Smart pointers Inheritance Others Homework 8. Other useful things Ján Dugá£ek September 21, 2017 Ján Dugá£ek 8. Other useful things Smart pointers Inheritance Others Homework Table of Contents 1 Smart pointers What are they? std::shared_ptr std::unique_ptr A small problem std::weak_ptr Exercises 2 Inheritance Why? Multiple les Multiple include Separate compilation Performance considerations Exercises 3 Others Namespaces Streams auto Function pointers Lambda functions std::pair Exceptions Ján Dugá£ek 8. Other useful things Smart pointers Inheritance Others Homework What are they? std::shared_ptr std::unique_ptr A small problem std::weak_ptr Exercises Smart pointers: What are they? It is very easy to forget to delete some objects There are occasions where the program must decide when to delete the object in run time Smart pointers solve this with minimal time penalty Code with smart pointers is longer if typedef is not used wildly Ján Dugá£ek 8. Other useful things Smart pointers Inheritance Others Homework What are they? std::shared_ptr std::unique_ptr A small problem std::weak_ptr Exercises std::shared_ptr std::shared_ptr is a template class that holds a pointer that will be deleted when the last of its copies expires This is for cases where the pointer is copied on various places and there's no way of telling which one will hold it last There is a performance impact when creating, copying and destroying (it needs to keep track of its quantity), but dereferencing itself has no performance impact as the function call will be inlined by the compiler std : : shared_ptr a = std : : make_shared(4); std : : shared_ptr b = a ; ∗a = 5; i f (∗b == 5) Its usage is very similar to raw pointers, but its creation is slightly altered You need to include memory before using smart pointers Uninitialised smart pointer is nullptr Ján Dugá£ek 8. Other useful things Smart pointers Inheritance Others Homework What are they? std::shared_ptr std::unique_ptr A small problem std::weak_ptr Exercises std::unique_ptr std::unique_ptr is a template class that holds a pointer that will be deleted when the class expires The pointer is not to be copied, it's only meant to prevent you from forgetting to call the destructor There is no performance impact, because the destructor will be inlined during compilation std : : unique_ptr a = std : : make_unique(4); ∗a = 5; i f (a) ∗a = 6; Its usage is very similar to raw pointers, but its copying is restricted Its method reset() can be used to delete the contents (if not null) and replace it with new contents, its method swap() can be used to swap its contents with another std::unique_ptr Ján Dugá£ek 8. Other useful things Smart pointers Inheritance Others Homework What are they? std::shared_ptr std::unique_ptr A small problem std::weak_ptr Exercises A small problem struct a { std : : shared_ptr p ; }; std : : shared_ptr x = std : : make_shared(); std : : shared_ptr y = std : : make_shared(); x−>p = y ; y−>p = x ; In this case, both x and y are not deallocated, because x holds one copy of pointer to y and y holds one copy of pointer to x; you get a memory leak despite using smart pointers This can be dealt with something that checks the reachability of memory blocks and deletes what is unreachable, but it would lead to unwanted deletions if pointer arithmetic was used (but it's used in languages that don't allow pointer arithmetic, like Java) In C++, you have to explicitly declare the order of dependence Ján Dugá£ek 8. Other useful things Smart pointers Inheritance Others Homework What are they? std::shared_ptr std::unique_ptr A small problem std::weak_ptr Exercises std::weak_ptr std::weak_ptr is a copy of a shared pointer, but does not increase the reference count, it has to be converted to a (local variable) shared pointer before any use struct a { std : : shared_ptr p ; int value ; }; struct b { std : : weak_ptr p ; }; std : : shared_ptr x = std : : make_shared(); std : : shared_ptr y = std : : make_shared(); x−>p = y ; y−>p = x ; x−>p . lock()−>value = 2; Its method expired() checks if the contents it points to has been deallocated or not Ján Dugá£ek 8. Other useful things Smart pointers Inheritance Others Homework What are they? std::shared_ptr std::unique_ptr A small problem std::weak_ptr Exercises Exercises 1 Change your last homework (about XML) to use smart pointers Reminder: typedef std : : shared_ptr strPtr ; typedef std : : make_shared mkStrPtr ; // . . . strPtr s t r = mkStrPtr ("This i s shorter ! " ) ; Note: If you have not done your last homework, pick some other exercise that you have done and has a lot of dynamic allocation Ján Dugá£ek 8. Other useful things Smart pointers Inheritance Others Homework What are they? std::shared_ptr std::unique_ptr A small problem std::weak_ptr Exercises Multiple les // square . h f l o a t square ( f l o a t ) ; // Declaration // square . cpp f l o a t square ( f l o a t x) { // Definition return x ∗ x ; } // t e s s e r a c t . cpp #include " square . h" f l o a t t e s s e r a c t ( f l o a t x ) { return square ( square ( x ) ) ; } The denition may be in another le, it can be used as long as its declaration is available This must be compiled as g++ tesseract.cpp square.cpp std=c++11 -o tesseract (headers are not listed there) Ján Dugá£ek 8. Other useful things Smart pointers Inheritance Others Homework What are they? std::shared_ptr std::unique_ptr A small problem std::weak_ptr Exercises Multiple include We don't want one le to be included more than once, if 20 headers include themselves a header with a common function (like sqrt()), it will be compiled 20 times, possibly resulting in multiple denition The usual way of preventing this is to check if a macro is present, if not, declare it and include the contents #i f n d e f SQUARE_H #define SQUARE_H f l o a t square ( f l o a t ) ; // Everything e l s e here #endif #ifdef, #ifndef, #else and #endif decide which parts of the code are ignored when loading, it can also be used to add some debugging checks that can be easily disabled Ján Dugá£ek 8. Other useful things Smart pointers Inheritance Others Homework What are they? std::shared_ptr std::unique_ptr A small problem std::weak_ptr Exercises Separate compilation If the program is large, all the compilation data would not t into RAM and recompiling the whole thing from scratch after every little change would become very time-consuming The product of compilation does not have to be an executable le, it may be an object le (.o ax) and these object les are linked into an executable when all are done It's quite annoying to do manually, so it's usually done by makele scripts, here is a simple example (it compiles all .cpp les in its folder) Initialise it with cmake . and run it with make -j3 (use another number for a dierent number of CPU cores to use) project ( myAwesomeProject ) cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8) aux_source_directory ( . SRC_LIST) set (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} −std=c++14 −O3 −g") add_executable (${PROJECT_NAME} ${SRC_LIST}) include_directories (${GLIB_PKG_INCLUDE_DIRS}) t a rg e t _l i n k _l i b r ar i e s (${PROJECT_NAME} −pthread ) Ján Dugá£ek 8. Other useful things Smart pointers Inheritance Others Homework What are they? std::shared_ptr std::unique_ptr A small problem std::weak_ptr Exercises Performance considerations If a function is compiled and placed in dierent le, it cannot be inlined and the function call will really be a function call This is not a problem with larger functions where inlining would bloat the code and cause more cache misses in executed code If the function is short and does not require including large headers that slow down compilation too much, it makes sense to dene it in the header c l a s s bam { int bom; i n l i n e int getBom () { return bom; } i n l i n e void operator++() { bom++; } i n l i n e bam() : bom(0) {} }; Functions declared in a header would be compiled multiple times witch each le that includes it, so the inline modier must be used to make the compiler take care of it Ján Dugá£ek 8. Other useful things Smart pointers Inheritance Others Homework What are they? std::shared_ptr std::unique_ptr A small problem std::weak_ptr Exercises Exercises 1 Include your last homework (about XML) into a simple program that uses XML to save some data, but is written in dierent le(s) than your XML library Note: If you have not done your last homework, pick some other exercise that you have done and reminds of a library Ján Dugá£ek 8. Other useful things Smart pointers Inheritance Others Homework Why? Multiple les Multiple include Separate compilation Performance considerations Exercises Namespaces Namespace is like a folder for functions, classes and such, to allow entities with the same name to be used in the same le without problems namespace expectations { const int expectedSize = 20; } // . . . for ( int i = 0; i < expectations : : expectedSize ; i++) { Various entities can be set into one namespace at dierent locations We can omit the namespace if we set it using expectations : : expectedSize ; // . . . for ( int i = 0; i < expectedSize ; i++) { We can enable omitting an entire namespace as well using namespace std ; // . . . shared_ptr a = make_shared("Hi there " ) ; Ján Dugá£ek 8. Other useful things Smart pointers Inheritance Others Homework Why? Multiple les Multiple include Separate compilation Performance considerations Exercises Streams Stream is a generalised interface for reading and writing text Streams for reading inherit from std::istream and streams for writing inherit from std::ostream Stream for program input is std::cin, for program output are std::cout and std::cerr, for les are std::ifstream and std::ofstream (input and output respectively), for writing into string is std::stringstream, headers are iostream, fstream and sstream respectively std : : ofstream fs (" the_reply . txt " , std : : ofstream : : out ) ; i f (! fs . good ()) return ; // Check i f i t didn ' t break ; fs << "The f i l e was written . " << std : : endl ; fs . close ( ) ; std : : stringstream ss ; ss << "We have found " << bodies << " bodies . " << std : : endl ; std : : s t r i n g got = ss . s t r ( ) ; Ján Dugá£ek 8. Other useful things Smart pointers Inheritance Others Homework Why? Multiple les Multiple include Separate compilation Performance considerations Exercises auto Sometimes, the type name is terribly long, but easy to determine from the type assigned In this case, the type name can be replaced with auto that derives it from the return type when compiling It's not dynamic typing, the type is known at compile time, it's just deduced when reading std : : unordered_map> m; // . . . for ( auto i t = m. begin ( ) ; i t != m. end ( ) ; ++i t ) { Ján Dugá£ek 8. Other useful things Smart pointers Inheritance Others Homework Why? Multiple les Multiple include Separate compilation Performance considerations Exercises Function pointers A function is, in assembly, identied by its location in program memory Although we cannot read nor write into program memory, we can choose which part to execute The function types must be respected, because we still need to know what arguments to give it so that it would work f l o a t (∗ sqrtPtr )( f l o a t ) = sqrt ; f l o a t a = sqrtPtr (4); This works also in C Function pointers can be assigned to class members and used as a pseudo-method that can be changed (this also works in C), but occupies space in memory and has no access to member variables It's often used to call a function that would call a given function on its arguments (i.e. a sorting function that accepts a container and a function that compares two elements) Ján Dugá£ek 8. Other useful things Smart pointers Inheritance Others Homework Why? Multiple les Multiple include Separate compilation Performance considerations Exercises Lambda functions Lambda function is a function declared within a function that can use variables that surround it It's commonly used to avoid repeating parts of code without dening a function that needs to be placed elsewhere and may need a load of arguments; lambdas are very easily inlined It may be used instead of a function pointer (note that it's not a function pointer itself), with the benet of keeping its surrounding variables with itself f l o a t power = 0.5; std : : function root = [&] ( f l o a t x ) −> f l o a t { return pow(x , power ) ; }; f l o a t sqrt3 = root (3); The part between square brackets is called capture area [] means that no variables are accessible, [&] means all are taken by reference and [=] means that all are copied (copying is necessary if the lambda's lifetime exceeds the variables' lifetime) Ján Dugá£ek 8. Other useful things Smart pointers Inheritance Others Homework Why? Multiple les Multiple include Separate compilation Performance considerations Exercises Lambda functions #2 Variables not mentioned in the lambda code are not copied or referenced or anything std::function can contain both a function and a lambda Because the lambda's type is rather complicated and can be easily determined from the assignment part, it's useful to use auto (its main disadvantage is that it prevents the lambda function from calling itself) If an argument to lambda has type auto, the lambda is a template Ján Dugá£ek 8. Other useful things Smart pointers Inheritance Others Homework Why? Multiple les Multiple include Separate compilation Performance considerations Exercises std::pair Sometimes, it's practical to wrap two variables into a single variable without creating a custom class for it auto divide = [ ] ( int x , int y) −> std : : pair { return std : : make_pair (( f l o a t ) x / ( f l o a t )y , x / y ) ; }; std : : pair got = divide (3 , 4); std : : cout << " Either " << got . second << " or " << got . f i r s t ; std::map and std::unordered_map have a std::pair of the value and its index in their iterators It's very much like: template struct pair { T1 f i r s t ; T2 second ; }; Ján Dugá£ek 8. Other useful things Smart pointers Inheritance Others Homework Why? Multiple les Multiple include Separate compilation Performance considerations Exercises Exceptions Sometimes a le fails to open, sometimes a le has some errors, sometimes a user interrupts a process, sometimes something is set badly and the program needs to be ready for it, a crash would lead to unsaved data being lost It can be done with a lot of if checks, but they might be needed in such quantities that it would slow down the program and be very tricky to code So, if an exception is thrown, the execution will leave all blocks until a proper catch block is found int ∗∗ readData ( std : : s t r i n g f i l e ) { std : : ifstream in ( f i l e ) ; i f (! in . good ()) throw ( std : : s t r i n g (" Shit happened" ) ) ; // . . . try { data = readData ("/dev/ n u l l " ) ; } catch ( std : : s t r i n g happened ) { std : : cout << "Problem : " << happened << std : : endl ; } Ján Dugá£ek 8. Other useful things Smart pointers Inheritance Others Homework Why? Multiple les Multiple include Separate compilation Performance considerations Exercises Exceptions #2 The try block takes a lot of memory, exception throwing is slow, but as long as the number of try block is low and no exception is thrown, the performance impact is small compared to the performance impact of a lot of checks Exceptions should therefore be used only if the behaviour is exceptional Some parts of memory may not be deallocated because the delete part was not reached, leading to memory leaks, it can be avoided with a unique pointer (destructors are called) If new fails to allocate memory (full RAM, for example), exception of type std::bad_alloc is thrown Standard exceptions should be child classes of std::exception that has a what() method that returns a string that was used in its constructor, typical exception types used are std::logic_error (to detect bad programming) and std::runtime_error (to report errors that happen due to bad circumstances) There may be specialised catch blocks for each exception type, with child types before parent classes (parent catch would otherwise catch the child exception); catch(...) catches everything, but because it does not know the type, there is nothing it can report except that an exception was thrown Ján Dugá£ek 8. Other useful things Smart pointers Inheritance Others Homework Namespaces Streams auto Function pointers Lambda functions std::pair Exceptions Homework Create a math library (with header and code parts) that has real numbers, complex numbers and quaternions (complex number is real number with some extras, quaternion is a complex number with some extras) that use inheritance for common operations like addition and subtraction (you can use real number addition to add a real number to a complex number), supports also multiplication and throws exceptions if something is done badly (assigning a complex number to a real number if the complex number has an imaginary part) Write a few functions that use it in a dierent le About quaternions: Advanced homework: Same as the regular one, but implement also inverse, division and square root (selecting only one possible result if more are possible) Ján Dugá£ek 8. Other useful things