"Notes on the current revision (V5.1, 18/03/2018)" "CICES should be used in association with the accompanying document: Haines-Young, R. and M.B. Potschin (2018): Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES) V5.1 and Guidance on the Application of the Revised Structure. " 1 "CICES V5.1 retains four level hierarchical structure of V4.3, and the facility for users to add class-types below the class level is retained. The nomenclature has been modified in order to ensure that it is more clearly seen as a 'functional' classification. The Group level descriptors are now framed in a way the ecosystem that are ultimately useful to people (e.g. nutrition), while the Divisional level captures functional attributes, or the ecosystem properties under consideration, that facilitate human use (directly or indirectly). Both these dimensions are now reflected in the class definition (see below)." 2 "The class definitions seeks to combine an 'ecological' and a 'use' clause, and in the spreadsheet these are kept separate to check syntax. When quoting these classes should be combined; note, however, in understanding what the classes cover the inheritance properties of the hierarchal structure is retained." 3 To help users apply definitions simple/non-technical class descriptors are provided. Application specific labels can be used with appropriate cross referencing to classes. 4 "Example services and example benefits associated with them are provided, along with reference to underpinning literature; these form part of the guidelines for V5.1. The spreadsheet does not retain the examples from V4.3, which were not satisfactory because they sometimes conflated services and benefits. Note the examples are not intended to be comprehensive - but indicative." 5 "In order that classes can, where appropriate, be aggregated, equivalent classes for cultivated crops and reared animals have been added under 'Nutrition', 'Materials', and 'Energy' . This also made it easier to include abiotic ecosystem outputs (see below) in the same classification logic if required. The modification of the Division and Group level descriptors in V5.1 compared to earlier versions for Provisioning Services (Biotic) enables aggregation for accounting purposes when end-use is not known." 6 'Cultivated crops' has been renamed 'cultivated plants'. The definition reflects the discussion in the wider community about their status as a final service; the definition shows the service to be the 'contribution that ecosystems make' to the growth of cultivated crops - but the guidance will recognise that in practice this is measured not by some apportionment of 'natures contribution' to the joint production but usually some overall measure of crop output. Similar logic carries over into the services involving reared animals and cultivation of plants for materials and energy. 7 "The class 'Materials from plants, algae and animals for agricultural use' has been dropped from V5.1 to avoid the overlap with other materials classes." 8 "The Division 'Genetic material from all biota (including seed, spore or gamete production)' has been added, with subdivisions to cover the collection of materials for the establishment of maintenance of new stands or population of plants or animals, the use of plants and animals at the whole organism level for breeding purposes, and gene extraction. The collection of materials for reproduction is therefore excluded from the other classes dealing with 'materials'. Note, the maintenance of nursery populations (a regulating service) is distinct from the collection of materials for establishing or maintaining a population because the former deals with outputs at the habitat level and the latter covers the collection of specific types of material for use elsewhere." 9 "The Division level in 'Regulating and maintenance' has been modified; flows are now part of 'Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions', since they are referring to 'physical conditions'" 10 Flood protection' has been merged with 'Hydrological cycle and water flow maintenance' to avoid double counting. 11 "Fire protection has been added under the Group 'Mediation of nuisances'. However, some people feel this should not be added since vegetation generally contributes to fire risk. It has been included to allow the classification to be as comprehensive and as widely applicable as possible." 12 "Gas/Air flows distinguished in V4.3 have been dropped as a Group in V5.1 because of the overlap with the ways ecosystems regulate local climate; 'wind protection' is included in the set of classes covering flows and the definition of classes under 'Atmospheric composition and conditions' have been modified to clarify what they cover, and remove any overlap with wind/flood protection (Hydrological cycle and water flow maintenance)" 13 "The classification of cultural services have been redesigned complied with V4.3, and Division level now separates in-situ and remote opportunities. There is a simple read across between the V4.3 classes and the new ones in V5.1." 14 "Under 'Physical and experiential interactions with natural environment' there is now a separation between opportunities for active engagement (walking, sailing) and passive engagement (observation, smells, sounds)" 15 Abiotic services have been included in the current version since they broadly follow the same classification logic. The user can chose to include or exclude these by using the filter in Column A. Choose 'CICES' to show how V5.1 relates to V4.3; select 'CICES extended' for the abiotic classification. See Note 15 for status of 'water' as a provisioning service. 16 "While it could be argued that water as a source of nutrition, materials or energy should be placed within the abiotic table, it has been retained within CICES to ensure that V5.1 is as consistent with V4.3 as possible. However, the qualifier (Abiotic) has been added to the labels at Section level. Users can display 'water' either with or without the biotic/abiotic categories by using the text filters for column A & B: >>In Column A selecting 'CICES' includes water with ecosystem services that depend on biotic ecosystem components. Water can be excluded from this list by using the filter for column B - deselect 'Provisioning (abiotic)'. >>In Colum A selecting 'CICES_extended' displays all abiotic ecosystem outputs excluding water. To display all abiotic categories including water, use the filter for column B and select all elements with an 'abiotic 'label. >> (e.g. text filter 'abiotic' displays water with the other abiotic elements; text filter 'biotic' displays CICES without water; filter 'CICES' displays classes in a similar way to V4.3, etc., except that water appears at the end of the Table." 17 "Column Q, ('Marine CICES') indicates those CICES Classes that are considered relevant in the marine context as an example of how the classification might be 'customised' in a particular context. It allows a filter to be applied to hide those classes that are not considered important. This is based on the work synthesised by Royo Gelabert, (2016) (see Guidance Document for details). Only biotic outputs were considered in the study." 18 "Columns R-U given equivalences between the CICES V5.1 classes and the categories used by IPBES, the MA and TEEB. Further information and discussion of these cross-comparisons are to be found in the accompanying guidance and in other documentation on the CICES website (www.cices.eu)." 19 The reference error in the IPBES lookup colum has been corrected in this version. ##### Sheet/List 2 ##### CICES V5.1 1/1/2018 Filter Section Division Group Class Code Class type V4.3 Equivalent Code(4.3) Simple descriptor Ecological clause Use clause Example Service Example Goods and Benefits Literature examples for individual services Literature examples for multiple ecosystem services Marine CICES (Relevance) IPBES Code IPBES Name MA TEEB CICES Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Cultivated terrestrial plants for nutrition, materials or energy " "Cultivated terrestrial plants (including fungi, algae) grown for nutritional purposes" "Crops by amount, type (e.g. cereals, root crops, soft fruit, etc.)" Cultivated crops Any crops and fruits grown by humans for food; food crops "The ecological contribution to the growth of cultivated, land-based crops….. " …that can be harvested and used as raw material for the production of food Standing wheat crop before harvest (Proxy for: ecosystem contribution to growth of harvestable wheat) "Harvested crop; Grain in farmer's store; flour, bread" "Maes et al., 2016, Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services: This report assesses a variety of ecosystem services across the different sections, such as crop production, water provision, air quality regulation and recreation. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Joachim_Maes2/publication/274256807_Mapping_and_Assessment_of_Ecosystems_and_their_Services_Trends_in_ecosystems_and_ecosystem_services_in_the_European_Union_between_2000_and_2010/links/551a75170cf26cbb81a2d90e.pdf" 0 12 Food and feed Food Food CICES Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Cultivated terrestrial plants for nutrition, materials or energy " "Fibres and other materials from cultivated plants, fungi, algae and bacteria for direct use or processing (excluding genetic materials)" "Material by amount, type, use, media (land, soil, freshwater, marine)" "Fibres and other materials from plants, algae and animals for direct use or processing" "Material from plants, fungi, algae or bacterial that we can use" "The ecological contribution to the production of plants, fungi, algae or bacterial…" …that can be harvested and used as raw material for non-nutritional purposes Harvestable surplus of annual tree growth Processed timber (Volume of harvested wood) "forest provisioning services: Kalaba et al., 2013, Contribution of forest provisioning ecosystem services to rural livelihoods in the Mimbo woodlands of Zambia. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11111-013-0189-5" 0 "13, 14" "Materials and assistance, Medicinal, biochemical and genetic resources" "Fibre, Timber, Ornamental, Biochemical" "Raw materials, medicinal resources" CICES Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Cultivated terrestrial plants for nutrition, materials or energy " "Cultivated plants (including fungi, algae) grown as a source of energy " "By amount, type, source" Plant-based resources Plant materials used as a source of energy The ecological contribution to the growth of cultivated crops….. …that can be harvested and used as a source of biomass-based energy Standing crop of Miscanthus at time of harvest Energy production 0 11 Energy "Fibre, Timber, Ornamental, Biochemical" "Raw materials, medicinal resources" CICES Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Cultivated aquatic plants for nutrition, materials or energy " Plants cultivated by in- situ aquaculture grown for nutritional purposes "Plants, algae by amount, type" Plants and algae from in-situ aquaculture Plants that are cultivated in fresh or salt water that we eat The ecological contribution to the growth of plants and algae under aquaculture…. …that can be harvested and used as raw material for the production of food Harvestable surplus of seaweed biomass in situ Vitamin supplement 1 12 Food and feed Food Food CICES Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Cultivated aquatic plants for nutrition, materials or energy " Fibres and other materials from in-situ aquaculture for direct use or processing (excluding genetic materials) "Plants, algae by amount, type" Plants and algae from in-situ aquaculture Plants that are cultivated in fresh or salt water that we can use as a material The ecological contribution to the growth of plants and algae under aquaculture…. …that can be harvested and used as raw material for non-nutritional purposes Harvestable surplus of seaweed biomass in situ Seaweed as an insulating material 1 "13, 14" "Materials and assistance, Medicinal, biochemical and genetic resources" "Fibre, Timber, Ornamental, Biochemical" "Raw materials, medicinal resources" CICES Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Cultivated aquatic plants for nutrition, materials or energy " Plants cultivated by in- situ aquaculture grown as an energy source "Plants, algae by amount, type" Plants and algae from in-situ aquaculture Plants that are cultivated in fresh or salt water that we can use as an energy source The ecological contribution to the growth of plants and algae under aquaculture…. …that can be harvested and used as a source of energy Harvestable surplus of seaweed biomass in situ Seaweed as a source of energy 1 11 Energy "Fibre, Timber, Ornamental, Biochemical" "Raw materials, medicinal resources" CICES Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Reared animals for nutrition, materials or energy " Animals reared for nutritional purposes "Animals, products by amount, type (e.g. beef, dairy)" Reared animals and their outputs Livestock raised in housing and/or grazed outdoors The ecological contribution to the rearing of domesticated land-based animals and their outputs… …that can be used as raw material for the production of food Increase in weight or numbers of cattle herd per year [previously the grass feeding these animals was considered the final service ] "Meat produced at abattoir, eggs, milk sold on farm or in shops" 0 12 Food and feed Food Food CICES Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Reared animals for nutrition, materials or energy " Fibres and other materials from reared animals for direct use or processing (excluding genetic materials) "Material by amount, type, use, media (land, soil, freshwater, marine)" "Materials from plants, algae and animals for agricultural use" Material from animals that we can use The ecological contribution to the production of animal matter… …that can be harvested and used as raw material for non-nutritional purposes Harvestable number and quality of animal skins in herd Hide products 0 "13, 14" "Materials and assistance, Medicinal, biochemical and genetic resources" "Fibre, Timber, Ornamental, Biochemical" "Raw materials, medicinal resources" CICES Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Reared animals for nutrition, materials or energy " Animals reared to provide energy (including mechanical) "By amount, type, source" Animal-based resources & Animal-based mechanical energy & Animal materials used as a source of energy or for traction The ecological contribution to domesticated or wild animal species whose outputs… …that can provide a source of energy "Volume of dung or number of animals used for traction" Cooking fuel or Haulage "Energy from manure: Yirode et al., 2009, Nonmarket co-benefits and economic feasibility of on-farm biogas energy production. Energy policy, 37(3), pp.1170-1179." "Energy from manure: Yirode et al., 2009, Nonmarket co-benefits and economic feasibility of on-farm biogas energy production" 0 11 Energy "Fibre, Timber, Ornamental, Biochemical" "Raw materials, medicinal resources" CICES Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Reared aquatic animals for nutrition, materials or energy " Animals reared by in-situ aquaculture for nutritional purposes "Animals by amount, type" Animals from in-situ aquaculture Animals that are cultivated in fresh or salt water that we eat. The ecological contribution to the growth of cultivated aquatic animals …. …that can be used as raw material for the production of food Harvestable stock of bivalves Seafood (e.g. mussels) 1 12 Food and feed Food Food CICES Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Reared aquatic animals for nutrition, materials or energy " Fibres and other materials from animals grown by in-situ aquaculture for direct use or processing (excluding genetic materials) "Animals by amount, type" Animals from in-situ aquaculture Animals that are cultivated in fresh or salt water that we can use as a material. The ecological contribution to the growth of cultivated aquatic animals …. …that can be harvested and used as raw material for non-nutritional purposes Harvestable pearls produced by oyster beds Pearls used for adornment 1 "13, 14" "Materials and assistance, Medicinal, biochemical and genetic resources" "Fibre, Timber, Ornamental, Biochemical" "Raw materials, medicinal resources" CICES Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Reared aquatic animals for nutrition, materials or energy " Animals reared by in-situ aquaculture as an energy source "Animals by amount, type" Animals from in-situ aquaculture Animals that are cultivated in fresh or salt water that we can use as a source of energy. The ecological contribution to the growth of cultivated aquatic animals …. …that can provide a source of energy Biogas from aquaculture waste Energy production 1 11 Energy "Fibre, Timber, Ornamental, Biochemical" "Raw materials, medicinal resources" CICES Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Wild plants (terrestrial and aquatic) for nutrition, materials or energy " "Wild plants (terrestrial and aquatic, including fungi, algae) used for nutrition" "Plants, algae by amount, type" "Wild plants, algae and their outputs" Food from wild plants Parts of the standing biomass of a non-cultivated plant species… …that can be harvested and used for the production of food "Harvestable volume of wild berries or wild mushrooms, Or Benthic macroalgae (e.g. Dulse, Laminaria (Kelp)) and macrophytes (e.g. Salicornia and other saltmarsh plants) harvested in the shallow sublittoral and/or littoral zone" Berries as food or for the production of jam "Wild food in Europe as an ecosystem survive, both food from wild plants and animals. Schulp et al., 2014, Wild food in Europe: A synthesis of knowledge and data of terrestrial wild food as an ecosystem service. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921800914001980" 1 12 Food and feed Food Food CICES Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Wild plants (terrestrial and aquatic) for nutrition, materials or energy " Fibres and other materials from wild plants for direct use or processing (excluding genetic materials) "Plants, algae by amount, type" "Wild plants, algae and their outputs" Materials from wild plants Parts of the standing biomass of a non-cultivated plant species… …that can be harvested and used as raw material for non-nutritional purposes "Harvestable volume of reeds Or Macroalgae used for thickening agents, agar and superconductor electrodes " Roofing material 1 "13, 14" "Materials and assistance, Medicinal, biochemical and genetic resources" "Fibre, Timber, Ornamental, Biochemical" "Raw materials, medicinal resources" CICES Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Wild plants (terrestrial and aquatic) for nutrition, materials or energy " "Wild plants (terrestrial and aquatic, including fungi, algae) used as a source of energy" Material by type/source Not recognised in V4.3 N/A "Materials from wild plants, fungi and algae used for energy" "Parts of the standing biomass of a non-cultivated plant, fungi, algae or bacteria species…" …that can be harvested and used as and energy source "Volume of harvested wood " Fuel wood "Makungwa et al., 2013, Fuelwood Supply: A Missed Essential Component in a Food Security Equation. http://pubs.sciepub.com/jfs/1/2/6/index.html" 1 11 Energy "Fibre, Timber, Ornamental, Biochemical" "Raw materials, medicinal resources" CICES Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Wild animals (terrestrial and aquatic) for nutrition, materials or energy " Wild animals (terrestrial and aquatic) used for nutritional purposes "Animals by amount, type" Wild animals and their outputs Food from wild animals "Non-domesticated, wild animal species and their outputs…" …that can be used as raw material for the production of food "Harvestable surplus of cod population, or deer population" "Cod liver oil, Venison joint" "Deer populations: Knoche and Lupi, 2007, Valuing deer hunting ecosystem services from farm landscapes. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921800907004168" 1 12 Food and feed Food Food CICES Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Wild animals (terrestrial and aquatic) for nutrition, materials or energy " Fibres and other materials from wild animals for direct use or processing (excluding genetic materials) Material by type/source Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Materials from wild animals Materials from wild animals…. …that can be harvested and used as raw material for non-nutritional uses "Reindeer skins Or Zooplankton – jellyfish used to produce collagen for various purposes" Hide products 1 "13, 14" "Materials and assistance, Medicinal, biochemical and genetic resources" "Fibre, Timber, Ornamental, Biochemical" "Raw materials, medicinal resources" CICES Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Wild animals (terrestrial and aquatic) for nutrition, materials or energy " Wild animals (terrestrial and aquatic) used as a source of energy "By amount, type, source" Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Material from wild animals that can be used as a source of energy Biomass from wild animals…. …that can be used as a source of energy "Seal blubber used by traditional cultures in lamps Or Sand eels (Historical) or Cetaceans" Fuel source 1 11 Energy "Fibre, Timber, Ornamental, Biochemical" "Raw materials, medicinal resources" CICES Provisioning (Biotic) "Genetic material from all biota (including seed, spore or gamete production)" "Genetic material from plants, algae or fungi" "Seeds, spores and other plant materials collected for maintaining or establishing a population" By species or varieties Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Seed collection Seeds and spores and other plant materials… …that can be used to maintain or establish a new population Seeds or spores that we can harvest Wild plant seed for commercial sale 1 "1, 13, 14" "Habitat creation and maintenance, Materials and assistance, Medicinal, biochemical and genetic resources" Genetic materials Genetic materials CICES Provisioning (Biotic) "Genetic material from all biota (including seed, spore or gamete production)" "Genetic material from plants, algae or fungi" Higher and lower plants (whole organisms) used to breed new strains or varieties By species or varieties Genetic materials from all biota Plants. fungi or algae that we can use for breeding "Wild plants, fungi algae and bacteria …" …that can be used to maintain populations or develop new varieties Population of plant algae or fungi species used to in breeding programmes "Plant, algae or fungi species with novel characteristics that increase yields or reduce costs by resisting diseases or pests" "Ford-Lloyd, B.V., Schmidt, M., Armstrong, S.J., Barazani, O., Engels, J., Hadas, R., Hammer, K., Kell, S.P., Kang, D., Khoshbakht, K. and Li, Y., 2011. Crop wild relatives—undervalued, underutilized and under threat?. BioScience, 61(7), pp.559-565." 1 14 "Medicinal, biochemical and genetic resources" Genetic materials Genetic materials CICES Provisioning (Biotic) "Genetic material from all biota (including seed, spore or gamete production)" "Genetic material from plants, algae or fungi" Individual genes extracted from higher and lower plants for the design and construction of new biological entities Material by type Genetic materials from all biota Genetic material from wild plants. fungi or algae that we can use "Generic information or material from plants, fungi algae and bacteria …" …that can be used in gene synthesis Harvestable share of population of plant species used to extract genes Creation of artificial gene products 1 14 "Medicinal, biochemical and genetic resources" Genetic materials Genetic materials CICES Provisioning (Biotic) "Genetic material from all biota (including seed, spore or gamete production)" Genetic material from animals Animal material collected for the purposes of maintaining or establishing a population By species or varieties Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Animals used for replenishing stock …that can be used to maintain or establish a new population Spat for fish and shellfish farms Reduced costs of production 1 "1, 13, 14" "Habitat creation and maintenance, Materials and assistance, Medicinal, biochemical and genetic resources" Genetic materials Genetic materials CICES Provisioning (Biotic) "Genetic material from all biota (including seed, spore or gamete production)" Genetic material from animals Wild animals (whole organisms) used to breed new strains or varieties By species or varieties Genetic materials from all biota Wild animals that we can use for breeding Wild animals … …that can be used to maintain populations or develop new varieties Population of animals used in breeding programmes Animals with novel characteristics that increase yields or reduce costs by resisting diseases or pests 1 14 "Medicinal, biochemical and genetic resources" Genetic materials Genetic materials CICES Provisioning (Biotic) "Genetic material from all biota (including seed, spore or gamete production)" Genetic material from organisms Individual genes extracted from organisms for the design and construction of new biological entities Material by type Genetic materials from all biota The genetic information that is stored in wild animals that we can use Generic material from animals … …that can be used in gene synthesis "Harvestable share of population of a given species used to extract genes " Creation of a novel micro-organism to help produce a pharmaceutical product 1 14 "Medicinal, biochemical and genetic resources" Genetic materials Genetic materials CICES Provisioning (Biotic) Other types of provisioning service from biotic sources Other Other 1.3.X.X Use nested codes to allocate other provisioning services from living systems to appropriate Groups and Classes Not recognised in V4.3 N/A 1 - Not assigned No equivalent No equivalent CICES Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) Transformation of biochemical or physical inputs to ecosystems Mediation of wastes or toxic substances of anthropogenic origin by living processes "Bio-remediation by micro-organisms, algae, plants, and animals" By type of living system or by waste or subsistence type "Bio-remediation by micro-organisms, algae, plants, and animals" Decomposing wastes "Transformation of an organic or inorganic substance by a species of plant, animal, bacteria, fungi or algae…" …that mitigates its harmful effects and reduces the costs of disposal by other means "Bio-remediation of industrial wastes by disposal on agricultural land Or Bacteria such as Marionobacter that can break the oil down into simple monomers" Sustainable disposal of wastes "Hinga, K.R. and Batchellor, A., 2005. Waste processing and detoxification. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Series, Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Current State and Trends Vol, 1." 1 "8, 10" "Formation, protection and decontamination of soils and sediments, Regulation of organisms detrimental to humans" "Water purification and water treatment, air quality regulation" "Waste treatment (water purification), air quality regulation" CICES Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) Transformation of biochemical or physical inputs to ecosystems Mediation of wastes or toxic substances of anthropogenic origin by living processes "Filtration/sequestration/storage/accumulation by micro-organisms, algae, plants, and animals" "By type of living system, or by water or substance type" "Filtration/sequestration/storage/accumulation by micro-organisms, algae, plants, and animals And Filtration/sequestration/storage/accumulation by ecosystems " & Filtering wastes "The fixing and storage of an organic or inorganic substance by a species of plant, animal, bacteria, fungi or algae" …that mitigates its harmful effects and reduces the costs of disposal by other means "Dust filtration by urban trees Or Macrophytes, for example salt marsh grass, can trap particles in their roots, sequestering wastes/toxicants in the sediment (Govers et al. 2014)" Reduction in respiratory disease 1 3 Regulation of air quality "Water purification and water treatment, air quality regulation" "Waste treatment (water purification), air quality regulation" CICES Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) Transformation of biochemical or physical inputs to ecosystems Mediation of nuisances of anthropogenic origin Smell reduction By type of living system Mediation of smell/noise/visual impacts Reducing smells The reduction in the impact of odours on people… "…that mitigates its harmful or stressful effect, or the cost of the nuisance" "Shelter belts that filter particulates that carry odours Or Birds, epifauna, infauna and bacterial communities contribute to this service by removing material such as rotting algal mats, which is in the littoral zone or offshore but could potentially wash up on shore and produce olfactory and visual impacts" Reduction in nuisance effect of smells from animal lots 1 3 Regulation of air quality "Water purification and water treatment, air quality regulation" "Waste treatment (water purification), air quality regulation" CICES Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) Transformation of biochemical or physical inputs to ecosystems Mediation of nuisances of anthropogenic origin Noise attenuation By type of living system Mediation of smell/noise/visual impacts Reducing noise The reduction in the impact of noise on people… "…that mitigates its harmful or stressful effect, or the cost of the nuisance" Shelter belts along motorways Low noise environment "Noise attenuation by trees in urban settings: Fang et al., 2003, Investigation of the noise reduction provided by tree belts. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/222574735_Investigation_of_the_noise_reduction_provided_by_tree_belts" 0 9 Regulation of hazards and extreme events "Water purification and water treatment, air quality regulation?" "Water purification and water treatment, air quality regulation?" CICES Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) Transformation of biochemical or physical inputs to ecosystems Mediation of nuisances of anthropogenic origin Visual screening By type of living system Mediation of smell/noise/visual impacts Screening unsightly things The reduction in the visual impact of human structures on people… "…that mitigates its harmful or stressful effect, or the cost of the nuisance" Shelter belts around industrial structures Visual amenity 1 9 Regulation of hazards and extreme events "Water purification and water treatment, air quality regulation?" "Water purification and water treatment, air quality regulation?" CICES Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Regulation of baseline flows and extreme events Control of erosion rates "By reduction in risk, area protected" Stabilisation and control of erosion rates Controlling or preventing soil loss The reduction in the loss of material by virtue of the stabilising effects of the presence of plants and animals… …that mitigates or prevents potential damage to human use of the environment or human health and safety "The capacity of vegetation to prevent or reduce the incidence of soil erosion Or Macroalgae, microphytobenthos, macrophytes and biogenic reef structures (epifauna and infauna) all contribute through sediment stabilisation" Reduction of damage (and associated costs) of sediment input to water courses "Reducing water-induced erosion: Frank et al., 2014, Making use of the ecosystem services concept in regional planning - trade-offs from reducing water erosion. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10980-014-9992-3/fulltext.html" 1 8 "Formation, protection and decontamination of soils and sediments" Erosion regulation Erosion prevention CICES Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Regulation of baseline flows and extreme events Buffering and attenuation of mass movement "By reduction in risk, area protected" Buffering and attenuation of mass flows Stopping landslides and avalanches harming people The reduction in the speed of movement of solid material by virtue of the stabilising effects of the presence of plants and animals… …that mitigates or prevents potential damage to human use of the environment or human health and safety The capacity of forest cover to prevent or mitigate the extent and force of snow avalanche Reduction in cost to human lives and physical damage to infrastructure 1 9 Regulation of hazards and extreme events Erosion regulation Erosion prevention CICES Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Regulation of baseline flows and extreme events "Hydrological cycle and water flow regulation (Including flood control, and coastal protection)" By depth/volumes "Hydrological cycle and water flow maintenance And Flood protection" & Regulating the flows of water in our environment The regulation of water flows by virtue of the chemical and physical properties or characteristics of ecosystems…. "…that assists people in managing and using hydrological systems, and mitigates or prevents potential damage to human use, health or safety" "The capacity of vegetation to retain water and release it slowly, Or The capacity of mangroves to mitigate the effects of tsunamis Or Localised coastal influences on the hydrological cycle by phytoplankton producing Dimethylsulphide (DMS) and localised flow changes due to algal and higher plant structures. Macroalgae beds, such as a kelp forest, macrophytes and biogenic reefs (epifauna and infauna) contribute to attenuation of wave energy and flood prevention " Mitigation of damage as a result of reduced in magnitude and frequency of flood/storm events "Regulation of water flows: McCartney et al., 2013, Evaluating the Flow Regulating Functions of Natural Ecosystems in the Zambezi River basin. https://cgspace.cgiar.org/handle/10568/39933" 1 6 "Regulation of freshwater quantity, location and timing" Water regulation "Regulation of water flows, regulation of extreme events" CICES Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Regulation of baseline flows and extreme events Wind protection "By reduction in risk, area protected" Storm protection Protecting people from winds The reduction in the speed of movement of air by virtue of the presence of plants and animals… …that mitigates or prevents potential damage to human use of the environment or human health and safety Wind breaks Reduction in scale or frequency of damage to crops "Hedgerows offering wind breaks in agroecosystems: Burel, 1996, Hedgerows and Their Role in Agricultural Landscapes. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07352689.1996.10393185" 0 9 Regulation of hazards and extreme events Natural hazard regulation "Regulation of water flows, regulation of extreme events" CICES Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Regulation of baseline flows and extreme events Fire protection "By reduction in risk, area protected" Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Protecting people from fire "The reduction in the incidence, intensity or speed of spread of fire by virtue of the presence of plants and animals…" …that mitigates or prevents potential damage to human use of the environment or human health and safety "The capacity of ecosystems to reduce the frequency, spread or magnitudes of fires. (e.g. wetland area between forests, or fire belt in woodland containing species of low combustibility)" Reduction in fire damage costs "fuelbreaks: Ruiz-Mirazo, 2011, Two-year evaluation of fuelbreaks grazed by livestock in the wildfire prevention programme in Analusia (Spain)." 0 13 Materials and assistance Natural hazard regulation? "Regulation of water flows, regulation of extreme events?" CICES Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" "Lifecycle maintenance, habitat and gene pool protection" Pollination (or 'gamete' dispersal in a marine context) By amount and pollinator Pollination and seed dispersal Pollinating our fruit trees and other plants The fertilisation of crops by plants or animals… …that maintains or increases the abundance and/or diversity of other species that people use or enjoy "Providing a habitat for native pollinators Or In the context of societal efforts for the restoration of, for example, seagrass beds , it can be considered final since seed dispersal can occur through this service rather than artificially." Contribution to yield of fruit crops "Seed dispersal in agricultural ecosystems: Benvenuti, 2007, Weed seed movement and dispersal strategies in the agricultural environment. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1445-6664.2007.00249.x/full, pollinators in agricultural ecosystems: Aizen et al., 2009, How much does agriculture depend on pollinators? Lessons from long-term trends in crop production. http://aob.oxfordjournals.org/content/103/9/1579.full" 1 2 Pollination and dispersal of seeds and other propagules Pollination Pollination CICES Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" "Lifecycle maintenance, habitat and gene pool protection" Seed dispersal By amount and dispersal agent Pollination and seed dispersal Spreading the seeds of wild plants The dispersal of seeds an spores…. ….of plants and other organisms that are important to people in use and non-use terms Acorn dispersal by Eurasian Jays Tree regeneration in parkland "Hougner, C., Colding, J. and Söderqvist, T., 2006. Economic valuation of a seed dispersal service in the Stockholm National Urban Park, Sweden. Ecological Economics, 59(3), pp.364-374." 1 2 Pollination and dispersal of seeds and other propagules No equivalent Biological control CICES Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" "Lifecycle maintenance, habitat and gene pool protection" Maintaining nursery populations and habitats (Including gene pool protection) By amount and source Maintaining nursery populations and habitats Providing habitats for wild plants and animals that can be useful to us The presence of ecological conditions (usually habitats) necessary for sustaining populations of species…. …that people use or enjoy "Important nursery habitats include estuaries, seagrass, kelp forest, wetlands, soft sediment, hard bottom, shell bottom and water column habitats. Floating seaweed clumps (macroalgae) form rafts under which juvenile fish aggregate e.g. in the North Sea in pelagic habitats" Sustainable populations of useful or iconic species that contribute to a service in another ecosystem. "Liquete, C., Cid, N., Lanzanova, D., Grizzetti, B. and Reynaud, A., 2016. Perspectives on the link between ecosystem services and biodiversity: The assessment of the nursery function. Ecological Indicators, 63, pp.249-257." 1 1 Habitat creation and maintenance No equivalent Biological control CICES Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Pest and disease control Pest control (including invasive species) "By reduction in incidence, risk, area protected by type of living system" Pest control Controlling pests and invasive species The reduction by biological interactions of the incidence of species... "…that prevent or reduce the output of food, material or energy from ecosystems, or their cultural importance, by consumption of biomass or competition" "Providing a habitat for native pest control agents Or In the Black Sea, the recovery of fish populations and an alien invader, the Beroe comb jelly, (both of whom predate nuisance alien comb jellies, Finenko et al.2009) may have been the most important contributing factors for the control of the Mnemiopsis leidyi alien comb jelly, which caused an ecosystem shift in the late 80s." Reduction in pest damage to cultivated crop "Natural pest control in agricultural land: Steingroever et al., 2012, Designing agricultural landscapes for natural pest control: a transdisciplinary approach in the Hoeksche Waard. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10980-010-9489-7" 1 10 Regulation of organisms detrimental to humans Pest regulation Biological control CICES Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Pest and disease control Disease control "By reduction in incidence, risk, area protected by type of living system" Disease control Controlling disease The reduction by biological interactions of the incidence of species... "…that otherwise could prevent or reduce the output of food, material or energy from ecosystems, or their cultural importance, by hindering or damaging the ecological functioning of useful species" Presence of native disease control agents such as microbial antagonists for the control of postharvest diseases Reduction in disease damage due to harvested fruit or vegetables "Droby, S., 2005, March. Improving quality and safety of fresh fruits and vegetables after harvest by the use of biocontrol agents and natural materials. In I International Symposium on Natural Preservatives in Food Systems 709 (pp. 45-52)." 1 10 Regulation of organisms detrimental to humans Disease regulation Biological control CICES Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Regulation of soil quality Weathering processes and their effect on soil quality By amount/concentration and source Weathering processes Ensuring soils form and develop Biological decomposition of minerals… …that maintain fertility or conditions necessary for human use Inorganic nutrient release in cultivated fields Maintenance of soil quality and hence capability of soil for human use. 0 8 "Formation, protection and decontamination of soils and sediments" Soil formation (supporting service) Maintenance of soil fertility CICES Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Regulation of soil quality Decomposition and fixing processes and their effect on soil quality By amount/concentration and source Decomposition and fixing processes Ensuring the organic matter in our soils is maintained Decomposition of biological materials and their incorporation in soils …that maintains their characteristics necessary for human use Decomposition of plant residue; N-fixation by legumes Maintenance of soil quality; legumes used to increase/maintain N-levels in soil 1 8 "Formation, protection and decontamination of soils and sediments" Soil formation (supporting service) Maintenance of soil fertility CICES Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" "Water conditions " Regulation of the chemical condition of freshwaters by living processes By type of living system Chemical condition of freshwaters Controlling the chemical quality of freshwater Maintenance of the chemical condition of fresh waters by plant or animal species…. …that enable human use or health Use of buffer strips along water courses to remove nutrients in runoff Reduced damage costs nutrient runoff from agroecosystems "water purification mapped and assessed as ecosystem service by MAES et al., 2012, PERR Report No 4. http://www.peer.eu/fileadmin/user_upload/publications/PEER_report_4_phase_2.pdf, Finlay et al., 2012, Human influences on nitrogen removal in lakes. " 0 7 Regulation of freshwater and coastal water quality Water regulation Water CICES Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" "Water conditions " Regulation of the chemical condition of salt waters by living processes By type of living system Chemical condition of salt waters Controlling the chemical quality of salt water Maintenance of the chemical condition of salt waters by plant or animal species…. …that enable human use or health Fish communities that regulate the resilience and resistance of coral reefs to eutrophication Health of coral reef and its benefits to people in terms of buffering wave action etc. "Duarte, C.M., 2009. Coastal eutrophication research: a new awareness. Hydrobiologia, 629(1), pp.263-269." 1 7 Regulation of freshwater and coastal water quality Water regulation Water CICES Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Atmospheric composition and conditions Regulation of chemical composition of atmosphere and oceans "By contribution of type of living system to amount, concentration or climatic parameter" Global climate regulation by reduction of greenhouse gas concentrations Regulating our global climate Regulation of the concentrations of gases in the atmosphere ….that impact on global climate or oceans Sequestration of carbon in tropical peatlands "Climate regulation resulting in avoided damage costs Or Mitigation of impacts of ocean acidification " "Tranvik et al., 2009, Lakes and reservoirs as regulators of carbon cycling and climate. http://aslo.org/lo/toc/vol_54/issue_6_part_2/2298.pdf; Storage of carbon in forests: Liski et al., 2006, Carbon accumulation in Finland's forests 1922 - 2004: estimate obtained by combination of forest inventory data with modelling of biomass, litter and soil. http://www.afs-journal.org/articles/forest/pdf/2006/07/f6070.pdf" 1 3 Regulation of air quality Atmospheric regulation Climate regulation CICES Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Atmospheric composition and conditions "Regulation of temperature and humidity, including ventilation and transpiration" "By contribution of type of living system to amount, concentration or climatic parameter" Micro and regional climate regulation &Ventilation and transpiration & Regulating the physical quality of air for people Mediation of ambient atmospheric conditions (including micro- and mesoscale climates) by virtue of presence of plants…. …that improves living conditions for people Evaporative cooling provided by urban trees Increased thermal comfort in cities "Mitigating heat island effects in cities with urban forests: Rosenzweig at al., 2006, MITIGATING NEW YORK CITY'S HEAT ISLAND WITH URBAN FORESTRY, LIVING ROOFS, AND LIGHT SURFACES. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=" 1 4 Regulation of climate Atmospheric regulation Climate regulation CICES Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) Other types of regulation and maintenance service by living processes Other Other 2.3.X.X Use nested codes to allocate other regulating and maintenance services from living systems to appropriate Groups and Classes Not recognised in V4.3 N/A 1 - Not assigned No equivalent No equivalent CICES Cultural (Biotic) "Direct, in-situ and outdoor interactions with living systems that depend on presence in the environmental setting" Physical and experiential interactions with natural environment "Characteristics of living systems that that enable activities promoting health, recuperation or enjoyment through active or immersive interactions " By type of living system or environmental setting "Experiential use of plants, animals and land-/seascapes in different environmental settings" Using the environment for sport and recreation; using nature to help stay fit The biophysical characteristics or qualities of species or ecosystems (settings/ cultural spaces)…. "…. that are engaged with, used or enjoyed in ways that require physical and cognitive effort" "Ecological qualities of woodland that make it attractive to hiker; private gardens Or Opportunities for diving, swimming" "Recreation, fitness; de-stressing or mental health; nature-based recreation" 1 "6, 16" "Regulation of freshwater quantity, location and timing, Physical and psychological experiences" Recreation and ecotourism Recreation and ecotourism CICES Cultural (Biotic) "Direct, in-situ and outdoor interactions with living systems that depend on presence in the environmental setting" Physical and experiential interactions with natural environment "Characteristics of living systems that enable activities promoting health, recuperation or enjoyment through passive or observational interactions" By type of living system or environmental setting Physical use of land-/seascapes in different environmental settings Watching plants and animals where they live; using nature to destress The biophysical characteristics or qualities of species or ecosystems (settings/cultural spaces)….. …. that are viewed/observed by people or enjoyed in other passive ways by virtue of sounds and smells etc. "Mix of species in a woodland of interest to birdwatchers Or Whales, birds, seals and reptiles can be enjoyed by wildlife watchers" "Recreation, fitness; de-stressing or mental health; eco-tourism" "Species diversity: Lindemann-Matthias et al., 2010, The influence of plant diversity on people's perception and aesthetic appreciation of grassland vegetation. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006320709004406" 1 "6, 16" "Regulation of freshwater quantity, location and timing, Physical and psychological experiences" Recreation and ecotourism Recreation and ecotourism CICES Cultural (Biotic) "Direct, in-situ and outdoor interactions with living systems that depend on presence in the environmental setting" Intellectual and representative interactions with natural environment Characteristics of living systems that enable scientific investigation or the creation of traditional ecological knowledge By type of living system or environmental setting Scientific Researching nature The biophysical characteristics or qualities of species or ecosystems (settings/cultural spaces)….. …that are the subject matter for insitu research "Site of special scientific interest, Natura 2000 site" Knowledge about the environment and nature 1 "6, 15" "Regulation of freshwater quantity, location and timing, Learning and inspiration" "Knowledge systems and educational values, cultural diversity, aesthetic values" Information and cognitive development CICES Cultural (Biotic) "Direct, in-situ and outdoor interactions with living systems that depend on presence in the environmental setting" Intellectual and representative interactions with natural environment Characteristics of living systems that enable education and training By type of living system or environmental setting Educational Studying nature The biophysical characteristics or qualities of species or ecosystems (settings/cultural spaces)….. …that are the subject matter for insitu teaching or skill development Site used for voluntary conservation activities Skills or knowledge about environmental management 1 "6, 15" "Regulation of freshwater quantity, location and timing, Learning and inspiration" "Knowledge systems and educational values, cultural diversity, aesthetic values" Information and cognitive development CICES Cultural (Biotic) "Direct, in-situ and outdoor interactions with living systems that depend on presence in the environmental setting" Intellectual and representative interactions with natural environment Characteristics of living systems that are resonant in terms of culture or heritage By type of living system or environmental setting "Heritage, cultural" The things in nature that help people identify with the history or culture of where they live or come from The biophysical characteristics or qualities of species or ecosystems (settings/cultural spaces)….. …that contribute to cultural heritage or historical knowledge Sherwood Forest "Tourism, local identify" 1 "6, 17" "Regulation of freshwater quantity, location and timing, Supporting identities" "Knowledge systems and educational values, cultural diversity, aesthetic values" "Inspiration for culture, art and design, aesthetic information" CICES Cultural (Biotic) "Direct, in-situ and outdoor interactions with living systems that depend on presence in the environmental setting" Intellectual and representative interactions with natural environment Characteristics of living systems that enable aesthetic experiences By type of living system or environmental setting Aesthetic The beauty of nature The biophysical characteristics or qualities of species or ecosystems (settings/cultural spaces)….. … that are appreciated for their inherent beauty Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty; panorama site Artistic inspiration 1 "6, 15, 16" "Regulation of freshwater quantity, location and timing, Learning and inspiration" "Knowledge systems and educational values, cultural diversity, aesthetic values" "Inspiration for culture, art and design, aesthetic information" CICES Cultural (Biotic) "Indirect, remote, often indoor interactions with living systems that do not require presence in the environmental setting" "Spiritual, symbolic and other interactions with natural environment" Elements of living systems that have symbolic meaning By type of living system or environmental setting Symbolic Using nature to as a national or local emblem The biophysical characteristics or qualities of species or ecosystems (settings/landscapes/cultural spaces)….. "…that are recognised by people for their cultural, historical or iconic character and which are used as emblems or signifiers of some kind" Bald Eagle "Social cohesion, cultural icon" 1 "6, 17" "Regulation of freshwater quantity, location and timing, Supporting identities" Spiritual and religious values "Inspiration for culture, art and design, aesthetic information" CICES Cultural (Biotic) "Indirect, remote, often indoor interactions with living systems that do not require presence in the environmental setting" "Spiritual, symbolic and other interactions with natural environment" Elements of living systems that have sacred or religious meaning By type of living system or environmental setting Sacred and/or religious The things in nature that have spiritual importance for people The biophysical characteristics or qualities of species or ecosystems (settings/landscapes/cultural spaces)….. ...…that are deemed to have sacred or religious significance for people. "Totemic species, such as the turtle" Mental well-being 1 "6, 17" "Regulation of freshwater quantity, location and timing, Supporting identities" Spiritual and religious values "Inspiration for culture, art and design, aesthetic information" CICES Cultural (Biotic) "Indirect, remote, often indoor interactions with living systems that do not require presence in the environmental setting" "Spiritual, symbolic and other interactions with natural environment" Elements of living systems used for entertainment or representation By type of living system or environmental setting Entertainment The things in nature used to make films or to write books The biophysical characteristics or qualities of species or ecosystems (settings/landscapes/cultural spaces)….. .. that provide material or subject matter that can be communicated to others via different media for amusement or enjoyment Archive records or collections Nature films 1 "6, 13, 17" "Regulation of freshwater quantity, location and timing, Materials and assistance" Spiritual and religious values "Inspiration for culture, art and design, aesthetic information" CICES Cultural (Biotic) "Indirect, remote, often indoor interactions with living systems that do not require presence in the environmental setting" Other biotic characteristics that have a non-use value Characteristics or features of living systems that have an existence value By type of living system or environmental setting Existence The things in nature that we think should be conserved The biophysical characteristics or qualities of species or ecosystems (settings/landscapes/cultural spaces)….. …..which people seek to preserve because of their non-utilitarian qualities Areas designated as wilderness Mental/Moral well-being 1 "6, 18" "Regulation of freshwater quantity, location and timing, Maintenance of options" No equivalent No equivalent CICES Cultural (Biotic) "Indirect, remote, often indoor interactions with living systems that do not require presence in the environmental setting" Other biotic characteristics that have a non-use value Characteristics or features of living systems that have an option or bequest value By type of living system or environmental setting Bequest The things in nature that we want future generations to enjoy or use The biophysical characteristics or qualities of species or ecosystems (settings/landscapes/cultural spaces)….. …..which people seek to preserve for future generations for whatever reason Endangered species or habitat Moral well-being 1 18 Maintenance of options No equivalent No equivalent CICES Cultural (Biotic) Other characteristics of living systems that have cultural significance Other Other 3.3.X.X Use nested codes to allocate other cultural services from living systems to appropriate Groups and Classes Not recognised in V4.3 N/A 1 - Not assigned No equivalent No equivalent CICES Provisioning (Abiotic) Water "Surface water used for nutrition, materials or energy " Surface water for drinking "By amount, type, source" Surface water for drinking Drinking water from sources at the ground surface "Natural, surface water bodies…." … that provide a source of drinking water Volume and characteristics of water from a natural springs Potable water in public supply system "UNEP, 2005, Freshwater ecosystem services. http://www.unep.org/maweb/documents/document.312.aspx.pdf" Not assigned - "Hydrological NCP are fundamentally conceived as regulating NCP, because the primary impact of ecosystems on water is the modification of its flows, not the creation or breakdown of water molecules" Water Water CICES Provisioning (Abiotic) Water "Surface water used for nutrition, materials or energy " Surface water used as a material (non-drinking purposes) By amount & source Surface water for non-drinking purposes Surface water that we can use for things other than drinking "Natural, surface water bodies…." … that provide water for that can be used as a material or for cooling Temperature and volume of water that can be used for cooling or irrigation Reduced energy costs; glass house cultivation "UNEP, 2005, Freshwater ecosystem services. http://www.unep.org/maweb/documents/document.312.aspx.pdf" Not assigned - "Hydrological NCP are fundamentally conceived as regulating NCP, because the primary impact of ecosystems on water is the modification of its flows, not the creation or breakdown of water molecules" Water Water CICES Provisioning (Abiotic) Water "Surface water used for nutrition, materials or energy " Freshwater surface water used as an energy source "By amount, type, source" Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Hydropower The flow of water on land…. ...that can be converted to electrical or mechanical energy Hydraulic potential (Head) HEP Not assigned - "Hydrological NCP are fundamentally conceived as regulating NCP, because the primary impact of ecosystems on water is the modification of its flows, not the creation or breakdown of water molecules" Water Water CICES Provisioning (Abiotic) Water "Surface water used for nutrition, materials or energy " Coastal and marine water used as energy source "By amount, type, source" Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Wave or tidal power The movement of waves or current… ...that can be converted to electrical or mechanical energy Tidal velocity Tidal power Not assigned - "Hydrological NCP are fundamentally conceived as regulating NCP, because the primary impact of ecosystems on water is the modification of its flows, not the creation or breakdown of water molecules" Water Water CICES Provisioning (Abiotic) Water "Ground water for used for nutrition, materials or energy " Ground (and subsurface) water for drinking "By amount, type, source" Ground water for drinking Dirking water from the below ground "Natural, below ground water bodies or aquifers… " … that provide a source of drinking water Aquifer volume and characteristics Potable water in public supply system; mineral water "UNEP, 2005, Freshwater ecosystem services. http://www.unep.org/maweb/documents/document.312.aspx.pdf" Not assigned - "Hydrological NCP are fundamentally conceived as regulating NCP, because the primary impact of ecosystems on water is the modification of its flows, not the creation or breakdown of water molecules" Water Water CICES Provisioning (Abiotic) Water "Ground water for used for nutrition, materials or energy " Ground water (and subsurface) used as a material (non-drinking purposes) By amount & source Ground water as source of energy Sub-surface water that we can use for things other than drinking Natural below ground water bodies or aquifers… … that provide water for that can be used as a material or for cooling Characteristics and volume of water that can be used for washing purposes Reduced material costs "UNEP, 2005, Freshwater ecosystem services. http://www.unep.org/maweb/documents/document.312.aspx.pdf" Not assigned - "Hydrological NCP are fundamentally conceived as regulating NCP, because the primary impact of ecosystems on water is the modification of its flows, not the creation or breakdown of water molecules" Water Water CICES Provisioning (Abiotic) Water "Ground water for used for nutrition, materials or energy " Ground water (and subsurface) used as an energy source By amount & source Ground water for non-drinking purposes N/A Sub-surface water that we can use as a source of energy Natural below ground water bodies or aquifers… … that provide water at temperatures that are useful Hot water and steam vents Reduces energy costs Not assigned - "Hydrological NCP are fundamentally conceived as regulating NCP, because the primary impact of ecosystems on water is the modification of its flows, not the creation or breakdown of water molecules" Water Water CICES Provisioning (Abiotic) Water Other aqueous ecosystem outputs Other 4.2.X.X Use nested codes to allocate other provisioning services from non-living systems to appropriate Groups and Classes Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Not assigned - "Hydrological NCP are fundamentally conceived as regulating NCP, because the primary impact of ecosystems on water is the modification of its flows, not the creation or breakdown of water molecules" Water Water CICES Extended Provisioning (Abiotic) Non-aqueous natural abiotic ecosystem outputs "Mineral substances used for nutrition, materials or energy " Mineral substances used for nutritional purposes Amount by type Minerals N/A Minerals in our food Reference biophysical or inorganic chemical mechanism/characteristic/property... …that can be used for nutrition Salt Dietary value Not assigned - No equivalent No equivalent No equivalent CICES Extended Provisioning (Abiotic) Non-aqueous natural abiotic ecosystem outputs "Mineral substances used for nutrition, materials or energy " Mineral substances used for material purposes Amount by type Solid N/A Natural inorganic materials from nature that we can use Reference biophysical or inorganic chemical mechanism/characteristic/property... …that can be used for material purposes Pigments Decoration Not assigned - No equivalent No equivalent No equivalent CICES Extended Provisioning (Abiotic) Non-aqueous natural abiotic ecosystem outputs "Mineral substances used for nutrition, materials or energy " Mineral substances used for as an energy source Amount by type N/A N/A Natural inorganic materials from nature that we can use as an energy source Reference biophysical or inorganic chemical mechanism/characteristic/property... …that can be used for as an energy source Uranium Energy production Not assigned - No equivalent No equivalent No equivalent CICES Extended Provisioning (Abiotic) Non-aqueous natural abiotic ecosystem outputs "Non-mineral substances or ecosystem properties used for nutrition, materials or energy " Non-mineral substances or ecosystem properties used for nutritional purposes Amount by type Non-mineral N/A The ways the physical environment contribute to our nutritional health Reference biophysical or inorganic chemical mechanism/characteristic/property... …that can be used for nutrition Sunlight Vitamin D Not assigned - No equivalent No equivalent No equivalent CICES Extended Provisioning (Abiotic) Non-aqueous natural abiotic ecosystem outputs "Non-mineral substances or ecosystem properties used for nutrition, materials or energy " Non-mineral substances used for materials Amount by type Gas N/A "Gaseous, fluid or non-mineral solid inorganic materials from nature that we can use (excludes water vapour)" Reference biophysical or inorganic chemical mechanism/characteristic/property... …that can be used for material purposes Ozone; or mineraloids (e.g. Opal) Health benefit; gems Not assigned - No equivalent No equivalent No equivalent CICES Extended Provisioning (Abiotic) Non-aqueous natural abiotic ecosystem outputs "Non-mineral substances or ecosystem properties used for nutrition, materials or energy " Wind energy Amount by type Wind N/A Wind power Air flows… …. that can be used as an energy source Wind power Renewable energy source Not assigned - No equivalent No equivalent No equivalent CICES Extended Provisioning (Abiotic) Non-aqueous natural abiotic ecosystem outputs "Non-mineral substances or ecosystem properties used for nutrition, materials or energy " Solar energy Amount by type Solar N/A Solar power Energy from sun light.. …. that can be used as an energy source Solar power Renewable energy source Not assigned - No equivalent No equivalent No equivalent CICES Extended Provisioning (Abiotic) Non-aqueous natural abiotic ecosystem outputs "Non-mineral substances or ecosystem properties used for nutrition, materials or energy " Geothermal Amount by type Geo-thermal N/A Using underground heat Heat in the earth' crust …. that can be used as an energy source Hot springs Renewable energy source Not assigned - No equivalent No equivalent No equivalent CICES Extended Provisioning (Abiotic) Non-aqueous natural abiotic ecosystem outputs "Other mineral or non-mineral substances or ecosystem properties used for nutrition, materials or energy " Other Use nested codes to allocate other provisioning services from non-living systems to appropriate Groups and Classes Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Not assigned - No equivalent No equivalent No equivalent CICES Extended Regulation & Maintenance (Abiotic) Transformation of biochemical or physical inputs to ecosystems "Mediation of waste, toxics and other nuisances by non-living processes" Dilution by freshwater and marine ecosystems Amount by type "Dilution by atmosphere, freshwater and marine ecosystems" Diluting wastes The reduction in concentration of an organic or inorganic substances by mixing in a fresh water ecosystem …that mitigates its harmful effects and reduces the costs of disposal by other means Use of freshwater/marine systems as a pollution sink "Reduction of disposal costs, disposal of wastes" Not assigned - No equivalent No equivalent No equivalent CICES Extended Regulation & Maintenance (Abiotic) Transformation of biochemical or physical inputs to ecosystems "Mediation of waste, toxics and other nuisances by non-living processes" Dilution by atmosphere Amount by type "Dilution by atmosphere, freshwater and marine ecosystems" Diluting wastes The reduction in concentration of an organic or inorganic substance by mixing in the atmosphere …that mitigates its harmful effects and reduces the costs of disposal by other means Use of atmosphere as a pollution sink "Reduction of disposal costs, disposal of wastes" Not assigned - No equivalent No equivalent No equivalent CICES Extended Regulation & Maintenance (Abiotic) Transformation of biochemical or physical inputs to ecosystems "Mediation of waste, toxics and other nuisances by non-living processes" "Mediation by other chemical or physical means (e.g. via Filtration, sequestration, storage or accumulation)" Amount by type "Mediation of waste, toxics and other nuisances, by natural chemical and physical processes" N/A Natural processing of wastes "Mediation of waste, toxics and other nuisances, by natural chemical and physical processes…" ..the can protect people Dissolved silica in runoff Biogeochemical effects of reduced dissolved silica in estuaries causing shifts in phytoplankton species composition "Humborg, C., Conley, D.J., Rahm, L., Wulff, F., Cociasu, A. and Ittekkot, V., 2000. Silicon retention in river basins: far-reaching effects on biogeochemistry and aquatic food webs in coastal marine environments. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, 29(1), pp.45-50." Not assigned - No equivalent No equivalent No equivalent CICES Extended Regulation & Maintenance (Abiotic) Transformation of biochemical or physical inputs to ecosystems Mediation of nuisances of anthropogenic origin Mediation of nuisances by abiotic structures or processes Amount by type Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Natural protection Mediation of environmental conditions by abiotic structures or processes… …. That can reduce or mitigate a nuisance to people Screening effect of topography Visual quality Not assigned - No equivalent No equivalent No equivalent CICES Extended Regulation & Maintenance (Abiotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Regulation of baseline flows and extreme events Mass flows Amount by type Mediation of flows by natural abiotic structures N/A Physical barriers to landslides Mediation of solid flows by natural abiotic structures.. … that can protect people Sand bar providing coastal protection Reduction in damage costs Not assigned - No equivalent No equivalent No equivalent CICES Extended Regulation & Maintenance (Abiotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Regulation of baseline flows and extreme events Liquid flows Amount by type Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Physical barriers to flows Mediation of liquid flows by natural abiotic structures.. … that can protect people Natural levees providing flood protection Reduction in damage costs Not assigned - No equivalent No equivalent No equivalent CICES Extended Regulation & Maintenance (Abiotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Regulation of baseline flows and extreme events Gaseous flows Amount by type Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Physical barriers to air movements Mediation of gaseous flows by natural abiotic structures.. … that can protect people Topographic control of wind velocity Reduction in damage costs Not assigned - No equivalent No equivalent No equivalent CICES Extended Regulation & Maintenance (Abiotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" "Maintenance of physical, chemical, abiotic conditions" Maintenance and regulation by inorganic natural chemical and physical processes Amount by type "Maintenance of physical, chemical, abiotic conditions" N/A Regulating living conditions by the physical environment "Maintenance of physical, chemical, abiotic conditions…" … that affect peoples well-being or comfort Land/sea breezes Human comfort Not assigned - No equivalent No equivalent No equivalent CICES Extended Regulation & Maintenance (Abiotic) Other type of regulation and maintenance service by abiotic processes Other Other 5.3.X.X Use nested codes to allocate other provisioning services from non-living systems to appropriate Groups and Classes Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Not assigned - No equivalent No equivalent No equivalent CICES Extended Cultural (Abiotic) "Direct, in-situ and outdoor interactions with natural physical systems that depend on presence in the environmental setting" Physical and experiential interactions with natural abiotic components of the environment "Natural, abiotic characteristics of nature that enable active or passive physical and experiential interactions" Amount by type Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Things in the physical environment that we can experience actively or passively "Natural, abiotic characteristics of nature that…" ...enable active or passive physical and experiential interactions Caves Ecotourism Not assigned - No equivalent No equivalent No equivalent CICES Extended Cultural (Abiotic) "Direct, in-situ and outdoor interactions with natural physical systems that depend on presence in the environmental setting" Intellectual and representative interactions with abiotic components of the natural environment "Natural, abiotic characteristics of nature that enable intellectual interactions" Amount by type Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Things in the physical environment that we can study or think about "Natural, abiotic characteristics of nature that…" ...enable intellectual activities Rock faces for climbing Recreation Not assigned - No equivalent No equivalent No equivalent CICES Extended Cultural (Abiotic) "Indirect, remote, often indoor interactions with physical systems that do not require presence in the environmental setting" "Spiritual, symbolic and other interactions with the abiotic components of the natural environment" "Natural, abiotic characteristics of nature that enable spiritual, symbolic and other interactions" Amount by type Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Things in the physical environment that are important as symbols "Natural, abiotic characteristics of nature that…" …have symbolic or spiritual importance Iconic mountain peaks Identity Not assigned - No equivalent No equivalent No equivalent CICES Extended Cultural (Abiotic) "Indirect, remote, often indoor interactions with physical systems that do not require presence in the environmental setting" Other abiotic characteristics that have a non-use value "Natural, abiotic characteristics or features of nature that have either an existence, option or bequest value" Amount by type Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Things in the physical environment that we think are important to others and future generations "Natural, abiotic characteristics of nature that…" … that we think are important to others and future generations Distinctive geological formation or geomorphological feature. Cultural meaning Not assigned - No equivalent No equivalent No equivalent CICES Extended Cultural (Abiotic) Other abiotic characteristics of nature that have cultural significance Other Other 6.3.X.X Use nested codes to allocate other provisioning services from non-living systems to appropriate Groups and Classes Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Not assigned - No equivalent No equivalent No equivalent ##### Sheet/List 3 ##### CICES V5.1 01/01/2018 (includes water) Section Division Group Class Code Class type V4.3 Equivalent Code(4.3) Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Cultivated terrestrial plants for nutrition, materials or energy " "Cultivated terrestrial plants (including fungi, algae) grown for nutritional purposes" "Crops by amount, type (e.g. cereals, root crops, soft fruit, etc.)" Cultivated crops Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Cultivated terrestrial plants for nutrition, materials or energy " "Fibres and other materials from cultivated plants, fungi, algae and bacteria for direct use or processing (excluding genetic materials)" "Material by amount, type, use, media (land, soil, freshwater, marine)" "Fibres and other materials from plants, algae and animals for direct use or processing" Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Cultivated terrestrial plants for nutrition, materials or energy " "Cultivated plants (including fungi, algae) grown as a source of energy " "By amount, type, source" Plant-based resources Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Cultivated aquatic plants for nutrition, materials or energy " Plants cultivated by in- situ aquaculture grown for nutritional purposes "Plants, algae by amount, type" Plants and algae from in-situ aquaculture Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Cultivated aquatic plants for nutrition, materials or energy " Fibres and other materials from in-situ aquaculture for direct use or processing (excluding genetic materials) "Plants, algae by amount, type" Plants and algae from in-situ aquaculture Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Cultivated aquatic plants for nutrition, materials or energy " Plants cultivated by in- situ aquaculture grown as an energy source "Plants, algae by amount, type" Plants and algae from in-situ aquaculture Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Reared animals for nutrition, materials or energy " Animals reared for nutritional purposes "Animals, products by amount, type (e.g. beef, dairy)" Reared animals and their outputs Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Reared animals for nutrition, materials or energy " Fibres and other materials from reared animals for direct use or processing (excluding genetic materials) "Material by amount, type, use, media (land, soil, freshwater, marine)" "Materials from plants, algae and animals for agricultural use" Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Reared animals for nutrition, materials or energy " Animals reared to provide energy (including mechanical) "By amount, type, source" Animal-based resources & Animal-based mechanical energy & Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Reared aquatic animals for nutrition, materials or energy " Animals reared by in-situ aquaculture for nutritional purposes "Animals by amount, type" Animals from in-situ aquaculture Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Reared aquatic animals for nutrition, materials or energy " Fibres and other materials from animals grown by in-situ aquaculture for direct use or processing (excluding genetic materials) "Animals by amount, type" Animals from in-situ aquaculture Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Reared aquatic animals for nutrition, materials or energy " Animals reared by in-situ aquaculture as an energy source "Animals by amount, type" Animals from in-situ aquaculture Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Wild plants (terrestrial and aquatic) for nutrition, materials or energy " "Wild plants (terrestrial and aquatic, including fungi, algae) used for nutrition" "Plants, algae by amount, type" "Wild plants, algae and their outputs" Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Wild plants (terrestrial and aquatic) for nutrition, materials or energy " Fibres and other materials from wild plants for direct use or processing (excluding genetic materials) "Plants, algae by amount, type" "Wild plants, algae and their outputs" Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Wild plants (terrestrial and aquatic) for nutrition, materials or energy " "Wild plants (terrestrial and aquatic, including fungi, algae) used as a source of energy" Material by type/source Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Wild animals (terrestrial and aquatic) for nutrition, materials or energy " Wild animals (terrestrial and aquatic) used for nutritional purposes "Animals by amount, type" Wild animals and their outputs Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Wild animals (terrestrial and aquatic) for nutrition, materials or energy " Fibres and other materials from wild animals for direct use or processing (excluding genetic materials) Material by type/source Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Provisioning (Biotic) Biomass "Wild animals (terrestrial and aquatic) for nutrition, materials or energy " Wild animals (terrestrial and aquatic) used as a source of energy "By amount, type, source" Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Provisioning (Biotic) "Genetic material from all biota (including seed, spore or gamete production)" "Genetic material from plants, algae or fungi" "Seeds, spores and other plant materials collected for maintaining or establishing a population" By species or varieties Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Provisioning (Biotic) "Genetic material from all biota (including seed, spore or gamete production)" "Genetic material from plants, algae or fungi" Higher and lower plants (whole organisms) used to breed new strains or varieties By species or varieties Genetic materials from all biota Provisioning (Biotic) "Genetic material from all biota (including seed, spore or gamete production)" "Genetic material from plants, algae or fungi" Individual genes extracted from higher and lower plants for the design and construction of new biological entities Material by type Genetic materials from all biota Provisioning (Biotic) "Genetic material from all biota (including seed, spore or gamete production)" Genetic material from animals Animal material collected for the purposes of maintaining or establishing a population By species or varieties Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Provisioning (Biotic) "Genetic material from all biota (including seed, spore or gamete production)" Genetic material from animals Wild animals (whole organisms) used to breed new strains or varieties By species or varieties Genetic materials from all biota Provisioning (Biotic) "Genetic material from all biota (including seed, spore or gamete production)" Genetic material from organisms Individual genes extracted from organisms for the design and construction of new biological entities Material by type Genetic materials from all biota Provisioning (Biotic) Other types of provisioning service from biotic sources Other Other 1.3.X.X Use nested codes to allocate other provisioning services from living systems to appropriate Groups and Classes Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Provisioning (Abiotic) Water "Surface water used for nutrition, materials or energy " Surface water for drinking "By amount, type, source" Surface water for drinking Provisioning (Abiotic) Water "Surface water used for nutrition, materials or energy " Surface water used as a material (non-drinking purposes) By amount & source Surface water for non-drinking purposes Provisioning (Abiotic) Water "Surface water used for nutrition, materials or energy " Freshwater surface water used as an energy source "By amount, type, source" Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Provisioning (Abiotic) Water "Surface water used for nutrition, materials or energy " Coastal and marine water used as energy source "By amount, type, source" Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Provisioning (Abiotic) Water "Ground water for used for nutrition, materials or energy " Ground (and subsurface) water for drinking "By amount, type, source" Ground water for drinking Provisioning (Abiotic) Water "Ground water for used for nutrition, materials or energy " Ground water (and subsurface) used as a material (non-drinking purposes) By amount & source Ground water as source of energy Provisioning (Abiotic) Water "Ground water for used for nutrition, materials or energy " Ground water (and subsurface) used as an energy source By amount & source Ground water for non-drinking purposes N/A Provisioning (Abiotic) Water Other aqueous ecosystem outputs Other 4.2.X.X Use nested codes to allocate other provisioning services from non-living systems to appropriate Groups and Classes Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) Transformation of biochemical or physical inputs to ecosystems Mediation of wastes or toxic substances of anthropogenic origin by living processes "Bio-remediation by micro-organisms, algae, plants, and animals" By type of living system or by waste or subsistence type "Bio-remediation by micro-organisms, algae, plants, and animals" Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) Transformation of biochemical or physical inputs to ecosystems Mediation of wastes or toxic substances of anthropogenic origin by living processes "Filtration/sequestration/storage/accumulation by micro-organisms, algae, plants, and animals" "By type of living system, or by water or substance type" "Filtration/sequestration/storage/accumulation by micro-organisms, algae, plants, and animals And Filtration/sequestration/storage/accumulation by ecosystems " & Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) Transformation of biochemical or physical inputs to ecosystems Mediation of nuisances of anthropogenic origin Smell reduction By type of living system Mediation of smell/noise/visual impacts Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) Transformation of biochemical or physical inputs to ecosystems Mediation of nuisances of anthropogenic origin Noise attenuation By type of living system Mediation of smell/noise/visual impacts Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) Transformation of biochemical or physical inputs to ecosystems Mediation of nuisances of anthropogenic origin Visual screening By type of living system Mediation of smell/noise/visual impacts Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Regulation of baseline flows and extreme events Control of erosion rates "By reduction in risk, area protected" Stabilisation and control of erosion rates Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Regulation of baseline flows and extreme events Buffering and attenuation of mass movement "By reduction in risk, area protected" Buffering and attenuation of mass flows Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Regulation of baseline flows and extreme events "Hydrological cycle and water flow regulation (Including flood control, and coastal protection)" By depth/volumes "Hydrological cycle and water flow maintenance And Flood protection" & Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Regulation of baseline flows and extreme events Wind protection "By reduction in risk, area protected" Storm protection Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Regulation of baseline flows and extreme events Fire protection "By reduction in risk, area protected" Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" "Lifecycle maintenance, habitat and gene pool protection" Pollination (or 'gamete' dispersal in a marine context) By amount and pollinator Pollination and seed dispersal Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" "Lifecycle maintenance, habitat and gene pool protection" Seed dispersal By amount and dispersal agent Pollination and seed dispersal Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" "Lifecycle maintenance, habitat and gene pool protection" Maintaining nursery populations and habitats (Including gene pool protection) By amount and source Maintaining nursery populations and habitats Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Pest and disease control Pest control (including invasive species) "By reduction in incidence, risk, area protected by type of living system" Pest control Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Pest and disease control Disease control "By reduction in incidence, risk, area protected by type of living system" Disease control Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Regulation of soil quality Weathering processes and their effect on soil quality By amount/concentration and source Weathering processes Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Regulation of soil quality Decomposition and fixing processes and their effect on soil quality By amount/concentration and source Decomposition and fixing processes Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" "Water conditions " Regulation of the chemical condition of freshwaters by living processes By type of living system Chemical condition of freshwaters Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" "Water conditions " Regulation of the chemical condition of salt waters by living processes By type of living system Chemical condition of salt waters Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Atmospheric composition and conditions Regulation of chemical composition of atmosphere and oceans "By contribution of type of living system to amount, concentration or climatic parameter" Global climate regulation by reduction of greenhouse gas concentrations Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Atmospheric composition and conditions "Regulation of temperature and humidity, including ventilation and transpiration" "By contribution of type of living system to amount, concentration or climatic parameter" Micro and regional climate regulation &Ventilation and transpiration & Regulation & Maintenance (Biotic) Other types of regulation and maintenance service by living processes Other Other 2.3.X.X Use nested codes to allocate other regulating and maintenance services from living systems to appropriate Groups and Classes Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Cultural (Biotic) "Direct, in-situ and outdoor interactions with living systems that depend on presence in the environmental setting" Physical and experiential interactions with natural environment "Characteristics of living systems that that enable activities promoting health, recuperation or enjoyment through active or immersive interactions " By type of living system or environmental setting "Experiential use of plants, animals and land-/seascapes in different environmental settings" Cultural (Biotic) "Direct, in-situ and outdoor interactions with living systems that depend on presence in the environmental setting" Physical and experiential interactions with natural environment "Characteristics of living systems that enable activities promoting health, recuperation or enjoyment through passive or observational interactions" By type of living system or environmental setting Physical use of land-/seascapes in different environmental settings Cultural (Biotic) "Direct, in-situ and outdoor interactions with living systems that depend on presence in the environmental setting" Intellectual and representative interactions with natural environment Characteristics of living systems that enable scientific investigation or the creation of traditional ecological knowledge By type of living system or environmental setting Scientific Cultural (Biotic) "Direct, in-situ and outdoor interactions with living systems that depend on presence in the environmental setting" Intellectual and representative interactions with natural environment Characteristics of living systems that enable education and training By type of living system or environmental setting Educational Cultural (Biotic) "Direct, in-situ and outdoor interactions with living systems that depend on presence in the environmental setting" Intellectual and representative interactions with natural environment Characteristics of living systems that are resonant in terms of culture or heritage By type of living system or environmental setting "Heritage, cultural" Cultural (Biotic) "Direct, in-situ and outdoor interactions with living systems that depend on presence in the environmental setting" Intellectual and representative interactions with natural environment Characteristics of living systems that enable aesthetic experiences By type of living system or environmental setting Aesthetic Cultural (Biotic) "Indirect, remote, often indoor interactions with living systems that do not require presence in the environmental setting" "Spiritual, symbolic and other interactions with natural environment" Elements of living systems that have symbolic meaning By type of living system or environmental setting Symbolic Cultural (Biotic) "Indirect, remote, often indoor interactions with living systems that do not require presence in the environmental setting" "Spiritual, symbolic and other interactions with natural environment" Elements of living systems that have sacred or religious meaning By type of living system or environmental setting Sacred and/or religious Cultural (Biotic) "Indirect, remote, often indoor interactions with living systems that do not require presence in the environmental setting" "Spiritual, symbolic and other interactions with natural environment" Elements of living systems used for entertainment or representation By type of living system or environmental setting Entertainment Cultural (Biotic) "Indirect, remote, often indoor interactions with living systems that do not require presence in the environmental setting" Other biotic characteristics that have a non-use value Characteristics or features of living systems that have an existence value By type of living system or environmental setting Existence Cultural (Biotic) "Indirect, remote, often indoor interactions with living systems that do not require presence in the environmental setting" Other biotic characteristics that have a non-use value Characteristics or features of living systems that have an option or bequest value By type of living system or environmental setting Bequest Cultural (Biotic) Other characteristics of living systems that have cultural significance Other Other 3.3.X.X Use nested codes to allocate other cultural services from living systems to appropriate Groups and Classes Not recognised in V4.3 N/A ##### Sheet/List 4 ##### CICES V5.1 01/01/2018 Abiotic Extension (includes water) Section Division Group Class Code Class type V4.3 Equivalent Code(4.3) Marine Class name Marine Example Provisioning (Abiotic) Water "Surface water used for nutrition, materials or energy " Surface water for drinking "By amount, type, source" Surface water for drinking "Although seawater can be desalinated to be used as drinking water or used directly to cool power plants, as the availability (volume) of seawater is not ecologically mediated; therefore classified as abiotic" Provisioning (Abiotic) Water "Surface water used for nutrition, materials or energy " Surface water used as a material (non-drinking purposes) By amount & source Surface water for non-drinking purposes NA Provisioning (Abiotic) Water "Surface water used for nutrition, materials or energy " Freshwater surface water used as an energy source "By amount, type, source" Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Provisioning (Abiotic) Water "Surface water used for nutrition, materials or energy " Coastal and marine water used as energy source "By amount, type, source" Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Provisioning (Abiotic) Water "Ground water for used for nutrition, materials or energy " Ground (and subsurface) water for drinking "By amount, type, source" Ground water for drinking "Although seawater can be desalinated to be used as drinking water or used directly to cool power plants, as the availability (volume) of seawater is not ecologically mediated; therefore classified as abiotic" Provisioning (Abiotic) Water "Ground water for used for nutrition, materials or energy " Ground water (and subsurface) used as a material (non-drinking purposes) By amount & source Ground water as source of energy NA Provisioning (Abiotic) Water "Ground water for used for nutrition, materials or energy " Ground water (and subsurface) used as an energy source By amount & source Ground water for non-drinking purposes N/A Provisioning (Abiotic) Water Other aqueous ecosystem outputs Other 4.2.X.X Use nested codes to allocate other provisioning services from non-living systems to appropriate Groups and Classes Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Provisioning (Abiotic) Non-aqueous natural abiotic ecosystem outputs "Mineral substances used for nutrition, materials or energy " Mineral substances used for nutritional purposes Amount by type Minerals N/A NA Provisioning (Abiotic) Non-aqueous natural abiotic ecosystem outputs "Mineral substances used for nutrition, materials or energy " Mineral substances used for material purposes Amount by type Solid N/A NA Provisioning (Abiotic) Non-aqueous natural abiotic ecosystem outputs "Mineral substances used for nutrition, materials or energy " Mineral substances used for as an energy source Amount by type N/A N/A Provisioning (Abiotic) Non-aqueous natural abiotic ecosystem outputs "Non-mineral substances or ecosystem properties used for nutrition, materials or energy " Non-mineral substances or ecosystem properties used for nutritional purposes Amount by type Non-mineral N/A Provisioning (Abiotic) Non-aqueous natural abiotic ecosystem outputs "Non-mineral substances or ecosystem properties used for nutrition, materials or energy " Non-mineral substances used for materials Amount by type Gas N/A Provisioning (Abiotic) Non-aqueous natural abiotic ecosystem outputs "Non-mineral substances or ecosystem properties used for nutrition, materials or energy " Wind energy Amount by type Wind N/A Provisioning (Abiotic) Non-aqueous natural abiotic ecosystem outputs "Non-mineral substances or ecosystem properties used for nutrition, materials or energy " Solar energy Amount by type Solar N/A "biotic contribution to the service negligible in the marine environment, consider as an abiotic output?" Provisioning (Abiotic) Non-aqueous natural abiotic ecosystem outputs "Non-mineral substances or ecosystem properties used for nutrition, materials or energy " Geothermal Amount by type Geo-thermal N/A Provisioning (Abiotic) Non-aqueous natural abiotic ecosystem outputs "Other mineral or non-mineral substances or ecosystem properties used for nutrition, materials or energy " Other Use nested codes to allocate other provisioning services from non-living systems to appropriate Groups and Classes Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Regulation & Maintenance (Abiotic) Transformation of biochemical or physical inputs to ecosystems "Mediation of waste, toxics and other nuisances by non-living processes" Dilution by freshwater and marine ecosystems Amount by type "Dilution by atmosphere, freshwater and marine ecosystems" Regulation & Maintenance (Abiotic) Transformation of biochemical or physical inputs to ecosystems "Mediation of waste, toxics and other nuisances by non-living processes" Dilution by atmosphere Amount by type "Dilution by atmosphere, freshwater and marine ecosystems" Regulation & Maintenance (Abiotic) Transformation of biochemical or physical inputs to ecosystems "Mediation of waste, toxics and other nuisances by non-living processes" "Mediation by other chemical or physical means (e.g. via Filtration, sequestration, storage or accumulation)" Amount by type "Mediation of waste, toxics and other nuisances, by natural chemical and physical processes" N/A Regulation & Maintenance (Abiotic) Transformation of biochemical or physical inputs to ecosystems Mediation of nuisances of anthropogenic origin Mediation of nuisances by abiotic structures or processes Amount by type Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Regulation & Maintenance (Abiotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Regulation of baseline flows and extreme events Mass flows Amount by type Mediation of flows by natural abiotic structures N/A Regulation & Maintenance (Abiotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Regulation of baseline flows and extreme events Liquid flows Amount by type Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Regulation & Maintenance (Abiotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" Regulation of baseline flows and extreme events Gaseous flows Amount by type Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Regulation & Maintenance (Abiotic) "Regulation of physical, chemical, biological conditions" "Maintenance of physical, chemical, abiotic conditions" Maintenance and regulation by inorganic natural chemical and physical processes Amount by type "Maintenance of physical, chemical, abiotic conditions" N/A Regulation & Maintenance (Abiotic) Other type of regulation and maintenance service by abiotic processes Other Other 5.3.X.X Use nested codes to allocate other provisioning services from non-living systems to appropriate Groups and Classes Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Cultural (Abiotic) "Direct, in-situ and outdoor interactions with natural physical systems that depend on presence in the environmental setting" Physical and experiential interactions with natural abiotic components of the environment "Natural, abiotic characteristics of nature that enable active or passive physical and experiential interactions" Amount by type Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Cultural (Abiotic) "Direct, in-situ and outdoor interactions with natural physical systems that depend on presence in the environmental setting" Intellectual and representative interactions with abiotic components of the natural environment "Natural, abiotic characteristics of nature that enable intellectual interactions" Amount by type Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Cultural (Abiotic) "Indirect, remote, often indoor interactions with physical systems that do not require presence in the environmental setting" "Spiritual, symbolic and other interactions with the abiotic components of the natural environment" "Natural, abiotic characteristics of nature that enable spiritual, symbolic and other interactions" Amount by type Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Cultural (Abiotic) "Indirect, remote, often indoor interactions with physical systems that do not require presence in the environmental setting" Other abiotic characteristics that have a non-use value "Natural, abiotic characteristics or features of nature that have either an existence, option or bequest value" Amount by type Not recognised in V4.3 N/A Cultural (Abiotic) Other abiotic characteristics of nature that have cultural significance Other Other 6.3.X.X Use nested codes to allocate other provisioning services from non-living systems to appropriate Groups and Classes Not recognised in V4.3 N/A