B chromosomes B chromosomes rye (Secale cereale) Brachycome dichromosomatica Crepis capillaris (1) dispensable (2) usually smaller than A chromosomes (3) do not pair/recombine with A chromosomes at meiosis (4) their inheritance is irregular, non-Mendelian (univalents) (5) meiotic elimination in some species is counter-balanced by processes of drive at mitosis, and less frequently at meiosis (equilibrium frequencies in populations) (6) neutral effects; negative and quantitative effects on the phenotype when present in high numbers (reduced fertility) (7) they lack any known major gene loci, but rDNA sequences are known in a few species (8) they contribute greatly to intraspecific genome size variation (9) they have no obvious adaptive properties (10) their mode of origin remains a mystery B chromosomes 14 A and 2 B chromosomes in rye B B B chromosomes The occurrence of Bs across angiosperms seems to be not random: their presence is correlated with genome size - higher frequency in families with large genomes How frequent? Bs in about 9% of angiosperm species monocots: 8% (Poaceae, Liliales and Commelinales) eudicots: 3% (Asteraceae) How many?  usually in low numbers (0–5)  exceptions: Silene maritima (0–15), Brachycome lineariloba (0– 22) or Allium schoenoprasum  more Bs than As in maize (2n = 20 As + 0–34 Bs)  number can vary between tissues: grasses Aegilops speltoides and Ae. mutica - Bs exist in aerial organs but not in roots HGolczyk(2012)CGR Tradescantia virginiana (2n=24) PNAS 2012 Mysterious origins (?)  Seem to arose in different ways in different species  Generally thought to originate from A chromosomes  Proposed origins (examples): from centric fragments after an unequal reciprocal translocation or by excision from A chromosomes Multichromosomal Origin of Rye B Chromosomes and Sequences Located on B Chromosomes B chromosomes as a „genomic sponge“ Model of Origin and Evolution of Rye B Chromosomes How a supernumerary B chromosome survives over time? Rye Pollen grain mitosis I: 2 chromatids of the B chromosome do not separate at anaphase and are included in the generative nucleus Pollen grain mitosis II: both spermatids have an unreduced number of Bs (- a similar nondisjunction process may occur in the female gametophytes)  transmission higher than Mendelian  kept in populations  drive (pre-meiotic, meiotic, post-meiotic) = preferential maintenance of Bs  post-meiotic drive common in plants during gametophyte maturation (examples: rye, maize) Asymmetry of the mitotic spindle ( vegetative and generative nucleus) Nondisjunction control factor on B chromosome (sequence unknown)  ? noncoding RNA influencing the differential sister-chromatid cohesion of As and Bs (= B chromosome chromatids not separated) ? B-specific centromeric repeats acting as a neocentromere (centromeric drive  nondisjunction) Pollen grain mitosis I: Holocentric chromosomes Juncaceae Cyperaceae Myristica fragrans (Myristicaceae) Drosera (Droseraceae) Angiosperm species with holokinetic chromosomes Chionographis (Melanthiaceae) • holocentric vs. monocentric chromosomes • holocentrics: huge variation in chromosome numbers [the largest number of chromosomes in animals (2n = 446) is found in the blue butterfly Polyommatus atlantica with holokinetic chromosomes] • in c. 5,500 angiosperm species • chromosome numbers from n=2 up to n=110 • chromosome fission (agmatoploidy) and fusion (symploidy)  extensive chromosome number variation Holocentric chromosomes chromosome segregation in anaphase difuse kinetochor  Variation in chromosome number in some holocentric plant genera (Bureš et al. 2013) Holocentric chromosomes, centromeres and microtubules Microtubules (tubulin) attach at CENH3, but not at H2AThr120ph. The microtubule bundle formation is less pronounced at holocentromeres. Model of the centromere organization of mono- and holocentric plant chromosomes active centromeres have H2AThr120ph phosphorylation of threonine 120 of histone H2A  chromosomes are structurally and functionally holocentric throughout meiosis  an inverted sequence of sister chromatid segregation occurs during meiosis  terminal satellite DNA repeat-enriched chromatin threads assist the pairwise movement and the linkage of homologous non-sister chromatids up to metaphase II to enable the faithful formation of haploid gametes Chromosomes align at metaphase I in such a manner that sister chromatids rather than homologous chromosomes are separated during meiosis I. Homologous non-sister chromatids are terminally linked by satellite DNA-enriched chromatin threads until metaphase II to ensure faithful transmission of holocentric chromatids. Holocentric chromosomes in Eleocharis CGR 122 (2008) 2n = 10 2n = 8 2n = 7 2n = 6 • holocentric vs. monocentric chromosomes • in c. 5,500 angiosperm species • chromosome numbers from n=2 up to n=110 • chromosome fission (agmatoploidy)and fusion (symploidy)  extensive chromosome number variation • enigma of Luzula karyotypes Holocentric chromosomes → „euploid“ chromosome numbers based on x=6 → large (L), medium (M) and small (S) chromosomes; relation is 1L = 2M = 4S → large chromosomes: 4 ploidy levels (2x with 12L, 4x with 24L, 6x with 36L, 8x with 48L) medium chromosomes: 24M small chromosomes: 48S (L. sudetica) → concerted fission/agmatoploidy → mechanism unknown