Stano Pekár“Populační ekologie živočichů“  dN = Nr dt includes all mechanisms of population growth that change with density - population structure is ignored - extrinsic effects are negligible - response of  and r to N is immediate  and r decrease with population density either because natality decreases or mortality increases or both - negative feedback of the 1st order  K .. carrying capacity - upper limit of population growth where  = 1 or r = 0 - is a constant if then 0 1 KNt Nt/Nt+1 1/ y = a + x b Discrete (difference) model K N N N t t t )1( 1 1      t t t aN N N   1 1  K a 1   tt NN 1  1 1  t t N N   K N N N t t t   111 1    - there is linear dependence of  on N time0 K Nt when Nt  0 then • no competition • exponential growth when Nt  K then • density-dependent control • S-shaped (sigmoid) growth when Nt > K then • population returns to K 1 1   taN  1 1   taN      taN1 - when N  K then r  0 N K dN/dt*1/N r 0 logistic growth first used by Verhulst (1838) to describe growth of human population  Solution of the differential equation Continuous (differential) model        K N Nr dt dN 1 Nr dt dN  r Ndt dN  1 K r Nr Ndt dN  1 00 0 )( NeNK KN N rtt    - there is linear dependence of r on N Monotonous increase (r = 0.5) Damping oscillations (r = 1.9) Limit cycle (r = 2.3) Chaos (r = 3.0) 1. N = 0 .. unstable equilibrium 2. N = K .. stable equilibrium .. if 0 < r < 2  “Monotonous increase” and “Damping oscillations” has a stable equilibrium  “Limit cycle” and “Chaos” has no equilibrium r < 2 .. stable equilibrium r = 2 .. 2-point limit cycle r = 2.5 .. 4-point limit cycle r = 2.692 .. chaos  chaos can be produced by deterministic process  density-dependence is stabilising only when r is rather low Model equilibria N r a) yeast (logistic curve) b) sheep (logistic curve with oscillations) c) Callosobruchus (damping oscillations) d) Parus (chaos) e) Daphnia  of 28 insect species in one species chaos was identified, one other showed limit cycles, all other were in stable equilibrium  in case of density-independence  is constant – independent of N  in case of DD  is changing with N:  plot ln() against Nt  estimate  and K 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Nt ln(lambda)   tbNa ln a emax b a K  0 10 20 30 40 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time N t t NN 0 t t t aN N N   1 1   rate may not be linearly dependent on Nt  Hassell (1975) proposed general model for DD - r is not linearly dependent on N where θ.. the strength of competition θ < 1 .. scramble competition, strong DD, leads to fluctuations around K θ = 1 .. contest competition, stable density θ >> 1 .. weak DD, strong competition near to K, population will return to K    t t t aN N N   1 1 N K r 0 θ = 1 θ = 3 θ = 0.2                 K N rN t N 1 d d  species response to resource change is not immediate (as in case of hunger) but delayed due to maternal effect, seasonal effect, predator pressure  appropriate for species with long generation time where reproductive rate is dependent on the past (previous generations)  time lag (d or τ) .. negative feedback of the 2nd order discrete model continuous model  many populations of mammals cycle with 3-4 year periods  time-lag provokes fluctuations of certain amplitude at certain periods  period of the cycle in continuous model is always 4 dt t t aN N N     1 1          K N rN dt dN t t  1 r  < 1  monotonous increase r  < 3  damping fluctuations r  < 4  limit cycle fluctuations r  > 5  extinction Solution of the continuous model: 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time Density tau=2 tau=6 tau=8 tau=11 K = 500 r = 0.5           K N r tt t eNN  1 1 Maximum Sustainable Harvest (MSH) - to harvest as much as possible with the least negative effect on N - ignore population structure - ignore stochasticity 01 d d        K N Nr t N 4 MSH rK  N0 K/2 dN/dt 2 * K N local maximum: Amount of MSH (Vmax): at K/2:         2 MSY KK a   Surplus production (catch-effort) models - when r,  and K are not known - effort and catch over several years is known - Schaefer quadratic model - local maximum of the function identifies optimal effort (OE) Robinson & Redford (1991) - Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) where a = 0.6 for longevity < 5 a = 0.4 for longevity = (5,10) a = 0.2 for longevity > 10 OE 2 EEcatch    individuals in a population may cooperate in hunting, breeding – positive effect on population increase Allee (1931) – discovered inverse DD - genetic inbreeding – decrease in fertility - demographic stochasticity – biased sex ratio - small groups – cooperation in foraging, defence, mating, thermoregulation K2 .. extinction threshold, - unstable equilibrium population increase is slow at low density but fast at higher density              11 21 K N K N Nr dt dN N K2 K1 r increase decrease 0