequently used encodings include Windows 1252, ACII and Unicode (UTF-8). If text is loaded with a wrong encoding, things start to break – accented letters are displayed incorrectly and errors arise: aFile = open("C:/test.txt", encoding="ascii") print # UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0x9a in position 2: ordinal not in range(128)→ aFile = open("C:/test.txt", encoding="cp1250") print # ctštžcštýté= 1.3 Mode – reading, writing, appending 1 Programming in geoinformatics 2017 Theory 5 Character Meaning "r" open for reading (default) "w" open for writing (erasing the file content first) "a" open for writing, appending to the end of the file "+" add to the previous three to allow reading and writing at the same time • writing to a file: aFile = open("C:/test.txt", mode="w") aFile.write("this is a new text") # replaces "text text text" # see below print # IOError: File not open for reading • reading and writing: aFile = open("C:/test.txt", mode="r+") aFile.write("this is new once again") # replaces "this is a new text" print # "this is new once again" • appending to a file – adds to an existing file or creates a new one if it doesn’t exist (instead of erasing the content as with write): # write mode for i in range(5): aFile = open("C:/test.txt", mode="w") aFile.write(str(i)) aFile.close() # "4" is the content of test.txt # append mode for i in range(5): aFile = open("C:/test.txt", mode="a") aFile.write(str(i)) aFile.close() # "01234" is the content of test.txt 1.4 With statement – better way to open files With closes the stream (file) automatically – much safer. 2 Programming in geoinformatics 2017 Theory 5 with open("test.txt", mode="r+") as aFile: aFile.write("text text") print # ValueError: I/O operation on closed file → the file is now closed→ 1.5 Cursor position Where we are in the stream (what position in the file). • tell() – returns position with open("test.txt", "r+") as aFile: print aFile.tell() # 0 aFile.write("text") # writing changes position print aFile.tell() # 4 • seek(offset, whence) – changes cursor position to offset (whence can be 0,1,2 – 0 means from the beginning of the file (default), 1 means from the current position, 2 means from the end of the file) with open("test.txt", "r+") as aFile: aFile.write("text") # writing changes position print # "" ← we are at the end of file, nothing to read!→ print # "text" print aFile.tell() # 4, 2) # two positions "to the left" from the end of the file→ print # "xt" • read(size) – size limits the number of characters that are read 1.6 Lines Creating a new line in write() – use \n for that. with open("test.txt", 'w+') as aFile: for i in range(5): aFile.write('line' + str(i) + ': blablabla\n') print 3 Programming in geoinformatics 2017 Theory 5 # line0: blablabla # line1: blablabla # line2: blablabla # line3: blablabla # line4: blablabla Reading a file line by line is trivial: with open("test.txt") as aFile: for line in aFile: print line # line0: blablabla # line1: blablabla # line2: blablabla # line3: blablabla # line4: blablabla • readline(limit) – reads only until the end of a line (\n) with open("test.txt") as aFile: print aFile.readline() # line0: blablabla print aFile.readline() # line1: blablabla • readlines(limit) – read and return a list of lines with open("test.txt") as aFile: print aFile.readlines() # ['line0: blablabla\n', 'line1: blablabla\n', 'line2: blablabla\n', 'line3: blablabla\n', 'line4: blablabla\n', 'line5: blablabla\n', 'line6: blablabla\n', 'line7: blablabla\n', 'line8: blablabla\n', 'line9: blablabla\n'] → → → 2 Import Import is easy, we use either: • import module: import random print random.random() • from module import function1, function2, …: 4 Programming in geoinformatics 2017 Theory 5 from random import random, randint print random(), randint(1,10) or like this: from random import * # be very careful using this We can also use this to give structure to our project. Let’s save this code example as from random import random def randomLine(length): line = [] for i in range(length): line.append ([random() * 1000, random() * 1000]) return line def calculateLength(line): length = 0 for i in range(len(line) - 1): length += ((line[i][0] - line[i+1][0]) ** 2 + (line[i][1] line[i+1][1]) ** 2) ** 0.5→ return length Now, you can import the content of this script to another script saved in the same directory: import lineTools print lineTools.randomLine() Important: In PyZo, you have to run the code as a script! That is, Ctrl+Shift+E instead of Ctrl+E. 2.1 Standard modules There are some modules built directly into Python. These are some examples of useful basic modules. For a complete list, see • math – mathematical functions import math circleRadius = 15 5 Programming in geoinformatics 2017 Theory 5 print math.pi * math.pow(circleRadius, 2) print math.pi * circleRadius ** 2 # or like this • random – pseudo-random number generators import random random.random() # random float 0..1 random.inform(1, 10) # random float 1.0..10.0 random.randrange(10) # integer 0..9 random.randrange(0,101,2) # even integer 0..100 random.choice("abcde") # random element from a string / list Note Pseudo-random? Why not random? See By the way, aside from atmospheric noise, people have used lava lamps and fish tanks to generate random numbers with webcams! • csv – read and write tabular data in CSV format (you can save tables as CSV in Excel, LibreOffice, etc.) import csv with open("users.csv", newline="") as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=":", quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE) for row in reader: print row • urllib – retrieve resources via URL import urllib.request with urllib.request.urlopen("") as response: html = • webbrowser – an interface to display websites to users 6 Programming in geoinformatics 2017 Theory 5 import webbrowser"", new=0, autoraise=True) # new=0 to open in the same window if possible # new=1 to open in a new window # new=2 to open in a new tab 3 JSON, GeoJSON 3.1 JSON JSON is a file format used frequently to send data over the internet (https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/JSON#Data_types.2C_syntax_and_example). It uses similar data types as Python (numbers, strings, booleans, lists, dictionaries). JSON example: { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "isAlive": true, "age": 25, "address": { "streetAddress": "21 2nd Street", "city": "New York", "state": "NY", "postalCode": "10021-3100" }, "phoneNumbers": [ { "type": "home", "number": "212 555-1234" }, { "type": "office", "number": "646 555-4567" }, { "type": "mobile", "number": "123 456-7890" } ], 7 Programming in geoinformatics 2017 Theory 5 "children": [], "spouse": null } In Python, the json module is useful for processing JSON data: import json data = { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "isAlive": True, "age": 25 } jsonData = json.dumps(data) # convert to a string formatted as JSON print jsonData print json.loads(jsonData) # convert to data structure from JSON string 3.2 GeoJSON GeoJSON format specifications: 8 Programming in geoinformatics 2017 Theory 5 Subset of JSON format used to handle spatial data, example: { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [102.0, 0.5] }, "properties": { "prop0": "value0" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [102.0, 0.0], [103.0, 1.0], [104.0, 0.0], [105.0, 1.0] ] }, "properties": { "prop0": "value0", "prop1": 0.0 } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [100.0, 0.0], [101.0, 0.0], [101.0, 1.0], [100.0, 1.0], [100.0, 0.0] ] ] }, "properties": { "prop0": "value0", "prop1": {"this": "that"} } } ] } 9 Programming in geoinformatics 2017 Theory 5 The root element is always a single GeoJSON object. It’s type is one of the following: • Point, MultiPoint • LineString, MultiLineString • Polygon, MultiPolygon • GeometryCollection • Feature • FeatureCollection Read through the specification and the examples at You can save data as GeoJSON from QGIS (right click on a layer → Save As) or using other tools ( 10