Saha equation n2 i nn = 2.405 · 1021 T3/2 e − U kBT (1) Common unit conversions in plasma physics 1 eV ≈ 1.602 · 10−19 J 1 eV = e k K ≈ 11604 K 1 8000 K of temperature is only about 0.6894 eV of energy. 1 This just a unit conversion. A particle with temperature T will, generally, have a different mean energy (based on the particle’s degrees of freedom) -> Use this with caution! Ideal gas law The gas consists of neutral and charged particles. Assume charged particles are positive ions and electrons. Assume all species have the same temperature T. Then the ideal gas law is: p = pe + pi + pn = kT V (Ne + Ni + Nn) = kT(ne + ni + nn) (2) To maintain overall neutrality: ne + ni = 2ni (3) Combine every equation. . . n2 i nn = 2.405 · 1021 T3/2 e − U kBT ≡ A (4) nn = p kT − 2ni ≡ b − 2ni (5) (6) n2 i + 2Ani − Ab = 0 (7) Figure 1: can solve this In numbers.. For T = 300 K: b = 2.5 · 1025 (8) A = 3.2 · 10−219 (9) ni = 2.8 · 10−97 (10) For T = 8000 K: b = 9.2 · 1023 (11) A = 1.3 · 1018 (12) ni = 1.1 · 1021 (13) Degree of ionization For T = 300 K: ni nn + ni = 1.2 · 10−122 (14) For T = 8000 K: ni nn + ni = 0.0012 (15)