Angličtina pro geografy I
- If you have any questions you can write me an email or see me in my office hours
- Office hours: any time arranged by email
There is no textbook. The materials are available in the information system. You are expected to print them out every week and bring the printed materials to seminars.
With higher level you may have different expectations - see the language centre website for the current offer.
The coursework is aimed at moving towards B1+ and B2 level skills needed for reading, listening, speaking and writing, connected with academic skills.
Active work and cooperation in classes is required.
Homework is compulsory. Coming unprepared for the lesson may result in counting an absence for this lesson.
Mobile devices are allowed in classes; but only for learning English and searching for relevant information. Other uses are unacceptable and may result in expulsion from the course.
Credit test in Week 13 with 60% correct answers.