/39/ 1. Acid-base equilibria 1.c. Determination of conductivity of strong and weak electrolyte The solvated ions 𝐻𝐻+ and π΄π΄βˆ’ are occurred when a substance 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 of analytical concentration 𝑐𝑐𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 is dissolved in water or other polar solvent. The thermodynamic equilibrium exists in the solution: 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 →←R 𝐻𝐻+ + π΄π΄βˆ’ 𝐾𝐾𝐴𝐴 = [𝐻𝐻+][π΄π΄βˆ’] [𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻] (1.1.) The degree of dissociation Ξ± determines whether the equilibrium is shifted in favour of the dissociated ions or original undissociated compound. [ ]( ) HA HA c HAc βˆ’ =Ξ± (1.2.) Rearranging of equation and apply of electroneutrality condition give (if we neglect solvent dissociation) following: [ ] ( )Ξ±βˆ’β‹…= 1HAcHA and [𝐻𝐻+] = [π΄π΄βˆ’] = 𝑐𝑐𝐻𝐻 𝐻𝐻⋅α (1.3.) The dissociation degree Ξ± is determined not only by the properties of the substance HA but also by the solvating ability of the solvent. The dissociated solute HA increases the initial electrical conductivity of the solvent. Dissolved solute is called weak electrolyte in a given solvent (eg aqueous solutions of carboxylic acids, H2S, H3BO3, NH3) if the dissociation degree is small or close to zero ( 0β†’Ξ± ). Dissolved solute HA is called a strong electrolyte if the dissociation degree is close 1β‰…Ξ± . For example, aqueous solutions of inorganic acids and bases (HCl, NaOH, ...) and ionic salts (KCl, NaNO3, ...). The concentration of dissociated ions in the solution has a significant effect on its total electrical conductance 𝐺𝐺 (meassured in Simens 1𝑆𝑆 = 1 π›Ίπ›Ίβˆ’1 = 1 𝐢𝐢 π‘‰π‘‰βˆ’1 π‘ π‘ βˆ’1 ) that is the reciprocal quantity of electrical resistance 𝑅𝑅 (unit 𝛺𝛺). Similarly to metal conductors, a specific resistance [𝛺𝛺 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐] can be detected for solutions, but it is prefered to monitor the specific conductivity of solutions [𝑆𝑆 π‘π‘π‘π‘βˆ’1 ], which is as well the reciprocal value of specific resistance. The specific conductivity ΞΊ of the solution is calculated from its conductivity 𝐺𝐺 that is measured by conductivity probe with known resistance constant 𝐢𝐢 [π‘π‘π‘π‘βˆ’1 ] according to relationship: ΞΊ = C G. (1.4.) The geometric constant of conductivity probe 𝐢𝐢 can be most easily determined by measuring the conductivity of solution 𝐺𝐺 with known specific conductivity. Usually, the aqueous KCl solution is used as standard electrolyte. Specific conductivity of 0,01 M KCl (i.e. ΞΊ0.01𝑀𝑀 𝐾𝐾𝐾𝐾𝐾𝐾 in [S cm-1 ] ) depending on temperature 𝑑𝑑 (in ΒΊC) can be found in tables or calculated using polynomial: ΞΊ0.01𝑀𝑀 𝐾𝐾𝐾𝐾𝐾𝐾 = π‘Žπ‘Ž1 + π‘Žπ‘Ž2⋅𝑑𝑑 + π‘Žπ‘Ž3⋅𝑑𝑑2 where: π‘Žπ‘Ž1 = 7.728β‹…10βˆ’4 , π‘Žπ‘Ž2 = 2.345β‹…10βˆ’5 , π‘Žπ‘Ž3 = 7.816β‹…10βˆ’8 . (1.5.) ο€€ ΓΊ l o h a J . S o p o u Ε‘ e k /40/ 6.c Modern conductivity meters measure specific conductivity ΞΊ directly when properly calibrated to 𝐾𝐾𝐾𝐾𝐾𝐾 standard solution. A very important characteristic of the solutions is the molar conductivity, which is calculated from the specific conductivity according to the formula: c ΞΊ Ξ» = (1.6.) where 𝑐𝑐 is molar concentration of solute. The molar conductivity of the solute extrapolated to zero molarity (in the limit of zero concentration) is called the limiting molar conductivity: ( )βˆ‘ β‹…= i i 00 λνλ (1.7.) where Ξ»0 𝑖𝑖 is a limiting molar conductivity of particular ion 𝑖𝑖 presented in the solution (compare TABLE I), iv is the number of ions to which the solute dissociates in the solution. Assuming that the dissociated ions do not affect each other, we can calculate the dissociation degree for both strong and weak electrolytes: 00 Ξ» Ξ» Ξ» ΞΊ Ξ± = β‹… = c (1.8.) The dissociation constant of weak mono-acidic acids can be determined according to Ostwald's dilution law obtained by inserting eqn (1.8.) in (1.3.) and then into eqn (1.1.)): ( )λλλ Ξ» βˆ’ = 00 2 .c KA (1.9.) The Ostwald dilution law can be arranged to a linearized formula ( ) 0 2 0 1.1 λλ Ξ» Ξ» += AK c (1.10.) that is appropriate for graphical determination of the dissociation constant πΎπΎπ‘Žπ‘Ž and the limiting molar conductivity of solute Ξ»0 . TASK: Determine the dissociation degree of hydrochloric acid and acetic acid depending on their concentration in water at 25 °𝐢𝐢. Decide whether they are strong or weak electrolyte. For both solutes, compare the experimentally measured Ξ»0 to the tabulated value. For acetic acid, calculate its dissociation constant 𝐾𝐾𝐴𝐴. LABORATORY AIDS AND CHEMICALS: conductivity meter, conductivity vessel and probe, thermostatic bath, 14 volumetric flasks (50 ml), 1 volumetric pipette (25 ml), 5.10 -2 M hydrochloric acid, 5.10 -2 M acetic acid, 0.01M KCl, redistilled water to prepare aquatic solutions. INSTRUCTIONS: We first check the conductivity of the redistilled water. Rinse thoroughly both the thermostatic measuring vessel and the conductivity probe with redistilled water. Measure the temperature and conductivity of the redistilled water. Conductivity should not be higher than 10 πœ‡πœ‡πœ‡πœ‡ at 25 ˚𝐢𝐢. Measure the conductivity of the standard solution of 0,01𝑀𝑀 𝐾𝐾𝐢𝐢𝑙𝑙 in the same way (including rinsing) if the geometric constant of probe 𝐢𝐢 is not known. ? ο€’ ο€² /41/ During the previous measurement, prepare the hydrochloric and acetic acid solutions each in 7 different concentrations. Use 50 ml volumetric flasks, redistilled water (adjective "redistilled" will be omitted in further text), and stock solutions of both hydrochloric and acetic acid. Use gradual dilution of stock solution with water in 1: 1 ratio. Put the stock solution in the first flask. Prepare the second solution by taking the 25 π‘šπ‘šπ‘šπ‘š from first solution and inserting in 50 π‘šπ‘šπ‘šπ‘š volumetric flask. Add water up to marking and mix by gentle shaking. Prepare the third solution from the second solution by the same procedure as the second from the first solution. This is how we continue in a whole series. Do not forget to add water at the last solution up to 50 π‘šπ‘šπ‘šπ‘š marking. Rinse carefully the tempered vessel and the conductivity probe by water. Use a small part of 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 solution with the lowest concentration for definitive rinsing. Finally, let a sufficient amount of the solution in the thermostatic vessel for temperature equilibrating. Record the conductivity of the solution when the solution has a temperature of 25 °𝐢𝐢 and the conductivity value is stabilised (remains unchanged). Subsequently, measure all prepared hydrochloric acid solutions. Proceed from the lowest concentrations to higher. Do the same way with acetic acid. REPORT: Table 1: for each measured electrolytes: theoretical value Ξ»o . Table 2: for each electrolyte: 𝑐𝑐, temperature 𝑑𝑑, ΞΊ , Ξ», Ξ±. Common graph 1: for both electrolyte: experimental dependence Ξ» on 𝑐𝑐. Common graph 2: for both electrolyte: dependence Ξ± on 𝑐𝑐. Table 3: for weak acid: 𝑐𝑐, 1/Ξ», λ⋅𝑐𝑐. Graph 3: for weak acid: dependence 1/Ξ» on product λ⋅𝑐𝑐 (including regression line). Next: for weak acid: experimental value Ξ»o and AK calculated from intercept and slope of regression line. ο€Ώ TABLE I: Limiting molar conductivities of ions Ξ»0 𝑖𝑖 at 25 °𝐢𝐢. Ion 𝐻𝐻+ 𝐾𝐾+ 𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁+ π‘‚π‘‚π‘‚π‘‚βˆ’ 𝐢𝐢𝐻𝐻3 πΆπΆπΆπΆπΆπΆβˆ’ 𝐢𝐢𝐻𝐻2 𝐢𝐢𝐢𝐢 πΆπΆπΆπΆπΆπΆβˆ’ πΆπΆπΆπΆβˆ’Ξ»o [ cm Smol2 1βˆ’ ] 349.8 73.5 50.1 198.0 40.9 39.8 76.3