1 1 Hormones and Signal Transduction Katerina Dadakova, Department of Biochemistry Figures adopted from Buchanan et al., Biochemistry & molecular biology of plants Hormones and Signal Transduction Signal transduction Hormones and Signal Transduction Signal perception Symplast •RNA •transcription factors Apoplast Plasma mebrane receptors Intracellular receptors •ethylene •auxin •gibberellin •light G-protein-coupled receptors Ion channels Receptor kinases •brassinosteroids Hormones and Signal Transduction Second messengers Hormones and Signal Transduction MAPK cascades and Phytohormones Monooxygenase By Jmol Development Team/Briana Miller - Jmol, GPL, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=15026248 Hormones and Signal Transduction Gibberellins Effect of GA3 on stem elongation. left: control plant right: plant 7 days after treatment with GA3 Hormones and Signal Transduction Abscisic acid Hormones and Signal Transduction Cytokinins Transgenic plants AtCKX have lower CK content compared to wild-type. The two-component system Hormones and Signal Transduction Auxin Hormones and Signal Transduction Ethylene Left: Fruits, which generate about 5 % of normal amount of ethylene. Right: Fruits, which produce normal amounts of ethylene. Hormones and Signal Transduction Brassinosteroids Wild-type and BL-defficient Arabidopsis plant Hormones and Signal Transduction Polyamines Hormones and Signal Transduction Jasmonic acid and Salicylic acid Necrotic lesions on the leaf of tobacco Hormones and Signal Transduction Strigolactones Hormones and Signal Transduction Plant photoreceptors Phytochromes