library(fda) library(ggplot2) library(plyr) ################################################################################ ### FUNCTIONAL REGISTRATION #### ################################################################################ # Berkeley Growth girls <- growth$hgtf age <- growth$age n.t <- length(age) growbasis <- create.bspline.basis(breaks = age, norder = 6) Lfdobj <- int2Lfd(3) # penalize curvature of acceleration lambda <- 10^(-0.5) # smoothing parameter cvecf <- matrix(0, growbasis$nbasis, ncol(girls)) dimnames(cvecf) <- list(growbasis$names, dimnames(girls)[[2]]) growfd0 <- fd(cvecf, growbasis) growfdPar <- fdPar(growfd0, Lfdobj, lambda) growthMon <- smooth.monotone(age, girls, growfdPar) girlshatfd <- growthMon$yhatfd # hgtfhatfd = girlshatfd accelfdUN <- deriv.fd(girlshatfd, 2) accelmeanfdUN <- mean(accelfdUN) # plot curves age.spec <- seq(1, 18, length.out = 100) x11() plot(girlshatfd[1:10], lty = 1, lwd = 2, xlab = "Age [years]", ylab = "Height [cm]") # ggplot # age.spec <- seq(1, 18, length.out = 100) # df <- data.frame(Age = age.spec, Height = c(eval.fd(age.spec, girlshatfd)), girl = factor(rep(1:54, each = length(age.spec)))) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot(df[1:1000,], aes(x = Age, y = Height, colour = girl, group = girl)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_line() # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Age [years]", y = "Height [cm]") # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw() # p0 <- p0 + guides(colour = FALSE) # p0 # plot unregistered acceleration curves plot(accelfdUN[1:10], xlim = c(1,18), ylim = c(-4,3), lty = 1, lwd = 2, cex = 2, xlab = "Age", ylab= "Acceleration (cm/yr/yr)") # ggplot # df.accel <- data.frame(Age = age.spec, Height = c(eval.fd(age.spec, accelfdUN)), girl = factor(rep(1:54, each = length(age.spec)))) # df.accel.mean <- data.frame(Age = age.spec, Height = c(eval.fd(age.spec, accelmeanfdUN)), girl = "mean") # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot(df.accel[1:1000,], aes(x = Age, y = Height, colour = girl, group = girl)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + geom_line() # p0 <- p0 + geom_line(data = df.accel.mean, linetype = "dashed", colour = "black") # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Age [years]", y = "Height Acceleration [cm/year/year]") # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw() + ylim(-4,2) # p0 <- p0 + guides(colour = FALSE) # p0 ############################# # warping ############################# # This is a MANUAL PGS spurt identification procedure requiring # a mouse click at the point where the acceleration curve # crosses the zero axis with a negative slope during puberty. # Here we do this only for the first 10 children. children <- 1:10 PGSctr <- rep(0,length(children)) for (icase in children) { accveci <- eval.fd(age.spec, accelfdUN[icase]) plot(age.spec,accveci,"l", ylim = c(-6,4), xlab = "Year", ylab = "Height Accel.", main = paste("Case",icase)) lines(c(1,18),c(0,0),lty=2) PGSctr[icase] <- locator(1)$x # **** CLICK ON EACH ACCELERATION CURVE WHERE IT # **** CROSSES ZERO WITH NEGATIVE SLOPE DURING PUBERTY } # This is an automatic PGS spurt identification procedure. # A mouse click advances the plot to the next case. # Compute PGS mid point for landmark registration. # Downward crossings are computed within the limits defined # by INDEX. Each of the crossings within this interval # are plotted. The estimated PGS center is plotted as a vertical line. # The choice of range of argument values (6--18) to consider # for a potential mid PGS location is determined by previous # analyses, where they have a mean of about 12 and a s.d. of 1. # We compute landmarks for all 54 children ncasef <- dim(girls)[2] index <- 1:102 # wide limits nindex <- length(index) ageval <- seq(8.5, 15, len = nindex) PGSctr <- rep(0, ncasef) op <- par(ask = TRUE) for (icase in 1:ncasef) { accveci <- eval.fd(ageval, accelfdUN[icase]) aup <- accveci[2:nindex] adn <- accveci[1:(nindex - 1)] indx <- (1:102)[adn*aup < 0 & adn > 0] plot(ageval[2:nindex], aup, "p", xlim = c(7.9, 18), ylim = c(-6, 4)) lines(c(8,18), c(0,0), lty=2) for (j in 1:length(indx)) { indxj <- indx[j] aupj <- aup[indxj] adnj <- adn[indxj] agej <- ageval[indxj] + 0.1*(adnj/(adnj-aupj)) if (j == length(indx)) { PGSctr[icase] = agej lines(c(agej, agej), c(-4,4), lty = 1) } else { lines(c(agej, agej), c(-4,4), lty = 3) } } title(paste('Case ',icase)) # ****** CLICK ON EACH PLOT TO ADVANCE TO THE NEXT # ****** {par(ask=TRUE)} } par(op) # We use the minimal basis function sufficient to fit 3 points # remember that the first coefficient is set to 0, so there # are three free coefficients, and the data are two boundary # values plus one interior knot. # Suffix LM means "Landmark-registered". PGSctrmean <- mean(PGSctr) # Define the basis for the function W(t). wbasisLM <- create.bspline.basis(c(1,18), norder = 3, breaks = c(1, PGSctrmean, 18)) WfdLM <- fd(matrix(0, 4, 1), wbasisLM) WfdParLM <- fdPar(WfdLM, 1, 1e-12) # Carry out landmark registration. regListLM <- landmarkreg(accelfdUN, PGSctr, PGSctrmean, WfdParLM, monwrd = TRUE) accelfdLM <- regListLM$regfd # aligned curves accelmeanfdLM <- mean(accelfdLM) warpfdLM <- regListLM$warpfd warpmatLM <- eval.fd(age.spec, warpfdLM) # plot registered curves plot(accelfdLM, xlim = c(1,18), ylim = c(-4,3), lty = 1, lwd = 1, cex = 2, xlab = "Age", ylab = "Acceleration (cm/yr/yr)") lines(accelmeanfdLM, col = 1, lwd = 2, lty = 2) lines(c(PGSctrmean,PGSctrmean), c(-4,3), lty = 2, lwd = 1.5) # ggplot # df.accel$Registered <- "Observed" # df.accel.mean$Registered <- "Observed" # # df.accel.reg <- data.frame(Age = age.spec, Height = c(eval.fd(age.spec, accelfdLM)), girl = factor(rep(1:54, each = length(age.spec))), # Registered = "Aligned") # df.accel.mean.reg <- data.frame(Age = age.spec, Height = c(eval.fd(age.spec, accelmeanfdLM)), girl = "mean2", Registered = "Aligned") # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot(df.accel.reg[1:1000,], aes(x = Age, y = Height, colour = girl, group = girl)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + geom_line() # p0 <- p0 + geom_line(data = df.accel.mean.reg, linetype = "dashed", colour = "black") # p0 <- p0 + geom_vline(xintercept = PGSctrmean, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Age [years]", y = "Height Acceleration [cm/year/year]") # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw() + ylim(-4,2) # p0 <- p0 + guides(colour = FALSE) # p0 # Both registered + unregistered # df.both <- rbind(df.accel, df.accel.reg) # df.both.mean <- rbind(df.accel.mean, df.accel.mean.reg) # # df.both$Registered <- factor(df.both$Registered, levels = c("Observed", "Aligned")) # df.both.mean$Registered <- factor(df.both.mean$Registered, levels = c("Observed", "Aligned")) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot(subset(df.both, is.element(girl, as.character(1:10))), aes(x = Age, y = Height, colour = girl, group = girl)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + geom_line() # #p0 <- p0 + geom_vline(xintercept = PGSctrmean, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + geom_line(data = df.both.mean, linetype = "dashed", colour = "black") # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Age [years]", y = "Height Acceleration [cm/year/year]") # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw() + ylim(-4,2) # p0 <- p0 + guides(colour = FALSE) # p0 <- p0 + facet_wrap( ~ Registered) # p0 # plot all 10 warping functions plot(regListLM$warpfd[1:10]) # ggplot # # df.warp <- data.frame(Age = age.spec, Height = c(eval.fd(age.spec, warpfdLM)), girl = factor(rep(1:54, each = length(age.spec))), # Registered = "Aligned", Type = "Warping functions") # df.both$Type <- "Result" # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot(subset(df.warp, is.element(girl, as.character(1:10))), aes(x = Age, y = Height, colour = girl, group = girl)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_line() # p0 <- p0 + geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + geom_vline(xintercept = PGSctrmean, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Age [years]", y = "Age [years]") # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw() # p0 <- p0 + guides(colour = FALSE) # p0 # plot warping functions for cases 3 and 7 op = par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plot(accelfdUN[3], xlim=c(1,18), ylim=c(-3,1.5), lty=1, lwd=2, xlab="", ylab="") lines(accelfdLM[3], lty = 2, lwd = 2) abline(v = PGSctrmean, lty = 2, lwd = 1) plot(age.spec, warpmatLM[,3], "l", lty=1, lwd=2, col=1, cex=1.2, xlab="", ylab="") lines(age.spec, age.spec, lty=2, lwd=1.5) lines(c(PGSctrmean,PGSctrmean), c(1,18), lty=2, lwd=1.5) text(PGSctrmean+0.1, warpmatLM[61,3]+0.3, "o", lwd=2) plot(accelfdUN[7], xlim=c(1,18), ylim=c(-3,1.5), lty=1, lwd=2, xlab="", ylab="") lines(accelfdLM[7], lty = 2, lwd = 2) abline(v = PGSctrmean, lty = 2, lwd = 1) plot(age.spec, warpmatLM[,7], "l", lty=1, lwd=2, col=1, cex=1.2, xlab="", ylab="") lines(c(PGSctrmean,PGSctrmean), c(1,18), lty=2, lwd=1.5) lines(age.spec, age.spec, lty=2, lwd=1.5) text(PGSctrmean+0.1, warpmatLM[61,7]+0.2, "o", lwd=2) par(op) # ggplot # upper # x11() # p0 <- ggplot(subset(df.both, is.element(girl, as.character(c(3,7)))), # aes(x = Age, y = Height, colour = girl, group = interaction(girl, Registered), linetype = Registered)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + geom_line() # p0 <- p0 + geom_vline(xintercept = PGSctrmean, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Age [years]", y = "Height Acceleration [cm/year/year]") # p0 <- p0 + labs(linetype = "Result") + guides(colour = FALSE) # p0 <- p0 + facet_wrap(girl ~ ., ncol = 2, labeller = as_labeller(c("3" = "girl 3", "7" = "girl 7"))) # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw() + ylim(-4,2) + theme(legend.position = c(0.5, 0.9), # legend.background = element_rect(size=0.5, linetype="solid", colour = "black")) # p0 # bottom # x11() # p0 <- ggplot(subset(df.warp, is.element(girl, as.character(c(3, 7)))), aes(x = Age, y = Height, colour = girl, group = girl)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_line() # p0 <- p0 + geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + geom_vline(xintercept = PGSctrmean, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Age [years]", y = "Age [years]") # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw() # p0 <- p0 + guides(colour = FALSE) # p0 <- p0 + facet_wrap(girl ~ ., ncol = 2, labeller = as_labeller(c("3" = "girl 3", "7" = "girl 7"))) # p0 # Comparing unregistered to landmark registered curves AmpPhasList <- AmpPhaseDecomp(accelfdUN, accelfdLM, warpfdLM, c(3,18)) MS.amp <- AmpPhasList$MS.amp MS.pha <- AmpPhasList$MS.pha RSQRLM <- AmpPhasList$RSQR #the squared correlation measure of the proportion of the total variation that is due to phase variation. CLM <- AmpPhasList$C # a constant required for the decomposition. Its value is one if the derivatives the warping functions are independent of the squared registered functions. print(paste("Total MS =", round(MS.amp+MS.pha,2), "Amplitude MS =", round(MS.amp,2), "Phase MS =", round(MS.pha,2))) # [1] "Total MS = 7.06 Amplitude MS = 2.12 Phase MS = 4.95" print(paste("R-squared =", round(RSQRLM,3), ", C =", round(CLM,3))) # "R-squared = 0.7 , C = 0.984" ######################### # Continuous registration ######################### # Set up a cubic spline basis for continuous registration nwbasisCR <- 15 norderCR <- 5 wbasisCR <- create.bspline.basis(c(1, 18), nwbasisCR, norderCR) Wfd0CR <- fd(matrix(0, nwbasisCR, ncasef), wbasisCR) lambdaCR <- 1 WfdParCR <- fdPar(Wfd0CR, 1, lambdaCR) # carry out the registration registerlistCR <- register.fd(accelmeanfdLM, accelfdLM, WfdParCR) accelfdCR <- registerlistCR$regfd warpfdCR <- registerlistCR$warpfd WfdCR <- registerlistCR$Wfd accelmeanfdCR <- mean(accelfdCR) # plot landmark and continuously registered curves for the # first 10 children accelmeanfdLM10 <- mean(accelfdLM[children]) accelmeanfdCR10 <- mean(accelfdCR[children]) op <- par(mfrow=c(1, 2)) plot(accelfdLM[children], xlim=c(1,18), ylim=c(-3,1.5), lty=1, lwd=1, cex=2, xlab="Age (Years)", ylab="Acceleration (cm/yr/yr)", main = "Landmark registration") lines(accelmeanfdLM10, col=1, lwd=2, lty=2) lines(c(PGSctrmean,PGSctrmean), c(-3,1.5), lty=2, lwd=1.5) plot(accelfdCR[children], xlim=c(1,18), ylim=c(-3,1.5), lty=1, lwd=1, cex=2, xlab="Age (Years)", ylab="Acceleration (cm/yr/yr)", main = "Continuous registration") lines(accelmeanfdCR10, col=1, lwd=2, lty=2) lines(c(PGSctrmean,PGSctrmean), c(-3,1.5), lty=2, lwd=1.5) par(op) # ggplot # df.accel.conreg <- data.frame(Age = age.spec, Height = c(eval.fd(age.spec, accelfdCR)), girl = factor(rep(1:54, each = length(age.spec))), # Registered = "Continuous Registration") # df.accel.mean.conreg <- data.frame(Age = age.spec, Height = c(eval.fd(age.spec, accelmeanfdCR)), girl = "mean3", Registered = "Continuous Registration") # # df.accel.reg$Registered <- "Landmark Registration" # df.accel.mean.reg$Registered <- "Landmark Registration" # # df.both.CR <- rbind(df.accel.reg, df.accel.conreg) # df.both.mean.CR <- rbind(df.accel.mean.reg, df.accel.mean.conreg) # # df.both.CR$Registered <- factor(df.both.CR$Registered, levels = c("Landmark Registration", "Continuous Registration")) # df.both.mean.CR$Registered <- factor(df.both.mean.CR$Registered, levels = c("Landmark Registration", "Continuous Registration")) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot(subset(df.both.CR, is.element(girl, as.character(1:10))), aes(x = Age, y = Height, colour = girl, group = girl)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + geom_line() # p0 <- p0 + geom_vline(xintercept = PGSctrmean, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + geom_line(data = df.both.mean.CR, linetype = "dashed", colour = "black") # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Age [years]", y = "Height Acceleration [cm/year/year]") # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw() + ylim(-4,2) # p0 <- p0 + guides(colour = FALSE) # p0 <- p0 + facet_wrap( ~ Registered) # p0 # plot all 10 warping functions plot(registerlistCR$warpfd[1:10]) # ggplot # warpfdCR <- registerlistCR$warpfd # warpmatCR <- eval.fd(age.spec, warpfdCR) # # # df.warp.CR <- data.frame(Age = age.spec, Height = c(eval.fd(age.spec, warpfdCR)), girl = factor(rep(1:54, each = length(age.spec))), # Registered = "Continuous Registration", Type = "Warping functions") # df.both.CR$Type <- "Result" # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot(subset(df.warp.CR, is.element(girl, as.character(1:10))), aes(x = Age, y = Height, colour = girl, group = girl)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_line() # p0 <- p0 + geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "Age [years]", y = "Age [years]") # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw() # p0 <- p0 + guides(colour = FALSE) # p0 ## ## A Decomposition into Amplitude and Phase Sums of Squares ## # Comparing landmark to continuously registered curves AmpPhasList <- AmpPhaseDecomp(accelfdLM, accelfdCR, warpfdCR, c(3,18)) MS.amp <- AmpPhasList$MS.amp MS.pha <- AmpPhasList$MS.pha RSQRCR <- AmpPhasList$RSQR CCR <- AmpPhasList$C print(paste("Total MS =", round(MS.amp+MS.pha,2), "Amplitude MS =", round(MS.amp,2), "Phase MS =", round(MS.pha,2))) # "Total MS = 1.5 Amplitude MS = 1.6 Phase MS = -0.1" print(paste("R-squared =", round(RSQRCR,3), ", C =", round(CCR,3))) # "R-squared = -0.067 , C = 1.001" ######################## # Problems ###################### # set up a fine mesh of t-values for plotting, and define mu and sigma tvec <- seq(-5, 5, length.out = 201) mu <- seq(-1, 1, length.out = 5) sigma <- (1:5)/3 # Here is function Dgauss that we use below to compute values # of the first derivative of a Gaussian density: DGauss <- function(tvec, mu, sigma) { var <- as.matrix(sigma)^2 n <- length(tvec) m <- length(mu) if (length(sigma) != m) stop('MU and SIGMA not of same length') tvec <- as.matrix(tvec) mu <- as.matrix(mu) onesm <- matrix(1,1,m) onesn <- matrix(1,n,1) res <- tvec %*% onesm - onesn %*% t(mu) expon <- res^2/(2*onesn %*% t(var)) DpG <- -res*exp(-expon) return(DpG) } # Data to be plotted in the left panel DpGphase <- matrix(0, 201, 5) for (i in 1:5){ DpGphase[,i] <- DGauss(tvec + mu[i], 0, 1) DpGphaseMean <- apply(DpGphase, 1, mean) } # Data to be plotted in the right panel DpGampli <- matrix(0, 201, 5) for (i in 1:5){ DpGampli[,i] <- sigma[i]*DGauss(tvec, 0, 1) DpGampliMean <- apply(DpGampli, 1, mean) } # get eigenvalues for each panel eigvecphase <- svd(DpGphase)$d^2 (eigvecphase <- eigvecphase/sum(eigvecphase)) # First three = 0.55, 0.39, and 0.05 eigvecampli <- svd(DpGampli)$d^2 (eigvecampli <- eigvecampli/sum(eigvecampli)) # First singular value = 1; # all others are round-off op <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2), cex = 1, ask = FALSE) # top panel matplot(tvec, DpGphase, "l", lwd = 1, col = 1, lty = 1, xlim = c(-5, 5), ylim = c(-0.8, 0.8), xlab = "", ylab = "") lines(tvec, DpGphaseMean, col = 1, lty = 2, lwd = 4) lines(c(-5, 5), c(0, 0), col = 1, lty = 3, lwd = 1) # bottom panel matplot(tvec, DpGampli, "l", lwd = 1, col = 1, lty = 1, xlim = c(-5, 5), ylim = c(-1.2, 1.2), xlab = "", ylab = "") lines(tvec, DpGampliMean, col = 1, lty = 2, lwd = 4) lines(c(-5, 5), c(0, 0), col = 1, lty = 3, lwd = 1) par(op) # ggplot # df.example <- data.frame(x = tvec, y = c(DpGphase, DpGampli), sample = factor(rep(c(1:5, 1:5), each = length(tvec))), # type = factor(rep(c("Phase variation", "Amplitude variation"), each = 5*length(tvec)), ordered = TRUE, levels = c("Phase variation", "Amplitude variation"))) # df.example.mean <- data.frame(x =tvec, y = c(DpGphaseMean, DpGampliMean), sample = "mean", # type = factor(rep(c("Phase variation", "Amplitude variation"), each = length(tvec)), ordered = TRUE, levels = c("Phase variation", "Amplitude variation"))) # # x11() # p0 <- ggplot (data = df.example, aes (x = x, y = y, group = sample, colour = sample)) # p0 <- p0 + geom_hline (yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed", colour = "black") # p0 <- p0 + geom_line () # p0 <- p0 + geom_line (data = df.example.mean, colour = "black", linetype = "dashed") # p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "", y = "") # p0 <- p0 + facet_wrap( ~ type) # p0 <- p0 + guides (colour = FALSE) # p0 <- p0 + theme_bw () # print (p0) # EXAMPLE # Do 3 steps of continuous registration on simulated data from example # a) Do it for the case of Phase variation # b) Do it for the case of Amplitude variation # setting to FD pokbasis <- create.fourier.basis(rangeval = range(tvec), nbasis = 13) pokfd <- Data2fd(tvec, DpGphase, pokbasis) pokmeanfd <- mean.fd(pokfd) df0 <- data.frame(t = tvec, y = c(DpGphase), sample = factor(rep(c(1:5), each = length(tvec))), Registered = "Unregistered") df0.mean <- data.frame(t = tvec, y = DpGphaseMean, sample = "mean0", Registered = "Unregistered") # Set up a cubic spline basis for continuous registration nwbasisPCR <- 15 norderPCR <- 5 wbasisPCR <- create.bspline.basis(c(-5, 5), nwbasisPCR, norderPCR) Wfd0PCR <- fd(matrix(0, nwbasisPCR, 5), wbasisPCR) lambdaPCR <- 1 WfdParPCR <- fdPar(Wfd0PCR, 1, lambdaPCR) # carry out the registration registerlistPCR <- register.fd(pokmeanfd, pokfd, WfdParPCR) accelfdPCR <- registerlistPCR$regfd warpfdPCR <- registerlistPCR$warpfd WfdPCR <- registerlistPCR$Wfd accelmeanfdPCR <- mean(accelfdPCR) df1 <- data.frame(t = tvec, y = c(eval.fd(tvec,accelfdPCR)), sample = df0$sample, Registered = "Step 1") df1.mean <- data.frame(t = tvec, y = c(eval.fd(tvec, accelmeanfdPCR)), sample = "mean1", Registered = "Step 1") # znovu :-) pokfd <- accelfdPCR pokmeanfd <- mean.fd(pokfd) registerlistPCR <- register.fd(pokmeanfd, pokfd, WfdParPCR) accelfdPCR <- registerlistPCR$regfd warpfdPCR <- registerlistPCR$warpfd WfdPCR <- registerlistPCR$Wfd accelmeanfdPCR <- mean(accelfdPCR) df2 <- data.frame(t = tvec, y = c(eval.fd(tvec,accelfdPCR)), sample = df0$sample, Registered = "Step 2") df2.mean <- data.frame(t = tvec, y = c(eval.fd(tvec, accelmeanfdPCR)), sample = "mean2", Registered = "Step 2") # znovu :-) pokfd <- accelfdPCR pokmeanfd <- mean.fd(pokfd) registerlistPCR <- register.fd(pokmeanfd, pokfd, WfdParPCR) accelfdPCR <- registerlistPCR$regfd warpfdPCR <- registerlistPCR$warpfd WfdPCR <- registerlistPCR$Wfd accelmeanfdPCR <- mean(accelfdPCR) df3 <- data.frame(t = tvec, y = c(eval.fd(tvec,accelfdPCR)), sample = df0$sample, Registered = "Step 3") df3.mean <- data.frame(t = tvec, y = c(eval.fd(tvec, accelmeanfdPCR)), sample = "mean3", Registered = "Step 3") # ggplot df.pok <- rbind(df0, df1, df2, df3) #df.pok$Registered <- factor(df.pok$Registered, levels = levels(df.pok$Registered)) df.pok.mean <- rbind(df0.mean, df1.mean, df2.mean, df3.mean) x11() p0 <- ggplot(df.pok, aes(x = t, y = y, colour = sample, group = sample)) p0 <- p0 + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") p0 <- p0 + geom_line() p0 <- p0 + geom_line(data = df.pok.mean, linetype = "dashed", colour = "black") p0 <- p0 + labs (x = "time", y = "") p0 <- p0 + theme_bw() p0 <- p0 + guides(colour = FALSE) p0 <- p0 + facet_wrap( ~ Registered) p0 #################### ### Pinch Force Data #################### x11() matplot (pinchtime, pinchraw, type = "l", lty = 1, cex=2, lwd = 1, xlab = "Seconds", ylab = "Force (N)") #x <- pinchtime x <- 0:150 y <- pinchraw