Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework 2. Basic constructs Jan Dugäcek October 13, 2017 Jan Dugäcek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework o o Variables 9 Why we need them • Available types 9 Usage 9 Exercises • Shortcuts Control 9 Condition O While loop • For loop 9 Exercise Arrays 9 Arrays • Problems with arrays 9 Arrays of higher dimension 9 Strings 9 Exercise Functions • Calling functions • Defining functions 9 const • The main function 9 Command line arguments • Exercise < □ ► 1= <\(y Jan Dugäcek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework An example of C code #i n c I u d e ^include int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc < 2) { p r i n tf (" Needs an a rgu ment\n " ) ; return 1; } i n t num = 1; int arg = atoi(argv [ 1 ]); while (arg > 1) { num = num * arg; arg = arg - 1; } pri ntf (" Result %i\n", num); return 0; } Jan Dugacek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework You don't need to know much to do anything 9 The elements of the previous example are enough to solve almost any task • Of course, most of the language is exists to make programming more practical • C is a minimalistic language itself, containing only 32 keywords • C++ in contrast embraces large quantities of functions for most common purposes • We'll start with C and continue with the essential parts of C++ Jan Dugacek 2. Basic constructs Motivation .... , . w ... Why we need them Variables A ~ t , Available types Control .. JK Arrays .- ^. ,- . J Exercises Functions u , Shortcuts Homework 9 Everything in digital format is a number or a group of numbers (addresses, texts, pictures, programs, ...) • There are several formats for numbers, depending on the required size and need to support negative numbers and decimals • Numbers are always binary code, groups of ones and zeroes, a bit is a single value that can be zero or one, a byte is a group of eight bits (82 = 256 possible values) • On computers, numbers usually can be saved on 1 byte (256 values), 2 bytes (216 = 65536 values), 4 bytes (232 = 42 9 4 9 6 7 2 96 values) or 8 bytes (264 = 18446744073709551616 = 1.8 • 1019 values) • A number stored someplace with a name is called variable • A single number is called primitive data type Jan Dugäcek 2. Basic constructs Motivation .... , . w ... Why we need them Variables A ~ t , Available types Control .. JK Arrays .- ^. ,- . J Exercises Functions u , Shortcuts Homework • int - standard sized integer (usually int32_t, range -2147483648 to 2147483647) • short int - short sized integer (usually intl6_t, range -32768 to 32767) o char - very short sized integer, often used to store letters (usually int8_t, range -128 to 127) • long int - short sized integer (usually int64_t, range -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807) • unsigned int - integer for non-negative values (usually uint32_t, range 0 to 4294967295) • There are unsigned versions of all other sized integer types Jan Dugäcek 2. Basic constructs Motivation .... , . w ... Why we need them Variables A ~ t , Available types Control .. JK Arrays .- ^. ,- . J Exercises Functions u , Shortcuts Homework • float - stores numbers with decimal point (usually 32-bit, 6 decimals, greatest numbers are around 1038) • double - stores numbers with decimal point (usually 64-bit, 15 decimals, greatest numbers are around 10308) • Processors usually support also long double that is 80 bits large o Video cards support also a 16 bit float • Stored using IEEE754 (see: https: // Jan Dugäcek 2. Basic constructs Motivation .... , . w ... Why we need them Variables ~ t , Available types Control .. JK Arrays .- ^. .- . J Exercises Functions u , Shortcuts Homework 9 Do this only if you already know how to use variables! o Calculate tt using the Monte Carlo method (scatter many points randomly in a square, calculate the fraction of them that is closer to its centre than a half of the square's side) 9 Hint: you may use rand() to generate random numbers 9 Why is the result so imprecise? • Challenge: Do it without computing any square root (neither manually nor in the program) • Second powers of the same numbers are computed over and over. Would it be useful to store the computed second powers of numbers for later use? Jan Dugäcek 2. Basic constructs Motivation .... , . w ... Why we need them Variables ~ t , Available types Control .. JK Arrays .- ^. .- . J Exercises Functions u , Shortcuts Homework #i n c I u d e int main(int arge, char** argv) { i n t x ; x = 2; int y = 4; y = y * (x + 4); p r i n tf (" Computed %i\n", y); return 0; } We first create variable x Then we set value 2 to x After, we create variable y and immediately set its value to 4 In the next step, x and 4 are summed, the result is multiplied by y and set as a new value to y The resulting value of y is written into the terminal with a nice introduction 1= ^) <\(y Jan Dugäcek 2. Basic constructs Motivation .... , . w ... Why we need them Variables ~ t , Available types Control .. JK Arrays .- ^. .- . J Exercises Functions u , Shortcuts Homework #i n c I u d e int main(int argc, char** argv) { int x = -1024 - 2; short int y = x * x; int z = x / 4; p r i n tf (" Computed %i and %i\n", y, z); return 0; } 9 We first create variable x and save -1026 into it • Then we create variable y and save the square of x into it, which does not fit there o After, we create variable z and set its value to x divided by 4, because both x and 4 are integers, the result is an integer, rounding the value down 9 The resulting values of y and z are written into the terminal Jan Dugäcek 2. Basic constructs Motivation .... , . w ... Why we need them Variables ~ t , Available types Control .. JK Arrays .- ^. .- . J Exercises Functions u , Shortcuts Homework #i n c I u d e int main(int argc, char** argv) { float x = 15 / 2; float y = 15.0 / 2; float z = (float )15 / 2; float w = x / 2; printf ("Computed x=%f y=%f z=%f v\^%f\n" , x, y, z, w); return 0; O We first divide 15 by 2, rounding down because both numbers are integers and result is integer, recalculate it to float and save it into x • Then we divide 15.0 by 2, because 15.0 is a decimal, it is a float, arithmetic between a float and an int yields a float, the resulting float is saved into y Q After, we convert the integer 15 to float, divide it by 2, the resulting float is saved into z • Next, we divide the float x by 2 and save it into variable w • The resulting values of variables are written into the terminal Jan Dugäcek 2. Basic constructs Motivation .... , . w ... Why we need them Variables ~ t , Available types Control .. JK Arrays .- ^. _ Exercises Functions u , Shortcuts Homework O Set 17 to x, divide it by 4 (rounded down), set x2 — 12 to y, add 18 to the result and write the result as Result is 22 O Calculate (3+ 2-12). ((9-2). 5)+ (3+ 2-12). (8+ ((9-2). 5)) without writing 3 + 2 - 12 or (9 - 2) • 5 more than once or calculating anything yourself O Calculate f£^y \ + (3 + 2 - 12) • (8 + ) without writing 3 + 2 - 12 or (9 - 2) • 5 more than once or calculating anything yourself Jan Dugäcek 2. Basic constructs Motivation .... , . w ... Why we need them Variables ~ t , Available types Control u JK Arrays .- ^. .- . J Exercises Functions c, L u , Shortcuts Homework • Lines like x = x + 4 are used a lot, so they can be shortened to x += 4 • Analogically, you can use x -= y * 2 (subtract 2 multiplied by y from x and save it into x), x /= 1.5 or x *= 1.01 • x += 1 can be further shortened to x++ or ++x 9 Analogically, there is also x-- or --x for x -= 1 Jan Dugäcek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework Condition While loop For loop Exercise • Do this only if you already know how to use if, while and for! o Calculate x in x + 1 = - X o You may assume that x is positive • Challenge: Do not calculate anything more than 1000 times, but limit your precision only by the maximum decimals that can be stored in primitive types and use no prior knowledge Jan Dugacek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework Condition While loop For loop Exercise if (x < 0) x *= —1; 9 Here, we check if x is lesser than 0 • Only if x is lesser than 0, multiply by -1 • This will replace x by its absolute Jan Dugacek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework Condition While loop For loop Exercise i n t changed = 0; if (x >= 0) { x *= —1; changed = 1; } • Here, we check if x is greater than or equal to 0 9 If the condition is met, multiply x by -1 and set variable changed to 1 • Variables defined in a block (the part in curly brackets) are not available outside of it Jan Dugacek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework Condition While loop For loop Exercise i n t changed = 0; int equals = (x if (x > y y); * y) { } x < 2 changed = 1; if (equals) { changed = } 2; Here, we check if x is greater than y or x is less than two times y We also check if x equals y and save the result of the comparison into variable equals If the first condition is met, 1 is assigned to changed and we check if x was previously found to be equal to y The result of comparison can be 1 (true) or 0 (false) < = ► 4 = ► 1= <\(y Jan Dugacek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework Condition While loop For loop Exercise i n t z — 0; if (x > y && x != 1) { z = 1; if (x = y - 1) { z = 2; } } • Here, we check if x is greater than y and x is not equal to 1 • If the condition is met, 1 is assigned to z and y - 1 is assigned to x and if x is non-zero (true), 2 is assigned to z • Do not confuse = (variable assignment) with == (comparison)! It is a huge source of errors! Jan Dugacek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework Condition While loop For loop Exercise i n t z = 0 ; if (x > y && (x = y || y = 1)) { z = 1; } Here, we check if x is greater than y and if that is true, we assign y into x and if the result is non-zero (true) or y is equa to 1, the condition is met If the condition is met, 1 is assigned to z If x is not greater than y, the condition is never true and the rest is ignored, thus y is never assigned to x Do not confuse && and I I with & and I, they mean something else but usually lead to different outcomes, so a program using & instead of && may seem okay but then behave weirdly Jan Dugacek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework Condition While loop For loop Exercise if (!(x > y) && (x = 1 II (x = y))) { z = 1; } • Here, we check if it's not true that x is greater than y and if that condition is met, we check if x is equal to one, if that is false, we assign y into x, check if it's non-zero and go inside the block if the one of these two conditions is met • If x is equal to 1, the condition is true regardless of the value of y and the next condition is ignored, thus y is never assigned to x Jan Dugacek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework Condition While loop For loop Exercise int z = (!(x > y) && (x = 1 || (x = y))) ? 1 : 0; • This does the same as the previous, if the condition is met, z is initialised with 1, otherwise it's initialised with 0 • It is useful only when assigning values into a variable depending on a condition int z = (x > 1) ? ((y > 1) ? 2 : 1) : 0; • It can be nested too 9 If x is greater than 1, then if y is greater than 1, 2 is set into z, otherwise 1, if x is not greater than 1, 0 is set into z Jan Dugacek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework Condition While loop For loop Exercise unsigned long int while (x > 1) { y *= x; x--; } y = 1; 9 while loop is much like if, but at the end of the block, it checks for the condition again and if it's still true, the block is executed again, after it is checked again and so it goes forever while the condition is true • This particular loop computes the factorial of x (the result is in variable y) Jan Dugacek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework Condition While loop For loop Exercise unsigned long int while (x > 1) { y *= x; y = 1; if (y > 100000000000000) x —; break ; } This is like the previous one, but we check if y is greater than a billiard, if it is, the loop is broken, immediately interrupted and the execution jumps out of it A lesser variant of break is continue, which skips the rest of the block but goes to check for the condition again If there is nothing to stop the cycle from looping, the program freeze wi while (1) {} 1= <\(y Jan Dugacek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework Condition While loop For loop Exercise unsigned long int y = 1; do { y *= x ; x--; } while (x > 1); • This is a variation of the while loop that starts executing the block and checks the condition if it's going to continue after • The only difference is that the block is executed at least once regardless of the condition • The code above does not correctly compute the factorial of x, if x is 0, the result is 0, which is incorrect because 0! = 1 Jan Dugacek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework Condition While loop For loop Exercise i n t X = 0 ; i n t i = 0 ; while ( i < 10) { x += i ; i++; } Defining a variable, changing it and checking it in a loop is so common that a new construct was created to shorten it: i n t x = 0 ; for ( i n t i = x += } 0; i < 10; i++) { This does the same as the code above Jan Dugäcek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework Condition While loop For loop Exercise i n t X = 0 ; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (i % 2 = 1) continue; x += i ; } • The first part defines a variable (but may also assign a value to an existing variable or may be left blank), the second part is a condition that must be met if it's to be repeated and the last part is a change that happens after every loop (the condition is checked right afterwards, so in the case above, it never enters the block with i equal to 10) • The % sign is modulo, the result of i % 2 is the remainder of division of i by 2 O continue makes the loop restart, but i is increased before the check (unlike in while) • The code above sums all even numbers between 0 and 10 (including 0, excluding 10) • The variable change in each iteration of the loop is called iterator and usually named i (if there are more of them, they are named i, j, k, ...) Jan Dugacek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework Condition While loop For loop Exercise O Calculate the product of odd numbers between 23 and 37 O Calculate f^2sin(x2)dx O Calculate tt by computing the ratio between the integral of a constant and the integral of the circle function y — ±Vl x2 Hint: #i n c I u d e int main(int argc, char** argv) float x = 1; float y = sin(x); float z = sqrt(x); { You must add -lmath to the compiler arguments or it won't run) Jan Dugacek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework Arrays Problems with arrays Arrays of higher dimension Strings Exercise • Find primes lesser than 10000 using Eratostenes' sieve • Is it faster than trying to divide each number by all primes lesser than its square root? Jan Dugacek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework Arrays S E Arrays Problems with arrays Arrays of higher dimension Strings Exercise int a r ra y [ 1 0 ] ; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { a r ray [ i ] = 20 ; } int otherArray[] = {3, 1, 8, 27, 2412412}; • First, we create an array of 10 elements • Then we iterate through these 10 elements and set the value of each to 20 • continue makes the loop restart, but i is increased before the check (unlike in while) In the end, we create and initialise an array inline, its size is determined by the number of elements in the initialiser • Elements are indexed from zero! Jan Dugacek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework Arrays Problems with arrays Arrays of higher dimension Strings Exercise int a r ra y [ 1 0 ] ; int afterArray = 42; array [10] = 13; • The size of an array cannot be increased (it's a limitation of the way computers work) • The size of an array cannot depend on a variable in C++ if compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio • There are tricks around these issues • Because elements are indexed from zero, the last line writes at the 11th element of a 10 element array • Array boundaries are not checked, so writing there overwrites the variable behind the array Jan Dugacek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework Arrays of higher dimension Arrays Problems with arrays Arrays of higher dimension Strings Exercise int array [10] [10] ; array [8] [3] = 5; • Arrays can be of any dimension • In memory, they are written as unidimensional arrays, the location is calculated from the coordinates • They cannot be used as function arguments Jan Dugacek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework Arrays Problems with arrays Arrays of higher dimension Strings Exercise • A string is an array of variables of type char ^include int main(int arge, char** argv) { char text [] = "123" ; int num = atoi(text); • Because the size of an array cannot be learned, every string must end with a 0 (the 0 sign does not have numeric value 0) • Assigning a string into an integer assigns its address in memory • String can be converted into an integer with atoi (atof for float), if stdlib.h is included • If the array is defined elsewhere, the type is char* Jan Dugäcek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework Arrays Problems with arrays Arrays of higher dimension Strings Exercise O Create an array of first 10 odd numbers and print them afterwards O Create a pair of vectors of size 100, set some values to them and compute their dot product O Create a pair of 2D arrays of size 100x100, set some values into them and compute their matrix product Jan Dugacek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Calling functions Variables Defining functions Control const Arrays The main function Functions Homework Exercise char text [] = "123" ; int num = atoi(text); p r i n tf (" Con verted %s to %i " , text, num); A function call consists of the function's name and a list of comma-separated brackets in regular brackets We have already seen the usage of several functions Functions usually have fixed number of arguments with static types, but exceptions are common (like printf) printf deduces its arguments from the formatting string - °/0s is substituted by a string, °/0i by an integer, JJf by a float, the order must be the same A function can call itself recursively □ @1 ► 4 = ► 4 = 1= <\(y Jan Dugäcek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Calling functions Variables Defining functions Control const Arrays The main function Functions Homework Exercise float square(float num) { num = num * num; return num; } int main(int argc, char** argv) float a = 3.5; float b = square (a); { A function needs to be defined with a return type followed by its name and the comma-separated argument list in brackets Its arguments are copied into the variables created when the function is called, so the variables used in the call are not changed from inside the function Function ends when return is called, returning the value after the keyword as the function's result If a function is not meant to return anything, the return type is void and nothing follows the return keyword □ ifp - = 1= ^) <\(y Jan Dugäcek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Calling functions Variables Defining functions Control const Arrays The main function Functions Homework Exercise float square(const float num) { const result = num * num; return result; } • If a variable is declared as const, it cannot be changed (unless the program is writing at an incorrect address) • It's useful to make sure that some variables are not changed when they are assumed to be the same all the time they are defined o It's recommended to write const before every variable that does not need to be changed (it's called const correctness) 9 It allows the compiler to make additional assumptions about the code and optimise it better • Note: prefixes to variable types like this are called modifiers Jan Dugäcek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Calling functions Variables Defining functions Control const Arrays The main function Functions Homework Exercise i n t main(int arge, char** argv) { printf(" Hello world!"); return 0; } • It is the function called when the program starts • Its arguments are the space-separated command line arguments given by the user • Its return value is the program's return value, it should be 0 if the program finished correctly or something else if it failed; the number may indicate the reason of failure (in command lines, counterintuitively, 0 is true and anything else is false) Jan Dugäcek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Calling functions Variables Defining functions Control const Arrays The main function Functions Command line arguments Homework Exercise ^include int main(int arge, char** argv) { int num = atoi(argv[1]) ; • argv is an array of strings that were written as command line arguments • If the program is named prog, calling it as ./prog 12 will make the program start with ./prog in argv[0] and 12 in argv[l] • In this case, we convert argv[l] from string to a number and set it into variable num • argc contains the size of the argv array Jan Dugäcek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Calling functions Variables Defining functions Control const Arrays The main function Functions Homework Exercise O Create a function that computes the third power of its argument O Create a function that powers the first argument by the second argument, using float multiplication or division if the exponent is -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 9 Hint: #i n c I u d e int main(int argc, char** argv) { float x = 2; float eleventh PowerX = pow(x, 11); o You must add -lm to the compiler arguments or it won't run) Jan Dugäcek 2. Basic constructs Motivation Variables Control Arrays Functions Homework • Find the values of a, b and c where f(x) — a • ln(x • b) — b • ^200 — x • c + c has the smallest sum of second powers of values of f(l), f(2), ■■■ f(100) 9 Advanced homework: Create a calculator program that reads a formula with plus, minus, multiplication and division from command line arguments, assuming that all operations are brackets to avoid dealing with operator priority (you may want to assume that all numbers, signs and brackets are separated by breaks into different command line arguments or written all as one argument) <[fj]^ ^)0,O Jan Dugacek 2. Basic constructs