Ecotoxicology - course instructions

Instructions on Bi2003 Ecotoxicology

Lectures are provided by two lecturers - Luděk Bláha (1st part) and Jakub Hofman (2nd part - focus on bioassays)

Lectures of Prof. Bláha will be on following days (Thursdays)

18.9. (exceptional - start 11:30 !)

3.10. (11-12:30)

24.10. (11-12:30)

31.10. (11-12:30)

7.11. (11-12:30)

Lectures of Prof. Hofman will follow (dates to be specified)

Information on final exam

Written test, open questions, 50% is required to successfully pass.

Final evaluation (grading): 50-60% correct = E; 60-80% C; 80-90% B; 90-100% A.
