1.1 THERMAL DIFFERENTIATION OF LOCAL CLIMATE ZONES USING TEMPERATURE OBSERVATIONS FROM URBAN AND RURAL FIELD SITES lain Stewart,* Tim Oke University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada 1. PAST WORK: DEVELOPING A CLIMATE-BASED LANDSCAPE CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM 1.1 Background Urban climatology is a rapidly growing field. Standards are therefore necessary to ensure consistent and meaningful exchange of data across regions, cultures, and disciplines. In recent years, the use of common scales and techniques in urban climatology has greatly improved communication (Oke, 2006). However, one aspect of communication not yet standardized is the description of urban and rural field sites. The traditional ad hoc approach to site description has created much confusion in urban climate literature, as inter-city comparisons of results are rarely substantiated by the physical properties of the urban and rural field sites. In a recent review of modern heat island literature, Stewart (in press) cites "completeness of reporting" as an area of universal weakness. The tendency of heat island investigators to attach inappropriate or insufficient site metadata to their reports is the primary cause of this weakness. Of the 190 sample papers evaluated in the review, 88% failed to provide quantitative descriptors of the urban and rural field sites used to define heat island magnitude. Thirty-three percent of the sample papers gave no description whatsoever (qualitative or quantitative) of their urban and rural field sites. These statistics expose a critical gap in the portrayal of city and country landscapes in urban climate literature. This gap has received little attention among urban climatologists despite early indications from Luke Howard—the nineteenth-century pioneer of heat island research—that a common tongue among all meteorologists is necessary for rapid scientific progress (Howard, 1833). One hundred and fifty years later, modern investigators like Chandler (1970) and Böhm and Gabi (1978) urgently called for "international standards" in urban climate reporting. Aguilar et al. (2003) and Oke (2004) responded with comprehensive WMO guidelines for siting meteorological instruments in cities, and Ellefsen (1990/1) and Oke (2004) developed new classification systems for characterizing the urban environment. These systems have served the discipline well but were never purported to characterize a full range of urban and rural landscapes. Ellefsen and Oke did, however, provide the necessary groundwork for a more universal scheme later proposed by Stewart and Oke (2006, 2009a). This scheme has since become the "local climate zone" classification system. ^Corresponding author address: Iain Stewart, Univ. of British Columbia, Dept. of Geography, Vancouver, Canada V6T 1Z2; e-mail: steward (a) interchange.ubc.ca 1.2 Local Climate Zones Local climate zones (LCZ) are defined as regions of uniform surface-air temperature distribution at horizontal scales of 102 to 104 metres (Stewart and Oke, 2009b). Each LCZ exhibits a characteristic geometry and land cover that generates a unique surface-temperature climate under calm, clear skies. The zones are differentiated by surface properties that directly influence screen-height temperature, such as vegetative fraction, building/tree height and spacing, soil moisture, and anthropogenic heat flux. By these differentiae, the urban-rural continuum yields a hierarchy of 16 climate zones (Figure 1). Compact high rise Compact midrise Compact lowrise ^ jj Open-set high rise m m m / Open-set micise aßt* mßtt mmßm ■ m m m) mm " s'm mmmm--'^ Open-set lowrise Extensive lowrise Lightweight lowrise & ii ,ftj High-energy industrial Sparsely built Low plant cover Bare rock/concrete Open-set trees I, 'l Close-set trees Figure 1: Local climate zones. The surface properties of each zone are described and illustrated in standardized data sheets (e.g., Figure 2). LCZ COMPACT HIGHRISE zone- definition iTtguar 3M corneae: «)i **'&*ir gnre* oc iSnjs ■ iC kowm. OuHngt WCW-set^reMan^ng, 5»y «VT* j^Stf«t^>or« Í9'*:j-' . :~: :3.e:j :36pnar concrete geo~«?rc r ay cut 5 ngs or neavy. sofld conttucfloff(concrete. «or«i. S*y$Cr3:*rs :.0u^3C6lCO>efiT06Q) Import"Ou*r irr t*cr.r*« Cf PRoeABL£|FUNCTlOW='C&Tne-ci3 crTicesjrdte-s ntgvaeosí?) re&Jdenaa :3p3fíTer: to*«a of irsct-jncna :na,of faometof compíexe*) ANTICIPATED LOCATION: Mooen dty certre ie o;. -ao**Tto*n*; Cty penoíiery imojir** sue- coRRESPOMDAHCE" _zz1' :■: 3-3':.::;e ř":^-r"::-: ■ ■ ■nillnlln »KY VIEW MICH AMGLE © MÍL Čiňyóň atpačt ratio I Natural curla«« traoOon MMMMMkielMlcnt Z Tsrrain rooflhn*ti oiatt Figure 2: Datasheet for compact highrise. The LCZ classification system encourages urban climatologists to give quantitative site metadata with their reported findings, and to communicate those metadata in a standardized manner. Standardized metadata in turn facilitates inter-city comparisons of results. LCZs should therefore apply reasonably well in all regions of the world regardless of cultural or physical setting. LCZs should also be easy to interpret for all climate researchers, and especially for those who have limited resources to classify sites or carry out sophisticated observations. In bringing the LCZ system to its current form, extensive feedback was solicited from the international climate and planning communities. Prototype datasheets and LCZ sketches were distributed to research groups worldwide in exchange for critical feedback on the general nature and scope of the LCZ system, its ease of use, its application to local settings, and its perceived cultural and regional biases. The system has further benefited from a pilot run on the Urban Flux Network (http://www.geog.ubc.ca/urbanflux), an lAUC-hosted database for cataloguing urban micrometeorological tower sites. With this international exposure, the LCZ system has moved closer to a design of universal appeal. Whilst the LCZ classification system is theoretically sound in its division of the landscape on surface climate properties, it has little empirical evidence to support that division. Thus the purpose of the present paper is to assess the validity of the LCZ division using temperature observations from three representative city-regions of Europe, East Asia, and North America. The results of this assessment suggest that the LCZ system is nearing its optimal form, but that further enhancements to individual classes are needed. 2. PRESENT WORK: THERMAL DIFFERENTIATION OF LOCAL CLIMATE ZONES 2.1 Test locations Three test locations were used to differentiate LCZs: Uppsala, Sweden (59°N, 17°E); Nagano, Japan (36°N, 138°E); and Vancouver, Canada (49°N, 123°W). These locations include a variety of urban and rural landscapes that are characteristic of the observational urban climate literature. Uppsala is a traditional European city with a flat building profile, a compact core, and a clearly defined urban-rural boundary. Nagano is a typical medium-sized East Asian city with intensely mixed urban and agricultural land uses, both within and outside the city. Vancouver is a large North American city with a modern highrise core, low-density residential areas, and an extensive urban forest. The mid-latitude climates of the three test locations are ideal for investigating the seasonal effects of snow, tree canopy coverage, soil moisture, and anthropogenic heat flux on LCZ formation. Furthermore, each city has a long tradition of urban climate research and is the site of many reputable heat island studies. Raw temperatures can be extracted from these studies and used to differentiate LCZs. Surface relief in Uppsala and Nagano is slight. Local temperature variations in the study area are thus not complicated by the effects of cold-air drainage or elevation change, which does not exceed 30 m. In Vancouver, elevation change reaches 100 m and local relief and water bodies further complicate the urban-rural topography. Temperatures in Vancouver are therefore influenced by a complex mix of urban and topoclimatic factors. 2.2 Test methods Temperature data for Uppsala were obtained from a network of nine fixed stations used by Taesler (1981) from January 1976 to February 1977. These stations were sited in areas of variable building density and surface cover for the purpose of monitoring Uppsala's canopy-layer heat island. The Nagano temperature data were obtained from the heat island investigations of Sakakibara and Matsui (2005), who conducted 90 automobile traverses across the floor of Nagano basin between December 2001 and November 2002. All traverses started at midnight in central Nagano city and passed through nearby rice fields, orchards, and agricultural towns. The Vancouver data were obtained from evening automobile traverses conducted by students at the University of British Columbia between 1992 and 2010. The traverses supplied data for the heat island field component of an undergraduate urban meteorology course. Under supervision of the course instructor, students used instrumented vehicles to gather temperatures from a traverse route that passed through the major land uses of Vancouver and its countryside. All temperatures in Vancouver, Nagano, and Uppsala were measured with a precision of ±0.2°C and at standard screen height of 1-2 m above ground. Representative field sites from each of the three test locations were selected and classified into LCZs. Sites were considered "representative" only if the surrounding circle of influence, or source area, was relatively uniform in surface cover, geometry, and human activity. Anomalous micro-scale features along the traverse route, such as bridges, parks, shopping malls, and major intersections, were therefore avoided during site selection. The circle of influence is difficult to quantify, but observational evidence suggests that a radius of 100-200 m, depending on building density and boundary-layer conditions, is appropriate for screen-height measurements (Runnalls and Oke, 2006). The circle of influence was parameterized by the physical properties associated with each LCZ (see datasheet, Figure 2). The reader is referred to Stewart and Oke (2009b) for a fuller account of the LCZ classification process. Several sources of metadata were used to parameterize each field site. These include published heat island investigations in the three cities, personal communication with the original investigators, land-use and land-cover maps, and images from Google Earth / Maps. In addition, each city was visited in person to further observe and document the surface features of the original sites. After the sites were parameterized, the traverse datasets were filtered by strict weather criteria to capture maximum thermal contrasts among LCZs, and to control advection of thermal properties across zone boundaries. These criteria stipulate (a) calm or light winds during the traverse, (b) clear skies or high-level cloud in the hours preceding the traverse, and (c) no significant precipitation on the day of the traverse. These wind and cloud conditions correspond to a weather factor (<£w) of >0.7, depending on cloud type (see Oke [1998] for explanation of