6.5 A plasma is made up of a mixture of various particle species, the type a species having mass mrt, number density na. average macroscopic velocity uQ, random velocity cQ = v - ua, scalar pressure pa = nQkTQ, temperature TQ = (mQ/3k) < >, pressure dyad Va = nQmn < cQcQ >, and heat flow vector qQ = (nQmQ/2) < c^ca >. Similar quantities can be defined for the plasma as a whole, for example, we can define the total number density by I he tin niiji ui;\» by mo = — VnQmQ a and the average flow velocity by = —— ^2 n*maUa u0 n{]rn{) We can also define an alternative random velocity for the type a species, with reference to Uo, as cq0 = v - Uo, as well as an alternative, absolute temperature by mQ < c2q0 > Tq0~ Ü a corresponding pressure dyad by Vq0 = nQma < cq0cq0 > and heat flow vector by QqO = ^nQmQ < cl0cQ0 > (a) Show that, for the plasma as a whole, the total pressure dvad is given by and the total scalar pressure by PO = (Po + 3n<*m<*Wl) a where wa = ua - Uo is the macroscopic diffusion velocity. (b) If ca is isotropic, that is, < c£t >= (1/3) < c\ >, for i = x,y,z, show that the total heat flow vector is given by qo = (q° + §P<»wQ + ^nQmawlwa) a (c) If an average temperature T0, for the plasma as a whole, is defined by requiring that po = no/cTo, show that a (d) Verify that so that there is an average thermal energy of kTo/2 per degree of freedom. 6.1 Consider a system of particles characterized by the distribution function given in problem 5.1 (in Chapter 5). (a) Show that the absolute temperature of the system is given by T= ™% 3k where m is the mass of each particle and k is Boltzmann's constant. (b) Obtain the following expression for the pressure dyad V = \pmvl 1 where pm = nm and 1 is the unit dyad. (c) Verify that the heat flow vector q = 0. From 5.1: f(v) = K0 for \vt\