J . S o p o u š e k ú l o h a /1/ 2.a-b 2. Optical and electrical properties of molecules 2.b. Permittivity measurement of liquid substances Permittivity as well as refractive index are important macroscopic constants that characterize the properties of the investigated substances in terms of their behaviour in the external electric field. Experimentally, we usually measure relative permittivity. ε𝑟𝑟 = ε ε0 (2.1.) where εo is permittivity of the vacuum 8,854.10-12 C.m -1 V -1 . ε is absolute permittivity (formerly dielectric constant), which is a measure of substance polarity. The relative permittivity can also be determined as the ratio of the capacitance C of the capacitor whose dielectric is the substance under investigation and the capacitance of the same capacitor Co whose dielectric is the vacuum: ε𝑟𝑟 = 𝐶𝐶 𝐶𝐶0 ≅ 𝐶𝐶 𝐶𝐶𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 (2.2.) Here the capacity Co can be replaced by the air capacity 𝐶𝐶𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎, because relative permittivity of dry air is approximately equal to one (exactly 1,000536 at 25°C and 101,33 kPa). The capacity measurement, which is realized by a two-shell capacitance vessel, is used for the determination of the relative permittivity. The capacitance plates are two concentric cylinders from non-corrosive metal, which are insulated with a quartz or teflon ring. The measured liquid is poured into the space between the two cylinders. The capacitance vessel is connected to the dielectric resonance circuit of the dielectrometer, which works on the electro-compensation principle. Without connecting the capacitance vessel to device, the resonant circuit can be tuned to the auxiliary capacitance so that the external capacity is "zero". When the capacitance vessel is connected to device, the resonance is broken and the deflection appears on the device indicator. We repeat the compensation of the circuit and measure the external capacity Cm . The external capacitance is composed of the container's own capacity, which is equal to εrel .Co and of the capacity of the connectors Cp : C C Cm rel p= +e 0 (2.3.) To determine the relative permittivity of the liquid εrel , it is therefore necessary to know the parameters Co and Cp from the measurement of at least two liquids with known εrel values. An increase in the capacity of the capacitor by inserting a measured dielectric between its plates is due to the polarization of this dielectric. Polarization also occurs in nonpolar molecules. We therefore recognize induced polarization for nonpolar molecules and orientation polarization for polar molecules. In the electric field 𝐸𝐸�⃗, both types of molecules are oriented in the opposite direction to the electric line forces and weaken the intensity of the electric field by theirs own polarization effect 𝑃𝑃⃖�: 𝑃𝑃⃖� = (ε𝑟𝑟 − 1)ε0 𝐸𝐸�⃗ (2.4.)  J . S o p o u š e k ú l o h a /2/ 2.a-b By multiplying the polarization P by the molar mass M of the monitored substance we obtain the value of the molar polarization PM. Each polar molecule contributes to the total molar polarization with its molar induced polarization Pin and with the molar orientation polarization of Por . The relationship between relative permittivity rele and PM polarization is given by Debye's equation: P P P M M in or rel rel = + = − + e e r 1 2 . (2.5.) where r is specific mass of the substance under view. The eqn (2.5.) was derived assuming the molecules of the polar substance are sufficiently distant from each other, so they do not interact with each other. However, this assumption is not fully met when polar substances are measured in the condensed state. Therefore, the molar polarization value of the polar liquids is obtained from the experimental data of their solutions in nonpolar solvents depending on the concentration. The subsequent extrapolation to infinite dilution is used for an obtaining of the molar polarization. In the case of a non-polar substance (Por = 0), the molar induced polarization Pin consist of electron polarization Pe and atomic polarization Pa . At the same time, the atomic molar polarization Pa is equal to the difference between the molar polarization PM and the molar refraction MR (also called optical polarization): P P P P Ra in e M M= − = − (2.6.) Refraction of RM is obtained by measuring refractive index n using refractometer (see relationship ∑ ⋅= + − = i AiM R M n n R n ρ . 2 1 2 2 (2.7.) Molar polarization of PM is obtained by measuring relative permittivity (see relation (2.5.)). TASK: Measure relative permittivity of homological series of aliphatic alcohols. Measure the relative permittivity and refractive index of two non-polar liquids and calculate the difference between molar refraction and molecular polarization values. Estimate the ratio of the molar atom polarization to the molar polarization. LABORATORY AIDS AND CHEMICALS: Dielectrometer equipped by capacity vessel, refractometer, pycnometer, automatic pipette, syringes; benzene, cyclohexane, trichloromethane, carbon tetrachloride, methanol, ethanol, propanol, butanol, pentanol, hexanol. Certain substances used in this task are harmful to health. Therefore, we work in the fume hood and use the automatic pipettes or syringes. Instructions: 1. Calibration of the capacitance vessel. At laboratory temperature, we measure the capacity Cm of the three selected dielectrics with a known εrel value (see TABLE I). When selecting air as a dielectric, it is sufficient to measure the capacity of an empty dry capacitance vessel. Then, continue with benzene and trichloromethane for example. ?    J . S o p o u š e k ú l o h a /3/ 2.a-b 2. Measurement of relative permittivity. First, measure a homological series of aliphatic alcohols. Begin with the lowest homologue and move towards higher homologues. Do not wash the capacitance vessel, but let it dry out. Continue by measuring capacity Cm for non-polar substances (carbon tetrachloride and cyclohexane). 3. Measurement of refractive index and density for non-polar substances. Measure the refractive index nD of tetrachloromethane and cyclohexane using refractometer with sodium lamp. The values should not differ noticeably from the nD values given in TABLE I. Subsequently, measure the density of the substances. Use the glass pycnometer for example. Return the content of the pycnometer back to the original bottle with the liquid being examined only if you are sure about the substance. DATA ANALYSIS: To calculate the relative permittivity of the examined alcohols from experimental Cm according to eqn (2.3.), the parameters Co and Cp must be known. We evaluate the parameters from calibration of the capacitance vessel. Plot linear function Cm vs. rele (2.3.) and find the slope (i.e. Co) and intercept (i. e. Cp). The calibration has to be repeated if the coefficient of determination 𝑅𝑅2 > 0.95. REPORT: Table 1: the measured calibration values of the capacity Cm and their tabulated relative permittivity rele .(TABLE I). Graph 1: calibration plot Cm vs. rele . Parameters Co and Cp . Table 2: for homological series of aliphatic alcohols: experimental capacity Cm, and relative permittivity εrεl , tabulated permittivity from TABLE II. Graph 2: experimental dependence of relative permittivity on the number of carbons in the alcohol molecule. Table 3: the table according to the task for density determination using pycnometer. Tabule 4: for tetrachloromethane and cyclohexane: experimental and tabulated refractive index n and specific mass r, experimental values Cm and εrel , molar mass Mr, calculated value of molar polarization Pm using eqn (2.5.), molar refraction Rm ((2.7.), atomic polarization Pa and ratio Pa /Pm (in %).   TABLE I: Specific mass, relative permittivity and refraction index of some liquids. The refractive index is valid for 20°C and a wavelength of 589.3 nm (yellow sodium doublet). substance 20ρ / kg m-3 εrεl 20 20 Dn water 998.2 80.360 1.3330 trichloromethane 1498.5 4.810 1.4467 benzene 879.0 2.282 1.5015 tetrachloromethane 1595.0 2.236 1.4607 cyclohexane 779.0 2.020 1.4266 TABLE II: Hodnoty relativních permitivit vybraných alkoholů. látka methanol ethanol n-propanol n-butanol n-pentanol n-hexanol εrεl 20 33,5 25,1 21,0 17,9 15,0 13,1