Bi7430 Molecular Biotechnology 11. Molecular Biotechnology in Agriculture Outline  Definition of green biotechnology  Genetic engineering of plants  Genetic engineering of animals  Biopharming  GMO benefits and controversies Green (agricultural) biotechnology  green biotechnology applied to agricultural processes  environmentally-friendly solutions as alternative to traditional agriculture, horticulture, and animal breeding  modification of plants and animals increasing value in agriculture  traditional agriculture – selective crossbreeding and hybridization  modern molecular biotechnology – transgenesis (rDNA)  transgenic organism - altered by addition of exogenous DNA  transgene – DNA that is introduced Genetic engineering of plants  > 150 different plant species in 50 countries worldwide  DNA sequence of A. thaliana (2000), rice (2005), cotton (2006), corn (2009), potato (2011), tomato (2012), etc.  transgenic plants engineered to  overcome biotic and abiotic stress o pesticides (herbicides) o pests and diseases (insects, viruses, bacteria, fungi) o environmental stress (salt, temperature, cold and drought)  improved crop quality o improved nutritional quality o enhance taste, appearance and fragrance o increase shelf-life  biopharming o plants as bioreactors for production of useful compounds (e.g., therapeutics, vaccines, antibodies)  phytoremediation Genetic engineering of plants  plant transgenesis procedure 1. construction of vector/plasmid (restriction digests, ligation) 2. propagation in E.coli 3. transformation 4. culture and selection  totipotency - entire plant generated from a single, non-reproductive cell Methods of plant transformation  direct methods  protoplast polyethylene glycol (PEG) method o first technique for plant transgenesis o PEG induces reversible permeabilization of the plasma membrane  protoplast electroporation o intensive electrical field leads to pores on plasma membrane  silicon carbide fibers o fibers punch holes through plant cells during vortexing  protoplast microinjection Methods of plant transformation  direct methods  particle bombardment o most common technique for direct transformation o „particle gun” or „gene gun” o DNA precipitated onto tungsten or gold particles o particles shot into the plant tissue/cells Methods of plant transformation  indirect methods (vectored)  Agrobacterium-mediated transformation o A. tumefaciens plant pathogenic bacteria causes Crown gall (tumors) o tumor inducing (Ti) plasmid o T-DNA transferred and integrated into plant cell Markers and selection  transformation frequency is low (less than 3%)  without selective advantage transformed cells overgrown by non-transformed  selection markers  antibiotics resistance (Kanamycin, Geneticin)  herbicides resistance (Phosphinothricin)  reporter genes  GUS (β-glucuronidase)  GFP (green fluorescent protein)  LUC (luciferase) Application of transgenic plants  pest and disease resistance  toxin gene from Bacillus thuringiensis o Bt-corn resistant to European corn borer o Bt-cotton resistant to cotton bollworm o Bt-peanut resistant to cornstalk borer  Papaya ringspot virus resistance inserting gene from pathogen into crop affords the crop plant resistance Application of transgenic plants  herbicide resistance  herbicide target modification  herbicide target overproduction  herbicide detoxification (enzymatic)  EXAMPLES  sulfonylurea resistance blocking the enzyme for synthesis Val, Leu, isoLeu mutated gene transferred from resistant tabaco  bromoxynil resistance transgene encoding enzyme bromoxynil nitrilase  glyphosinate resistance bacterial transgene protein inactivating herbicide Application of transgenic plants  resistance to environmental stress  marginal land or climate change induced drought  crucial ways of securing the world's food supply  drought tolerance - gene from Xerophyta viscosa - unique protein in cell membrane - gene for production of protective waxy cuticle on leaves - gene for expression of trehalose (stabilization of biomolecules)  salt tolerance - gene for enhanced glycinebetaine production Application of transgenic plants  improved crop quality  higher nutrition value o golden rice (beta – carotene genes) 120 million children suffers from vitamin A deficiency healthy vision and prevents night blindness o black tomato (anthocyanin antioxidant gene) prevent heart disease, diabetes and cancer  improve shelf life o delayed fruit ripening (FlavrSavr tomato) antisense gene blocking pectinase  improved appearance o delphinine gene from pansy cloned to rose  biopharming Break 5 min Genetic engineering of animals  selective breeding  time consuming and costly  limited number of properties available  difficult to introduce new genetic traits / lines  transgenic animals  fast generation lines carrying desired properties o increased growth o improved disease resistance o improved nutritional quality o increased wool quality  model animals for human disease research  biopharming - production of useful molecules  biosensors for environmental pollution Genome targeting technologies  direct microinjection (pronucleus method)  injection of desired DNA to male pronucleus  most popular, commercial available  success range from 10 to 30%  transfer of large genes possible  no theoretical limit for gene construct size  random insertion of the transgene (affecting other genes and expression patterns)  retrovirus mediated gene transfer  retroviruses used as vectors (gene therapy)  virus gene is replaced by transgene  replication defective virus infect host cells (e.g., ES cells, embryo cells)  efficient mechanism of transgene integration  transfer of genes < 8 kb only possible  random insertion of the transgene Genome targeting technologies  embryonic stem cell method  transfection of gene construct into in vitro culture of embryonic stem (ES) cells  ES recombinant cells incorporated into embryo at blastocyst stage  1 in a million incorporated at desired position  ES cell lines not available in farm animals  random insertion of the transgene Genome targeting technologies Genome targeting technologies  engineered nucleases, „molecular scissors"  site-specific double stranded breaks  Zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs)  transcription-activator like effector nucleases (TALEN)  RNA-guided DNA endonuclease (CRISPR-Cas9) Genome targeting technologies  CRISPR-Cas9  synthetic guide RNA (gRNA)  delivering Cas9 nuclease complexed with gRNA into a cell  in vivo (nucleus), stem cells, fertilized egg  can target several genes at once Application of transgenic animals  disease-resistant livestock  in vivo immunization - overexpress genes encoding monoclonal antibodies  eliminate production of host cell components interacting with infectious agent  improving milk quality  increase casein contents let to increase cheese production  decrease lactose content by overexpress lactase  abolish lacto globulin expression (for milk allergic consumer)  improving animal production traits  transgenic fish - enhanced growth 3-5 times (growth hormone)  transgenic pig - production of omega-3-fatty acids (roundworm gene)  transgenic poultry - lower cholesterol and fat in eggs  biopharming Biopharming  use of plants or animals for the production of useful molecules  industrial products  proteins (enzymes)  fats and oils  polymers and waxes  pharmaceuticals  recombinant human proteins  therapeutic proteins and pharmaceuticals  vaccines and antibodies Biopharming  industrial products from plants  cheap and easy to produce  free of animal viruses  risk of food supply contamination  environmental contamination  EXAMPLES (transgenic corn, Sigma):  trypsin o traditionally isolated from bovine pancreas o first large scale transgenic plant product o worldwide market = US$120 million  avidin o medical diagnostics  β-glucuronidase o visual marker in research labs Biopharming  edible vaccines from plants  no purification required  no hazards associated with injections  may be grown locally where needed  no transportation costs  no need for refrigeration or special storage  EXAMPLES:  HIV-suppressing protein in spinach  rabies virus G protein in tomato  vaccine for rotavirus or hepatitis in potato Biopharming  plant-made antibodies  plantibodies - monoclonal antibodies produced in plants  free from potential contamination of mammalian viruses  plants used include tobacco, corn, potatoes, soya and rice  EXAMPLES: cancer, herpes simplex virus  plant-made pharmaceuticals  therapeutic proteins and intermediates  EXAMPLES: proteins to treat cystic fibrosis, HIV, hypertension Biopharming  production of pharmaceuticals in milk  easy to purify - few other proteins in milk  dairy cattle produce 10,000 liters of milk/year (35 g protein/liter)  only few transgenic cows can meet worldwide demand  risk of food supply contamination  EXAMPLES:  COW: human serum albumin, human lactoferrin  SHEEP: alpha-1-antitrypsin  GOAT: human antithrombin III (FDA approved), tissue plasminogen activator, malaria antigen  production of materials in milk  BioSteel from spider silk (Nexia Biotech) GMO benefits  crops  increased stress tolerance  improved resistance to disease, pests and herbicides  increased nutrients, yields, enhanced taste and quality  animals  improved animal health, resistance, productivity and feed efficiency  better yields of meat, eggs, and milk  environment  more efficient processing  conservation of soil, water, and energy  better natural waste management  society  increased food security for growing populations  climate change induced drought GMO controversies  safety  human health – toxicity, allergens, antibiotic resistance, unknown effects  environment - unintended transfer through cross-pollination, unknown effects on other organisms, loss of biodiversity  ethics  tampering with nature by mixing genes among species / cloning  violation of natural organism´s intrinsic values  stress for animals  access and intellectual property  domination of world food production by few companies  increasing dependence on industrialized nations by developing countries GMO future  GMO crop first commercialized in 1996  17.3 million farmers grew biotech crops on 170 million hectares  90% of new users are small resource-poor farmers in developing countries  EU research on risk of GMOs over the past two decades unable to detect any risks that have not yet been known from conventional agriculture* * EU Commission (2012): A Decade of EU-funded GMO Impacts Research Questions Reading  U . S . A g e n c y fo r I n t e r n a t i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t , A g r i c u l t u ra l B i o t e c h n o l o g y S u p p o r t P r o j e c t I I , a n d t h e P r o g r a m fo r B i o s a fe t y S y s t e m s  H o w a r e B i o t e c h C r o p s & F o o d s A s s e s s e d f o r S a f e t y ? , D e v e l o p i n g a B i o s a f e t y S y s te m ( B R I E F # 5 a n d # 6 )