Persuasive argumentation Presenting own point of view There are many reasons why … It is important true necessary essential to remember bear in mind point out that … The first thing First of all, we have I would like to consider is … The first thing to be considered is It is a fact There is no doubt I believe that … Commenting on another point of view Negatively This These views is/are open to doubt. not always the case. not necessarily true. unlikely to be true. highly debatable. incorrect. highly speculative. cannot be upheld. One of the main arguments against X is that … One disadvantage of Another point against A further argument against One other disadvantage of X is … One objection to this argument Plus negative words: wrong, mistaken, false, erroneous, misplaced, inaccurate, incorrect, debateable, untrue, not the case. Positively One advantage of Another point in favour of A further argument supporting One other advantage of One of the main arguments in favour of X is … Plus positive words: correct, right, accurate. Argumentation phrases taken from A.Suchomelová’s material on Persuasive argumentation