library(fda) library(ggplot2) ################################################################################ ### FUNCTIONAL RESPONSE MODELS #### ################################################################################ # We could predict total precipitation from temperature. How about the # annual precipitation profile? # We can also look at constant predictors -- see the weather demo for an ANOVA # between different weather regions. #### Weather by Concurrent Model data(CanadianWeather) temp <- CanadianWeather$dailyAv[,,1] precip <- CanadianWeather$dailyAv[,,3] # logarithm daytime <- (1:365)-0.5 day5 = seq(0,365,5) dayrng <- c(0,365) # Temperature smoothing tempbasis <- create.fourier.basis(dayrng, 21) tempSmooth <- smooth.basis(daytime, temp, tempbasis) tempfd <- tempSmooth$fd # log precipitation smoothing precbasis <- create.fourier.basis(dayrng, 11) precSmooth <- smooth.basis(daytime, precip, precbasis) precfd <- precSmooth$fd # Smoothed Precipitation x11() plot(precfd) # ggplot # df <- data.frame(daytime = daytime, temp = c(temp), precip = c(precip), # place = rep(CanadianWeather$place, each = 365), region = rep(CanadianWeather$region, each = 365)) # # df$precipfda <- c(eval.fd(precfd, evalarg = daytime)) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot (data = df, aes (x = daytime, y = precipfda, colour = place)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_line () # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Days", y = "Log10 of Precipitation") # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw () # print (p0) # regression prec.conc <- fRegress(precfd ~ tempfd) yhatfd <- prec.conc$yhatfdobj$fd # Fitted smooths. # # Let's have a look at what we've got # We can also look at a comparison between predicted and observed # in Churchill and Regina x11() par(mfrow=c(1, 2)) plot(yhatfd[19], ylim = c(-0.45, 0.35)) lines(precfd[19], col = 2) plot(yhatfd[20], ylim = c(-0.45, 0.35)) lines(precfd[20], col = 2) # all plot(yhatfd) plot(precfd) # ggplot # Plot the estimate in Churchill and Regina # df$preciphat <- c(eval.fd(yhatfd, evalarg = daytime)) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot (data = subset(df, is.element(place, c("Churchill", "Regina"))), aes (x = daytime, y = precipfda, group = place)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_line (color = "grey", size = 0.5) # p0 <- p0 + geom_line (aes(y = preciphat, color = place)) # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Days", y = "Log10 of Precipitation") # p0 <- p0 + facet_wrap( ~ place) # p0 <- p0 + guides (colour = FALSE) # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw () # print (p0) # plot parameters x11() par(mfrow=c(2,1)) plot(prec.conc$betaestlist[[1]]) plot(prec.conc$betaestlist[[2]]) # And compare observed with residuals plot(precfd-yhatfd) plot(precfd) # # # Doesn't look like we really got very much. #### 2. Confidence Intervals ## In order to obtain confidence intervals, we can include the smoothing of ## precipitation as a source of error. In order to do this, we need two things y2cmap <- precSmooth$y2cMap # This is the matrix that goes from the observations to the coefficients. # We now need a covariance matrix for the errors of the original observed # precipitation from the functional linear model Errmat <- eval.fd(daytime, precfd) - eval.fd(daytime, yhatfd) SigmaE2 <- cov(t(Errmat)) # We can now run fRegress.stderr conc.std <- fRegress.stderr(prec.conc, y2cmap, SigmaE2) # And plot the results plotbeta(prec.conc$betaestlist,conc.std$betastderrlist) # There really doesn't appear to be much going on. # ggplot # beta0 <- eval.fd(prec.conc$betaestlist[[1]]$fd, evalarg = daytime) # beta1 <- eval.fd(prec.conc$betaestlist[[2]]$fd, evalarg = daytime) # # betastderr0 <- eval.fd(conc.std$betastderrlist[[1]], evalarg = daytime) # betastderr1 <- eval.fd(conc.std$betastderrlist[[2]], evalarg = daytime) # # betadf <- data.frame(x = c(daytime, daytime), beta = c(beta0, beta1), # betastderr = c(betastderr0, betastderr1), # type = factor(rep(c("Intercept", "Slope"), each = length(daytime)), ordered = TRUE)) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot (data = betadf, aes (x = x, y = beta, group = type)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_ribbon (aes (ymin = beta - 1.96*betastderr, ymax = beta + 1.96*betastderr), fill = "grey") # p0 <- p0 + geom_line (size = 1.5) # p0 <- p0 + geom_hline (yintercept = 0, linetype = 2) # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Days", y = "Beta(t)") # p0 <- p0 + facet_wrap( ~ type, scales = "free_y") # p0 <- p0 + guides (colour = FALSE) # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw () # print (p0) # prediction with CI # bootstrap library(MASS) yhat <- eval.fd(daytime, yhatfd) q.025 <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(yhat), ncol = ncol(yhat)) q.975 <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(yhat), ncol = ncol(yhat)) for (k in 1:35){ samp1000 <- mvrnorm(1000, mu = yhat[, k], Sigma = SigmaE2) quants <- apply(samp1000, 2, quantile, probs = c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm = TRUE) q.025[, k] <- quants[1, ] q.975[, k] <- quants[2, ] } # plot estimates in Churchill and Regina with CI x11() par(mfrow=c(1, 2)) plot(yhatfd[19], ylim = c(-0.45, 0.35)) x <- c(daytime, rev(daytime)) y <- c(q.025[, 19], rev(q.975[, 19])) polygon(x, y, col="gray75", border="gray75") lines(yhatfd[19]) lines(precfd[19], col = 2) plot(yhatfd[20], ylim = c(-0.45, 0.35)) x <- c(daytime, rev(daytime)) y <- c(q.025[, 20], rev(q.975[, 20])) polygon(x, y, col="gray75", border="gray75") lines(yhatfd[20]) lines(precfd[20], col = 2) # ggplot # df$lower.pred <- c(q.025) # df$upper.pred <- c(q.975) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot (data = subset(df, is.element(place, c("Churchill", "Regina"))), aes (x = daytime, y = precipfda, group = place)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_ribbon (aes (ymin = lower.pred, ymax = upper.pred, fill = place), alpha = 0.3) # p0 <- p0 + geom_line (color = "grey", size = 0.5) # p0 <- p0 + geom_line (aes(y = preciphat, color = place)) # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Days", y = "Log10 of Precipitation") # p0 <- p0 + facet_wrap( ~ place) # p0 <- p0 + guides (colour = FALSE) # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw () # print (p0) # Assesing the fit # plot residuals x11() plot(precfd-yhatfd) # ggplot # df.res <- data.frame(daytime = daytime, residuals = c(Errmat), # place = rep(CanadianWeather$place, each = 365), region = rep(CanadianWeather$region, each = 365)) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot (data = df.res, aes (x = daytime, y = residuals, colour = place)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_hline (yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + geom_line () # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Days", y = "Residuals") # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw () # print (p0) # Functional R^2 nomin <- mean((precfd - yhatfd)^2) denom <- mean((center.fd(precfd))^2) Rvalues <- 1- eval.fd(daytime, nomin)/eval.fd(daytime, denom) plot(daytime, Rvalues, type = "l", ylim = c(0, 0.75)) # ggplot # df.r2 <- data.frame(daytime = daytime, r2 = c(Rvalues)) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot (data = df.r2, aes (x = daytime, y = r2)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_hline (yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + geom_line () # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Days", y = expression(R^2)) # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw () # print (p0) # F-Ratio F.res = Fperm.fd(prec.conc$yfdPar$fd, prec.conc$xfdlist, prec.conc$betalist) # ggplot # popisky <- c("Observed statistic", "pointwise 0.05 critical value", "maximum 0.05 critical value") # df.Fratio <- data.frame(daytime = F.res$argvals, Fratio = c(F.res$Fvals, F.res$qvals.pts, rep(F.res$qval, length(F.res$argvals))), # type = factor(rep(popisky, each = length(F.res$argvals)), ordered = TRUE, levels = popisky)) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot (data = df.Fratio, aes (x = daytime, y = Fratio, linetype = type)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_line () # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw () # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Days", y = "F-statistic", linetype = "") # print (p0) #### Weather by Ramsey # Functional ANOVA # As the first, set covariates regions <- unique(CanadianWeather$region) p <- length(regions) + 1 regionList <- vector("list", p) regionList[[1]] <- c(rep(1, 35), 0) for (j in 2:p) { xj <- CanadianWeather$region == regions[j-1] regionList[[j]] <- c(xj, 1) } # The next step is to augment the temperature functional data object by a 36th observation # that takes only zero values as required by additional condition Sum \beta_j(t) = 0 coef <- tempfd$coef n.coef <- nrow(coef) coef36 <- cbind(coef, matrix(0, n.coef, 1)) temp36fd <- fd(coef36, tempbasis, tempfd$fdnames) # We now create functional parameter objects for each of the coefficient functions, # using 11 Fourier basis functions for each. betabasis <- create.fourier.basis(dayrng, 11) betafdPar <- fdPar(betabasis) betaList <- vector("list",p) for (j in 1:p) betaList[[j]] <- betafdPar # Now call fRegress, extract the coefficients and plot them, along with the predicted # curves for the regions. fRegressList <- fRegress(temp36fd, regionList, betaList) betaestList <- fRegressList$betaestlist regionFit <- fRegressList$yhatfd regions <- c("Canada", regions) TempRes36fd <- temp36fd - regionFit$fd # residuals TempRes36 <- eval.fd(daytime, TempRes36fd) # regression # Removing 36th observation coefsres <- TempRes36fd$coefs[, -36] TempResfd <- fd(coefsres, regionFit$fd$basis, regionFit$fd$fdnames) coefsfit <- regionFit$fd$coefs[, -36] regionFit1 <- fd(coefsfit, regionFit$fd$basis, regionFit$fd$fdnames) prec.conc.mix <- fRegress(precfd ~ regionFit1 + TempResfd) yhatmixfd <- prec.conc.mix$yhatfdobj$fd # Fitted smooths. # Comparison between predicted and observed # in Churchill and Regina x11() par(mfrow=c(1, 2)) plot(yhatmixfd[19], ylim = c(-0.45, 0.35)) lines(precfd[19], col = 2) plot(yhatmixfd[20], ylim = c(-0.45, 0.35)) lines(precfd[20], col = 2) # ggplot # dfmix <- df # dfmix$preciphat <- c(eval.fd(yhatmixfd, evalarg = daytime)) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot (data = subset(dfmix, is.element(place, c("Churchill", "Regina"))), aes (x = daytime, y = precipfda, group = place)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_line (color = "grey", size = 0.5) # p0 <- p0 + geom_line (aes(y = preciphat, color = place)) # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Days", y = "Log10 of Precipitation") # p0 <- p0 + facet_wrap( ~ place) # p0 <- p0 + guides (colour = FALSE) # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw () # print (p0) #### 2. Confidence Intervals y2cmap = precSmooth$y2cMap Errmat = eval.fd(daytime, precfd) - eval.fd(daytime, yhatmixfd) SigmaE2 = cov(t(Errmat)) conc.std.mix = fRegress.stderr(prec.conc.mix, y2cmap, SigmaE2) # plot parameters - just Beta_2 plotbeta(prec.conc.mix$betaestlist[[2]], conc.std.mix$betastderrlist[[2]]) # ggplot # beta0 <- eval.fd(prec.conc.mix$betaestlist[[1]]$fd, evalarg = daytime) # beta1 <- eval.fd(prec.conc.mix$betaestlist[[2]]$fd, evalarg = daytime) # beta2 <- eval.fd(prec.conc.mix$betaestlist[[3]]$fd, evalarg = daytime) # # betastderr0 <- eval.fd(conc.std.mix$betastderrlist[[1]], evalarg = daytime) # betastderr1 <- eval.fd(conc.std.mix$betastderrlist[[2]], evalarg = daytime) # betastderr2 <- eval.fd(conc.std.mix$betastderrlist[[3]], evalarg = daytime) # # betamixdf <- data.frame(x = c(daytime, daytime), beta = c(beta2), # betastderr = c(betastderr2), # type = factor(rep(c("Beta"), each = length(daytime)), ordered = TRUE)) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot (data = betamixdf, aes (x = x, y = beta, group = type)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_ribbon (aes (ymin = beta - 1.96*betastderr, ymax = beta + 1.96*betastderr), fill = "grey") # p0 <- p0 + geom_line (size = 1.5) # p0 <- p0 + geom_hline (yintercept = 0, linetype = 2) # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Days", y = "Beta(t)") # p0 <- p0 + facet_wrap( ~ type, scales = "free_y") # p0 <- p0 + guides (colour = FALSE) # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw () # print (p0) # Assesing the fit # plot residuals x11() plot(precfd-yhatmixfd) # ggplot # df.res.mix <- data.frame(daytime = daytime, residuals = c(Errmat), # place = rep(CanadianWeather$place, each = 365), region = rep(CanadianWeather$region, each = 365)) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot (data = df.res.mix, aes (x = daytime, y = residuals, colour = place)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_hline (yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + geom_line () # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Days", y = "Residuals") # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw () # print (p0) # Functional R^2 nomin <- mean((precfd - yhatmixfd)^2) denom <- mean((center.fd(precfd))^2) Rvalues <- 1 - eval.fd(daytime, nomin)/eval.fd(daytime, denom) x11() plot(daytime, Rvalues, type = "l", ylim = c(0, 0.8)) # ggplot # df.r2 <- data.frame(daytime = daytime, r2 = c(Rvalues)) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot (data = df.r2, aes (x = daytime, y = r2)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_hline (yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + geom_line () # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Days", y = expression(R^2)) # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw () # print (p0) # F-Ratio F.res = Fperm.fd(prec.conc.mix$yfdPar$fd, prec.conc.mix$xfdlist, prec.conc.mix$betalist) # ggplot # popisky <- c("Observed statistic", "pointwise 0.05 critical value", "maximum 0.05 critical value") # df.Fratio <- data.frame(daytime = F.res$argvals, Fratio = c(F.res$Fvals, F.res$qvals.pts, rep(F.res$qval, length(F.res$argvals))), # type = factor(rep(popisky, each = length(F.res$argvals)), ordered = TRUE, levels = popisky)) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot (data = df.Fratio, aes (x = daytime, y = Fratio, linetype = type)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_line () # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw () # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Days", y = "F-statistic", linetype = "") # print (p0) ### Fully functional Model # Canadian Weather # Temperature smoothing tempbasis <- create.fourier.basis(dayrng, 21) #65 tempSmooth <- smooth.basis(daytime, temp, tempbasis) tempfd <- tempSmooth$fd # log precipitation smoothing precbasis <- create.fourier.basis(dayrng, 11) #65 precSmooth <- smooth.basis(daytime, precip, precbasis) precfd <- precSmooth$fd # Set up for the list of regression coefficient fdPar objects nbasis <- 15 # 31 PrecBetaBasis <- create.fourier.basis(dayrng, nbasis) PrecBeta0Par <- fdPar(PrecBetaBasis) PrecBeta1fd <- bifd(matrix(0, nbasis, nbasis), PrecBetaBasis, PrecBetaBasis) PrecBeta1Par <- bifdPar(PrecBeta1fd) PrecBetaList <- list(PrecBeta0Par, PrecBeta1Par) # Do the regression analysis Prec.linmod <- linmod(tempfd, precfd, PrecBetaList) Prec.beta1mat <- eval.bifd(day5, day5, Prec.linmod$beta1estbifd) yhatfullfd <- Prec.linmod$yhatfdobj # Plot Beta persp(day5, day5, Prec.beta1mat, xlab="age", ylab="age",zlab="beta(s,t)", cex.lab=1.5,cex.axis=1.5) # with RGL # library(rgl) # open3d() # persp3d (day5, day5, Prec.beta1mat, ylab = "time s [days]", xlab = "time t [days]", zlab = "beta(t,s)", # col = "lightblue") # Plot the estimate in Churchill and Regina x11() par(mfrow=c(1, 2)) plot(yhatfullfd[19], ylim = c(-0.5, 0.35)) lines(precfd[19], col = 2) plot(yhatfullfd[20], ylim = c(-0.5, 0.35)) lines(precfd[20], col = 2) # ggplot # # df$preciphatfull <- c(eval.fd(yhatfullfd, evalarg = daytime)) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot (data = subset(df, is.element(place, c("Churchill", "Regina"))), aes (x = daytime, y = precipfda, group = place)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_line (color = "grey", size = 0.5) # p0 <- p0 + geom_line (aes(y = preciphatfull, color = place)) # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Days", y = "Log10 of Precipitation") # p0 <- p0 + facet_wrap( ~ place) # p0 <- p0 + guides (colour = FALSE) # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw () # print (p0) # Assesing the fit y2cmap = precSmooth$y2cMap Errmat = eval.fd(daytime, precfd) - eval.fd(daytime, yhatfullfd) SigmaE2 = cov(t(Errmat)) # plot residuals x11() plot(precfd-yhatfullfd) # ggplot # dffull.res <- data.frame(daytime = daytime, residuals = c(Errmat), # place = rep(CanadianWeather$place, each = 365), region = rep(CanadianWeather$region, each = 365)) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot (data = dffull.res, aes (x = daytime, y = residuals, colour = place)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_hline (yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + geom_line () # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Days", y = "Residuals") # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw () # print (p0) # Functional R^2 nomin <- mean((precfd - yhatfullfd)^2) denom <- mean((center.fd(precfd))^2) Rvalues <- 1 - eval.fd(daytime, nomin)/eval.fd(daytime, denom) plot(daytime, Rvalues, ylim = c(0, 1), type = "l") # ggplot # df.r2 <- data.frame(daytime = daytime, r2 = c(Rvalues)) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot (data = df.r2, aes (x = daytime, y = r2)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_hline (yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + geom_line () # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Days", y = expression(R^2)) # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw () # print (p0) # F-Ratio # Fperm.fd cannot be used! nomin <- sum((center.fd(precfd))^2) denom <- sum((precfd - yhatfullfd)^2) Fvalues <- eval.fd(daytime, nomin)/eval.fd(daytime, denom)*35/(35-1) kvantil <- qf(0.95, df1 = 35 - 1, df2 = length(precfd$fdnames$reps)) x11() plot(daytime, Fvalues, ylim = c(0, max(Fvalues)), type = "l") lines(daytime, rep(kvantil, length(daytime)), lty = "dashed") # ggplot # df.Fratio <- data.frame(daytime = daytime, Fratio = c(Fvalues)) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot (data = df.Fratio, aes (x = daytime, y = Fratio)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_line () # p0 <- p0 + geom_hline (yintercept = kvantil, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw () + ylim(0, max(Fvalues)) # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Days", y = "F-statistic") # print (p0) ##### Swedish mortality data # Human Mortality Database. University of California, Berkeley (USA), # and Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Germany). # Two data objects are required for these analyses: # SwedeMat: a dataframe object with 81 rows and 144 columns # containing the log hazard values for ages 0 through 80 # and years 1751 through 1884 # Swede1920: a vector object containing log hazard values for 1914 load("SweMortality.RData") SwedeMat <- log(Sweden$y[1:81,]) Swede1914 <- SwedeMat[,164] SwedeLogHazard <- SwedeMat[,1:144] # SwedeLogHazard = as.matrix(SwedeMat) dimnames(SwedeLogHazard)[[2]] <- paste('b', 1751:1894, sep='') # Data for years 1751, 1810, 1860, 1914 select_data <- cbind(SwedeLogHazard[, c('b1751', 'b1810', 'b1860')], Swede1914) SwedeTime <- 0:80; matplot(SwedeTime, select_data, type = 'l', lwd = 2, xlab = 'age', ylab = 'log Hazard', col=1) # ggplot # df.mort <- data.frame(Age = 0:80, Hazard = c(c(SwedeLogHazard),Swede1914), Year = factor(rep(c(1751:1894,1914), each = 81))) # # df.vyb <- subset(df.mort, is.element(Year, c("1751", "1810", "1860", "1914"))) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot (data = df.vyb, aes (x = Age, y = Hazard, colour = Year)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_line () # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw () # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Age", y = "log Hazard") # print (p0) # smooth the log hazard observations SwedeTime <- 0:80 SwedeRng <- c(0,80) nbasis <- 85 norder <- 6 SwedeBasis <- create.bspline.basis(SwedeRng, nbasis, norder) D2fdPar <- fdPar(SwedeBasis, lambda = 1e-7) SwedeLogHazfd <- smooth.basis(SwedeTime, SwedeLogHazard, D2fdPar)$fd SwedeLogHaz1914fd <- smooth.basis(SwedeTime, Swede1914, D2fdPar)$fd # The following requires manually clicking on the plot # for each of 144 birth year cohorts # plotfit.fd(SwedeLogHazard,SwedeTime,SwedeLogHazfd) plot(SwedeLogHazfd) # ggplot # <- data.frame(Age = 0:80, Hazard = c(c(eval.fd(SwedeTime, SwedeLogHazfd)), c(eval.fd(SwedeTime, SwedeLogHaz1914fd))), # Year = factor(rep(c(1751:1894, 1914), each = 81))) # # <- subset(, is.element(Year, c("1751", "1810", "1860", "1914"))) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot (data =, aes (x = Age, y = Hazard, colour = Year)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_line () # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw () # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Age", y = "log Hazard") # print (p0) # Set up for the list of regression coefficient fdPar objects nbasis <- 23 SwedeRng <- c(0,80) SwedeBetaBasis <- create.bspline.basis(SwedeRng,nbasis) SwedeBeta0Par <- fdPar(SwedeBetaBasis, 2, 1e-5) SwedeBeta1fd <- bifd(matrix(0,23,23), SwedeBetaBasis, SwedeBetaBasis) SwedeBeta1Par <- bifdPar(SwedeBeta1fd, 2, 2, 1e3, 1e3) SwedeBetaList <- list(SwedeBeta0Par, SwedeBeta1Par) # Define the dependent and independent variable objects NextYear <- SwedeLogHazfd[2:144] LastYear <- SwedeLogHazfd[1:143] # Do the regression analysis Swede.linmod <- linmod(NextYear, LastYear, SwedeBetaList) # Parameters # Beta 0 # Swede.beta0 <- eval.fd(SwedeTime, Swede.linmod$beta0estfd) # plot(Swede.linmod$beta0estfd) # Beta 1 Swede.ages <- seq(0, 80, 2) Swede.beta1mat <- eval.bifd(Swede.ages, Swede.ages, Swede.linmod$beta1estbifd) persp(Swede.ages, Swede.ages, Swede.beta1mat, xlab="age", ylab="age",zlab="beta(s,t)", cex.lab=1.5,cex.axis=1.5) # library(rgl) # open3d() # persp3d (Swede.ages, Swede.ages, Swede.beta1mat, ylab = "Age [yrs]", xlab = "Age t [yrs]", zlab = "beta(t,s)", # col = "lightblue") # Plot the estimate yhatfullfd <- Swede.linmod$yhatfdobj ind1 <- which(yhatfullfd$fdnames$reps == "b1810") ind2 <- which(yhatfullfd$fdnames$reps == "b1860") x11() par(mfrow=c(1, 2)) plot(yhatfullfd[ind1]) lines(SwedeLogHazfd[ind1], col = 2) plot(yhatfullfd[ind2]) lines(SwedeLogHazfd[ind2], col = 2) # ggplot #$preciphatfull <- c(c(Swede1914), c(eval.fd(yhatfullfd, evalarg = SwedeTime)), c(Swede1914)) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot (data = subset(, is.element(Year, c("1810", "1860"))), aes (x = Age, y = Hazard, group = Year)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_line (color = "grey", size = 0.5) # p0 <- p0 + geom_line (aes(y = preciphatfull, color = Year)) # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Age", y = "log Hazard") # p0 <- p0 + facet_wrap( ~ Year) # p0 <- p0 + guides (colour = FALSE) # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw () # print (p0) # Assesing the fit y2cmap <- SwedeLogHazfd$y2cMap Errmat <- eval.fd(SwedeTime, NextYear) - eval.fd(SwedeTime, yhatfullfd) SigmaE2 <- cov(t(Errmat)) # plot residuals matplot(SwedeTime, Errmat[, c(ind1, ind2)], type = "l") # ggplot # dffull.res <- data.frame(Age = SwedeTime, residuals = c(Errmat), # Year = factor(rep(1752:1894, each = 81))) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot (data = subset(dffull.res, is.element(Year, c("1810", "1860"))), aes (x = Age, y = residuals, colour = Year)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_hline (yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + geom_line () # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Days", y = "Residuals") # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw () # print (p0) # Functional R^2 nomin <- mean((NextYear - yhatfullfd)^2) denom <- mean((center.fd(NextYear))^2) Rvalues <- 1 - eval.fd(SwedeTime[-1], nomin)/eval.fd(SwedeTime[-1], denom) plot(SwedeTime[-1], Rvalues, ylim = c(0, 1), type = "l") # ggplot # df.r2 <- data.frame(Age = SwedeTime[-1], r2 = c(Rvalues)) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot (data = df.r2, aes (x = Age, y = r2)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_hline (yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + geom_line () # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Age", y = expression(R^2)) # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw () # print (p0) # F-Ratio nomin <- sum((center.fd(NextYear))^2) denom <- sum((NextYear - yhatfullfd)^2) Fvalues <- eval.fd(SwedeTime[-1], nomin)/eval.fd(SwedeTime[-1], denom)*145/(145-1) kvantil <- qf(0.95, df1 = 145 - 1, df2 = length(NextYear$fdnames$reps)) x11() plot(SwedeTime[-1], Fvalues, ylim = c(0, max(Fvalues)), type = "l") lines(SwedeTime[-1], rep(kvantil, length(SwedeTime[-1])), lty = "dashed") # ggplot # df.Fratio <- data.frame(Age = SwedeTime[-1], Fratio = c(Fvalues)) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot (data = df.Fratio, aes (x = Age, y = Fratio)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_line () # p0 <- p0 + geom_hline (yintercept = kvantil, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw () + ylim(0, max(Fvalues)) # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Age", y = "F-statistic") # print (p0) ######################## # Problems ###################### ##### GAIT data gaittime <- as.numeric(dimnames(gait)[[1]])*20 gaitrange <- c(0,20) gaitbasis <- create.fourier.basis(gaitrange, nbasis = 21) harmaccelLfd <- vec2Lfd(c(0, (2*pi/20)^2, 0), rangeval = gaitrange) gaitfd <- smooth.basisPar(gaittime, gait, gaitbasis, Lfdobj=harmaccelLfd, lambda=1e-2) # plot x11() par(mfrow = c(2, 1)) plot(gaitfd) ########################## # Simulation ########################## # As the first, generate Xi(t) as the Gaussian process library(MASS) N <- 30 C <- function(x, y) 0.01 * exp(-0.001 * (x - y)^2) # covariance function M <- function(x) sin(x/365) # mean function t <- seq(1, 365, length.out = 100) # will sample the GP at these points k <- length(t) m <- M(t) S <- matrix(nrow = k, ncol = k) for (i in 1:k) for (j in 1:k) S[i, j] = C(t[i], t[j]) EX <- t(mvrnorm(N, m, S)) Xi <- EX + matrix(rnorm(k*N, sd = 0.02), nrow = k) # Regression Model Beta0 <- 1 + 2*t/30 - (t/30)^2 rozsah <- range(t) gr <- merge(t, t) Beta1 <- matrix(sin(2*pi*(gr$x - gr$y)/365), nrow = k) EX <- t(EX) EY <- matrix(0, dim(EX)[1], dim(EX)[2]) Yi <- matrix(0, dim(EX)[1], dim(EX)[2]) for (j in 1:N){ EY[j, ] <- t(Beta0) + (EX[j,] %*% Beta1)*(rozsah[2] - rozsah[1])/k Yi[j, ] <- EY[j,] + rnorm(k, 0, 10) } Yi <- t(Yi) EY <- t(EY) matplot(Yi, type = "l") matplot(Xi, type = "l")