The soil is a primary recipient by design or accident of a myriad of waste products an: chemicals used in modern society, It has always been convenient to "throw thing: dwdf ," and the soil has been the recipient of most of these things, Every year million, of tons of products from a variety of sources-industrial, domestic, and agriculturalfind their way into the world's soils. Once these materials enter the soil, they becon:. part of biological cycles that affect all forms of life. One of the challenges facir:. humankind is to better understand how wastes affect these cycles and, in turn, the n-el,being of all plant and animal life. In previous chapters we highlighted the enormous capacity of soils to accomm. _ date added organic and inorganic chemicais. Tons of organic residues and anima_ manures are broken down by soil microbes each year (Chapter 12), and large quant:ties of inorganic chemicals are fixed or bound tightly by soil minerals (Chapter 14). Bu: we also learned of the limits of the soil's capacity to accommodate these chemicals and how environmental quality suffers when these limits are exceeded. We have seen how soil processes affect the accommodation and release of wast. products. For example, the production and sequestering of greenhouse gases/ such a, nitrous oxide, methane, and carbon dioxide (see, e.g., Sections 12.17 and 13.10), al; very much influenced by soil processes, Other nitrogen- and sulfur-containing gases coming from domestic and industrial sources/ as well as from the soil, acidify th. atmosphere, and come to earth in acid rain (see, e.g., Section 9.5), Mismanaged irl_gation projects result in the accumulation of salts, especially in arid-region soils (se= Section 10.3). We have also seen how fertilizer and manure applications that leave excess quant__ ties of nutrients in the soil can result in the contamination of ground and surface \,vatei: with nitrates (Section 13.9) and phosphates (Section 14.2). The eutrophication c_ ponds, lakes, and even slow-moving rivers is evidence of these nutrient buildups. Hug. "animal factories" for meat and poultry production produce mountains of manure the. must be disposed of without loading the environment with unwanted chemicals an: with pathogens that are harmful to humans and other animals (Section 16.4). In this chapter we will focus on chemicals that contaminate and degrade soi.: 796 including some whose damage extends to water, air, and living things, The brief review of soil pollution is intended as an introduction to the nature of the major pollutants, their reactions in soils, and alternative means of managing, destroying, or inactivating them. l 8.1 Toxlc oRGANlc cHEMlcALs [-omprehensive information ,n clea n itts ( ontam ina tťd soils at abandoned jndrrstrial gov/browníields/ Modern industrialized societies have developed thousands of synthetic organic com_ pounds for thousands of uses. An enormous quantity of organic chemicals is manufactured every year-about 60 million Mg in the United States alone. Included are plastics and plasticizers, lubricants and refrigerants, fuels and solvents, pesticides and preservatives. Some are extremely toxic to humans and other life. Through accidental leakage and spills or through planned spraying or other treatments, synthetic organic chemicals can be found in virtually every colner of our environment-in the soil, in the groundwateí, in the plants, and in our own bodies. Enuíronmental Damage from Organíc Chemícals These artificially synthesized compounds are termed xenobiotics because they are unfamiliar to the living world (Greek xeno, stratge). Being nonnatural, many xenobiotics are both toxic to living organisms and resistant to biological decay. The chemical structures of xenobiotic compounds may be quite similar to those of naturally occurring compounds produced by microorganisms and plants. The difference is commonly the insertion of halogen atoms (Cl, F, Br) or multivalent nonmetal atoms (such as S and N) into the structure (see Figure 18.1). Some xenobiotic compounds are relatively inert and harmless, but others are biologically damaging even in very small concentrations. Those that find their way into soils may inhibit or kill soil organisms, thereby undermining the balance of the soil community (see Section 11.15). Other chemicals may be transported from the soil to the air, water, or vegetation, whete they may be contacted, inhaled, or ingested by any number of organisms, including people. It is imperative, therefore, that we control the release of organic chemicals and that we learn of their fate and effects once they enter the soil. Organic chemicals may enter the soil as contaminants in industrial and municipal organic wastes applied to or spilled on soils, as components of discarded machinery, in Iarge or small lubricant and fuel leaks, as military explosives, or as sprays applied to con_ trol pests in terrestrial ecosystems. Pesticides are probably the most widespread organic pollutants associated with soils. In the United States, pesticides are used on some 150 million ha of land, three-fourths of which is agricultural land. Soil contamination by other organic chemicals is usually much more localized. We will therefore emphasize the pesticide problem. The Nature of the PestícídeProblem Pesticides are chemicals that are designed to kill pests (that is, any organism that the pesticide user perceives to be damaging). Some 600 chemicals in about 50,000 formula_ tions are used to control pests. They are used extensively in all parts of the world. About 350,000 Mg of organic pesticide chemicals are used annually in the United States, with similar amounts used in Western Europe and Asia. Although the total amount of pesticides used has remained relatively constant or even dropped since the 1980s, formulations in use today are generally more potent, so that smaller quantities are applied per hectare to achieve toxicity to the pest. Brnrrlrs or Prsrlclors. Pesticides have provided many benefits to society. They have helped control mosquitoes and other vectors of such human diseases as yellow fever and malaria. They have protected crops and livestock against insects and diseases. Without the control of weeds by chemicals called herbicides, conservation tillage (especially no-tillage) would be much more difficult to adopt; much of the progress made in controlling soil erosion probably would not have come about without herbicides. Also, pes_ ticides reduce the spoilage of food as it moves from farm fields to distant dinner tables. Toxtc OnenNlc CHEMIcALs 797 Pnoslrt4s wlrH Prsnoors. While the benefits to society from pesticides are gleat, so are the costs (Table 18.1). Widespread and hear,y use of pesticides on agricultural soils and suburban landscapes has led to contamination of both surface and groundwater. Therefore, when pesticides are used, they should be chosen for low toxicity to humans and wildlife, Iow mobili§ on soils, and low persistence (see Section 18.3). Even then, the use of pesticides often has wide-ranging detrimental effects on the microbial and faunal communities. In fact, the harm done, though not always obvious, may outweigh the benefits. Examples include insecticides that kill natural enemies of pest species as well as the target pest (sometimes creating new major pests from species formerly controlled by natural enemies) and fungicides that kill both disease-causing and beneficia] mycorrhizal fungi (see Section 11.9). Given these facts, it should not come as a surprise that despite the widespread use of pesticides, insects, diseases, and weeds still cause the loss of one-third of the crop production, about the same proportion of crops lost to these pests in the United States, before synthetic organic pesticides were in use. AlrrnNnrvrs ro Prsrlctors. Pesticides should not be seen as a pallacea| or even as indispensable. Some farmers, most notably the small but increasing number who practice organic farming,1 produce profitable, high-quality yields without the use of pesticides. In managing the effects of pests in any type of plant community (agricultural, ornamental, or forest), chemical pesticides should be used as a last resort, rather than as a frsf resort. Before resorting to the use of an insecticide or herbicide/ eveíyeffort should be made to minimize the detrimental effects of insects and weeds by means of crop diversification, establishment of habitat for beneficial insects, application of organic soil amendments, implementation of cultural practices to reduce weed competition, and selection of pest-resistant plant cultivars. Too often, because pesticides are available as a convenient crutch, these more sophisticated approaches to plant management ale not explored. NoNrnnerr Dnrveers. Although some pesticides are intentionally applied to soils, most reach the soil because they miss the insect or plant leaf that is the application target. When pesticides are sprayed in the field, most of the chemical misses the target organism. For pesticides aerially applied to forests, about 25o/o reaches the tree foliage, and far less than 1olo reaches a talget insect. About 30o/o may reach the soil, while about half of the chemical applied is likely to be lost into the atmosphere or in runoff water. Designed to kill living things/ many of these chemicals are potentially toxic to organisms other than the pests for which they are intended. Some are detrimental to nontarget organisms, such as beneficial insects and certain soil organisms. Those chem- 1The term organic farming has littie to do with the chemical definition of organic, which simply indicates that a compound contains carbon, Rather, it refers to a system and philosophy of farming that eschews the use of synthetic chemicals whi]e it emphasizes soil organic matteí and biological inteíactions to manage agroecosystems. TABLE l 8.1 Total Estimated Environmental and §ocial Cost from pesticide use in the united states The death of an estimated 60 million wild birds may represent an additional substantial cost in lost revenues from hunters, bird watchers, and so forth. Type of impact Cost, $ million/v Public health impacts Domestic animai deaths and contamination Loss of natural enemies Cost of pesticide lesistance Honeybee and pollination losses Crop iosses Fishery 1osses Groundwater contamination and cleanup costs Cost of govelnment regulations to píevent damage Total FIom Pimental, et al. (1992). O ,{merican Institute of Biological Sciences 787 30 520 1400 320 942 z4 1800 2oo 6023 Toxtc OnenNlc CHEMlcAls 799 icals that do not quickly break down may be biologically magnified as they move up the food chain. For example, as earthworms ingest contaminated soil, the chemicals tend tc concentrate in the earthworm bodies. When birds and fish eat the earthworms, the pesticides can build up further to lethal levels. The near extinction of certain birds of prer (including the American bald eagle) during the 1960s and 1970s called public attentior-_ to the sometimes-devastating environmental consequences of pesticide use. Mor. recently, evidence is mounting to suggest that human endocrine (hormone) balanc. may be disrupted by the minute traces of some pesticides found in water, air, and fooc l8.2 KIND§ oF oRGANlc coNTAMlNANTs lndustríal Organícs Industrial organics that often end up contaminating soils by accident or neglect incluc. petroleum products used for fuel [gasoiine components such as benzene, and tno.. complex polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, (PAHs)], solvents used in manufacturil: processes fsuch as trichloroethylene (TCE)], and military explosives such as trinit:_toluene (TNT). Several examples of their structures are shown in Figure 18.1. Pol;,ch,_ rinated biphenyls (PCB' constitute a particularly troublesome class of widely disper:.: compounds. These compounds can disrupt reproduction in birds and cause cancel a:: hormone effects in humans and other animals. Several hundred varieties of liquli , resinous PCBs were produced from 1930 to 1980 and used as specialized lubrical., hydraulic fluids, and electrical transformer insulators, as well as in certain epoxy pa_:,, Alternative cleanttp and many other industrial and commercial applications. Because of their extleme Ier.-- technologies for lcaking tance to natural decay and their ability to entel food chains/ even today soil and lr,ů,.r,rnderground storage tanks: all over the siobe contain at least traces of pcBs. WWW,ePa,§,ovllsweru§tl/Pubs The sites most intensely contaminated with organic poilutants are usually 1oc;:. index'htm#tLrm' ,-rear chemical manufacturing plants or oil storage facilities, but railway, shipping, ": _ highway accidents also produce hot spots of contamination. Thousands of neigh: , : hood gas stations lepresent potential or actuai sites of soi] and groundwater conti]] nation as gasoline ieaks from old, rusting underground storage tanks (Figure 1\ However, as already mentioned, by far the most widely dispersed xenobiotics are t: designed to kil1 unwanted organisms (i.e., pests). pestícídes Pesticides aíecommonly ciassified according to the group of pest organisms targr.:_ (l) insecticides, (2) fungicides, (3) herbicides (weed killers), (4) rodenticides, and (5) rlci,," " cides,In practice, all find their way into soils. Since the first three are used in the la::_ quantities and are therefore more likely to contaminate soils, they will be given pr::-,: FIGURE l8.2 Leaking underground stora.. ,.: , (LUST) replacement at a gas station in Califorl.. old rusting steel tanks have been lemol-. - _ ] replaced by more corrosion-resistant fiberglas: -" , which are set in the ground and covered li - , ,,i gravel. The soil and groundwater aquifer ben.., - :, , tanks were cleaned up using special technl;_, stimulate soil microorganisms and to pu. : volatile organics such as benzene vapors, F..::-_"l,, tion and replacement typically costs $500,[t , single gas station. (Photo courtesy of R. Wei1 8O0 SgíIs and Chemícal Pollutíon !ó,l i §.3 considelation. Figure 18.1 shows that most pesticides contain aromatic rings of some kind, but that there is great variability in pesticide chemical structures. lnsrcttciprs. Most of these chemicals are included in three general groups. The chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as DDT, were the most extensively used until the early l97Os, when their use was banned or severely restricted in many countries due to their low biodegradability and persistence, as wel1 as their toxicity to birds and fish. The orsanophosphate pestícides are generally biodegradable, and thus 1ess likely to build up in soils and y/ater. However, they are extremely toxic to humans, so great care must be used in handling and applying them. The carbttmates are considered least dangerous because of their ready biodegtadability and relatively low mammalian toxicity. Howeve1 they are highly toxic to honeybees and other beneficial insects and to earthworms. Funetclpps" Fungicides are used mainly to control diseases of fruit and vegetable crops and as seed coatings to plotect against seed rots. Some are also used to plotect harvested fruits and vegetables from decay, to prevent wood decay, and to protect clothing from mildew. Organic materials such as the thiocarbamates and triazoles are currently in use. HrRstclor§, The quantity of herbicides used in the United States exceeds that of the other types of pesticides combined. Starting with 2,4-D (a chlorinated phenoxyalkanoic acid), dozens of chemicals in literally hundreds of formulations have been placed on the market (see Figure 18.1). These include the triazines, used mainly for weed control in corn; sLtbstítutecl ureas; some carbamates; the relatively new sttlfonylureas, which are potent at very low rates; clinitroanilínes; and acetttnilitles, which have proved to be quite mobile in the environment. One of the most widely used herbicides, glyphosate (Roundup), does not belong to any of the aforementioned chemical groups. Unlike most herbicides, it is nonselective, meaning that it will kill almost any plant, including crops. However/ a gene that confers resistance to its effects has been discovered and engineered into several major crops. These genetically engineered crops can then be gro\^/n with a very simple, convenient method of weed control thai usually consists of one oI two sprayings of glyphosate that will kill all plants other than the resistant crop. As one might expect, this wide variation in chemica1 makeup provides an equally wide variation in properties. Most herbicides are biodegradable, and most of them are relatively 1ow in mammalian toxicity. However, some are quite toxic to fish, soil fauna, and perhaps to other wildlife. They can also have deleterious effects on beneficial aquatic vegetation that provides food and habitat for fish and shellfish. Nrntnroctnrs. Although nematocides are not as widely used as herbicides and insecticides, some of them are known to contaminate soils and the water draining from treated soils. For example, some carbamate nematocides dissolve readily in water, are not adsorbed onto soil surfaces, and consequently easily leach downward and into the groundwater. Other nematicidal chemicals are volati]e soil fumigants thai kill virtually all life in the soil, both the helpful and the harmful (Section 18.4). Methyl bromide, once the most commonly used of these t'umigants, has been banned because of its adverse effects on the atmosphere and parts of the environment. Happiiy, the search for substitutes has lead to the development of many nonchemical means to manage the pests once controlled by this highly toxic chemical (e.g., see Figure 11.14). EE!-§AV§OR cF $R6AN§e CHEMlcAL§ lN §olL2 Once they reach the soil, organic chemicals, such as pesticides or hydrocarbons, move in one or more of seven directions (Figure 18.3): (1) they may vaporize into the atmosphere without chemical change; (2) they may be absorbed by soils; (3) they may move downward through the soil in liquid or solution form and be lost from the soil by leaching; (a) they may undergo chemica1 reactions within or on the surface of the soil; (5) they may be broken down by soil microorganisms; (6) they may wash into streams and rivers in surface runoff; and (7) they may be taken up by plants or soil animals and ]For reviews on organic chemicals in the soil envilonment, see Sawhney and Brown (eds.) (1989) arrd Pierzynski, ct al. (2000); for pesticides, see Cheng (ed.) (1990). rk :le rd ŇS, \ea ,he to _lut ]ia- .ía D BrHRvton oF ORGANIc CHrnllcnls lN §oll 801 4\ulalÝ,c ,a_ \ Detoxication o š- *lel<- *:ř §l OC:]} \ i'move uP the food chain. The specific fate of these chemicals will be determined at 1e,: in part by their chemical structures, which are highly variable. Organic chemicals vary greatly in theil volatility and subsequent susceptibility to atrl- , sPheric loss. Some soil fumigants, such as methyl bromide (nbw banneďfrom most use , were selected because of their very high vapor pressure, which permits them to peneti;.: soil Pores to Contact the talget organisms. This same characteristic encoulages iapid , _ , to the atmosphere after treatment, unless the soil is covered or sealed. a few heiuicic: (e.g., trifluralin) and fungicides (e.g., PCNB) are sufficiently volatile to make vaporizat_ _ . a Primary means of their loss from soil. The lighter fractions of crude oil (e.g, gaso1_:,. and diesel) and many solvents vaporize to a large degree when spilied on thďsořt, The assumption that disappearance of pesticides from soits is evidence of th. : breakdown is questionable. Some chemicals lost to the atmosphele are known to leti]: to the soil or to surface v/aters with the rain. The adsorption of organic chemicals by soil is determined largely by the characterist:: of the comPound and of the soils to which they are added. Soif organic mattel and hi5: surface-area clays tend to be the strongest adsorbents for some compounds (Figure 18i= \ F|GURE l 8.3 Processes affecting the dissipation of organic chemicals (OC) in soils. Note that the oC symbol is split up by decomp , tion (both bY light and chemical reaction) and degradation by microorganisms, indicating that these pro."rr.i altei or destror- :: organic chemical. In transfeí processes, the oC remains intact, lFrom Weber and Milleí (19sĎ)] ValatíIítry Adsarptíon Absorption and exudatíon t- -" 802 Soílsorrd ťlhemíealFoíluííon Lakeland sand a HlOr- treated lakeland sand \o. E ]. l ,i )L] §,], o- ]. pH 2.0 pH 4,5 pH 7.0 pH l 1.5 F|GURE l 8.4 Adsorption of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) by different soil mateíiais, The Lake]and sand (Typic Quartzipsamments) lost much of its adsorption Capacity \^/hen tleated v/ith hydlogen peíoxide to lemove its organic mattel. The amount of soil material required to adsorb 50o/o of the PCB was approximately 10 times as 8íeat for montmorillonite (a 2:I clay mineral) as for soil organic matter/ and 10 times again as great foí Hzo2-treated Lakeland sand, Later tests sho\^/ed that once the PCB was adsorbed, it was no longer available for uptake by plants. Note that the amount of soil material added is sho\^/n on a 1og scale, [From Strek and Weber (1982)] F|GURE l 8.5 Theeffectof pHof kaoliniteontheadsorptionoí glyphosate, a \ťidely used herbicide (Brand name Roundup@). [Reprinted with permission flom J. S. McConnell and L. R. Hossner, |. Agric. F oo d Chem. 33:707 5-7 B ( 1 9B5); copyright 1 9B5 American Chemical Society] oj0: í:,,] :.]',:]]] ] :,l: ]l]]:]l]]]:]::]:]:] :,]:l :l l:orlll1.1l &nouňt:,óí,,ad§orUetit:,(é) Leachíng and Runoff while oxide coatings on soil particles strongly adsorb others. The presence of certain functional groups, such as -OH, -NHz, -NHR, -CONH2, -COOR, and -*NR3,in the chemical structure encouíages adsorption, especially on the soil humus. Hydrogen bonding (see Sections 5.1 and 8.3) and protonation [adding of H* to a group such as an -NH, (amino) gloup] probably promotes some of the adsorption. Everything else being equal, larger organic molecules with many charged sites are more strongly adsorbed, Some organic chemicals \^/ith positively charged groups, such as the herbicides diquat and paraquat, are strongly adsorbed by silicate clays. Adsorption by clays of some pesticides tends to be pH-dependent (Figure 18.5), with maximum adsorption occuning at loy/ pH levels, which encoulages protonation. Adding an H* ion to functional gíoups (e.g., -NHz) yields a positive charge on the herbicide, resulting in greater attíaction to negatively charged soil colloids. The tendency of organic chemicals to leach from soils is closely related to their solubility in water and theií potential for adsorption. Some compounds/ such as chloroform and phenoxyacetic acid, are a million times more water-soluble than others, such as l14 l) :],d Jo m l ;b8:i -,, € ,,6 o,, o. E4 4 ],§,,1,1,.,:],]p,l,,;:,.],;,{§,,:.::".,J:§::,|,.:.:Q§,::':..'.:,:l0,]]',]:,]],]]8o: 1,1l :,,::',],,,,:HéibteiiJé:]cainaéntíáiióň]](iiiElL)]].]]:]]:,l ,]:,., ] 1,0 90 1,0o BrHnvton oF ORGANIC CHeulcRl-s IN SolL 803 DDT and PCBs, which are quite so}uble in oil but not in water. High water-solubi1;favors leaching losses. Strongly adsorbed molecules ale not likely to move down the profile (Table i$*I}ur Likewise, conditions that encourage such adsorption will discourage leaching. Leacr_ry is apt to be favored by water movement, the greatest leaching hazatd occurring r:: highly permeable, sandy soils that are also low in organic matter. Periods of high rainfáll around the time of application of the chemical promote both leaching and runott l§es Qable 18.3). With iome notable exceptions, herbicides seem to bésomewhat morě-mobile than most fungicides or insecticides, and therefore are more likely to find their way to groundwater supplies and streams (Figure 18.6). Contamínatíon of Groundwater Experts once maintained that contamination of groundwater by pesticides occurred only from accidents such as spills, but it is now known that many pesticides reach the groundwater from normal agricultural use. Since many people (e.g., 4Oo/o of Americans, depend on groundwater for their drinking supply, leaching of pesticides is of wide concern. Table 18.4 lists some of the 46 pesticides found in a national survey of well wateĎ in the United States. The concentrations are given ínparts per billion (see Box 18.1). In some cases, the amount of pesticide found in the drinking water has been high enough to raise long-term health concerns. Chemícal Reactíons Upon contacting the soil, some pesticides undergo chemical modification independent of soil organisms. For example, iron cyanide compounds decompose within hours or days if exposed to bright sunlight. DDl diquat, and the triazines are subject to sloltphotodecomposition in sunlight. The triazine herbicides (e.g., attazine) and organophosphate insecticides (e.g., malathion) are subject to hydrolysis and subsequent degradation. While the complexities of molecular structure of the pesticides suggest different mechanisms of breakdown, it is important to realize that degradation independent ol soil organisms does in fact occur. MícrobíalMetabolísm Biochemical degradation by soil organisms is the single most important method trr which pesticides are removed from soils. Certain polar groups on the pesticide molecu]e: such as -OH, -COO-/ and -NH2, provide points of attack for the organisms. DDT and other chlorinated hydrocarbons, such as aldrin, dieldrin, and heptachlo: ale very slowly broken down, persisting in soils fot 2O oI more years. In contrast, the organophosphate insecticides, such as parathion, are degraded quite rapidly in soils TABLE l 8.2 The Degree of Adsorption of §elected Herbicides Weakly adsorbed herbicides are mole susceptible to movement in the soil than those that are more tightly adsorbed, Common name or designation Trade name Adsorptivity to soil colloids Dalapon Ch]oramben Bentazon 2,4-D Propachlor Atrazine Alachlor EPTC Diuron Glyphosate PaIaquat Trifluralin DCPA Dowpon Amiben Basagran Severa1 Ramrod AAtrex Lasso Eptam Karmex Roundup Paíaquat Treflan Dactha] None Weak Weak Moderate Moderate Strong Strong Strong Strong Very strong Very strong Very stron8 Very strong 804 SoíIs and Chemícal Pollutíon TABLE l8.3 §urface Runoff and Leaching Losses (Through Drain Tiles) of the Herbicide Atrazine from a Clay Loam Lacustrine Soil (Alfisols) in Ontario, Canada The herbicide was applied at 1700 g/ha in late May. The data are the avera&e of three . tillage methods. Note that the rainfall for May and |une is related to the amount of herbicide lost by both pathways, Atrazine loss, g/ha Year of study Surface runoff ioss Drainage water loss Total dissolved loss Percent oftotal Rainfall, applied, o/o May-|une, mm 1 2 )-) 4 18 1 51 13 9 2 61, 1,.6 o.2 6.6 2.6 77o 30 255 16-5 27 3 113 45 Pf*mť Absorpúíorn l0,000 |,000 l00 l0 I 0.0l 0.00l Data abstracted from Gaynor, et al. (1995). apparently by a variety of organisms (Figure 18.7). Likewise, the most widely used herbicides, such as 2,4-D, the phenylureas, the aliphatic acids, and the carbamates, are readily attacked by a host of organisms. Exceptions are the triazines, which are slowly degraded, primarily by chemical action. Most organic fungicides are also subject to microbial decomposition, although the rate of breakdown of some is slow, causing troublesome residue problems. Pesticides are commonly absorbed by higher plants. This is especially true for those pesticides (e.g., systemic insecticides and most herbicides) that must be taken up in order to perform their intended function. The absorbed chemicals may remain intact inside the plant, or they may be degraded. Some degradation products are harmless, but others are even more toxic to humans than the original chemical that was absorbed. Understandably, society is quite concerned about pesticide residues found in the parts of plants that people eat, whether as fresh fruits and vegetables or as processed foods. The use of pesticides and the amount of pesticide residues in food are strictly regulated by law to ensure human safety. Despite widespread concerns, there is little evidence that the small amounts of residues permissible in foods by law have had any iII effects on public health. However, routine testing by regulatory agencies has shown that about 1 to 2o/o of the food samples tested contain pesticide residues above the levels permissible. J 1 .9 e o o U 2o0 300 4o0 500 600 Days after application Fl6!.jRE i$.6 Concentlation of two widely used herbicides, atrazine and alachlor, in the runoff from watersheds in Ohio planted to corn, along with the allowed Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for drinking water. Note that the concentration far exceeds the MCL, especially for attazine, during the first 50 to 100 days after application. If this runoff is not diluted with less-contaminated watel, it would not be suitable for consumption by downstream users. [Redrawn from Shipitalo, et a1. (1997)] Atrazíne L:_..\ Atrazine McL lMLL --l--------Ě: = =: = =: = = =; =: =::--\-------- Alachlor "7" Alachlor I00 700 800 §EFiA,lloR ůFů{iGANie enr,tttep"rE lN §oll E05 TABLE ; 8.4 Pesticides Present in Groundwater from NormalAgricultural Use Note the wide range in concentrations which are considered to be risky to health. The great majoriý of wells samPled were uncontam,:;::í:;rr::ír,x:;;;::ff ,wu,e detected ťhey were often near pesticide Level fouttd, parts per billbn Use' Median Ievel fotmdb Maximum level foLutd HeaLth-advisory level' Alachlor Aldicarb Atrazine Bromaci1 carbofuran Cyanazine 2,4-D (Z,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) DBCP d DCPA Dinocebd EDB Fonofos Malathion Metolachlor Metribuzin Oxamyl Trifluran 10 200 i00 2o0 200 5 H I H H I H H FUM H H, I,F F I I H H I H 1 9 1 9 5 0.4 1 0.01 109 1 1 0.1 42 0.4 1 4 0.4 113 315 40 22 1,76 7 50 0.o2 L040 37 74 0.9 53 )a 7 395 2.2 10 3 90 40 lo 70 1000 7 Data from General Accounting office (1991). " H = herbicide; I = insecticide, F = fungicide; FUM = fumigant. b Fifty percent above and 50oll below this value. c Health-advisory level is the concentration that is suspected of causing health problems over a 7O-year lifetime. Blank means no advisory ]el,t has been set. d Most uses of this pesticide have been banned in the United States. persísťegiceířc §oóřs The persistence of chemicals in the soii is the net result of all their reactions, nl.-: ments, and degradations. Marked differences in persistence ale the rule (see Fi:,'.:- 18.7). For example/ organophosphate insecticides may last only a few days in soils. . -- widely used herbicide 2,4-D persists in soils for only two to four weeks. PCBs, DDT :: _ other chlorinated hydrocarbons may persist for 3 to 20 years or 1onger (Table 18.5 . ., , persistence times of other pesticides and industrial organics fall generaliy betweer .,, extremes cited. The majority of pesticides degrade rapidty enough to prevent bui]du:soils having normal annual applications. Those that resist degradation have a $ii:,: potential to cause environmental damage. Continued use of the same pesticide on the same land can increase the rate of n_ _: bial breakdown of that pesticide. Apparently, having a constant food source allc:, , population build up of those microbes equipped with the enzymes needed to -: . down the compound. This is an advantage with respect to environmental qualitl, ;.:., a principle sometimes applied in environmental cleanup of toxic organic compo.-_: _ but the breakdown may become sufficiently rapid to reduce a pesticide's effectir-el:. á?egá*r*m$ Vruďmeg,m&í §aty ta Fes fíeíde§-eaakínE The vulnerability of groundwater to contamination by pesticide leaching varies g:.. from one area to another. Highest r,"ulnerability occurs in regions with high rainfa_ , abundance of sandy soils, and intensive cropping systems that involve high usa;. those types of pesticides that are most soluble and 1east strongiy adsorbed by th. , colloids. For example, the southern Atlantic Coast of the United States is an aiea,.,,:-_sandy soils are prominent, and where pesticide-intensive cropping systems (for _ , vegetables, peanuts, and cotton) are used. Likewise, vulnerability to leaching of : , pesticides and nitrates íshigh in the Corn Belt, where much of the 1and is under : tinuous corn production with its high herbicide and nitrogen fertilizer use. It should be pointed out that pesticide hazards are site-specific, and that : regional generalizations might mask Iocalized areas of vulnerability. For examp_1 arid regions irrigated areas of intensive vegetable crop production may experience : " E$6 "§oíísclncí ť'kemícal Polluťíom As analytical instrumentation becomes more sophisticated, contaminants can be detected at much lower leve|s than was the case inthe past. Since humans and other organisms can be harmed by almost any substance ií large enough quantities aíe involved, the subject oí toxicity and contamínation must be looked at quantítatíuelg. That is, we must ask houl much, nol simply urhat, is in the environment. Many highly toxic (meaning harmíul in very small amounts) compounds are produced by natural processes and can be detected in the air, soil, and water-quite apart from any activitie§ oÍ humans. The mere pre§ence oía natural toxin or a synthetic contaminant may not be a problem. Toxicity depends on ( l ) the concentratíon of the contaminant, and (2) the level oí exposure oíthe organism. Thus, low concentrations oÍ certain chemicals that would cause no observable effect by a síngle erposure (c,g.. one glass oí drinkíng warer) may cause harm (e.g., cancer, birth defects) to individuals exposed to these concentrations over a long period of time (e.g,, three glasses oí water a day íor many years). Regulatory agencies atlempt to estimate the eÍÍectsof long-term eYposure when they §et standards Íor no-observableeííectlevels (NOEL) or health-advisory levels (see Table l 8.'l). Some species and individuals within a species will be much more sensitive than others to any given chemical. Regulators atlempt [o consider the risk to the most susceptible individual in any particular case. For nitrate in groundwatel this individual might be a human iníant whose entire diet consists oí iníant formula made with the contamlnated water, For DDT, the individual at greate§t risk might be a bird of prey that eat§ fish that eat worms that ingest lake sediment contaminated with DDT. For a pesticide taken up by plants from the soil, the individual at 8reatest risk might be an avid gardener who eats vegetables and íruits mainly írom the treated garden over the course of a liÍetime. lt is important to get a íeel íor the meaning of the very small numbers used to express the concentration oí contaminants in the environment. For instance. in Table l 8.4, the concentrations are given in parts per billion (ppb). This is equivalent to microgram§ per kilogram or pglkg. ln water this would be pg/L. To comprehend the number l bíllíonimagine a billion golí balls: lined up. they would stretch completely around the earth. One bad ball out oí a bíllion (l ppb) seems like an extremely small number. On the other hand, l ppb can seem like a very large number. Consicler water contaminated with l ppb oí potassium cyanide, a very toxic §Ubstance consi§ting of a carbon, a potassium. and a nitrogen atom linked together (KcN). lí you drank iust one drop oí this Water, you would be ingestíng almost I fríllíorrmolecule§ of potassíum cyanide: 6,023 x l0]3 molecules 9.3 x l0ll molecules l mol lmol lpKCN lusKCN L cmj ,1 Lv'"w_= " 65 g KCN " l06/pg KCN " L ' loj cm] " ludrops drop ln the case oí potassium cyanide, the molecules in this drop of water would probably not cause any observable eííect.However, íorother compounds. this many molecules may be enough to trigger DNA mutations or the beginning of cancerous 8rowth. Assessing these risks is still an uncertain business. Atrazine (triazine) Triíuralin (dínitroaniline) @ d .E ,6 Eq c .9 o oo ;.ž FIGURE l8.7 Degradation of four herbicides (alachlor, atrazine, 2,|-D, and trifuralin) and two insecticides (parathion and carbaryl), all of which are used extensively in the Midwest of the United States. Note that atlazine and alachlor are quite slowly degraded, whereas parathion and 2,4-D are quickly broken down. [Reprinted with permission from R. G. Krueger and J. N. Seiber, Treatment and Disposal of Pesticide iťasfes, Symposium Series 259; copyright 1984 American Chemical Society] ; Brunvton oF ORGANIc Currr.llcnrs lN §oll 807 TABLE l8.5 Common Range of Persistence of a Number of Organic Compounds Risks of environmental pollution are highest with those chemicals with gre ate st p er sistenc e. Organic chemical persistence in soils Chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides (e.g., DDf, chlordane, and dieldrin) PCBs Triazine herbicides (e,g., atrazine and simazine) Glyphosate herbicide Benzoic acid herbicides (e.g., amiben and dicamba) Urea herbicides (e.g., monuron and diuron) Vinyl chloride Phenoxy herbicides (2,4-D and 2,4,5-T) Organophosphate insecticides (e.g,, malathion and diazinon) carbamate insecticides Carbamate herbicides (e.g,, barban and CIPC) 3-2O yr 2-7O yr 1,-2 yt 6-20mo 2-1-2mo Z-1-0 mo 1-5 mo 1-5 mo 7-72wk 1-8 wk 2-8 wk l8.4 EFFECTS oF siderable leaching of both pesticides and nitrates. Likewise, application of certain \^řatersoluble pesticides may result in groundwatel contamination even where the soil may not be coarse in texture. PEsTlclDEs oN §oll oRGANlsMs Since pesticides are formulated to kill organisms, it is not surprising that some of these compounds are toxic to specific soil organisms. At the same time/ the diversity of the soil olganism population is so great that, excepting a few fumigants, most pesticides do not kill a broad spectrum of soil organisms. Fumigants are compounds used to free a soil of a given pest, such as nematodes. These compounds have a more drastic effect on both the soil fauna and flora than do other pesticides. For example ,99o/o of the microarthropod population is usually killed by such fumigants as DD and vampam, and it may take as long as t\^/o years for the population to fully lecover. Fortunately, the recovery time for the microflora is generally much less. Fumigation reduces the number of species of both flora and fauna, especially if the treatment is repeated, as is often the case where nematode control is attempted. At the same time, the total number of bacteria is frequently much greater following fumigation than before, This increase is probably due to the relative absence of competitors and predators following fumigation and to the carbon and energy sources left by dead organisms for microbial utilization. The effects of pesticides on soil animals varies greatly from chemical to chemical and from organism to organism. Nematodes are not generally affected, except by specific fumigants. Mites are generally sensitive to most organophosphates and to the chlorinated hydrocarbons/ with the exception of aldrin. Springtails vary in their sensitivity to both chlorinated hydrocarbons and organophosphates, some chemicals being quite toxic to these organisms. ERnrHwonrus, Fortunately, many pesticides have only mildly depressing effects on earth\^,/orm numbers/ but there are exceptions. Among insecticides, most of the carbamates (carbaryl, carbofuIan, aldicarb, etc.) are highly toxic to earthworms. Among the herbi cides, simazine is more toxic than most. Among the fungicides, benomyl is unusually toxic to earthworms. The concentrations of pesticides in the bodies of the earthworms are closely related to the levels found in the soil (Figure 18.8). Thus, earthworms can magnify the pesticide exposule of birds, rodents, and other cleatures that prey upon them. Fumígants Effects on §oíl Fauna 808 Soils and Chemícal Pollutíon a a a a aa aa aa aa a" 3""a aaa a Ooo aa a aa a a "§a aa aa a aa aaa a aa aa aa E o ;o l= § co o U l00.o l0.0 o.0 I 0.00 l 0.0l 0.1 1.0 concentration in earthworms lo.0 l00.o (ppr) F!6URE l 8.8 Ěffect of concentlation of pesticides in soil on their concentlation in earthworms. Birds or rodents eating the earthworms at any level of concentIation would further concentlate the pesticides. [Data from several sources gathered by, Thompson and Edwards (1974); used with permission of Soil Science Society of America] Pesticides have significant effects on the numbers of certain predators and/ in tuln/ on the numbels of Prey olganisms. For example, an insecticide ihat reduces the numbers of PredatorY mites may stimulate numbérs of springtaits, which ,.r"" i, p."y ro. the mites (Figure 1B.9). Such organism interaction is norňral in most soils. Effects orr 5oííMícroorganísms The overall levels of bacteria in the soil are generally not too seriously affected by pesticides. However, the org_anisms responsiblďfor nitiification and nitiogen fixatíon are sometimes adversely affected. Insecticides and fungicides affect both"procesr", -o.Óthan do most herbicides, although some of the latteř can reduce the numberu or carrYing out these two reactions. Recent evidence suggests that some pesticideňan enhance biological nitrogen fixation by reducing trre řřirrity of protozba and other organisms that are Competitors or predators of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria. These findings illustrate the complexity of life in the soil. +l20 +l o0 +80 +60 +40 +20 _20 _4o _60 _80 Springtails / Predatory mítes \.* lnsecticide residues 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo ll 12 Months after insecricide application F|GL|RE l8.9 The direct effect of insecticide on predatoíy mites in a soil and the indirect effect of reducing mite numbers on the population of springtails (tiny iruects.t that seíve as prey for the mites. lReplotted from Edwards (1978); used with permission of Academic Press, Inc,, Londonl l00 80 60 40 20 @ .= .= @^ -96 .!c c § E f tr E .! c6 @ o .E @ c -U l4 Errrcrs oF PEsTlclDEs oN §oll Oncnntsnts E09 Fungicides, especially those used as fumigants, can have marked adverse effects on soi1 fungi and actinomyÓ.t.r, thereby slowin§down the humus formation in soils, Inter_ ;;ii;áďh"*ever, the iro."r, oiu-i"onifica'tion is often stimulated by pesticide use, The negative ertect's-ái most pesticicles on soil microorganisms are temporary, and after a few days o, -."kr, organism numbers generally recov^er, But exceptions are com_ mon enough to aictaá cautián in the use of tÉechemicals. Care must be taken to appll ilr*Á ""rý,*hen alteI;ate means of pest managemerrt are notavailable. This brief review of the behavior of organic Čhemicalsin soils reemPhasizes.the complexity of the chang", iúttut. place whěn new and exotic substances are added to our environment. our máwi"ag" orirr" soil processes involved certainlv reaffirms the neces_ sitv for a thorough evaluation of potential environmental impacts prior to approval and "rá ár ".* cherňicals for extensive use on the land, _,,_ __ *, *-***-"_*-íťllť I l8.6 coNTAMlNATloN VíITH Toxlc lNoRGANlc suB§TANcEs4 aFor a review of this subject, see Kabata-Pendias and Pendias (1992) The toxicitY of inorganic contaminants released into the environment every year is now estimated to exceed that from organic and radioactive sources combined. Á fát share of these inorganic substances ends up contaminating soils. The greatest problems most likelY involve merculý cadmium, lead, arsenic, nicŘel, coppel/ zinc, chrómium, molybdenum, manganese/ selenium, fluorine, and boron. To a greater or lesser degree, alíof these elements are toxic to humans and other animals-. cadmium and a-rsenic are extremelY Poisonous; mercury/ lead, nickel, and fluorine are moderately so; boron, copPeI, manganese, and zinc ate relatively lower in mammalian toxicity. Table 18.7 prbvides background information on the uses, sources, and effects of some of tňese elements. Although the metallic elements (see periodic table, Appendix B) are not all, stťctlY sPeaking, "heaw" metals, for the sake Óf simplicity thij term is often used in referring to them. 818 SoíIs and Chemícal Pollutíon TAELE l8.7 Sources of §elected lnorganic Soil Pollutants Chemical Mctjor uses atttl sources of soil cottaminatiott Orgatústtts principally httrrned" Hurnan health effěcts .\rSeniC (]adnrium Chromium Copper Lead \,íercury \ickel Se]cnium Zinc Pesticides, plant clesiccants, animal fced additives, coal and petroieum, mine tailings, deteIgents, and irrigation WateI Electroplating, pigments for plastics anc1 paints, plastic stabilizers, batteries, and phosphate fertilizers Stainless stee1, chíome-plated metals, pigments, refractory brick manufacture, anc1 leather tanning Mine tailings, fly ash, fertilizers, windblown coppel-containing dust, and \^/ateť pipes Conibustion of oil, gasoline, and coal; iron and steel production; solder in wateI-pipes; paint pigment Pesticides, catalysts for synthetic polymers, metallurgv, and thermometeIs Combustion of coal, gasoline, arrc1 oil; alloy manufactute; electroplating; batteries; and mining High Se geological formations and irrigation \,vastewatel in which se is concentratecl Galvanized iron anc1 stee1, alloys, batterics, brass, rubber manufacture, mining, and old tires H,A,F,B H,A,F,B,P H, A, F], B lP H,A,lB H,A,F,B RP H,A,F,B I,P Cumulative poison, cancer, skin iesions Healt and kidney disease, bone embrittlement Mutagenic; also essential nutíient Rare; essentia1 nutlient Brain damage, convulsiclt-ts Nerve clamage Lttng cancer Rare; loss oi l-rair and nail defornities; e5Sential nutrient Rare; essentiai tlLltrient - H = humans, A -animals/ F = fish, B -birds, P = plants, l)ata selecte(l from Moore and Rarnan]oorthv (i984) and nurncrous otheI SouICes §ources and Accwmw§atíon There are many sources of the inorganic chemical contaminants that Can accumulate in soils. The burning of fossil fuels, Šmelting(Figule 18.19), and other processing techniques release intČthe atmosphere tons of řhesďelements, which can be Carried for miles aná later deposited on the vegetation and soil. Lead, nickel, and boron are gasoline additives that aró released into thě atmosphele and carried to the soi1 through Iain and Sno\^/. Borax is used in detergents, fertilizers, and forest fire retardants, all of which commonly reach the soil. superphosphate and limestone, two widely used soii amendments, usualÍy contain small quaniitiesbf cadmium, copper/ manganese/ nickel, and zinc, Cad_ mium'is used in platin§ metals and in the manufacture of batteries. Arsenic WaS for many yeals used as an insecticide on cotton, tobacco, fruit crops, lawns, and aS a defoliant or vine kilter. Some of these mentioned elements are found as constituents in sPecific organic pesticides ancl in domestic and industria1 sewage sludge. Additional localized F|6URE I8.19 A partially denuded hiliside just downwind from a copper smelter in Anaconda, Montana, The heavy metal-laden fumes have contaminated this area with copper, zinc, nickel, and other metals to levels that are highly toxic to most plants and many othel olganisms, decirnating the ecosystems of the aíea. Note the serious erosion that has resu]ted from the devegetation, despite the lecent invasion of the area by a few meta]-tolirant plant species. (Photo coultesy of R. Wei1) CoNr,q,ttlnerloN wlTH Toxtc lNoRaANlc §uBsTANcEs 819 Lead contamination is one of the most serious and widespread problems oíinorganic soil pol|ution. Long-term exposure to low levels of lead can have proíoundly deleterious efíects on child development and neuro|ogical functíoning, including intelligence. Lead poisoning has been shown to contribute to mental retardation, poor academic performance, and juvenile delinquency. The U.S. EPA reports that nearly l million chi|dren in America today have dangerously elevated levels oílead in their blood. ln the past (and, uníortunately, in the present in many developing countries that still use leaded gasoline), much oíthe lead came írom burning leaded íuels. The content oí lead in soils commonly increases with proximity to maior highways. The lead content oí soíls also usually increase§ as the distance írom the center oí a major city decreases. Residents of inner cities generally live surrounded by lead-contaminated soils. The soil on the windward side oí apartment buildings often shows the highest accumulations of lead, as it is there that the wind-carried particulates tend to settle out oíthe air. A second reason íor high lead concentrations in urban soíls is related to the lead,based pigments in paint írom prel 970 buildings. Paint chips, ílakes, and dust írom sanding painted suríaces spread the lead around, and eventually much oíit ends up in the soi|. During dry weather, soi| particles blow about, spreading the lead and contributing to the dust that settles on floors and windowsills. Although plants do not readíly take up lead through their roots, leadcontaminated dust may stick to foliage and Íruits. Eating these garden products and breathing in lead-contamínated dust are two pathways for human lead exposure (see Figure l 8.20). However, the most serious pathway, at least íor young chi|dren, is thought to be hand-to-mouth activity-basically, eating dirt. Anyone who has observed a toddler knows that the child's hands are continually in its mouth, Leadcontaminated dust on suríaces in the home can thereíore be an important source oí lead exposure foryoung children; so, too, can lead-contaminated soil in outdoor play areas. Having children wash their hands írequently can signiíicantly cut down their exposure to this insidious toxín. ln 200 l , the U.S. EPA set new standards íor the cleanup oí lead in soil around homes: 400 part§ per míllion (ppm) of lead in bare soil in children's play areas or l ]00 ppm average íor bare soil in the rest oíthe yard. Soils with lead leve|s higher than these standards require some remediation. Until suitab|e phytoremediation techniques are íound, protecting children írom lead in soil around the home will continue to be largely a matter oí stabilizing the lead away írom the reach oí children and dust-creating winds. Excavation oísoi| around homes is extremely expensive and, given the low mobility of lead in soils, probably not necessary. lnstead, some areas may be covered with a thick |ayer oíuncontaminated topsoil; others may be paved over, or a wooden deck may be built over them. A well-maintained cover oíturfgrass will prevent most dust formation and soil ingestion. Removal oílead-based paints is likewise very expensive and diííicult,so isolating the lead-based paint under severa| coats of íresh paint may be a better way to avoid expo§ure. F|GURE l8,20 Sources of heavy meta]s and their cycting in should be noted that the content of metals in tissue generally l.ulnerability of humans to heav.v metal toxicity,. the soil-water-air-organism ecosysten] builds up from left to íight, indicating 82o §oíls ond chemícal pollutíorr contamination of soils with metals results from ore-smelting fumes, industrial wastes, and air pollution. Some of the toxic metals are being released to the environment in increasing amounts, while others (most notably lead, because of changes in gasoline formulation) are decreasing. All are daily ingested by humans, either through the air or through food, watel, and-yes-soil (see Box 18.2). Concentraúon ínOrganísm Tíssue l8.7 foIENtTlAl Irrespective of their sources, toxic elements can and do reach the soil, where they become part of the food chain: soil-+plant-+animal-+human (Figure 18.20). Unfortu_ nately, once the elements become part of this cycle, they may accumulate in animal and human body tissue to toxic levels. This situation is especially critical for fish and other wildlife and for humans at the top of the food chain. It has already resulted in restrictions on the use of certain fish and wildlife for human consumption. Also, it has become necessary to curtail the release of these toxic elements in the form of industrial \^/astes. l8.8 REAcTloNs oF lNoRGANlc CoNTAMINANT§ !N soIls Heaug Metals in Sewage Sludge Concern over the possible buildup of hear,y metals in soils resulting from large land applications of sewage sludges has prompted research on the fate of these chemicals in soils. Most attention has been given to zinc, copper, nickel, cadmium, and lead, which are commonly present in significant levels in these sludges. Many studies have suggested that if only moderate amounts of sludge are added, and the soil is not very acid (pH > 6.5), these elements aíegenerally bound by soil constituents; they do not then easily leach from the soil, and they are not then readily available to plants. Only in moderately to strongly acid soils have most studies shown significant movement down the profile from the layer of application of the sludge. Monitoring soil acidity and using judicious applications of lime have been widely recommended to prevent leaching into groundwaters and minimize uptake by plants. More recently, studies using large amounts of sludge (up to and exceeding what is permitted by U.S. EPA regulations) have suggested that metals from sludge may initially be more mobile in soils than was previously thought. In fact, several studies have reported that from 20 to 80 percent of the metals applied with sludge at high rates have been leached from the root zone and, in all likelihood, Iost to the groundwater. The metals in these studies probably moved as soluble organic complexes while the sludgesoil mixture was still fresh. Over time, the metals remaining in the soil appear to be stabilized in various low-solubility soil fractions (Table 18.12). FouNo lN §olls Tnrnrro WITH StuDGE. By using a sequence of chemical extractants, researchers have found that hear,lz metals are associated with soil solids in four maior ways (Table 78.72). First, a very small proportion is held in soluble or exchangeable forms, which are available for plant uptake. Second, the elements are bound by the soil organic matter and by the organic materials in the sludge. High proportions of the copper and chromium ale commonly found in this form, while lead is not so highly attracted, Organically bound elements are not readily available to plants, but may be released over a period of time. Rr,ccrloNs oF lNoRGANlc CoNTAMINANTs lN §olls 823 TAB!-E í8.12 Forms oíSix Heavy Metals Found in the Ap Horizon of a Metea Sandy Loam (Typic Hapluda|fs) in Michigan That Received 870 Mg/ha (Dry Víeight) of a "Dirty" Sewage Sludge Over l0 Years The sludge application rate far exceeded that required to supply nitrogen to the crops grown, suggesting that the purpose was disposal rather than utilizatíon. The sludge was incorporated into the soil betyveen 7977 and 1986, prior ťo the implementation of source reduction programs to reduce the metal contents of most sewage sluclges. The data are for soil samples taken 4 years a/ter the last sludge application. The soil CEC was 7 cmol,/k&, the organic matter content was 7o/o, and the pH was 6.9. Metal Content, mg/kg Forms in soil SolubiIi|. Cd ()u Nl Exchangeable and dissolved Acid soluble (carbonates, some organic) ()rganic matter F'e and Mn oxides Residual (vcry insoluble sulfides, etc.) Total of ail forms 4 140 56 96 11 :]o7 Most I V Least 3 <1,, <1 <1 =4.5 <1 3B 200 4B 6l7 <4 1,9 35 28 99 =l8-1 62 77o 31 1B0 24 467 52[t 19,1[, tJ9 37(, 5ó 297Metal Content, kg/haD TotaLs Total measured in Ap horizon 'lota] content in sludge applied Apparent recovery, 0/o =12 z1 =60 1,728 3000 5B =507 4B0 =106 1 308 2100 62 B33l. 1130t. ;- B59 1B00 4t] nNumbers prcceded by < indicate that the 1eve1 present Was less than the lowest concentlation detectable bv the anall,tical method used. t'Thc conversion frorn mg/kg to kg/ha assulnes a bulk density of 1.4 \,íg/m]r ancl a samplinS depth of 20 cm, Metal Concentlation clata from Beíti andJaco: (1996). See also McBride, et al. (1999) for thIthel el,idence of sludge-borne metal mobilitv in soils. The third and fourth associations of hear,y metals in soils are with cgrbonates anc with oxides of iron and man1anese. These forms are less available to plants than either tht exchangeable or the organically bound forms, especially if the soils ale not allowed tc become too acid. The fifth association is commonly known as the residual fonn, whiclconsists of sulfides and other very insoluble compounds that ale less available to plant: than any of the other forms. It is fortunate that most soil-applied hear,y metals are not readily absorbed by plant: and that they are not easily leached from the soil. However, the immobility of the met_ als means that they wil1 accumulate in soils if repeated sludge applications are ma(lÉ Care must be taken not to add such large quantities that the capacity of the soil to reac: with a given element is exceeded. It is for this Ieason that regulations set maximu]l cumulative loading limits for each metal (see Table 18.9). ť&l*rffi sc{B§s fr*rm #rflaen .§cc.ó§,*als Arsenic has accumulated in orchard soils following years of application of arseniccontaining pesticides. Being present in an anionic form (e.g., HrAsO,, ), this element ,: absorbed (as are phosphates) by hydrous iron and aluminum oxides, especially in aci: soils. In spite of the capacity of most soils to tie up arsenates, long-term additions c. arsenical splays can lead to toxicities for sensitive plants and earthworms. The arsen._ toxicity can be reduced by applications of sulfates of zinc, iron, and aluminum, whic: tie up the arsenic in insoluble forms. Contamination of soils with lead ís primarily from airborne deposition and com.] from automobile exhaust and from paint chips and dust from woodwork coated wit] old lead-pigmented paints. Most of the lead is tied up in the soil as insoluble carbonat€: sulfides, and in combination with iron, aluminum, and manganese oxides (see Tab,. l8.12). Consequently, the lead is largely unavailable to plants and is unlikely to co:-_ taminate groundwater, but may injure children who put contaminated soil in the mouths (Box 18,2). SoiI contamination by boron can occur from irrigation water high in this elemen: by excessive fertilizer application, or by the use of po\^/er plant fly ash as a soil amen;. ment. The boron can be adsorbed by organic matter and clays but is still available : plants, except at high soil pH. Boron is relatively soluble in soils, toxic quantities beir_: leachable, especially from acid sandy soils. Boron toxicity is usually considered a loca,ized problem and is probably much less important than the deficiency of the elemen, &24 §oíísorrd Chernícal Falšutían Fluorine toxicity is also generally localized. Drinking water for animals and fluoride fumes from industrial processes often contain toxic amounts of fluorine. The fumes can be ingested directly by animals or deposited on nearby plants. If the fluorides are adsorbed by the soil, their uptake by plants is restricted, The fluorides formed in soils are highly insoluble, the solubility being least if the soil is well supplied with lime. Mercury contamination of lake beds and of s\^/ampy areas has resulted in toxic levels of mercury among certain species of fish. Insoluble forms of mercury in soils, not normally available to plants or, in turn, to animals, are convelted by microorganisms to an organic form, methylmercury, in which it is more soluble and available for plant and animal absorption. The methylmercury is concentrated in fatý tissue as it moves up the food chain, until it accumulates in some fish to levels that may be toxic to humans. This series of transformations illustrates how reactions in soil can influence human toxicities. l8, cH Rec lmt ! s. íl RAD§ONuCL§DE5 §N §OlL U.:i, F.1',-\ tiivisiclrl clf ratlilttiotl: lťtvl,V. e|-}.1. goV, i,adi"rtíon ffimdíoacťíuítgfram Soils contain small quantities of "'U, 'oK, s'Rb, 11C, and a number of other naturalhoccurring radioactive isotopes (radionuclides) that are characterized by long half-tives and give off minute amounts of radiation in the form of alpha particles (bundles of tlvo neutrons and two protons) and beta particles (positive or negatively chargecl particles). As a radionuclide decays, its nucleus discharges these particles, transforming the atonl into a different isotope or element with a lighter nucleus. The time it takes for one-half of the atoms of a particular radioactive isotope to undergo such decay is termed the hal7, life of the isotope. After 10 half-lives, 99.7% of the original atoms wiII have decayed. The intensity of radioactivity present-ol/ more precisely, the rate of radioactive decay-is expressed using the SI unit becquerel (Bq), which replesents one decay per second. Arl older metric unit, still in wide use, is the utrie (Ci), which equals 3.7 x 1010 Bq.6 lvueťeeir Físsíom The process of nuclear fission, in connection with atomic y/eapons testing and nuclea: po\ver generation, has contaminated soils with a number of additional radionuclides. However, only two of these are sufficiently long-llved to be of significance in soils: strontium 90 (half-life = 28 yr) and cesium 137 (tralf-life = 30 yr). The average leve1 o_ ouSr in soi] in the United States is about 14,4 kilobecquerels per squale metei (kBqinl or 38B millicuries per square kilometer (mCi)ikm'. The average level for 137Cs is abou. 22,9 kBqlm2 (620 mCiikm2). The levels of radioactivity caused by fallout are quite sma., compared to that for naturally occurring radionuclides. For example, for natural1,, occurring 10K the average ]evel is about 1900 kBq/m2 (51,8O0 mCi/kmf). Partly because of the cation-exchange properties of soils, the ievels of these fissio: radionuclides found in most soils are not high enough to be hazardous. Most of the !' 5] and l37Cs reaching the soi1 is adsorbed by the soil colloids in exchange for other catio],) previously adsorbed, with the result that plants take up mainly the replaced catiotl: rather than the added radionuclides (see Section 8.8). Even during the peak periods ., \Veapons testing in the early 1960s, soils did not contribute significantly to the level i_ . these nuclides in plants. Atmospheric fallout directly onto foliage was the prima: Source of radionuc]ides in the food chain. Consequently, only in the event of a cat_,_ strophic supply of fission products could toxic soil levels of 90Sr and 137Cs be expecte._ Such high levels of 90Sr and 1:J7Cs, as well as '3]I, did contaminate soils in Ukrainé, Sca: dinavia, and Eastern Europe in the wake of the 19B6 reactol meltdown at Chernobv] Ukraine (then part of the Soviet Union). The accident deposited more than 200 k Bqir_ of radioactivity on soils as far away as the United Kingdom. Fortunately, consicieral... research has been accomplished on the behavior of these nuclides in the soil_plant sr :_ tem. Srnonrlunt 90" In the soil-plant-animal system, 90Sr behaves very much like calciunr. : which it is closely related chemically (see periodic table, Appendix B). It enters the sc from the atmosphere in solub]e forms and is quickly adsorbed by the colloidal fractic: both organic and inorganic. It is taken up by plants and assimilated much like ca]ciur:,, Contamination of forages and, ultimately, of milk by this radionuclide is of concern . the 90Sr could potentially be assimilated into the bones of the human body. Fortunate,when it exchanges with aluminum oI hydrogen ions adsorbed on the colloids in an ac _ soil, it comprises such a minute fraction of the exchangeable cations that its availa|., _ ity is quite low. However, should these soils be limed, the large quantities of addecl c.,. cium are likely to cause the desorption of the strontium from the exchange srtr, making it more available for leaching. However, the preponderance of calcium in t_,. limed soil solution would compete with strontium for uptake by plant roots, and : reduce the amount of strontium entering the food chain. Crstun,a l 37. Although chemically related to potassium, cesium tends to be less reac__ available in many soils. Apparently, 1:r7Cs is firmly fixed by vermiculite and related int.:. stratified minerals. The fixed nuclide is nonexchangeable, much as is fixed potassiull-i oThe curie was rramed after Marie and Pierre Curie, Polish scientists who discovered radium, an clen:. that decays at the late of 3.7 x 101'] Bq/g. The becquerel was named aftcl Antoine Henrý Becquer. French scientist who discovered radioactivity in uranium. 832 Soílsond Chemícal Pelíuťíorr RadíoactíoeWastes7 some interlayers of clay (see Box 8.3 and Section 74.76). Plant uptake of '37Cs from vermiculitic soiÍs is very limited. Where vermiculite and related clays are absent, as in some tropica1 soils, 137Cs uptake is more rapid. In any case, the soil tends to damPen the moiement of t37Cs into the food chain of animals, including humans. loornr l 3 l. When it partially meted down, the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl emitted significant quantities bf "'I, which accumulates in the human thyroid. People in the arěa around the reactor have since suffered an increased incidence of thyroid cancer. Because of its short halfJife (8.1 days), reactions in the soil and movement through the soil-plant-animal food chain are less significant than contamination of drinking \ťater, inhalation of contaminated dust particles, and contamination of edible plant foliage. Research is underway to take advantage of plant uptake of radionuclides i_n PhYtoremediation exercises. Plants, such as sunflowers, are being used to remove 90Sr and 137Cs from ponds and soils near the site of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Indian mustard is also being used in nearby sites to remove such nucleotide contaminants. In addition to radionuclides added to soils because of weapons testing and nuclear poweí plant accidents, soils may interact with radioactive waste materials that have ieaked irom their holding tanks or have been intentionally buried for disposal. Plutonium, uranium, americiuh, neptunium, curium, and cesium are among the elements whose nuclides occur in radioaclive wastes. These wastes are generated by research and medical facilities (where the radionuclides are used in cancel therapy and the like), and at po\^/er plants and weapons manufacturing sites. 'BecauŠe of the secreryand lack of regulation associated with the latteq they constitute some of the most polluted locations on Earth. For example, the U.S, Defense DePartment,s now-abandóned plutonium-production complex at Hanford, Idaho, represents one of the biggest envirohmental cléanup challenges in the world. Among the hazards plaguing ttrařŠiteare hundreds of huge, in many cases leaking, underground tanks, in irrricrr h"ighJevel radioactive \^/astes have been stored for decades. Billions of cubic meters of soil aná water have been contaminated with radioactive \^/astes at U.S. \^/eapons manufacturing sites and at similar, equally polluted sites in the former Soviet Union. p1utoNtu1t Toxtclrv. Plutonium-239, a major pollutant at these sites, is dangerous both because of its intense radioactivity and because of its high level of toxicity to humans. The 239pu itself is quite immobile in soils, having a K7 estimated at about 1000. Nor is it taken up readily by plants, so it does not accumulate along terrestrial food chains. It does, hówever, accumulate in aigae. Furthermore, oily liquid wastes carrying 239Pu seeP into the groundwater and nearĎy rivers, and contaminated surface soil blows in the desert wiňd, spreading the radionuclides for many kilometers. CleanuP may be imPossible at some of thesě former \^/eapons sites; the agencies responsible are struggling merely to stabilize and contain the contamination. With a half-life of 24,4OO Years, 239Pu contamination is a problem that will not go away. Low-Lrvrl Wnsrrs. Low-level radioactive v/astes also present some environmental challenges. Even though the waste materials may be solidified before being placed in shaltoř land burial |itr, so-e dissolution and subsequent movement in the soil are possible. Nuclideďin wastes vary greatly in water solubility, uranium compounds being quite solubte/ compounds of plutónium and americium being relatively insoluble, 1nd cesium compoundi being intěrmediate in solubility, Cesium, a positively charged ion, is adsorbed by soil colloids. Uranium is thought to occur as a U()22* ion thát is also adsorbed uy s'oit. The charge on plutonium and americium appeaís to vaíy,dePending on the nature of the complexes these elements form in the soil. There is considerable variability in the actual uptake by plants of these nuclides from soils, depending on such properties as pH and organic mattel content. The uptake from soils by plants ii generallý lowest for plutonium, highest for neptunium, and intermeScience (vo|.132) provides extensive technical information on radioactive For a description of the environmental challenges at the Hanford site, see 7The July 1981 issue of Soil waste interaction with soils. Zorpette (1996). Rnolot,tuct-loEs lN SoIL 833 TABLE l 8. l 4 Concentrations oíSeveral Breakdown Products of Uranium 238 and Thorium 232 (Nucleotides) in §ix Different §oil Suborders in Louisiana Note marked differences among levels in the different soils. 238[J breakdown products, Bq,kg 2j2Th breakdown products, Btl,kg Soil suborder No. of samples Z26Ra 211Pb 211Bi 212Pb 137Cs laK Udults Aquults Aqualfs Aquepts Aquolls Hemists 22 aÁ ,rJ 93 57 1B J/..) 30.4 51.1 92,2 90.4 136.3 27.7 36.7 3B.3 47.6 45.B 49.4 28.9 38.1 36.6 45.2 44.7 49.o 27.4 50.0 59.7 63.B 59.5 7 4.9 16,7 736 10.9 100 13.5 263 16.7 636 8.7 608 I9.4 783 From Meriwethel, et al. (1988). diate for americium and curium. Fruits and seeds are generally much lower in these nuclides than are leaves, suggesting that grains may be less contaminated by nuclides than forage crops and leafy vegetables. Since soils are being used as burial sites for low-level radioactive wastes, care should be taken that soils are chosen whose properties discourage leaching or significant plaut uptake of the chemicals. Data in Table 18.14 illustrate differences in the abitity o} air_ ferent soils to hold breakdown products of two radionuclides. It is evident that monitoring of nuclear \^/aste sites will likely be needed to assure minimum transfer of ttre 4gc]ldes to other parts of the environment.