EARTH SCIENCE 2 IN THIS LESSON WE ARE GOING TO: q revise vocabulary from the previous lesson q discuss geological disciplines q learn how to define q learn where to write commas in relative clauses q learn how to classify q discuss the importance of science • VOCABULARY •interaction •environment •bacterium x bacteria •application •petroleum •ore deposit •microbes •chemical element •to determine •implication •statistics •water flow •to respond (to) • • •analyse x analysis x analyses •occurence •properties •composition •boundary •bottom topography •chronology •formation of rocks •basin •stratigraphy •seismic •tectonic plates •to focus on • • • DEFINING Thing to be defined group (general class) characteristics Botanist is a person who/that studies plants. Seed is a small round or oval object produced by a plant and from which, when it is planted, a new plant can grow. Oxygen is a colourless gas that forms a large part of the air on Earth and which is needed by people, animals and plants to live. HOW DO THESE SENTENCES DIFFER? • • •He went to school which was shocking. •He went to school, which was shocking. MATCH THE FOLLOWING PARTS: •It makes distant objects appear nearer and larger. •It gives information on subjects in alphabetical order. •He studies plants. •It makes very small near objects appear larger. •It is long and round with a dark green skin and light green watery flesh. •It has four equal sides and four right angles. •It can be stored away for future use • •A microscope is an instrument •A botanist is a person •A square is a geometric figure •A cucumber is a vegetable •An encyclopedia is a book •Tapes and disks are memory devices • CLASSIFYING •Different types of sleep exist that have been classified into two main types (dream sleep and deep sleep). •Some evidence may consist of tightly controlled laboratory experiments on genetics. •This massive coral is now composed of calcite. •The land is divided into islands. •Protein is made up of amino acids. •The E. coli genome comprises about 4 x 10 6 base pairs of DNA. •DNA consists of two strands. •Troops of macaques are composed of both sexes. •Apple trees are made up of two parts. •The primates could be classified into five grades of socio-ecological adaptation. •Cultural behaviour is therefore most likely to be found in species that form social groups . •Female workers constitute the majority of the labour force. • SOURCES • • •Some parts adapted from the lesson by Hana Němcová