11/1/2017 1 5. Urban Remote Sensing URBAN CLIMATOLOGY Digital Numbers DN = f(LST) 5.1 Remote Sensing Principles 5.1 Remote Sensing Principle http://www.remote-sensing.net/concepts.html 5.1 Remote Sensing Principle Stefan-Boltzmann law: The thermal energy radiated by a blackbody is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature: 4 TM σ= M - thermal energy T - absolute temperature σ - the Stefan–Boltzmann constant 4 TM εσ= Real surfaces ε - emissivity There are at least two problems in urban remote sensing: 1) How to determine emissivity of real surfaces in highly heterogeneous urban environment 2) How to recalculate LST - Land Surface Temperature to air temperature • LANDSAT 7 satellite • ETM+ imagery • Date 24. 5. 2001 • Time 9:35:02 GMT • Thermal band 10.4 – 12.5 µm • Spatial resolution 60 m Day with the clear sky, no wind, anticyclonic weather type Tmin 8.4°C Tmax 23.3°C Tavg 17.6°C Tground 5,0°C 5.2 LST derivation from LANDSAT ETM+ band 6.1 TOA radiance ETM+ 1,2,3,4 Land cover types Emissivity Land surface Temperature Atmos. corrected values MODTRAN • transmissivity • upwelling radiance • downwelling radiance (Barsi et al. 2005) 11/1/2017 2 This is a weak point of mono window algorithms Emissivity map of basic land cover types water 0,98 bare ground 0,97 vegetation 0,94 built-up area 0,925 Emissivity values (Snyder et al. 1998) Land Surface Temperatures Emissivity at bands 10-14 LST derivation from ASTER data (more thermal images) ASTER bands 10- 14 TOA radiance 10-14 Atmos. Corrected values 10-14 LST, Brno, 15 June 2006 Intensity of SUHI Examples of SUHI analysis Spatial distribution of land classification (left) and SUHI magnitude (right) within Birmingham city extents for heatwave event at 18 July 2006 (Tomlinson et al., 2010) Another useful Remotely Sensed variables for UC 1. Spatial distribution of the Land Surface Temperature 2. Terrain model with 3D building model (laser scanning) 3. Land use mapping, vegetation mapping Various parameters derived from 3D model of buildings and from Digital Elevation Model explain spatial variability of land surface temperatures. 11/1/2017 3 Precipitation and weather RADAR Spatial distribution of radar reflectivity (maximum values in vertical direction) measured at meteorological radars Skalky and Brdy at 15 July 2009, 19:25 hours of central European summer time Spatial distribution of daily precipitation totals (mm) computed as a combination of radar-based precipitation estimate and raingauge measurements from 15 July 2009 (measured at 16 July 2009, 08 h central European summer time). Stations with higher precipitation totals are preferred in the map. Spatial distribution of precipitation totals is given in 1 x 1 km grid Frequency of the above-average maximum radar reflectivity in Brno region composed from 26 situations with extreme convection at Tuřany station in the period 2000–2007 Precipitation and weather RADAR 5.5 Final remarks and questions 1. What are limitations of URS in terms of spectral, spatial and temporal resolution? 2. What are the main benefits of URS for heat wave studies compared to air temperature analysis? 3. How can be URS used for practical urban planning, regional development and for better adaptation to climate change?