Plant- and Leafhoppers of Germany Diagnostic characteristics Fulgoromorpha: Diagnostic characters Q. CD 12 Plant- and Leafhoppers of Germany Diagnostic characters Fulgoromorpha: Diagnostic characters Habitus ANV anal veins veins in clavus (CLA) of fore wing resp. in the hind part of hind wing ANT antennae situated on the second segment of head APC apical cells cells of apical part of wings; numbering starts on the fore margin of wing CLA clavus inner (posterior), ± triangular part of fore wing (dotted) CLS claval suture suture between clavus (CLA) and corlum (COR) COR corium anterior, larger part of fore wing (FWI) CUV cubital vein vein between claval suture resp. anal vein and median vein (MEV) CUC cubital eel! cell behind cubital vein (CUV) FEM femur 3rd segment of leg; (preceding: the coxa and the short trochanter) HWI hind wing hooked in the forewing (FWI) during flight COM commissural b. border between clavus (CLA) of right and left fore wing (FWI) MEV median vein following behind radial vein (RAV); mostly the longest vein MEC median cell cell behind median vein (MEV) PRO pronotum upper surface of 1st thoracic segment RAV radial vein the 1st remarkable vein in fore wing; imostly the 2nd remarkable vein in hind wing RAC radial cell cell behind radial vein (RAV) SAC subapical cell(s) cell(s) between apikal cells (APC) and SCC, RAC, MEC, CUC SCV subcostal vein 1st vein in hind wing, marginal border in fore wing SCU scutellum triangular, visible plate extending back from the top of the 2nd segment of thorax SCC subcostal cell 1st (marginal) cell of (fore) wing SPU spur also called „calcar"; movable spur on apex of hind tibia (only in Delphacidae) TAR tarsus consisting of three segments TEG tegula a very small plate (only in Fulgoromorpha) covering the base of fore wing TER tergit(s) dorsal segment(s) of abdomen (TER 9 = PYG, TER 10 = ATU, TER 11 = AST) TIB tibia 4th segment of leg VER vertex dorsai part of head situated between eyes FWI fore wing short-winged: brachypterous (unable to fly), long-winged: macropterous (mostly able to fly) Head ACL anteclypeus ventral part of face, between rostrum (ROS) and postclypeus (PCL) FRO frons upper part of face; also called clypeus or frontoclypeus GEN gena lateral part of face LAB labrum small plate beyond anteclypeus (ACL) OCE ocelli two or three small simple eyes between, above or below compound eyes PCL postclypeus ventral part of face between frons (FRO) and anteclypeus (ACL) ROS rostrum stylet-shaped mouthparts Apical part of abdomen of 3 AED aedeagus penis (base, shaft and mostly appendages); often enclosed; terminal aperture: phallotreme ATA anal tube append, pairy appendages at the edge of anal tube (ATU); visible from outside ATU anal tube anal segment (10th segment), often with appendages AST anal style 11th segment CON connective sclerotized connecting part between penis (AED) and styles (STY) PHR phragm transverse septum dividing the genital capsule in an inner (aed.) and an outer part (styles) PYG pygofer genital capsule (9th segm.); lateral parts = pygofer or lateral lobes, often w. incisions or append. STY style(s) also called parameres; a pair of visible appendages behind the phragm in Fulgoromorpha Apical part of abdomen of $ ATU anal tube anal segment, 10th segment AST anal style 11th segment GES genital scale small sclerite in front of base of ovipositor (OVP) (only Delphacidae); not always visible SAC saw-case outer pair of sclerites of ovipositor (OVP); enclosing G09 and G08 G09 gonapophysis median/inner valves or-2nd valvulae; inner pair of sclerites in SAC; inserting on the 9th seg. G08 gonapophysis anterior valves or 1st valvulae; outer pair of sclerites in SAC; inserting on the 8th segment OVP ovipositor consisting of 3 pairs of gonapophyses, from inside to outside: saw-case (G09), G08, G09 PYG pygofer 9th segment LLO lateral lobe(s) a pair of lobes, laterally flanking the proximal part of ovipositor (only Delphacidae) STE sternite(s) ventral segment(s) of abdomen TER tergite(s) dorsal segment(s) of abdomen 13 PJant- and Leafhoppers of Germany Diagnostic characteristics Cicadomorpha: Diagnostic characters 14 Plant- and Leaftioppers of Germany Diagnostic characteristics Cicadomorpha: Diagnostic characters Habitus ANV anal veins veins in clavus (CLA) of fore wing resp. in the hind part of hind wing ANT antennae situated on the second segment of head APC apical cells cells of apical part of wings; numbering starts on the fore margin of wing CLA clavus inner (posterior), ± triangular part of fore wing (dotted) CLS claval suture suture between clavus (CLA) and corium (COR) COR corium anterior, larger part of fore wing (FWI) CUV cubital vein vein between claval suture resp. anal vein and median vein (MEV) CUC cubital cell ceil behind cubital vein (CUV) FEM femur 3rd segment of leg; (preceding: the coxa and the short trochanter) HWI hind wing hooked in the fore wing (FWI) during flight COM commissural b. border between clavus (CLA) of right and left fore wing (FWI) MEV median vein following behind radial vein (RAV); mostly the longest vein MEC median cell cell behind median vein (MEV) PRO pronotum upper surface of 1st thoracic segment RAV radial vein the 1st remarkable vein in fore wing; imostly the 2nd remarkable vein in hind wing RAC radial cell cell behind radial vein (RAV) SAC subapical cell(s) cell(s) between apikal cells (APC) and SCC, RAC, MEC, CUC SCV subcostal vein 1st vein in hind wing, marginal border in fore wing SCU scutellum triangular, visible plate extending back from the top of the 2nd segment of thorax SCC subcostal cell 1st (marginal) cell of (fore) wing TAR tarsus consisting of three segments TER tergitfs) dorsal segment(s) of abdomen (TER 9 = PYG, TER 10 = ATU, TER 11 = AST) TIB tibia 4th segment of leg VER vertex dorsal part of head situated between eyes FWI fore wing short-winged: brachypterous (unable to fly), long-winged: macropterous (mostly able to fly) Head ACL anteclypeus ventral part of face, between rostrum (ROS) and postclypeus (PCL) PCL postclypeus median part of face between frons and anteclypeus (ACL) FRO frons upper part of face; also called clypeus or frontoclyp.; in Cicadomorpha usually small or absent GEN gena lateral part of face LAB labrum small plate beyond anteclypeus (ACL) LOR lorum ± triangular sclerite between gena (GEN) and post-/anteclypeus (PCL/ACL) OCE ocelli two or three small simple eyes between, above or below compound eyes PAL palette apically thickened part of the antennae (ANT) (in some Cicadellidae/ldiocerinae) PCL postclypeus ventral part of face between frons (FRO) and anteclypeus (ACL) ROS rostrum stylet-shaped mouthparts THY thyridia spots pair of small darkened spots near the posterior border of vertex (only Cicadellidae) Inside of abdomen of c? AP-TG2 apodeme TG2 apodemes of the 2nd tergite; pairy sclerotized appendages; part of the sound-producing apparatus AP-ST1 apodeme ST1 apodemes of the 1st sternite (STE) AP-ST2 apodeme ST2 apodemes des 2nd sternite (STE) STE 3 sternite 3 3rd ventral segment of abdomen (STE) TER 3 tergite 3 3rd dorsal segment of abdomen (TER) Apical part of abdomen of <$ AED aedeagus penis (base, shaft and mostly appendages); often enclosed; terminal aperture: phallotreme ATU anal tube anal segment (10th segment), often with appendages AST anal style 11th segment GEV genital valve unpaired plate in front of the genital plates CON connective sclerotized connecting part between penis (AED) and styles (STY) PHR phragm transverse septum dividing the genital capsule in an inner (aed.) and an outer part (styles) PYG pygofer genital capsule (9th segm.); lateral parts = pygofer or lateral lobes, often w. incisions or append. GEP genital plates pairy sclerotized plates, covering the genital segment from below STY style(s) also called: parameres; a pair of appendages on inside of the genital plates (GEP) Apical part of abdomen of $ ATU anal tube anal segment, 10th segment AST anal style 11th segment SAC saw-case outer pair of sclerites of ovipositor (LBO); enclosing G09 and G08 G09 gonapophysis median/inner valves or 2nd valvulae; inner pair of sclerites in SAC; inserting on the 9th seg. G08 gonapophysis anterior valves or 1st valvulae; outer pair of sclerits in SAC; inserting on the 8th segment OVP ovipositor consisting of 3 pairs of gonapophyses, from inside to outside: saw-case (G09), G08, G09 PYG pygofer 9th segment STE 7 7th sternite 7th ventral segment of abdomen (often with characteristic margin to genital valve (GEV) TER 8 8th tergite 8th dorsal segment of abdomen 15