1 Měření aktivit - KEMS 1…Furnace (0.1 – 20 K min-1, 25-1450ºC) 2…QMS range 1-512 amu resolution 0,5amu IE = 25 -100 eV 3…Turbomolecular Pump 4…TA System Controller (TASC) 5..Vacuum Controller, (cca 9·10-6 mbar) 6…QMS Controller 7..Purification Column (oxygen) (Argon 99,999) Mass Flow Controller (MFC) Knudsen cell / mass spectroscopy 2 Princip http://www.kip.uni-heidelberg.de/AG_Pucci/Research/LaboratoryAstrophysics/Experiments/Evaporation/Evaporation.php Kinetická teorie plynů: dm/dt… hm. Ztráta (mikrováhy) W0…Clausiusův pravděpod. faktor (0-1) projití otvorem, α…pravděp. Kondenzace (pro kovy=1) Whitman-Motzfeld equation 3 STA 409 CD/3/403/5/G - detaily Iontový zdroj DSC držák na vzorek Iontový zdroj Knudsenova komůrka 4 MS detekce více složek pj = (Ijk + T) / Sjk aj = Pj(A) / Pj(R) = [Ijk +(A)·T)] / [Ijk +(R)·T)] · [Sjk(R)] / [Sjk(A)] = [Ijk +(A)] / [Ijk +(R)] Parciální tlak: Aktivita složky: 5 Praktické provedení 6 Termomechanická analýza (TMA) ICTAC: A technique in which a deformation of the sample under non-oscillating stress is monitored against time or temperature while the temperature of the sample, in a specified atmosphere, is programmed. The stress may be compression, tension, flexure or torsion. 7 Variace mechanického namáhání Hlavní použití: Polymery použití Method Mode Measured Quantity As a function of Information Obtained Bulk sample Flat probe/light load expansion Temperature Coefficient of Expansion and Tg Divided sample Dilatometer Volumetric changes Temperature Coefficient of expansion and Tg Thin film Penetration probe/ Significant load Depth of penetration Force Modulus, Cross-link densityTime Creep behaviour Cure behaviour Temperature Softening (Tg) Melting Film or fibre Tension accessory Uniaxial extension or shrinkage Force Modulus, Cross-link densityTime Creep behaviour, Cure behaviour Temperature Tg, melting, Cure behaviour, Prepn. History Fluid Parallel plates Distance Time Viscosity, Gelation Temperature Melting, Viscosity, Gelation Bulk or supported Flexure accessory Bending Time Creep behaviour Temperature Softening (Tg) Melting 9 Přístroje ASTM E831 Linseis Dilatometer Netzsch 402 10 Kalibrace na teplotu Mnohonásobný sendwič z čistých kovů In 11 Aplikace Určení teploty skelného přechodu Tg PTFE Velké zatížení malé zatížení 12 Reaktivita GI Storage modulus GII Loss modulus Uvolnění - _COOCH3 ramen 13 TBA Vznik HCl 14 Dynamická mechanická analýza • A technique in which the sample's kinetic properties are analyzed by measuring the strain or stress that is generated as a result of strain or stress, varies (oscillate) with time, applied to the sample. • Static Viscoelasticity Measurement A technique in which the change in stress or strain is measured under uniform stress or strain that remains constant across time. 15 Cyklické zatížení (Tg) •Metler TMA/STDA841e 16 Diskuse