Exercises Homework 7. Algorithmisation Practice ^2 Jan Dugacek November 27, 2019 □ 3 Jan Dugacek 7. Algorithmisation Practice #2 Exercises Homework Q Exerc ises Q Homework Jan Dugacek 7. Algorithmisation Practice #2 O Write a function that computes the greatest common denominator of two integers (Euclid's algorithm) O Write a function that shuffles a vector (swaps a reasonable number of random elements) O Write a function that erases elements with a certain value from a vector O Use std: :sort to sort a vector of vectors, vector with lowest number of elements goes first Jan Dugacek 7. Algorithmisation Practice #2 Exercises Homework O Write a function that computes the determinant of a matrix O Write a function that takes one argument mult and returns a lambda that multiplies its argument by mult O Create a function that can print a function of type int somebodyDoSomething(int val) by printing its x and f(x) from 0 to 10 O Write a function that computes the eigenvalues of a matrix Jan Dugacek 7. Algorithmisation Practice #2 O Write a function that takes three arguments by reference and shuffles them O Write a function that computes the area of an ellipse using the Monte Carlo method O Create operators *, / and " that work on strings interpreted as numbers Jan Dugacek 7. Algorithmisation Practice #2 • Write a program that reads a file containing a table where one column is x and the other column is f(x) and writes a file that adds lines with values of x that were missing in the original one and interpolated values of f(x) 9 You have two weeks to do it Jan Dugacek 7. Algorithmisation Practice #2