Cross section for momentum transfer Definition of cross section for momentum transfer σm = 2π 0 dϕ π 0 (1 − cos θ)I(v, θ) sin θdθ (1) Reminder, the total cross section is σ = 2π 0 dϕ π 0 I(v, θ) sin θdθ (2) Where does the factor 1 − cos θ come from?? Average change of velocity ∆v = v − v = 1 σ 2π 0 dϕ π 0 ∆vI(v, θ) sin θdθ (3) If an electron interacts with a heavy ion, its speed does not change too much: v ≈ v (4) We split the velocity after the collision into a velocity component that is parallel and perpendicular to the velocity before the collision: v = v⊥ + v (5) Also, the angle between the velocities in the scattering angle θ: v · v = vv cos θ = v2 cos θ (6) Then: v − v = v⊥ + v − v = v⊥ + v(1 − cos θ) (7) Average change of velocity ∆v = v⊥ + v(1 − cos θ) = v⊥(θ, ϕ) + v (1 − cos θ) (8) For azimuthally symmetric potetnials, cross section does not depend on ϕ I = I(θ) and the perpendicular velocity will be distrubted symmetrically. For every vector of perpendicular velocity there will one vector with the same magnitude but opposite direction. The velocity integral through ϕ of the perpendicular velocity will be zero: v⊥ = 0 (9) Also see wikipedia pages for the particular integrals. Last remarks ∆v = v (1 − cos θ) = (10) v σ 2π π 0 (1 − cos θ)I(v, θ) sin θdθ = (11) v σm σ (12) Relation between cross section can be written: σm = σ (1 − cos θ) (13)