Bi2003 Ecotoxicology

Test No. 1 and No. 2 (Instructions and results)

Results of the Tests 

Video record with Blaha's comments on the Questions/Answers of Test No. 2 is in "Study materials-videos"

   Test1-a (max 50)Test1-b (max 50) Comments of Test1-Task b (essay) Total Test No. 1 (max 100)Total Test No.2 (Max 100)Total Test No. 3 (tba)
1.504806Beneitez Martinez, Raquel5050Excellent! All meain points captured.10085
2.241181Brichová, Anna4050Excellent! All main points captured + even more. Very complex thinking!9090
3.504870Ferreira Violante, Catarina Sofia3025Some unusual thoughts but major points not fully captured.5560
4.516318Kumari, Puja3530Talks about effects (which was not the question) but the main elements were captured.6550
5.503199Liu, Runze5040Very good overall … but talked almost exclusively about PCB (not glyphosate)9065
6.504958Matos Gomes, Goncalo Nuno3030The main difference between running water and sediment not captured.6080
7.435897Mikušová, Petra4048Very good and complex thinking. To be perfect - how would detoxification affect bioacummulation? 8885
8.515567Phan, Audrey, Xuan - Anh4040Some novel ideas raised. Difference between species not discussed.8090
9.503827Pinto Vidal, Felipe Augusto5050Excellent! Even included content of fat as a parameter!10080
10.505013Rammul, Aleksandra3545Very good thinking. To be perfect - how would detoxification affect bioacummulation? 8050
11.503718Sabzevari, Shiva5040Bioaccumulation difference between animals not fully discussed.9065
12.505048Solsona Rosell, Queralt5025Describes properties and bioaccumulation related to content of fat. Role of detoxification is not captured.7570

Instructions on the second exam test (Test No.2)

Monday 7.12. between 12:30-13:00 (i.e. half hour before the scheduled Bi2003 class)

This second test is part of the overall examination (i.e. second of the three tests). There will be one more test at the end of semester. 

Student's preparation before the test

A)      study relevant PPTx and lectures (Blaha04_Mechanisms-overview.pptx, Blaha05_EcotoxicEffects.pptx,  Blaha05b_PopulationsCommunities.pptx) 

B)      make sure to have the access to internet during Mon 7.12. 12:30-13:00 (Test will last 30 minutes)

C)      have MS WORD in your computer – test will be send in MS WORD, you will be asked to fill in the answers


Sending the Test No. 2 with questions - 12.11. 12:30

Ludek Blaha will send to all students emails that will contain WORD file with the test questions (100% weight). These will be open questions together with one larger task, i.e. case study "miniessay" (similar as for Test No. 1 but all in one WORD file, Test will be 30 minutes - all tasks/questions together)

Students work on Test No. 2 between 12:30 - 13:00

(1) You will have 30 minutes to work on the Test No. 2. You must send your replies }including simple original text describing your thinking on the simple case study). 

(2) You must send the Word file back to Ludek Blaha’s email by 13:00 at the latest (the same day – Monday 7.12.2020)

You can use study materials (PPTx) or any other internet resources. 

Replies received after these deadlines will not be considered.


Results from the Test No. 2

Results will be displayed here online in the table - students will be notified by email.



Instructions on the first exam test (Test No.1)

This first test is part of the overall examination (i.e. one of three tests). There will be two more tests during the semester.

Schedule Monday 9.11. between 13-14:30 (i.e. replaces part of Bi2003 class as scheduled)

Student's preparation before the test

A)      study PPTx and lectures presented so far (Introduction, Chemical stressors and their properties, Toxicokinetics)

B)      make sure to have the access to internet during Mon 9.11. 12:30-15h

C)      have MS WORD in your computer – test will be send in MS WORD, you will be asked to fill in the answers


Sending the tests with tasks - 9.11. 13:00

Ludek Blaha will send to all students emails that will contain 

(1) WORD files with the test (50% weight), and 

(2) One larger - open – task: case study (50% weight) - this task will be personalized, i.e. different students will have different tasks.

Students work on (1) test and (2) task:case study - 9.11. after 13:00

(1) You will work on the (1) Test first. You must send your replies (filled answers in the WORD) by email to Ludek Blaha’s email until 13:20 at the latest (the same day – Monday 9.11.)

(2) Then, you will be asked to work on The (2) Open task:case study , and write simple essay (original text) describing your thinking. You must send this essay by email back to Ludek Blaha until 14:00 (the same day – Monday 9.11.)

You can use study materials (PPTx) or any other internet resources. 

Replies received after these deadlines will not be considered.


Wrap-up meeting after the test (MS Teams) – 9.11. 14:00-14:30

Ludek Blaha will provide students with feedback on the (1) Test and (2) The case study. There will be room to discuss.


