Discovery and time series analysis of chemically peculiar (CP2 and CP4) stars Klaus Bernhard My observing site on a balcony in Linz, Austria GSC 1419-0091 = Brh V132 11.20 11.40 11.60 11.80 12.00 12.20 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 Phase V combination of own observations and data mining in publicly available surveys (ASAS) - slowly rotating hot main-sequence stars (spectral classes early B to early F) with peculiar surface compositions (10-15% of upper mainsequence stars) - peculiar composition is due to processes that took place after the star formed, in particular the competition between radiative levitation and gravitational settling in surface layers (Michaud 1970; Richer et al. 2000) - most chemical elements tend to sink under the force of gravity; those with numerous absorption lines near the local flux maximum are driven outwards by radiative pressure Introduction What are chemically peculiar stars? CP2 and CP4 stars: organized magnetic fields with non-uniform distribution of chemical elements; surface spots of enhanced or depleted element abundance; elements involved: silicon, strontium, chromium, europium, and many other elements. Most suitable for variable star astronomy! Photometrically variable CP2/4 stars are traditionally referred to as 𝛼2 Canum Venaticorum (ACV) Variables, after their bright prototype. Elements like europium: not very rare on earth; used for example in computer screens… Introduction What do ACV light curves look like? • non-uniform distribution of chemical elements: brighter and fainter spots/areas; brightness varies in different spectral bands • "Oblique rotator model" (Stibbs 1950): photometric period = rotation period • Surface looks quite different from that of our sun; Figure: ESA Surface temperatures and overabundant elements From: A plethora of new, magnetic chemically peculiar stars from LAMOST DR4 (S. Hümmerich, E. Paunzen, K. Bernhard, 2020) Absorption lines of the respective element near the emission maximum of the star What do ACV light curves look like? Addition of Gaussian scatter ('artificial error') of 1, 5 and 10 mmag Characteristics of ACV light curves: - single wave, double wave or complex; peak-to-peak amplitude in most cases <0.2 mag - usually one single frequency, in rare cases additionally pulsations - chemical star spots much more stable than Sun-like spots - periods usually between 1 and 10 d, longer or shorter periods possible: 0.5 d - 5 yr (and more!) - multiband photometry exhibits interesting features: varying light curve shapes in different passbands, even antiphase variation is possible - confirmation with spectroscopic methods is required; the groups of CP2 and CP4 stars are by definition classified via their spectroscopic characteristics (mostly enhanced lines of certain elements in the blue-violet spectral region; see for example Gray & Corbally, 2009) Where to get data? - own observations or data from various sky surveys; a few examples: ASAS-SN: Kepler: 20 telescopes in different places Satellite mission for exoplanets Nikon telephoto f400/2.8 lenses, diameter 14 cm 0.95 m Schmidt telescope ProLine PL230 CCD cameras 21 modules with two 2200x2048 CCDs ASAS telescopes, Las Campanas, Chile; source: ASAS homepage The All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS, Poland) - "low-cost project" for photometric monitoring of the southern sky and parts of the northern sky (δ < +28°) - data of the third phase (ASAS-3; 2000 – 2009) publicly available - good photometry for 10^7 stars in the range 7 < V < 14 mag - suitable also for the search for microvariables (variability amplitude: 4-5 mmag; especially in the range 8 < V < 10 mag, for example Pigulski 2014) - even known exoplanets have been confirmed in ASAS data (Hümmerich & Bernhard, 2015) SuperWASP (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and six universities from the United Kingdom) - Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos (La Palma) - South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) - stations equipped with eight f/1.8 200mm Canon lenses and 2048 x 2048 Andor CCDs, field of view 7.8°x7.8° - ca. 18 million suitable light curves in the range of 8 – 14 mag Some deep surveys ATLAS (Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System) - 50 cm diameter f/2 Wright-Schmidt telescope with 110 megapixel camera - field of view: 7.4°x7.4°; complete sky visible from Hawaii two times per night; objects brighter than 20 mag ZTF (The Zwicky Transient Facility new timedomain survey) - first light at Palomar Observatory in 2017. - 47 square degree, 600 megapixel cryogenic CCD mosaic science camera; objects brighter than 20.5 mag Could also identify faint ACVs in the galactic halo Results • analysis of 142 million light curves with at least 100 data points from the first 2 years of observation • 4.7 million variable star candidates with light curves • among them 427.000 clearly variable stars, identified and classified with "machine learning" • among them 214.000 specific variables (eclipsers etc.) • 141.000 new discoveries Most surveys provide an automatic analysis and classification of variable stars. Why does it still make sense to search for ACVs in these data bases? example: ATLAS The mysterious 'upside-down CBH' variables - close eclipsing binaries? Location of proposed new type of variables in the period vs. amplitude diagram These "unknown variables" look exactly like (and in all likelihood are!) ACV variables.  Many surveys ignore the rather rare class of ACV variables. They frequently end up mixed with other groups (like RS CVn stars) or are listed as MISC-type or 'unsolved' variables. Example of an ACV project: download of light curves of spectroscopically confirmed ACVs (Renson & Manfroid 2009; 5000 objects) - removal of obvious outliers - removal of data points with quality flag of 'D' (='worst data, probably useless’) - removal of instrumental trends, zero point issues between data sets - workflow may be applied to many surveys How to download time series data: ZTF data query in the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive: Obtain the available g-band lightcurves within 5 arcsec of a source position: 298.0025 29.87147 0.0014&BANDNAME=g In this way the light curves of your seminar were downloaded OR use the private homepage of Dr. Chen: Survey data sets are tricky, take care of HJD/MJD issues! Survey data sets are tricky! MJD Modified Julian Date: MJD=HJD-2400000.5 not: MJD=HJD-2400000 The modified Julian Date (MJD) was introduced by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in 1957, when storage space was still very expensive. On the other hand: don't give up, if you come across weird data. On the contrary: you might possibly be on the brink of an interesting discovery! Although these are rare, they do happen. As in the case of AR Sco: A striking example of the productivity of collaborations between amateur and professional astronomers. Other troubles with survey data sets - blending - saturation What are time series analysis? • A time-series is a series of observations (or measurements, data) taken at different times. We thus obtain a set of data pairs (t, x), where t is the time and x is the observation (data value). • We assume that t is error free, and that x is a combination of the true signal plus some error. • Time-series analysis is the application of mathematics to find periodic signals in data. In doing so, we ultimately want to learn something about the physics involved in the phenomenon. • 1. Fourier methods: these methods attempt to represent a set of observations with a series of trigonometric functions (sines and cosines, with different periods, amplitudes and phases). Examples: Lomb-Scargle, Bloomfield, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT; Deeming) ... • 2. Statistical methods: instead of fitting the observational data with trigonometric functions, statistical methods compare points in the observational data to other points at fixed time intervals or "lags" to see how different they are from one another. These methods are very suitable for the analysis of observational data that include non-sinusoidal periodic components. Examples: ANOVA (observations fit with periodic orthogonal polynomials), PDM, Lafler-Kinman ... Time series analysis of an improved data set Many programs available: Period04, (University of Vienna, Austria), Peranso (Vanmunster & Paunzen), vartools (University of Princeton, USA) Period04 (Lenz & Breger 2005) Sinusfit with fourier analysis Period04: example workflow Attention needs to be paid to the presence of strong "daily alias" peaks in the Fourier diagrams. - aliases: dependant on sample frequency - daily aliases: 1-f; f+1, (1-f)+1 etc. - sometimes alias frequencies can even dominate over the true frequencies Result of period analysis with Period04 (Lenz & Breger 2005) Peranso (Vanmunster & Paunzen) Peranso Use Mouse to Zoom in/out and to activate/deactivate observations. Peranso Which method for which data set? • Delta Cepheids and RR Lyrae variables can generally be well analyzed with the Lafler-Kinman method. • If you expect a variable to be multi-periodic, use CLEANest. • If the light curve is highly non-sinusoidal, use ANOVA. • PDM is also well suited for analyzing highly non-sinusoidal light curves consisting of only a few observations procured over a limited period of time. - Consult the manual for special purposes! Peranso (Vanmunster&Paunzen) finally you hopefully get something like this: ZTF Survey: Basis of the new ACVs of your seminar The Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) new time-domain survey - first light at Palomar Observatory in 2017 - 47-square-degree, 600 megapixel cryogenic CCD mosaic science camera - objects brighter than 20.5 mag - 3 band photometry in g, r and (partly) i Filter transmission and mosaic CCDs The ZTF Catalog of Periodic Variable Stars by Chen et al. (2020) ZTF time series analysis Fourth order Fourier function amplitudes and phases for each order represents how well LCs are fit by the Fourier function Selection criteria for variability types in Chen et al. (2020) There is no type "ACV"! Results ACV variables may be included in the category 'RS CVn variables' (objects with starspots). A few examples of interesting light curves P = 0.4362979 d g band amplitude larger than r band amplitude: pulsator! Folded light curve with large scatter P = 0.080869 d rotational variable with large amplitude? P = 0.364225 d It is the central star of the planetary nebula Ou 5: We come back to the ~81.000 RS CVn stars and want to search ACVs within this group: Assuming that 30 seconds are needed for the visual inspection of a light curve, an inspection of all stars within this group would take 81.000*30/60/60 = 675 hours! Possible but impractical... Therefore we need further constraints: Gaia temperature >6000 K (ACVs are hot!) variability amplitude <0.3 mag (typical for ACVs) ... ~1400 objects time for visual inspection: 1400*30/60/60 ~ 12 hours: this is fine! Homepage of Xiaodian Chen: Visualization of the light curves Every second counts… Examples of objects that were sorted out: unspecific light curve Examples of objects that were sorted out: unspecific light curve-similar object Examples of objects that were sorted out: likely Gamma Doradus pulsating variable Only 2 types of objects were kept, which are almost certainly ACVs: r band amplitude > g band amplitude Only 2 types of objects were kept, which are almost certainly ACVs: antiphase variations are present Result: 87 objects, light curves made with MS EXCEL examples with amplitude r > g Result: 87 objects, light curves made with MS EXCEL Examples with antiphase variation Depending on the investigated passbands, ACV stars may show considerably different light curve shapes: Have fun with the new ACV objects! Thank you very much and all the best for your seminar. Thanks also to my colleague Stefan Hümmerich for his help in preparing this talk!